(* * Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) (* Take as input an ast file and a C or ObjectiveC file such that the ast file corresponds to the compilation of the C file with clang. Parse the ast file into a data structure and translates it into a cfg. *) module L = Logging open CFrontend_utils let arg_desc = let desc = (Utils.arg_desc_filter ["-results_dir"] base_arg_desc) @ [ "-c", Arg.String (fun cfile -> CFrontend_config.source_file := Some cfile), Some "cfile", "C File to translate" ; "-x", Arg.String (fun lang -> CFrontend_config.lang_from_string lang), Some "cfile", "Language (c, objective-c, c++, objc-++)" ; "-ast", Arg.String (fun file -> CFrontend_config.ast_file := Some file), Some "file", "AST file for the translation" ; "-dotty_no_cfg_libs", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> Config.dotty_cfg_libs := false), None, "Prints the cfg of the code coming from the libraries" ; "-no_headers", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> CFrontend_config.no_translate_libs := true), None, "Do not translate code in header files (default)" ; "-headers", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> CFrontend_config.no_translate_libs := false), None, "Translate code in header files" ; "-testing_mode", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> CFrontend_config.testing_mode := true), None, "Mode for testing, where no headers are translated, \ and dot files are created" ; "-debug", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> CFrontend_config.debug_mode := true), None, "Enables debug mode" ; "-stats", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> CFrontend_config.stats_mode := true), None, "Enables stats mode" ; "-project_root", Arg.String (fun s -> Config.project_root := Some (Utils.filename_to_absolute s)), Some "dir", "Toot directory of the project" ; "-fobjc-arc", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> Config.arc_mode := true), None, "Translate with Objective-C Automatic Reference Counting (ARC)" ; "-models_mode", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> CFrontend_config.models_mode := true), None, "Mode for computing the models" ; "-cxx-experimental", Arg.Unit (fun _ -> CFrontend_config.cxx_experimental := true), None, "Analyze C++ methods, still experimental" ; ] in Arg.create_options_desc false "Parsing Options" desc let usage = "\nUsage: InferClang -c C Files -ast AST Files -results_dir [options] \n" let print_usage_exit () = Arg.usage arg_desc usage; exit(1) let buffer_len = 16384 (* This function reads the json file in fname, validates it, and encoded in the AST data structure*) (* defined in Clang_ast_t. *) let validate_decl_from_file fname = try Ag_util.Biniou.from_file ~len:buffer_len Clang_ast_b.read_decl fname with (Invalid_argument "Bi_inbuf.refill_from_channel") -> Printing.log_stats "WARNING: biniou buffer too short, skipping the file\n"; assert false let validate_decl_from_stdin () = try Ag_util.Biniou.from_channel ~len:buffer_len Clang_ast_b.read_decl stdin with (Invalid_argument "Bi_inbuf.refill_from_channel") -> Printing.log_stats "WARNING: biniou buffer too short, skipping the file\n"; assert false let do_run source_path ast_path = let init_time = Unix.gettimeofday () in let print_elapsed () = let elapsed = Unix.gettimeofday () -. init_time in Printf.printf "Elapsed: %07.3f seconds.\n" elapsed in try let ast_filename, ast_decl = match ast_path with | Some path -> path, validate_decl_from_file path | None -> "stdin of " ^ source_path, validate_decl_from_stdin () in let decl_index, stmt_index, type_index = Clang_ast_main.index_node_pointers ast_decl in CFrontend_config.pointer_decl_index := decl_index; CFrontend_config.pointer_stmt_index := stmt_index; CFrontend_config.pointer_type_index := type_index; CFrontend_config.json := ast_filename; CLocation.check_source_file source_path; let source_file = CLocation.source_file_from_path source_path in Printf.printf "Start translation of AST from %s\n" !CFrontend_config.json; CFrontend.do_source_file source_file ast_decl; Printf.printf "End translation AST file %s... OK!\n" !CFrontend_config.json; print_elapsed (); with (Yojson.Json_error s) as exc -> Printing.log_err "%s\n" s; print_elapsed (); raise exc let () = Arg.parse "INFERCLANG_ARGS" arg_desc (fun _ -> ()) usage ; Config.print_types := true; if Option.is_none !CFrontend_config.source_file then (Printing.log_err "Incorrect command line arguments\n"; print_usage_exit ()) else match !CFrontend_config.source_file with | Some path -> do_run path !CFrontend_config.ast_file | None -> assert false