(* * Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) open! IStd module F = Format module L = Logging module BasicCost = CostDomain.BasicCost module NodesBasicCostDomain = CostDomain.NodeInstructionToCostMap module Payload = SummaryPayload.Make (struct type t = CostDomain.summary let update_payloads sum (payloads: Payloads.t) = {payloads with cost= Some sum} let of_payloads (payloads: Payloads.t) = payloads.cost end) (* We use this treshold to give error if the cost is above it. Currently it's set randomly to 200. *) let expensive_threshold = BasicCost.of_int_exn 200 let solver = `ConstraintSolver (* CFG modules used in several other modules *) module InstrCFG = ProcCfg.NormalOneInstrPerNode module NodeCFG = ProcCfg.Normal module InstrCFGScheduler = Scheduler.ReversePostorder (InstrCFG) module Node = ProcCfg.DefaultNode (* Compute a map (node,instruction) -> basic_cost, where basic_cost is the cost known for a certain operation. For example for basic operation we set it to 1 and for function call we take it from the spec of the function. The nodes in the domain of the map are those in the path reaching the current node. *) module TransferFunctionsNodesBasicCost = struct module CFG = InstrCFG module Domain = NodesBasicCostDomain type extras = BufferOverrunChecker.invariant_map let cost_atomic_instruction = BasicCost.one let instantiate_cost ~tenv ~caller_pdesc ~inferbo_caller_mem ~callee_pname ~params ~callee_cost = match Ondemand.get_proc_desc callee_pname with | None -> L.(die InternalError) "Can't instantiate symbolic cost %a from call to %a (can't get procdesc)" BasicCost.pp callee_cost Typ.Procname.pp callee_pname | Some callee_pdesc -> match BufferOverrunChecker.Payload.read caller_pdesc callee_pname with | None -> L.(die InternalError) "Can't instantiate symbolic cost %a from call to %a (can't get summary)" BasicCost.pp callee_cost Typ.Procname.pp callee_pname | Some inferbo_summary -> let inferbo_caller_mem = Option.value_exn inferbo_caller_mem in let callee_entry_mem = BufferOverrunDomain.Summary.get_input inferbo_summary in let callee_exit_mem = BufferOverrunDomain.Summary.get_output inferbo_summary in let callee_ret_alias = BufferOverrunDomain.Mem.find_ret_alias callee_exit_mem in let (subst_map, _), _ = BufferOverrunSemantics.get_subst_map tenv callee_pdesc params inferbo_caller_mem callee_entry_mem ~callee_ret_alias in BasicCost.subst callee_cost subst_map let exec_instr_cost inferbo_mem (astate: CostDomain.NodeInstructionToCostMap.astate) {ProcData.pdesc; tenv} (node: CFG.Node.t) instr : CostDomain.NodeInstructionToCostMap.astate = let key = CFG.Node.id node in let astate' = match instr with | Sil.Call (_, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun callee_pname), params, _, _) -> let callee_cost = match Payload.read pdesc callee_pname with | Some {post= callee_cost} -> if BasicCost.is_symbolic callee_cost then instantiate_cost ~tenv ~caller_pdesc:pdesc ~inferbo_caller_mem:inferbo_mem ~callee_pname ~params ~callee_cost else callee_cost | None -> cost_atomic_instruction in CostDomain.NodeInstructionToCostMap.add key callee_cost astate | Sil.Load _ | Sil.Store _ | Sil.Call _ | Sil.Prune _ -> CostDomain.NodeInstructionToCostMap.add key cost_atomic_instruction astate | _ -> astate in L.(debug Analysis Medium) "@\n>>>Instr: %a Cost: %a@\n" (Sil.pp_instr Pp.text) instr CostDomain.NodeInstructionToCostMap.pp astate' ; astate' let exec_instr costmap ({ProcData.extras= inferbo_invariant_map} as pdata) node instr = let inferbo_mem = BufferOverrunChecker.extract_pre (CFG.Node.id node) inferbo_invariant_map in let costmap = exec_instr_cost inferbo_mem costmap pdata node instr in costmap let pp_session_name node fmt = F.fprintf fmt "cost(basic) %a" CFG.Node.pp_id (CFG.Node.id node) end module AnalyzerNodesBasicCost = AbstractInterpreter.MakeNoCFG (InstrCFGScheduler) (TransferFunctionsNodesBasicCost) (* Map associating to each node a bound on the number of times it can be executed. This bound is computed using environments (map: val -> values), using the following observation: the number of environments associated with a program point is an upperbound of the number of times the program point can be executed in any execution. The size of an environment env is computed as: |env| = |env(v1)| * ... * |env(n_k)| where |env(v)| is the size of the interval associated to v by env. Reference: see Stefan Bygde PhD thesis, 2010 *) module BoundMap = struct type t = BasicCost.astate Node.IdMap.t let print_upper_bound_map bound_map = L.