(* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) module Command = Core.Command module Tbl = String.Tbl let read filename = let tbl = Tbl.create () in let sexps = try Sexp.load_sexps filename with Sys_error _ -> [] in List.iter sexps ~f:(fun sexp -> let {Report.name; entry} = Report.t_of_sexp sexp in match (Tbl.find_opt tbl name, entry) with | None, ProcessTimes t -> Tbl.replace tbl name ([t], [], [], []) | None, GcStats g -> Tbl.replace tbl name ([], [g], [], []) | None, Coverage c -> Tbl.replace tbl name ([], [], [c], []) | None, Status s -> Tbl.replace tbl name ([], [], [], [s]) | Some (times, gcs, coverages, statuses), ProcessTimes ptimes -> Tbl.replace tbl name (ptimes :: times, gcs, coverages, statuses) | Some (times, gcs, coverages, statuses), GcStats gc -> Tbl.replace tbl name (times, gc :: gcs, coverages, statuses) | Some (times, gcs, coverages, statuses), Coverage c -> Tbl.replace tbl name (times, gcs, c :: coverages, statuses) | Some (times, gc, coverages, statuses), Status status -> Tbl.replace tbl name (times, gc, coverages, status :: statuses) ) ; tbl type times = {etime: float; utime: float; stime: float} type ('t, 'g) row = { name: string ; times: 't ; times_deltas: 't ; gcs: 'g ; gcs_deltas: 'g ; cov: Report.coverage list ; cov_deltas: Report.coverage list option ; status: Report.status list ; status_deltas: Report.status list option } let times_of_raw {Report.etime; utime; stime; cutime; cstime} = let utime = utime +. cutime in let stime = stime +. cstime in let etime = etime in {etime; utime; stime} let add_time base_times ptimes row = let tustimes = times_of_raw ptimes in let times = tustimes :: row.times in let times_deltas = Option.fold base_times row.times_deltas ~f:(fun {etime= btt; utime= but; stime= bst} times_deltas -> let {etime= tt; utime= ut; stime= st} = tustimes in {etime= tt -. btt; utime= ut -. but; stime= st -. bst} :: times_deltas ) in {row with times; times_deltas} let add_times base_times times row = if List.is_empty times then {row with times_deltas= Option.to_list base_times} else List.fold ~f:(add_time base_times) times row let add_gc base_gcs gc row = let gcs = gc :: row.gcs in let gcs_deltas = Option.fold base_gcs row.gcs_deltas ~f:(fun bgc gcs_deltas -> Report. { allocated= gc.allocated -. bgc.allocated ; promoted= gc.promoted -. bgc.promoted ; peak_size= gc.peak_size -. bgc.peak_size } :: gcs_deltas ) in {row with gcs; gcs_deltas} let add_gcs base_gcs gcs row = if List.is_empty gcs then {row with gcs_deltas= Option.to_list base_gcs} else List.fold ~f:(add_gc base_gcs) gcs row let add_cov base_cov cov row = if List.mem ~eq:Report.equal_coverage cov row.cov then row else let cov_deltas = match base_cov with | Some (base_cov :: _) -> let covd = Report. { steps= cov.steps - base_cov.steps ; hit= cov.hit - base_cov.hit ; fraction= cov.fraction -. base_cov.fraction ; solver_steps= cov.solver_steps - base_cov.solver_steps } in Some (covd :: Option.value row.cov_deltas ~default:[]) | _ -> None in {row with cov= cov :: row.cov; cov_deltas} let add_covs base_cov covs row = let row = List.fold ~f:(add_cov base_cov) covs row in {row with cov= List.sort ~cmp:(Ord.opp Report.compare_coverage) row.cov} let add_status base_status status row = if List.mem ~eq:Report.equal_status status row.status then row else match base_status with | Some