I have seen enough comments in this space by people during code review to switch on the analyses the compiler can already do. This diff is an automated renaming of unused identifiers to _, with a few additional changes made when reading the diff of the results for things that stood out as particularly strange. This base-lines all of the existing warnings. I'm not sure this is a good idea, since it might be better for those familiar with each part of the code to look at these warnings and use them as pointers to suspicious code.
Reviewed By: jeremydubreil
Differential Revision: D2938376
fb-gh-sync-id: 6e67817
shipit-source-id: 6e67817
Add to the code to detect violation of the `NoAllocation` annotation. This diff adds the code to detect such issue based on the code of the `PerformanceCritical` checker. In the next diff, I will refine the list of acceptable allocations, like new exceptions, etc, and add the list of corresponding tests.
Reviewed By: sblackshear
Differential Revision: D2938641
fb-gh-sync-id: 9a047dd
shipit-source-id: 9a047dd
The paramtere where defined as simple strings in the procedure description. This diff force the use of the Mangled module to avoid possible conflict when converting variable back and forth from string to pvar. The code is now more consistent as the local variable were already named using mangled names.
Reviewed By: jberdine
Differential Revision: D2782863
fb-gh-sync-id: 1867574
Summary: public
Use the analysis summary to store call stacks from PerformanceCritical-annotated methods to Expensive-annotated methods.
This use the on demand scheduling in order to make sure that the summary of the callee is always analyzed before the callers.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2685347
fb-gh-sync-id: ab403d9
Summary: public
We should be able to distinguish if a method is annotated with Expensive and has been automatically annotated as calling an expensive method using internally the annotation CallsExpensive in the later case.
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2640478
fb-gh-sync-id: 32a7ee9
Summary: public
Just works by running the analysis bottom-up and promoting any method as virtually annotated with `Expensive` whenever one of its callee is annotated with `Expensive`
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2635242
fb-gh-sync-id: 4401be6
Summary: public
This is an initial version of the Expensive checker which only report violations on direct calls. The main objective is to setup all the files for this new checker.
The next steps are:
1) run the checker in interprocedural mode
2) Save in the summary of a method foo() the annotation attribute Expensive if a direct callee of foo is annotated with Expensive
3) Check that Expensive is enforced by subtyping, i.e. check that non-expensive method cannot be overwritten by a method annotated with Expensive
Reviewed By: cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2629947
fb-gh-sync-id: 0e06f85
Summary: public
modules are better for namespacing.
How I made this diff:
1. moved list_* functions from{,i} to{,i}
2. shell commands:
grep '^val ' infer/src/backend/iList.mli | cut -f 2 -d ' ' | tr '\n' ' '
# gives a list of former list_ functions that IList implements, fed into the loops below:
LISTNAMES=" compare equal append combine exists filter flatten flatten_options find fold_left fold_left2 for_all for_all2 hd iter iter2 length fold_right map mem nth partition rev rev_append rev_map sort split stable_sort tl drop_first drop_last rev_with_acc remove_duplicates remove_irrelevant_duplicates merge_sorted_nodup intersect mem_assoc assoc map2 to_string"
# replace " list_*" function calls with IList.* ones
for i in $LISTNAMES; do find . -name '*.ml' -exec sed -i -e "s/ list_$i\b/ IList.$i/g" \{\} \; ; done
# replace (list_* functions with (IList.* ones
for i in $LISTNAMES; do find . -name '*.ml' -exec sed -i -e "s/(list_$i\b/(IList.$i/g" \{\} \; ; done
# ditto with [
for i in $LISTNAMES; do find . -name '*.ml' -exec sed -i -e "s/\[list_$i\b/[IList.$i/g" \{\} \; ; done
3. Then fix up the rest by hand. In particular, stuff that called Utils.list_*
explicitely, and stuff that used the "Fail" exception that has moved to
IList. (may revisit this in the future)
Reviewed By: jeremydubreil, cristianoc
Differential Revision: D2550241
fb-gh-sync-id: cd64b10
Added two annotations @TrueOnNull and @FalseOnNull to be used for boolean functions to specify what value is returned when the argument is null.
Added model for TextUtils.isEmpty, which corresponds to the annotation
static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable java.lang.CharSequence s)
The @NonNull annotation, with camel case, can now be used to inform Eradicate that some fields that are not initialized by the constructor can be initialized by other means, e.g. via dependency injection.
This commit is the result of
`find infer/src -name '*.ml' -or -name '*.mli' -exec ocp-indent -i \{\} \;`