(* * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd. * Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) open Javalib_pack open Sawja_pack module NodeTbl = Cfg.NodeHash type jump_kind = | Next | Jump of int | Exit type meth_kind = | Normal | Init (** data *) type icfg = { tenv : Sil.tenv; cg : Cg.t; cfg : Cfg.cfg; } type t = { icfg : icfg; procdesc : Cfg.Procdesc.t; impl : JBir.t; mutable var_map : (Sil.pvar * Sil.typ * Sil.typ) JBir.VarMap.t; if_jumps : int NodeTbl.t; goto_jumps : (int, jump_kind) Hashtbl.t; cn : JBasics.class_name; meth_kind : meth_kind; node : JCode.jcode Javalib.interface_or_class; program : JClasspath.program; never_null_matcher: Inferconfig.NeverReturnNull.matcher; } let create_context never_null_matcher icfg procdesc impl cn meth_kind node program = { icfg = icfg; procdesc = procdesc; impl = impl; var_map = JBir.VarMap.empty; if_jumps = NodeTbl.create 10; goto_jumps = Hashtbl.create 10; cn = cn; meth_kind = meth_kind; node = node; program = program; never_null_matcher = never_null_matcher; } let get_icfg context = context.icfg let get_cfg context = context.icfg.cfg let get_cg context = context.icfg.cg let get_tenv context = context.icfg.tenv let get_procdesc context = context.procdesc let get_cn context = context.cn let get_node context = context.node let get_program context = context.program let get_impl context = context.impl let get_var_map context = context.var_map let set_var_map context var_map = context.var_map <- var_map let get_meth_kind context = context.meth_kind let get_never_null_matcher context = context.never_null_matcher let get_or_set_pvar_type context var typ = let var_map = get_var_map context in try let (pvar, otyp, _) = (JBir.VarMap.find var var_map) in let tenv = get_tenv context in if Prover.check_subtype tenv typ otyp || (Prover.check_subtype tenv otyp typ) then set_var_map context (JBir.VarMap.add var (pvar, otyp, typ) var_map) else set_var_map context (JBir.VarMap.add var (pvar, typ, typ) var_map); (pvar, typ) with Not_found -> let procname = (Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name (get_procdesc context)) in let varname = Mangled.from_string (JBir.var_name_g var) in let pvar = Sil.mk_pvar varname procname in set_var_map context (JBir.VarMap.add var (pvar, typ, typ) var_map); (pvar, typ) let lookup_pvar_type context var typ = (get_or_set_pvar_type context var typ) let set_pvar context var typ = fst (get_or_set_pvar_type context var typ) let reset_pvar_type context = let var_map = get_var_map context in let aux var item = match item with (pvar, otyp, typ) -> set_var_map context (JBir.VarMap.add var (pvar, otyp, otyp) var_map) in JBir.VarMap.iter aux var_map let get_var_type context var = try let (_, otyp', otyp) = JBir.VarMap.find var (get_var_map context) in Some otyp with Not_found -> None let get_if_jumps context = context.if_jumps let get_goto_jumps context = context.goto_jumps let add_if_jump context node pc = NodeTbl.add (get_if_jumps context) node pc let get_if_jump context node = try Some (NodeTbl.find (get_if_jumps context) node) with Not_found -> None let add_goto_jump context pc jump = Hashtbl.add (get_goto_jumps context) pc jump let get_goto_jump context pc = try Hashtbl.find (get_goto_jumps context) pc with Not_found -> Next let is_goto_jump context pc = try match Hashtbl.find (get_goto_jumps context) pc with | Jump _ -> true | _ -> false with Not_found -> false let exn_node_table = Procname.Hash.create 100 let reset_exn_node_table () = Procname.Hash.clear exn_node_table let add_exn_node procname (exn_node : Cfg.Node.t) = Procname.Hash.add exn_node_table procname exn_node let get_exn_node procdesc = try Some (Procname.Hash.find exn_node_table (Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name procdesc)) with Not_found -> None