(* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) open Fol let%test_module _ = ( module struct open Sh let () = Trace.init ~margin:68 () (* let () = * Trace.init ~margin:160 ~config:(Result.ok_exn (Trace.parse "+Sh")) () * * [@@@warning "-32"] *) let pp = Format.printf "@\n%a@." pp let pp_raw = Format.printf "@\n%a@." pp_raw let pp_djn = Format.printf "@\n%a@." pp_djn let ( ~$ ) = Var.Set.of_list let ( ! ) i = Term.integer (Z.of_int i) let ( - ) = Term.sub let ( = ) = Formula.eq let f = Term.splat (* any uninterpreted function *) let wrt = Var.Set.empty let a_, wrt = Var.fresh "a" ~wrt let b_, wrt = Var.fresh "b" ~wrt let c_, wrt = Var.fresh "c" ~wrt let d_, wrt = Var.fresh "d" ~wrt let e_, wrt = Var.fresh "e" ~wrt let x_, wrt = Var.fresh "x" ~wrt let y_, wrt = Var.fresh "y" ~wrt let _ = wrt let a = Term.var a_ let b = Term.var b_ let c = Term.var c_ let d = Term.var d_ let e = Term.var e_ let x = Term.var x_ let y = Term.var y_ let eq_concat (siz, seq) ms = Formula.eq (Term.sized ~siz ~seq) (Term.concat (Array.map ~f:(fun (siz, seq) -> Term.sized ~siz ~seq) ms)) let of_eqs l = List.fold ~init:emp ~f:(fun q (a, b) -> and_ (Formula.eq a b) q) l let%expect_test _ = let p = exists ~$[x_] (extend_us ~$[x_] emp) in let q = pure (x = !0) in pp p ; pp q ; pp (star p q) ; [%expect {| ∃ %x_6 . emp 0 = %x_6 ∧ emp 0 = %x_6 ∧ emp |}] let%expect_test _ = let q = or_ (pure (x = !0)) (exists ~$[x_] (or_ (and_ (x = !1) (pure (y = !1))) (exists ~$[x_] (pure (x = !2))))) in pp q ; pp_djn (dnf q) ; [%expect {| ( ( 0 = %x_6 ∧ emp) ∨ ( ( ( 1 = _ = %y_7 ∧ emp) ∨ ( 2 = _ ∧ emp) )) ) ( (∃ %x_6, %x_7 . 2 = %x_7 ∧ (%x_7 = 2) ∧ emp) ∨ (∃ %x_6 . 1 = %x_6 = %y_7 ∧ ((%x_6 = 1) && (%y_7 = 1)) ∧ emp) ∨ ( 0 = %x_6 ∧ (%x_6 = 0) ∧ emp) ) |}] let%expect_test _ = let q = exists ~$[x_] (or_ (pure (x = !0)) (exists ~$[x_] (or_ (and_ (x = !1) (pure (y = !1))) (exists ~$[x_] (pure (x = !2)))))) in pp q ; pp_djn (dnf q) ; [%expect {| ( ( 0 = _ ∧ emp) ∨ ( ( ( 1 = _ = %y_7 ∧ emp) ∨ ( 2 = _ ∧ emp) )) ) ( (∃ %x_6, %x_8, %x_9 . 2 = %x_9 ∧ (%x_9 = 2) ∧ emp) ∨ (∃ %x_6, %x_8 . 1 = %y_7 = %x_8 ∧ ((%y_7 = 1) && (%x_8 = 1)) ∧ emp) ∨ (∃ %x_6 . 0 = %x_6 ∧ (%x_6 = 0) ∧ emp) ) |}] let%expect_test _ = let q = exists ~$[x_] (or_ (pure (x = !0)) (exists ~$[x_] (or_ (and_ (x = !1) (pure (y = !1))) (exists ~$[x_] (pure (x = !2)))))) in pp q ; pp (simplify q) ; [%expect {| ( ( 0 = _ ∧ emp) ∨ ( ( ( 1 = _ = %y_7 ∧ emp) ∨ ( 2 = _ ∧ emp) )) ) ( ( 1 = %y_7 ∧ emp) ∨ ( emp) ∨ ( emp) ) |}] let%expect_test _ = let q = exists ~$[x_] (of_eqs [(f x, x); (f y, y - !1)]) in pp q ; let q' = simplify q in pp_raw q' ; pp q' ; [%expect {| ∃ %x_6 . %x_6 = %x_6^ ∧ (%y_7 + -1) = %y_7^ ∧ emp (%y_7 + -1) = %y_7^ ∧ (%y_7^ = (%y_7 + -1)) ∧ emp (%y_7 + -1) = %y_7^ ∧ emp |}] let%expect_test _ = let q = exists ~$[a_; c_; d_; e_] (star (pure (eq_concat (!16, e) [|(!8, a); (!8, d)|])) (or_ (pure (Formula.dq x !0)) (exists (Var.Set.of_list [b_]) (pure (eq_concat (!8, a) [|(!4, c); (!4, b)|]))))) in pp_raw q ; let q' = simplify q in pp_raw q' ; pp q' ; [%expect {| ∃ %a_1, %c_3, %d_4, %e_5 . (⟨8,%a_1⟩^⟨8,%d_4⟩) = %e_5 ∧ (⟨16,%e_5⟩ = (⟨8,%a_1⟩^⟨8,%d_4⟩)) ∧ emp * ( ( (%x_6 ≠ 0) ∧ emp) ∨ (∃ %b_2 . (⟨4,%c_3⟩^⟨4,%b_2⟩) = %a_1 ∧ (⟨8,%a_1⟩ = (⟨4,%c_3⟩^⟨4,%b_2⟩)) ∧ emp) ) -1 ∧ emp * ( ( -1 ∧ emp) ∨ ( (%x_6 ≠ 0) ∧ emp) ) ( ( emp) ∨ ( (%x_6 ≠ 0) ∧ emp) ) |}] end )