(debug Analysis Medium) "@\n\n******* Bound Map : [node -> bound] ITV **** @\n %a @\n" (Node.IdMap.pp ~pp_value:BasicCost.pp) bound_map ; L.(debug Analysis Medium) "@\n******* END Bound Map ITV **** @\n\n" let filter_loc vars_to_keep = function | AbsLoc.Loc.Var (Var.LogicalVar _) -> false | AbsLoc.Loc.Var var when Control.VarSet.mem var vars_to_keep -> true | _ -> false let compute_upperbound_map node_cfg inferbo_invariant_map control_invariant_map loop_inv_map = let compute_node_upper_bound bound_map node = let node_id = NodeCFG.Node.id node in match Procdesc.Node.get_kind node with | Procdesc.Node.Exit_node _ -> Node.IdMap.add node_id BasicCost.one bound_map | _ -> let exit_state_opt = let instr_node_id = InstrCFG.last_of_underlying_node node |> InstrCFG.Node.id in BufferOverrunChecker.extract_post instr_node_id inferbo_invariant_map in match exit_state_opt with | Some entry_mem -> (* compute control vars, i.e. set of variables that affect the execution count *) let control_vars = Control.compute_control_vars control_invariant_map loop_inv_map node in L.(debug Analysis Medium) "@\n>>> All dependencies for node = %a : %a @\n\n" Procdesc.Node.pp node Control.VarSet.pp control_vars ; (* bound = env(v1) *... * env(vn) *) let bound = match entry_mem with | Bottom -> L.internal_error "@\n\ [COST ANALYSIS INTERNAL WARNING:] No 'env' found. This location is \ unreachable returning cost 0 \n" ; BasicCost.zero | NonBottom mem -> BufferOverrunDomain.MemReach.heap_range ~filter_loc:(filter_loc control_vars) mem in L.(debug Analysis Medium) "@\n>>>Setting bound for node = %a to %a@\n\n" Node.pp_id node_id BasicCost.pp bound ; Node.IdMap.add node_id bound bound_map | _ -> Node.IdMap.add node_id BasicCost.zero bound_map in let bound_map = NodeCFG.fold_nodes node_cfg ~f:compute_node_upper_bound ~init:Node.IdMap.empty in print_upper_bound_map bound_map ; bound_map let upperbound bound_map nid = match Node.IdMap.find_opt nid bound_map with | Some bound -> bound | None -> L.(debug Analysis Medium) "@\n\n[WARNING] Bound not found for node %a, returning Top @\n" Node.pp_id nid ; BasicCost.top end module ControlFlowCost = struct (* A Control-flow cost represents the number of times the flow of control can go through a certain CFG item (a node or an edge), or a sum of such things *) module Item = struct type t = [`Node of Node.id | `Edge of Node.id * Node.id] let compare : t -> t -> int = fun x y -> match (x, y) with | `Node id1, `Node id2 -> Node.compare_id id1 id2 | `Node _, `Edge _ -> -1 | `Edge _, `Node _ -> 1 | `Edge (f1, t1), `Edge (f2, t2) -> [%compare : Node.id * Node.id] (f1, t1) (f2, t2) let equal = [%compare.equal : t] let pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit = fun fmt -> function | `Node id -> F.fprintf fmt "Node(%a)" Node.pp_id id | `Edge (f, t) -> F.fprintf fmt "Edge(%a -> %a)" Node.pp_id f Node.pp_id t let normalize ~(normalizer: t -> [> t]) (x: t) : t = match normalizer x with #t as x -> x | _ -> assert false let of_node i = `Node i end module Sum = struct type 'a set = (* non-empty sorted list *) 'a list type t = [`Sum of int * Item.t set] let of_list l = let length = List.length l in let set = List.sort ~compare:Item.compare l in `Sum (length, set) let compare : t -> t -> int = fun (`Sum (l1, s1)) (`Sum (l2, s2)) -> [%compare : int * Item.t list] (l1, s1) (l2, s2) let pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit = fun fmt (`Sum (_, set)) -> Pp.seq ~sep:" + " Item.pp fmt set let items (`Sum (_, l)) = l let normalized_items ~normalizer (`Sum (_, l)) = let normalizer = (normalizer :> Item.t -> [> Item.t]) in l |> List.rev_map ~f:(Item.normalize ~normalizer) let normalize ~normalizer sum = sum |> normalized_items ~normalizer |> of_list (* Given a sum and an item, remove one occurence of the item in the sum. Returns [None] if the item is not present in the sum. [remove_one_item ~item:A (A + B)] = B [remove_one_item ~item:A (A + B + C)] = B + C [remove_one_item ~item:A (A + A + B)] = A + B [remove_one_item ~item:A (B + C)] = None *) let remove_one_item ~item (`Sum (len, l)) = match IList.remove_first l ~f:(Item.equal item) with | None -> None | Some [e] -> Some (e :> [Item.t | t]) | Some l -> Some (`Sum (len - 1, l)) let cost ~of_item (`Sum (_, l)) = List.fold l ~init:BasicCost.zero ~f:(fun cost item -> BasicCost.plus cost (of_item item)) end type t = [Item.t | Sum.t] let is_node = function `Node nid -> Some nid | _ -> None let assert_node = function `Node nid -> nid | _ -> assert false let compare : t -> t -> int = fun x y -> match (x, y) with | (#Item.t as x), (#Item.t as y) -> Item.compare x y | #Item.t, #Sum.t -> -1 | #Sum.t, #Item.t -> 1 | (#Sum.t as x), (#Sum.t as y) -> Sum.compare x y let make_node node = `Node node let make_pred_edge succ pred = `Edge (pred, succ) let make_succ_edge pred succ = `Edge (pred, succ) let pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit = fun fmt -> function #Item.t as item -> Item.pp fmt item | #Sum.t as sum -> Sum.pp fmt sum let sum : Item.t list -> t = function [] -> assert false | [e] -> (e :> t) | l -> Sum.of_list l module Set = struct type elt = t [@@deriving compare] type t = { mutable size: int ; mutable items: Item.t ARList.t ; mutable sums: Sum.t ARList.t ; mutable cost: BasicCost.astate } let create e = let items, sums = match e with | #Item.t as item -> (ARList.singleton item, ARList.empty) | #Sum.t as sum -> (ARList.empty, ARList.singleton sum) in {size= 1; items; sums; cost= BasicCost.top} let compare_size {size= size1} {size= size2} = Int.compare size1 size2 (* Invalidation is just a sanity check, union-find already takes care of it. *) let is_valid {size} = size >= 1 let cost {cost} = cost (* move semantics, should not be called with aliases *) let merge ~from ~to_ = assert (not (phys_equal from to_)) ; assert (is_valid from) ; assert (is_valid to_) ; to_.size <- to_.size + from.size ; to_.items <- ARList.append to_.items from.items ; to_.sums <- ARList.append to_.sums from.sums ; from.size <- 0 let pp_equalities fmt t = ARList.append (t.items :> elt ARList.t) (t.sums :> elt ARList.t) |> IContainer.to_rev_list ~fold:ARList.fold_unordered |> List.sort ~compare |> Pp.seq ~sep:" = " pp fmt let normalize_sums : normalizer:(elt -> elt) -> t -> unit = fun ~normalizer t -> t.sums <- t.sums |> IContainer.rev_map_to_list ~fold:ARList.fold_unordered ~f:(Sum.normalize ~normalizer) |> List.dedup_and_sort ~compare:Sum.compare |> ARList.of_list let infer_equalities_by_removing_item ~on_infer t item = t.sums |> IContainer.rev_filter_map_to_list ~fold:ARList.fold_unordered ~f:(Sum.remove_one_item ~item) |> IContainer.iter_consecutive ~fold:List.fold ~f:on_infer let sum_items t = t.sums |> ARList.fold_unordered ~init:ARList.empty ~f:(fun acc sum -> sum |> Sum.items |> ARList.of_list |> ARList.append acc ) |> IContainer.to_rev_list ~fold:ARList.fold_unordered |> List.dedup_and_sort ~compare:Item.compare let infer_equalities_from_sums : on_infer:(elt -> elt -> unit) -> normalizer:(elt -> elt) -> t -> unit = fun ~on_infer ~normalizer t -> normalize_sums ~normalizer t ; (* Keep in mind that [on_infer] can modify [t]. It happens only if we merge a node while infering equalities from it, i.e. in the case an item appears in an equality class both alone and in two sums, i.e. X = A + X = A + B. This is not a problem here (we could stop if it happens but it is not necessary as existing equalities still remain true after merges) *) (* Also keep in mind that the current version, in the worst-case scenario, is quadratic-ish in the size of the CFG *) sum_items