/* * Copyright (c) 2017 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ #import int* __nullable returnsNull(); @interface T : NSObject - (void)assignUnnanotatedFieldToNullBad; @end @implementation T { int* unnanotatedField; int* __nullable nullableField; int* nonnullField; } - (void)assignNullableFieldToNullOkay { nullableField = nil; } - (void)assignUnnanotatedFieldToNullBad { unnanotatedField = nil; } - (void)assignNonnullFieldToNullBad { nonnullField = nil; } - (void)testNullableFieldForNullOkay { if (nullableField == nil) { } } - (void)testUnnanotatedFieldForNullBad { if (unnanotatedField == nil) { } } - (int)DeadStoreFP_testUnnanotatedFieldInClosureBad { int (^testField)(int defaultValue); testField = ^(int defaultValue) { if (unnanotatedField != nil) { return *unnanotatedField; } else { return defaultValue; } }; return testField(42); } - (void)testNonnullFieldForNullBad { if (nonnullField == nil) { } } - (void)dereferenceUnnanotatedFieldOkay { *unnanotatedField = 42; } - (void)dereferenceNonnullFieldOkay { *nonnullField = 42; } - (void)dereferenceNullableFieldBad { *nullableField = 42; } - (void)dereferenceUnnanotatedFieldAfterTestForNullBad { if (unnanotatedField == nil) { *unnanotatedField = 42; } } - (void)FP_dereferenceNonnullFieldAfterTestForNullOkay { if (nonnullField == nil) { *nonnullField = 42; } } - (void)dereferenceNullableMethodBad { int* p = returnsNull(); *p = 42; } - (void)dereferenceNullableMethod1Ok { int* p = returnsNull(); if (p) { *p = 42; } } - (void)dereferenceNullableMethod2Ok { int* p = returnsNull(); if (p != nil) { *p = 42; } } @end