(* * Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) open! Utils module F = Format module L = Logging (** Annotations. *) (** Method signature with annotations. *) type annotated_signature = { ret : Typ.item_annotation * Typ.t; (** Annotated return type. *) params: (Mangled.t * Typ.item_annotation * Typ.t) list } (** Annotated parameters. *) let param_equal (s1, ia1, t1) (s2, ia2, t2) = Mangled.equal s1 s2 && Typ.item_annotation_compare ia1 ia2 = 0 && Typ.equal t1 t2 let equal as1 as2 = let ia1, t1 = as1.ret and ia2, t2 = as2.ret in Typ.item_annotation_compare ia1 ia2 = 0 && Typ.equal t1 t2 && IList.for_all2 param_equal as1.params as2.params let visibleForTesting = "com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting" let suppressLint = "android.annotation.SuppressLint" let get_field_type_and_annotation fn = function | Typ.Tptr (Typ.Tstruct struct_typ, _) | Typ.Tstruct struct_typ -> (try let (_, t, a) = IList.find (fun (f, _, _) -> Ident.fieldname_equal f fn) (struct_typ.Typ.instance_fields @ struct_typ.Typ.static_fields) in Some (t, a) with Not_found -> None) | _ -> None (** Return the annotations on the declaring class of [pname]. Only works for Java *) let get_declaring_class_annotations pname tenv = match Tenv.proc_extract_declaring_class_typ tenv pname with | Some { Typ.struct_annotations } -> Some struct_annotations | None -> None let ia_iter f = let ann_iter (a, _) = f a in IList.iter ann_iter let ma_iter f ((ia, ial) : Typ.method_annotation) = IList.iter (ia_iter f) (ia:: ial) let ma_has_annotation_with (ma: Typ.method_annotation) (predicate: Typ.annotation -> bool): bool = let found = ref false in ma_iter (fun a -> if predicate a then found := true) ma; !found let ia_has_annotation_with (ia: Typ.item_annotation) (predicate: Typ.annotation -> bool): bool = let found = ref false in ia_iter (fun a -> if predicate a then found := true) ia; !found (** Return true if [annot] ends with [ann_name] *) let annot_ends_with annot ann_name = let filter s = let sl = String.length s in let al = String.length ann_name in sl >= al && String.sub s (sl - al) al = ann_name in filter annot.Typ.class_name (** Check if there is an annotation in [ia] which ends with the given name *) let ia_ends_with ia ann_name = let found = ref false in ia_iter (fun a -> if annot_ends_with a ann_name then found := true) ia; !found let ia_contains ia ann_name = let found = ref false in ia_iter (fun a -> if ann_name = a.Typ.class_name then found := true) ia; !found let ia_get ia ann_name = let found = ref None in ia_iter (fun a -> if ann_name = a.Typ.class_name then found := Some a) ia; !found let ma_contains ma ann_names = let found = ref false in ma_iter (fun a -> if IList.exists (string_equal a.Typ.class_name) ann_names then found := true ) ma; !found let initializer_ = "Initializer" let inject = "Inject" let inject_view = "InjectView" let bind = "Bind" let bind_array = "BindArray" let bind_bitmap = "BindBitmap" let bind_drawable = "BindDrawable" let bind_string = "BindString" let suppress_view_nullability = "SuppressViewNullability" let false_on_null = "FalseOnNull" let mutable_ = "Mutable" let nullable = "Nullable" let nonnull = "Nonnull" let camel_nonnull = "NonNull" let notnull = "NotNull" let present = "Present" let strict = "com.facebook.infer.annotation.Strict" let true_on_null = "TrueOnNull" let verify_annotation = "com.facebook.infer.annotation.Verify" let expensive = "Expensive" let performance_critical = "PerformanceCritical" let no_allocation = "NoAllocation" let ignore_allocations = "IgnoreAllocations" let suppress_warnings = "SuppressWarnings" let privacy_source = "PrivacySource" let privacy_sink = "PrivacySink" let integrity_source = "IntegritySource" let integrity_sink = "IntegritySink" let guarded_by = "GuardedBy" let ia_is_nullable ia = ia_ends_with ia nullable let ia_is_present ia = ia_ends_with ia present let ia_is_nonnull ia = IList.exists (ia_ends_with ia) [nonnull; notnull; camel_nonnull] let ia_is_false_on_null ia = ia_ends_with ia false_on_null let ia_is_true_on_null ia = ia_ends_with ia true_on_null let ia_is_initializer ia = ia_ends_with ia initializer_ let field_injector_readwrite_list = [ inject_view; bind; bind_array; bind_bitmap; bind_drawable; bind_string; suppress_view_nullability; ] let field_injector_readonly_list = inject :: field_injector_readwrite_list (** Annotations for readonly injectors. The injector framework initializes the field but does not write null into it. *) let ia_is_field_injector_readonly ia = IList.exists (ia_ends_with ia) field_injector_readonly_list (** Annotations for read-write injectors. The injector framework initializes the field and can write null into it. *) let ia_is_field_injector_readwrite ia = IList.exists (ia_ends_with ia) field_injector_readwrite_list let ia_is_mutable ia = ia_ends_with ia mutable_ let ia_get_strict ia = ia_get ia strict let ia_is_verify ia = ia_contains ia verify_annotation let ia_is_expensive ia = ia_ends_with ia expensive let ia_is_performance_critical ia = ia_ends_with ia performance_critical let ia_is_no_allocation ia = ia_ends_with ia no_allocation