base_status when not (List.mem ~eq:Report.equal_status status base_status) -> { row with status= status :: row.status ; status_deltas= Some (base_status @ Option.value row.status_deltas ~default:[]) } | _ -> {row with status= status :: row.status} let add_statuses base_status statuses row = let row = List.fold ~f:(add_status base_status) statuses row in {row with status= List.sort ~cmp:Report.compare_status row.status} let ave_floats flts = assert (not (Iter.is_empty flts)) ; let min, max, sum, num = Iter.fold flts (Float.infinity, Float.neg_infinity, 0., 0) ~f:(fun flt (min, max, sum, num) -> (Float.min min flt, Float.max max flt, sum +. flt, num + 1) ) in if num >= 5 then (sum -. min -. max) /. Float.of_int (num - 2) else sum /. Float.of_int num let combine name b_result c_result = let base_times, base_gcs, base_cov, base_status = match b_result with | Some (times, gcs, covs, statuses) -> let times = if List.is_empty times then None else let etimes, utimes, stimes, cutimes, cstimes = let init = (Iter.empty, Iter.empty, Iter.empty, Iter.empty, Iter.empty) in List.fold times init ~f:(fun {Report.etime; utime; stime; cutime; cstime} (etimes, utimes, stimes, cutimes, cstimes) -> ( Iter.cons etime etimes , Iter.cons utime utimes , Iter.cons stime stimes , Iter.cons cutime cutimes , Iter.cons cstime cstimes ) ) in Some (times_of_raw { etime= ave_floats etimes ; utime= ave_floats utimes ; stime= ave_floats stimes ; cutime= ave_floats cutimes ; cstime= ave_floats cstimes }) in let gcs = if List.is_empty gcs then None else let allocs, promos, peaks = List.fold gcs (Iter.empty, Iter.empty, Iter.empty) ~f:(fun {Report.allocated; promoted; peak_size} (allocs, promos, peaks) -> ( Iter.cons allocated allocs , Iter.cons promoted promos , Iter.cons peak_size peaks ) ) in Some Report. { allocated= ave_floats allocs ; promoted= ave_floats promos ; peak_size= ave_floats peaks } in let covs = if List.is_empty covs then None else Some covs in let status = Some (List.sort_uniq ~cmp:Report.compare_status statuses) in (times, gcs, covs, status) | None -> (None, None, None, None) in let row = { name ; times= [] ; times_deltas= [] ; gcs= [] ; gcs_deltas= [] ; cov= [] ; cov_deltas= None ; status= [] ; status_deltas= None } in match c_result with | None -> let times_deltas = Option.to_list base_times in let gcs_deltas = Option.to_list base_gcs in let cov_deltas = base_cov in let status_deltas = base_status in {row with times_deltas; gcs_deltas; cov_deltas; status_deltas} | Some (c_times, c_gcs, c_cov, c_statuses) -> row |> add_times base_times c_times |> add_gcs base_gcs c_gcs |> add_covs base_cov c_cov |> add_statuses base_status c_statuses type ranges = { max_time: float ; pct_time: float ; max_alloc: float ; pct_alloc: float ; max_promo: float ; pct_promo: float ; max_peak: float ; pct_peak: float } let ranges rows = let init = { max_time= 0. ; pct_time= 0. ; max_alloc= 0. ; pct_alloc= 0. ; max_promo= 0. ; pct_promo= 0. ; max_peak= 0. ; pct_peak= 0. } in Iter.fold rows init ~f:(fun {times; times_deltas; gcs; gcs_deltas} acc -> Option.fold times_deltas acc ~f:(fun deltas acc -> let max_time = Float.max acc.max_time (Float.abs deltas.etime) in let pct_time = Option.fold times acc.pct_time ~f:(fun times pct_time -> let pct = 100. *. deltas.etime /. times.etime in Float.max pct_time (Float.abs pct) ) in {acc