Summary: public
This allows to run the checker and get feedback about potential expensive call stacks without having to annotate first all the methods that are overriding PerofrmanceCritical-annotated methods
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2693556
fb-gh-sync-id: cb60278
Summary: public
This adds the following subtyping rules:
- methods that are not annotated with Expensive cannot be overwritten by a method annotated with Expensive
- methods annotated with PerformanceCritical must be overwitten by method annotated with PerformanceCritical
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2636076
fb-gh-sync-id: eb616c9
Summary: public
Just works by running the analysis bottom-up and promoting any method as virtually annotated with `Expensive` whenever one of its callee is annotated with `Expensive`
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2635242
fb-gh-sync-id: 4401be6
Summary: public
This is an initial version of the Expensive checker which only report violations on direct calls. The main objective is to setup all the files for this new checker.
The next steps are:
1) run the checker in interprocedural mode
2) Save in the summary of a method foo() the annotation attribute Expensive if a direct callee of foo is annotated with Expensive
3) Check that Expensive is enforced by subtyping, i.e. check that non-expensive method cannot be overwritten by a method annotated with Expensive
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2629947
fb-gh-sync-id: 0e06f85