let ia_is_ignore_allocations ia = ia_ends_with ia ignore_allocations let ia_is_suppress_warnings ia = ia_ends_with ia suppress_warnings let ia_is_privacy_source ia = ia_ends_with ia privacy_source let ia_is_privacy_sink ia = ia_ends_with ia privacy_sink let ia_is_integrity_source ia = ia_ends_with ia integrity_source let ia_is_integrity_sink ia = ia_ends_with ia integrity_sink let ia_is_guarded_by ia = ia_ends_with ia guarded_by type annotation = | Nullable | Present let ia_is ann ia = match ann with | Nullable -> ia_is_nullable ia | Present -> ia_is_present ia (** Get a method signature with annotations from a proc_attributes. *) let get_annotated_signature proc_attributes : annotated_signature = let method_annotation = proc_attributes.ProcAttributes.method_annotation in let formals = proc_attributes.ProcAttributes.formals in let ret_type = proc_attributes.ProcAttributes.ret_type in let (ia, ial0) = method_annotation in let natl = let rec extract ial parl = match ial, parl with | ia :: ial', (name, typ) :: parl' -> (name, ia, typ) :: extract ial' parl' | [], (name, typ) :: parl' -> (name, Typ.item_annotation_empty, typ) :: extract [] parl' | [], [] -> [] | _ :: _, [] -> assert false in IList.rev (extract (IList.rev ial0) (IList.rev formals)) in let annotated_signature = { ret = (ia, ret_type); params = natl } in annotated_signature (** Check if the annotated signature is for a wrapper of an anonymous inner class method. These wrappers have the same name as the original method, every type is Object, and the parameters are called x0, x1, x2. *) let annotated_signature_is_anonymous_inner_class_wrapper ann_sig proc_name = let check_ret (ia, t) = Typ.item_annotation_is_empty ia && PatternMatch.type_is_object t in let x_param_found = ref false in let name_is_x_number name = let name_str = Mangled.to_string name in let len = String.length name_str in len >= 2 && String.sub name_str 0 1 = "x" && let s = String.sub name_str 1 (len - 1) in let is_int = try ignore (int_of_string s); x_param_found := true; true with Failure _ -> false in is_int in let check_param (name, ia, t) = if Mangled.to_string name = "this" then true else name_is_x_number name && Typ.item_annotation_is_empty ia && PatternMatch.type_is_object t in Procname.java_is_anonymous_inner_class proc_name && check_ret ann_sig.ret && IList.for_all check_param ann_sig.params && !x_param_found (** Check if the given parameter has a Nullable annotation in the given signature *) let param_is_nullable pvar ann_sig = IList.exists (fun (param, annot, _) -> Mangled.equal param (Pvar.get_name pvar) && ia_is_nullable annot) ann_sig.params (** Pretty print a method signature with annotations. *) let pp_annotated_signature proc_name fmt annotated_signature = let pp_ia fmt ia = if ia <> [] then F.fprintf fmt "%a " Typ.pp_item_annotation ia in let pp_annotated_param fmt (p, ia, t) = F.fprintf fmt " %a%a %a" pp_ia ia (Typ.pp_full pe_text) t Mangled.pp p in let ia, ret_type = annotated_signature.ret in F.fprintf fmt "%a%a %s (%a )" pp_ia ia (Typ.pp_full pe_text) ret_type (Procname.to_simplified_string proc_name) (pp_comma_seq pp_annotated_param) annotated_signature.params let mk_ann_str s = { Typ.class_name = s; Typ.parameters = [] } let mk_ann = function | Nullable -> mk_ann_str nullable | Present -> mk_ann_str present let mk_ia ann ia = if ia_is ann ia then ia else (mk_ann ann, true) :: ia let mark_ia ann ia x = if x then mk_ia ann ia else ia let mk_ia_strict ia = if ia_get_strict ia <> None then ia else (mk_ann_str strict, true) :: ia let mark_ia_strict ia x = if x then mk_ia_strict ia else ia (** Mark the annotated signature with the given annotation map. *) let annotated_signature_mark proc_name ann asig (b, bs) = let ia, t = asig.ret in let ret' = mark_ia ann ia b, t in let mark_param (s, ia, t) x = let ia' = if x then mk_ia ann ia else ia in (s, ia', t) in let params' = let fail () = L.stdout "INTERNAL ERROR: annotation for procedure %s has wrong number of arguments@." (Procname.to_unique_id proc_name); L.stdout " ANNOTATED SIGNATURE: %a@." (pp_annotated_signature proc_name) asig; assert false in let rec combine l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with | (p, ia, t):: l1', l2' when Mangled.to_string p = "this" -> (p, ia, t) :: combine l1' l2' | (s, ia, t):: l1', x:: l2' -> mark_param (s, ia, t) x :: combine l1' l2' | [], _:: _ -> fail () | _:: _, [] -> fail () | [], [] -> [] in combine asig.params bs in { ret = ret'; params = params'} (** Mark the return of the annotated signature with the given annotation. *) let annotated_signature_mark_return ann asig = let ia, t = asig.ret in let ret' = mark_ia ann ia true, t in { asig with ret = ret'} (** Mark the return of the annotated signature @Strict. *) let annotated_signature_mark_return_strict asig = let ia, t = asig.ret in let ret' = mark_ia_strict ia true, t in { asig with ret = ret'} (** Mark the return of the method_annotation with the given annotation. *) let method_annotation_mark_return ann method_annotation = let ia_ret, params = method_annotation in let ia_ret' = mark_ia ann ia_ret true in ia_ret', params