with max_time; pct_time} ) |> fun acc -> Option.fold gcs_deltas acc ~f:(fun deltas acc -> let max_alloc = Float.max acc.max_alloc deltas.Report.allocated in let pct_alloc = Option.fold gcs acc.pct_alloc ~f:(fun gcs pct_alloc -> let pct = 100. *. deltas.Report.allocated /. gcs.Report.allocated in Float.max pct_alloc (Float.abs pct) ) in let max_promo = Float.max acc.max_promo deltas.Report.promoted in let pct_promo = Option.fold gcs acc.pct_promo ~f:(fun gcs pct_promo -> let pct = 100. *. deltas.Report.promoted /. gcs.Report.promoted in Float.max pct_promo (Float.abs pct) ) in let max_peak = Float.max acc.max_peak deltas.Report.peak_size in let pct_peak = Option.fold gcs acc.pct_peak ~f:(fun gcs pct_peak -> let pct = 100. *. deltas.Report.peak_size /. gcs.Report.peak_size in Float.max pct_peak (Float.abs pct) ) in { acc with max_alloc ; pct_alloc ; max_promo ; pct_promo ; max_peak ; pct_peak } ) ) let color max dat = (* linear interpolation mapping -1 to green, 0 to lace, and 1 to red *) let green = (133., 153., 0.) in let lace = (253., 246., 227.) in let red = (220., 50., 47.) in let gradient x = let scale x (r0, g0, b0) (r1, g1, b1) = let scale1 x c0 c1 = (x *. (c1 -. c0)) +. c0 in (scale1 x r0 r1, scale1 x g0 g1, scale1 x b0 b1) in let x = Float.max (-1.) (Float.min x 1.) in if Float.(x < 0.) then scale (-.x) lace green else scale x lace red in let rgb_to_hex (r, g, b) = let to_int x = Int.min 255 (Int.max 0 (Float.to_int x)) in Printf.sprintf "#%2x%2x%2x" (to_int r) (to_int g) (to_int b) in let rat = dat /. max in if Float.(abs dat < 0.000001 || is_nan rat) then rgb_to_hex lace else rgb_to_hex (gradient rat) let write_html ranges rows chan = let pf fmt = Printf.fprintf chan fmt in pf "<html><head><title>Test results</title><style>\n" ; pf ".base2 { background-color: #eee8d5; }\n" ; pf ".regress { background-color: #dc322f; }\n" ; pf ".neutral { background-color: #b58900; }\n" ; pf ".improve { background-color: #859900; }\n" ; pf "th { background-color: #eee8d5; position: sticky; top: 0; }" ; pf "th, td { padding: 5px; }\n" ; pf "</style></head>\n" ; pf "<body style=\"background-color:#fdf6e3\">" ; pf {|<table style="border-collapse: collapse"> <tr> <th>Test</th> <th>elapsed<br>(sec)</th> <th>Δ<br></th> <th><math><mrow><mfrac><mi>prev</mi><mi>curr</mi></mfrac></mrow></math></th> <th>user<br>(sec)</th> <th>Δ<br></th> <th><math><mrow><mfrac><mi>prev</mi><mi>curr</mi></mfrac></mrow></math></th> <th>system<br>(sec)</th> <th>Δ<br></th> <th><math><mrow><mfrac><mi>prev</mi><mi>curr</mi></mfrac></mrow></math></th> <th>alloc<br>(bytes)</th> <th>Δ<br></th> <th><math><mrow><mfrac><mi>prev</mi><mi>curr</mi></mfrac></mrow></math></th> <th>promo<br>(bytes)</th> <th>Δ<br></th> <th><math><mrow><mfrac><mi>prev</mi><mi>curr</mi></mfrac></mrow></math></th> <th>peak<br>(bytes)</th> <th>Δ<br></th> <th><math><mrow><mfrac><mi>prev</mi><mi>curr</mi></mfrac></mrow></math></th> <th>Status</th> <th>Δ<br></th> <th>Steps</th> <th>Δ<br></th> <th>Cover</th> <th>%%</th> <th>Δ<br></th> <th><math><mrow><mfrac><mi>prev</mi><mi>curr</mi></mfrac></mrow></math></th> <th>Solver<br>Steps</th> <th>Δ<br></th> </tr>|} ; pf "\n" ; Iter.iter rows ~f:(fun row -> let { name ; times ; times_deltas ; gcs ; gcs_deltas ; cov ; cov_deltas ; status ; status_deltas } = row in let max_name_length = 50 in let name = if String.length name <= max_name_length then name else let len = max_name_length / 2 in String.take len name ^ "…" ^ String.rtake len name in let time ppf t = Printf.fprintf ppf "<td style=\"border-left: 2px solid #eee8d5\"; \ align=\"right\">%12.3f</td>\n" t in let mem ppf w = Printf.fprintf ppf "<td style=\"border-left: 2px solid #eee8d5\"; \ align=\"right\">%s</td>\n" Core_kernel.Byte_units.