t |> List.iter ~f:(fun item -> infer_equalities_by_removing_item ~on_infer t item) let init_cost : of_node:(Node.id -> BasicCost.astate) -> t -> unit = fun ~of_node t -> let min_if_node cost item = match item with `Node node -> BasicCost.min_default_left cost (of_node node) | _ -> cost in t.cost <- ARList.fold_unordered t.items ~init:t.cost ~f:min_if_node let improve_cost_from_sums : on_improve:(Sum.t -> BasicCost.astate -> BasicCost.astate -> unit) -> of_item:(Item.t -> BasicCost.astate) -> t -> unit = fun ~on_improve ~of_item t -> let f sum = let cost_of_sum = Sum.cost ~of_item sum in let new_cost = BasicCost.min_default_left t.cost cost_of_sum in if not (BasicCost.( <= ) ~lhs:t.cost ~rhs:new_cost) then ( on_improve sum cost_of_sum new_cost ; t.cost <- new_cost ) in Container.iter t.sums ~fold:ARList.fold_unordered ~f let improve_cost_with t cost' = let old_cost = t.cost in let new_cost = BasicCost.min_default_left old_cost cost' in if not (BasicCost.( <= ) ~lhs:old_cost ~rhs:new_cost) then ( t.cost <- new_cost ; Some old_cost ) else None end end module ConstraintSolver = struct module Equalities = struct include ImperativeUnionFind.Make (ControlFlowCost.Set) let normalizer equalities e = (find equalities e :> ControlFlowCost.t) let pp_repr fmt (repr: Repr.t) = ControlFlowCost.pp fmt (repr :> ControlFlowCost.t) let pp_equalities fmt equalities = let pp_item fmt (repr, set) = F.fprintf fmt "%a --> %a" pp_repr repr ControlFlowCost.Set.pp_equalities set in IContainer.pp_collection ~fold:fold_sets ~pp_item fmt equalities let pp_costs fmt equalities = let pp_item fmt (repr, set) = F.fprintf fmt "%a --> %a" pp_repr repr BasicCost.pp (ControlFlowCost.Set.cost set) in IContainer.pp_collection ~fold:fold_sets ~pp_item fmt equalities let log_union equalities e1 e2 = match union equalities e1 e2 with | None -> L.(debug Analysis Verbose) "[UF] Preexisting %a = %a@\n" ControlFlowCost.pp e1 ControlFlowCost.pp e2 ; false | Some (e1, e2) -> L.(debug Analysis Verbose) "[UF] Union %a into %a@\n" ControlFlowCost.pp e1 ControlFlowCost.pp e2 ; true let try_to_improve ~on_improve ~f equalities ~max = let f did_improve repr_set = if did_improve then ( f ~did_improve:(fun () -> ()) repr_set ; true ) else let did_improve = ref false in f ~did_improve:(fun () -> did_improve := true) repr_set ; !did_improve in let rec loop max = if fold_sets equalities ~init:false ~f then ( on_improve () ; if max > 0 then loop (max - 1) else L.(debug Analysis Verbose) "[ConstraintSolver] Maximum number of iterations reached@\n" ) in loop max (** Infer equalities from sums, like this: (1) A + sum1 = A + sum2 => sum1 = sum2 It does not try to saturate (2) A = B + C /\ B = D + E => A = C + D + E Nor combine more than 2 equations (3) A = B + C /\ B = D + E /\ F = C + D + E => A = F ((3) is implied by (1) /\ (2)) Its complexity is unknown but I think it is bounded by nbNodes x nbEdges x max. *) let infer_equalities_from_sums equalities ~max = let normalizer = normalizer equalities in let f ~did_improve (_repr, set) = let on_infer e1 e2 = if log_union equalities e1 e2 then did_improve () in ControlFlowCost.Set.infer_equalities_from_sums ~on_infer ~normalizer set in let on_improve () = L.(debug Analysis Verbose) "[ConstraintSolver][EInfe] %a@\n" pp_equalities equalities in try_to_improve ~on_improve ~f equalities ~max let normalize_sums equalities = let normalizer = normalizer equalities in Container.iter ~fold:fold_sets equalities ~f:(fun (_repr, set) -> ControlFlowCost.Set.normalize_sums ~normalizer set ) let union equalities e1 e2 = let _ : bool = log_union equalities e1 e2 in () let init_costs bound_map equalities = let of_node node_id = BoundMap.upperbound bound_map node_id in Container.iter equalities ~fold:fold_sets ~f:(fun (_repr, set) -> ControlFlowCost.Set.init_cost ~of_node set ) (** From sums: if A = B + C, do cost(A) = min(cost(A), cost(B) + cost(C)) From inequalities: if A = B + C, then B <= A, do cost(B) = min(cost(B), cost(A)) *) let improve_costs equalities ~max = let of_item (item: ControlFlowCost.Item.t) = (item :> ControlFlowCost.t) |> find equalities |> find_set equalities |> Option.value_map ~f:ControlFlowCost.Set.cost ~default:BasicCost.top in let f ~did_improve (repr, set) = let on_improve sum cost_of_sum new_cost = L.