(* * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd. * Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) (** Specifications and spec table *) (** {2 Spec Tables} *) (** Module for joined props: the result of joining together propositions repeatedly *) module Jprop : sig (** Remember when a prop is obtained as the join of two other props; the first parameter is an id *) type 'a t = | Prop of int * 'a Prop.t | Joined of int * 'a Prop.t * 'a t * 'a t (** Comparison for joined_prop *) val compare : 'a t -> 'a t -> int (** Dump the toplevel prop *) val d_shallow : Prop.normal t -> unit (** dump a joined prop list, the boolean indicates whether to print toplevel props only *) val d_list : bool -> Prop.normal t list -> unit (** Return true if the two join_prop's are equal *) val equal : 'a t -> 'a t -> bool (** Add fav to a jprop *) val fav_add : Sil.fav -> 'a t -> unit (** [jprop_filter filter joinedprops] applies [filter] to the elements of [joindeprops] and applies it to the subparts if the result is [None]. Returns the most absract results which pass [filter]. *) val filter : ('a t -> 'b option) -> 'a t list -> 'b list (** apply a substitution to a jprop *) val jprop_sub : Sil.subst -> Prop.normal t -> Prop.exposed t (** map the function to each prop in the jprop, pointwise *) val map : ('a Prop.t -> 'b Prop.t) -> 'a t -> 'b t (** Print a list of joined props, the boolean indicates whether to print subcomponents of joined props *) val pp_list : printenv -> bool -> Format.formatter -> Prop.normal t list -> unit (** Print the toplevel prop *) val pp_short : printenv -> Format.formatter -> Prop.normal t -> unit (** Extract the number associated to the toplevel jprop of a prop *) val to_number : 'a t -> int (** Extract the toplevel jprop of a prop *) val to_prop : 'a t -> 'a Prop.t end (** set of visited nodes: node id and list of lines of all the instructions *) module Visitedset : Set.S with type elt = int * int list (** convert a Visitedset to a string *) val visited_str : Visitedset.t -> string (** A spec consists of: pre: a joined prop posts: a list of props with path visited: a list of pairs (node_id, line) for the visited nodes *) type 'a spec = { pre: 'a Jprop.t; posts: ('a Prop.t * Paths.Path.t) list; visited : Visitedset.t } module NormSpec : sig (* encapsulate type for normalized specs *) type t end module CallStats : (** module for tracing stats of function calls *) sig type t type call_result = (** kind of result of a procedure call *) | CR_success (** successful call *) | CR_not_met (** precondition not met *) | CR_not_found (** the callee has no specs *) | CR_skip (** the callee was skipped *) (** trace of an occurrence of function call *) type trace = (call_result * bool) list (** iterate over results of procedure calls *) val iter : (Procname.t * Location.t -> trace -> unit) -> t -> unit (** trace a procedure call *) val trace : t -> Procname.t -> Location.t -> call_result -> bool -> unit (** pretty print a call trace *) val pp_trace : Format.formatter -> trace -> unit end (** Execution statistics *) type stats = { stats_time: float; (** Analysis time for the procedure *) stats_failure: failure_kind option; (** what type of failure stopped the analysis (if any) *) stats_calls: Cg.in_out_calls; (** num of procs calling, and called *) symops: int; (** Number of SymOp's throughout the whole analysis of the function *) mutable nodes_visited_fp : IntSet.t; (** Nodes visited during the footprint phase *) mutable nodes_visited_re : IntSet.t; (** Nodes visited during the re-execution phase *) call_stats : CallStats.t; } type status = ACTIVE | INACTIVE | STALE type phase = FOOTPRINT | RE_EXECUTION type dependency_map_t = int Procname.Map.t (** Payload: results of some analysis *) type payload = { preposts : NormSpec.t list option; (** list of specs *) typestate : unit TypeState.t option; (** final typestate *) calls: CallTree.t list option; (** list of call tree *) } (** Procedure summary *) type summary = { dependency_map: dependency_map_t; (** maps children procs to timestamp as last seen at the start of an analysys phase for this proc *) nodes: int list; (** ids of cfg nodes of the procedure *) phase: phase; (** in FOOTPRINT phase or in RE_EXECUTION PHASE *) payload: payload; (** payload containing the result of some analysis *) sessions: int ref; (** Session number: how many nodes went trough symbolic execution *) stats: stats; (** statistics: execution time and list of errors *) status: status; (** ACTIVE when the proc is being analyzed *) timestamp: int; (** Timestamp of the specs, >= 0, increased every time the specs change *) attributes : ProcAttributes.t; (** Attributes of the procedure *) } (** origin of a summary: current results dir, a spec library, or models *) type origin = | Res_dir | Spec_lib | Models (** Add the summary to the table for the given function *) val add_summary : Procname.t -> summary -> unit (** Check if a summary for a given procedure exists in the results