(to_string_short (of_megabytes w)) in let nondelta ppf t = Printf.fprintf ppf "<td align=\"right\">%12.3f</td>\n" t in let nondelta_mem ppf w = Printf.fprintf ppf "<td align=\"right\">%s</td>\n" Core_kernel.Byte_units.(to_string_short (of_megabytes w)) in let delta max pct t ppf d = let r = 100. *. d /. t in let x = (t -. d) /. t in Printf.fprintf ppf "<td align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"%s\">%12.3f</td>\n\ <td align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"%s\">%12.2fx</td>\n" (color max d) d (color pct r) (Base.Float.round_decimal ~decimal_digits:2 x) in let delta_mem max pct w ppf d = let r = if Float.(abs d < 0.000001) then 0. else 100. *. d /. w in let x = (w -. d) /. w in Printf.fprintf ppf "<td align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"%s\">%s</td>\n\ <td align=\"right\" bgcolor=\"%s\">%12.2fx</td>\n" (color max d) Core_kernel.Byte_units.(to_string_short (of_megabytes d)) (color pct r) (Base.Float.round_decimal ~decimal_digits:2 x) in let timed = delta ranges.max_time ranges.pct_time in let allocd = delta_mem ranges.max_alloc ranges.pct_alloc in let promod = delta_mem ranges.max_promo ranges.pct_promo in let peakd = delta_mem ranges.max_peak ranges.pct_peak in let pf_status ppf s = let status_to_string = Format.asprintf "%a" Report.pp_status in Printf.fprintf ppf "%s" (String.take 50 (status_to_string s)) in let steps attr ppf = function | [] -> Printf.fprintf ppf "<td %s></td>\n" attr | cs -> List.iter cs ~f:(fun {Report.steps} -> if steps = 0 then Printf.fprintf ppf "<td></td>\n" else Printf.fprintf ppf "<td %s align=\"right\">%i</td>\n" attr steps ) in let solver_steps attr ppf = function | [] -> Printf.fprintf ppf "<td %s></td>\n" attr | cs -> List.iter cs ~f:(fun {Report.solver_steps} -> if solver_steps = 0 then Printf.fprintf ppf "<td></td>\n" else Printf.fprintf ppf "<td %s align=\"right\">%i</td>\n" attr solver_steps ) in let hit attr ppf = function | [] -> Printf.fprintf ppf "<td %s></td>\n" attr | cs -> List.iter cs ~f:(fun {Report.hit} -> if hit = 0 then Printf.fprintf ppf "<td></td>\n" else Printf.fprintf ppf "<td %s align=\"right\">%i</td>\n" attr hit ) in let coverage attr ppf = function | [] -> Printf.fprintf ppf "<td align=\"right\"></td>\n" | cs -> List.iter cs ~f:(fun {Report.fraction} -> if Float.(abs fraction < 0.000001) then Printf.fprintf ppf "<td></td>\n" else Printf.fprintf ppf "<td %s align=\"right\">%12.0f%%</td>\n" attr (Base.Float.round_decimal ~decimal_digits:2 (100. *. fraction)) ) in let coveraged coverage ppf cs = let cs = Option.value cs ~default:[] in let attr = if List.is_empty cs then "" else " class=\"neutral\"" in Printf.fprintf ppf "%a" (coverage attr) cs in let stat ppf ss = Printf.fprintf ppf "<td style=\"border-left: 2px solid #eee8d5\";" ; ( match ss with | [] -> Printf.fprintf ppf ">" | ss -> if List.exists ss ~f:(fun s -> match (s : Report.status) with | Safe _ | Unsafe _ | Ok -> false | _ -> true ) then Printf.fprintf ppf " class=\"regress\"" ; Printf.fprintf ppf ">%s" (Format.asprintf "%a" (List.pp " " Report.pp_status) ss) ) ; Printf.fprintf ppf "</td>\n" in let statd ppf = function | None | Some [] -> Printf.fprintf ppf "<td></td>\n" | Some ss -> Printf.fprintf ppf "<td class=\"neutral\">" ; List.iter ss ~f:(fun s -> Printf.fprintf ppf "%a" pf_status s) ; Printf.fprintf ppf "</td>\n" in pf "<tr>\n" ; pf "<td>%s</td>" name ; ( match (times, times_deltas) with | ( Some {etime; utime; stime} , Some {etime= etime_delta; utime= utime_delta; stime= stime_delta} ) -> pf "%a%a%a%a%a%a" time etime (timed etime) etime_delta time utime (timed utime) utime_delta time stime (timed stime) stime_delta | Some {etime; utime; stime}, None -> pf "%a<td></td><td></td>\n\ %a<td></td><td></td>\n\ %a<td></td><td></td>\n" time etime time utime time stime | None, Some {etime; utime; stime} -> pf "<td style=\"border-left: 2px solid #eee8d5\";></td>%a<td></td>\n\ <td style=\"border-left: 2px solid #eee8d5\";></td>%a<td></td>\n\ <td style=\"border-left: 2px solid #eee8d5\";></td>%a<td></td>\n" nondelta etime nondelta utime nondelta stime | None, None -> pf "<td style=\"border-left: 2px solid \ #eee8d5\";></td><td></td><td></td>\n\ <td style=\"border-left: 2px solid \ #eee8d5\";></td><td></td><td></td>\n\ <td style=\"border-left: 2px solid \ #eee8d5\";></td><td></td><td></td>\n" ) ; ( match (gcs, gcs_deltas) with | ( Some {Report.allocated; promoted; peak_size} , Some { allocated= allocated_delta ; promoted= promoted_delta ; peak_size= peak_size_delta } ) -> pf "%a%a%a%a%a%a" mem allocated (allocd allocated) allocated_delta mem promoted (promod promoted) promoted_delta mem peak_size (peakd peak_size) peak_size_delta | Some {allocated; promoted; peak_size}, None -> pf "%a<td></td><td></td>\n\ %a<td></td><td></td>\n\ %a<td></td><td></td>\n" mem allocated mem promoted mem peak_size | None, Some {allocated; promoted; peak_size} -> pf "<td style=\"border-left: 2px solid #eee8d5\";></td>%a<td></td>\n\ <td style=\"border-left: 2px solid #eee8d5\";></td>%a<td></td>\n\ <td style=\"border-left: 2px solid #eee8d5\";></td>%a<td></td>\n" nondelta_mem allocated nondelta_mem promoted nondelta_mem peak_size | None, None -> pf "<td style=\"border-left: 2px solid \ #eee8d5\";></td><td></td><td></td>\n\ <td style=\"border-left: 2px solid \ #eee8d5\";></td><td></td><td></td>\n\ <td style=\"border-left: 2px solid \ #eee8d5\";></td><td></td><td></td>\n" ) ; pf "%a%a" stat status statd status_deltas ; pf "%a%a" (steps " style=\"border-left: 2px solid #eee8d5\";") cov (coveraged steps) cov_deltas ; pf "%a%a" (hit " style=\"border-left: 2px solid #eee8d5\";") cov (coverage "") cov ; pf "%a%a" (coveraged hit) cov_deltas (coveraged coverage) cov_deltas ; pf "%a%a" (solver_steps " style=\"border-left: 2px solid #eee8d5\";") cov (coveraged solver_steps) cov_deltas ; pf "</tr>\n" ) ; pf "<table>\n" ; pf "</body></html>\n" let average row = let ave_times times = if List.is_empty times then None else let etimes, utimes, stimes = List.fold times (Iter.empty, Iter.empty, Iter.empty) ~f:(fun {etime; utime; stime} (etimes, utimes, stimes) -> ( Iter.cons etime etimes , Iter.cons utime utimes , Iter.cons stime stimes ) ) in Some { etime= ave_floats etimes ; utime= ave_floats utimes ; stime= ave_floats stimes } in let times = ave_times row.times in let times_deltas = ave_times row.times_deltas in let ave_gcs gcs = if List.is_empty gcs then None else let alloc, promo, peak = List.fold gcs (Iter.empty, Iter.empty, Iter.empty) ~f:(fun {Report.allocated; promoted; peak_size} (alloc, promo, peak) -> ( Iter.cons allocated alloc , Iter.cons promoted promo , Iter.cons peak_size peak ) ) in Some Report. { allocated= ave_floats alloc ; promoted= ave_floats promo ; peak_size= ave_floats peak } in let gcs = ave_gcs row.gcs in let gcs_deltas = ave_gcs row.gcs_deltas in {row with times; times_deltas; gcs; gcs_deltas} let add_total rows = let init = { name= "TOTAL" ; times= Some {etime= 0.; utime= 0.; stime= 0.} ; times_deltas= Some {etime= 0.; utime= 0.; stime= 0.} ; gcs= Some {Report.allocated= 0.; promoted= 0.; peak_size= 0.} ; gcs_deltas= Some {Report.allocated= 0.; promoted= 0.; peak_size= 0.} ; cov= [] ; cov_deltas= None ; status= [] ; status_deltas= None } in let total = Iter.fold rows init ~f:(fun row total -> let times = match (total.times, row.times) with | Some total_times, Some row_times -> Some { etime= total_times.etime +. row_times.etime ; utime= total_times.utime +. row_times.utime ; stime= total_times.stime +. row_times.stime } | _ -> total.times in let times_deltas = match (total.times_deltas, row.times_deltas) with | Some total_deltas, Some row_deltas -> Some { etime= total_deltas.etime +. row_deltas.etime ; utime= total_deltas.utime +. row_deltas.utime ; stime= total_deltas.stime +. row_deltas.stime } | _ -> total.times_deltas in let gcs = match (total.gcs, row.gcs) with | Some total_gcs, Some row_gcs -> Some Report. { allocated= total_gcs.allocated +. row_gcs.allocated ; promoted= total_gcs.promoted +. row_gcs.promoted ; peak_size= total_gcs.peak_size +. row_gcs.peak_size } | _ -> total.gcs in let gcs_deltas = match (total.gcs_deltas, row.gcs_deltas) with | Some total_deltas, Some row_deltas -> Some Report. { allocated= total_deltas.allocated +. row_deltas.allocated ; promoted= total_deltas.promoted +. row_deltas.promoted ; peak_size= total_deltas.peak_size +. row_deltas.peak_size } | _ -> total.gcs_deltas in let status_deltas = if Option.is_some total.status_deltas || Option.is_some row.status_deltas then Some [] else None in {total with times; times_deltas; gcs; gcs_deltas; status_deltas} ) in Iter.cons total rows let cmp perf x y = match (x.status_deltas, y.status_deltas) with | Some xs, Some ys -> List.compare Report.compare_status xs ys |> fun o -> if o <> 0 then o else String.compare x.name y.name | Some _, None -> -1 | None, Some _ -> 1 | None, None -> ( let max = Option.map_or ~default:0 ~f:(fun cds -> List.fold cds 0 ~f:(fun {Report.steps} m -> Int.(max (abs steps) m) ) ) in -Int.compare (max x.cov_deltas) (max y.cov_deltas) |> fun o -> if o <> 0 then o else match (List.hd x.status, List.hd y.status) with | ( Some (Safe _ | Unsafe _ | Ok | Unsound | Incomplete) , Some (Safe _ | Unsafe _ | Ok | Unsound | Incomplete) ) when perf -> ( match (x.times_deltas, y.times_deltas) with | Some xtd, Some ytd -> -Float.(compare (abs xtd.utime) (abs ytd.utime)) |> fun o -> if o <> 0 then o else String.compare x.name y.name | Some _, None -> 1 | None, Some _ -> -1 | None, None -> String.compare x.name y.name ) | ( Some (Safe _ | Unsafe _ | Ok | Unsound | Incomplete) , Some (Safe _ | Unsafe _ | Ok | Unsound | Incomplete) ) -> ( match (x.gcs_deltas, y.gcs_deltas) with | Some xgc, Some ygc -> -Float.