directory *) val summary_exists : Procname.t -> bool (** Check if a summary for a given procedure exists in the models directory *) val summary_exists_in_models : Procname.t -> bool (** remove all the elements from the spec table *) val clear_spec_tbl : unit -> unit (** Dump a spec *) val d_spec : 'a spec -> unit (** Get the procedure name *) val get_proc_name : summary -> Procname.t (** Get the attributes of the procedure. *) val get_attributes : summary -> ProcAttributes.t (** Get the return type of the procedure *) val get_ret_type : summary -> Sil.typ (** Get the formal paramters of the procedure *) val get_formals : summary -> (Mangled.t * Sil.typ) list (** Get the flag with the given key for the procedure, if any *) val get_flag : Procname.t -> string -> string option (** Get the iterations associated to the procedure if any, or the default timeout from the command line *) val get_iterations : Procname.t -> int (** Return the current phase for the proc *) val get_phase : Procname.t -> phase (** Return the origin of the spec file *) val get_origin: Procname.t -> origin (** Return the signature of a procedure declaration as a string *) val get_signature : summary -> string (** Return the specs for the proc in the spec table *) val get_specs : Procname.t -> Prop.normal spec list (** Return the specs and formal parameters for the proc in the spec table *) val get_specs_formals : Procname.t -> Prop.normal spec list * (Mangled.t * Sil.typ) list (** Get the specs from the payload of the summary. *) val get_specs_from_payload : summary -> Prop.normal spec list (** Return the summary option for the procedure name *) val get_summary : Procname.t -> summary option (** @deprecated Return the summary for the procedure name. Raises an exception when not found. *) val get_summary_unsafe : string -> Procname.t -> summary (** Return the current timestamp for the summary *) val get_timestamp : summary -> int (** Return the status (active v.s. inactive) of a procedure summary *) val get_status : summary -> status (** Check if the procedure is active *) val is_active : Procname.t -> bool (** Check if the procedure is active *) val is_inactive : Procname.t -> bool (** Initialize the summary for [proc_name] given dependent procs in list [depend_list]. Do nothing if a summary exists already. *) val init_summary : (Procname.t list * (** depend list *) int list * (** nodes *) proc_flags * (** procedure flags *) (Procname.t * Location.t) list * (** calls *) (Cg.in_out_calls option) * (** in and out calls *) ProcAttributes.t) (** attributes of the procedure *) -> unit (** Reset a summary rebuilding the dependents and preserving the proc attributes if present. *) val reset_summary : Cg.t -> Procname.t -> ProcAttributes.t option -> unit (** Load procedure summary from the given file *) val load_summary : DB.filename -> summary option (** Check if a procedure summary exists for the given procedure name *) val summary_exists : Procname.t -> bool (** Cast a list of normalized specs to a list of specs *) val normalized_specs_to_specs : NormSpec.t list -> Prop.normal spec list (** Print the spec *) val pp_spec : printenv -> (int * int) option -> Format.formatter -> Prop.normal spec -> unit (** Print the spec table, the bool indicates whether to print whole seconds only *) val pp_spec_table : printenv -> bool -> Format.formatter -> unit -> unit (** Print the specs *) val pp_specs : printenv -> Format.formatter -> Prop.normal spec list -> unit (** Print the summary, the bool indicates whether to print whole seconds only *) val pp_summary : printenv -> bool -> Format.formatter -> summary -> unit (** Like proc_resolve_attributes but start from a proc_desc. *) val pdesc_resolve_attributes : Cfg.Procdesc.t -> ProcAttributes.t (** Try to find the attributes for a defined proc. First look at specs (to get attributes computed by analysis) then look at the attributes table. If no attributes can be found, return None. *) val proc_resolve_attributes : Procname.t -> ProcAttributes.t option (** Check if the procedure is from a library: It's not defined, and there is no spec file for it. *) val proc_is_library : ProcAttributes.t -> bool (** Re-initialize a dependency map *) val re_initialize_dependency_map : dependency_map_t -> dependency_map_t (** Set the current status for the proc *) val set_status : Procname.t -> status -> unit (** Convert spec into normal form w.r.t. variable renaming *) val spec_normalize : Prop.normal spec -> NormSpec.t (** path to the .specs file for the given procedure in the current results dir *) val res_dir_specs_filename : Procname.t -> DB.filename (** Save summary for the procedure into the spec database *) val store_summary : Procname.t -> summary -> unit (** Return a compact representation of the summary *) val summary_compact : Sil.sharing_env -> summary -> summary (** Update the dependency map of [proc_name] with the current timestamps of the dependents *) val update_dependency_map : Procname.t -> unit