( compare (abs xgc.Report.allocated) (abs ygc.Report.allocated)) |> fun o -> if o <> 0 then o else String.compare x.name y.name | Some _, None -> 1 | None, Some _ -> -1 | None, None -> String.compare x.name y.name ) | _, Some (Safe _ | Unsafe _ | Ok | Unsound | Incomplete) -> -1 | Some (Safe _ | Unsafe _ | Ok | Unsound | Incomplete), _ -> 1 | s, t -> Option.compare (Ord.opp Report.compare_status) s t |> fun o -> if o <> 0 then o else String.compare x.name y.name ) let filter rows = Iter.filter rows ~f:(fun {status} -> List.exists status ~f:(function | InvalidInput _ | Unimplemented _ -> false | _ -> true ) ) let input_rows ?baseline current = let b_tbl = Option.map ~f:read baseline in let c_tbl = read current in let names = let keys = Tbl.keys c_tbl in let keys = Option.fold ~f:(fun t -> Iter.append (Tbl.keys t)) b_tbl keys in Iter.sort_uniq ~cmp:String.compare keys in Iter.map names ~f:(fun name -> let opt_find_opt t n = Option.bind ~f:(fun t -> Tbl.find_opt t n) t in let b_result = opt_find_opt b_tbl name in let c_result = Tbl.find_opt c_tbl name in combine name b_result c_result ) let generate_html perf ?baseline current output = let rows = input_rows ?baseline current in let rows = Iter.map ~f:average rows in let rows = filter rows in let rows = Iter.persistent rows in let ranges = ranges rows in let rows = Iter.sort ~cmp:(cmp perf) rows in let rows = add_total rows in Out_channel.with_file output ~f:(write_html ranges rows) let html_cmd = let open Command.Let_syntax in let%map_open baseline = flag "baseline" (optional string) ~doc:"<file> read baseline results from report <file>" and current = anon ("<file>" %: string) and output = flag "output" (required string) ~doc:"<file> write html report to <file>" and perf = flag "perf" no_arg ~doc:"sort results for a performance comparison" in fun () -> generate_html perf ?baseline current output let write_status ?baseline rows chan = let rows = if Option.is_none baseline then rows else Iter.filter rows ~f:(fun row -> Option.is_some row.status_deltas) in let rows = Iter.sort ~cmp:(fun x y -> String.compare x.name y.name) rows in let ppf = Format.str_formatter in Iter.iter rows ~f:(fun {name; status; status_deltas} -> Format.fprintf ppf "%s:\t%a%a@\n" name (List.pp ", " Report.pp_status) status (Option.pp "\t%a" (List.pp ", " Report.pp_status)) status_deltas ) ; Out_channel.output_string chan (Format.flush_str_formatter ()) let generate_status ?baseline current output = let rows = input_rows ?baseline current in match output with | None -> write_status ?baseline rows Out_channel.stdout | Some output -> Out_channel.with_file output ~f:(write_status ?baseline rows) let status_cmd = let open Command.Let_syntax in let%map_open baseline = flag "baseline" (optional string) ~doc:"<file> read baseline results from report <file>" and current = anon ("<file>" %: string) and output = flag "output" (optional string) ~doc: "<file> write status report to <file>, or to standard output if \ omitted" in fun () -> generate_status ?baseline current output ;; Command.run (Command.group ~summary:"SLEdge report manipulation" [ ("html", Command.basic ~summary:"generate html report" html_cmd) ; ("status", Command.basic ~summary:"generate status report" status_cmd) ])