(debug Analysis Verbose) "[ConstraintSolver][CImpr] Improved cost of %a using %a (cost: %a), from %a to %a@\n" pp_repr repr ControlFlowCost.Sum.pp sum BasicCost.pp cost_of_sum BasicCost.pp (ControlFlowCost.Set.cost set) BasicCost.pp new_cost ; did_improve () in ControlFlowCost.Set.improve_cost_from_sums ~on_improve ~of_item set ; let try_from_inequality (sum_item: ControlFlowCost.Item.t) = let sum_item_set = (sum_item :> ControlFlowCost.t) |> find equalities |> find_create_set equalities in match ControlFlowCost.Set.improve_cost_with sum_item_set (ControlFlowCost.Set.cost set) with | Some previous_cost -> L.(debug Analysis Verbose) "[ConstraintSolver][CImpr] Improved cost of %a <= %a (cost: %a), from %a to %a@\n" ControlFlowCost.Item.pp sum_item pp_repr repr BasicCost.pp (ControlFlowCost.Set.cost set) BasicCost.pp previous_cost BasicCost.pp (ControlFlowCost.Set.cost sum_item_set) ; did_improve () | None -> () in ControlFlowCost.Set.sum_items set |> List.iter ~f:try_from_inequality in let on_improve () = L.(debug Analysis Verbose) "[ConstraintSolver][CImpr] %a@\n" pp_costs equalities in try_to_improve ~on_improve ~f equalities ~max end let add_constraints equalities node get_nodes make = match get_nodes node with | [] -> (* either start/exit node or dead node (broken CFG) *) () | nodes -> let node_id = Node.id node in let edges = List.rev_map nodes ~f:(fun other -> make node_id (Node.id other)) in let sum = ControlFlowCost.sum edges in Equalities.union equalities (ControlFlowCost.make_node node_id) sum let collect_on_node equalities node = add_constraints equalities node Procdesc.Node.get_preds ControlFlowCost.make_pred_edge ; add_constraints equalities node Procdesc.Node.get_succs ControlFlowCost.make_succ_edge let collect_constraints node_cfg = let equalities = Equalities.create () in Container.iter node_cfg ~fold:NodeCFG.fold_nodes ~f:(collect_on_node equalities) ; L.(debug Analysis Verbose) "[ConstraintSolver] Procedure %a @@ %a@\n" Typ.Procname.pp (Procdesc.get_proc_name node_cfg) Location.pp_file_pos (Procdesc.get_loc node_cfg) ; L.(debug Analysis Verbose) "[ConstraintSolver][EInit] %a@\n" Equalities.pp_equalities equalities ; Equalities.normalize_sums equalities ; L.(debug Analysis Verbose) "[ConstraintSolver][ENorm] %a@\n" Equalities.pp_equalities equalities ; Equalities.infer_equalities_from_sums equalities ~max:10 ; L.(debug Analysis Verbose) "[ConstraintSolver][EInfe] %a@\n" Equalities.pp_equalities equalities ; equalities let compute_costs bound_map equalities = Equalities.init_costs bound_map equalities ; L.(debug Analysis Verbose) "[ConstraintSolver][CInit] %a@\n" Equalities.pp_costs equalities ; Equalities.improve_costs equalities ~max:10 ; L.(debug Analysis Verbose) "[ConstraintSolver][CImpr] %a@\n" Equalities.pp_costs equalities let get_node_nb_exec equalities node_id = let set = node_id |> ControlFlowCost.make_node |> Equalities.find equalities |> Equalities.find_set equalities in Option.value_exn set |> ControlFlowCost.Set.cost end (* Structural Constraints are expressions of the kind: n <= n1 +...+ nk The informal meaning is: the number of times node n can be executed is less or equal to the sum of the number of times nodes n1,..., nk can be executed. *) module StructuralConstraints = struct type t = {single: Node.id list; sum: Node.IdSet.t list} (* Finds subset of constraints of node k. It returns a pair (single_constraints, sum_constraints) where single constraints are of the form 'x_k <= x_j' and sum constraints are of the form 'x_k <= x_j1 +...+ x_jn'. *) let get_constraints_of_node constraints k = let c = Node.IdMap.find_opt k constraints in match c with Some c -> c | _ -> {single= []; sum= []} let print_constraints_map constraints = let pp_nidset fmt nidset = Pp.seq ~sep:" + " Node.pp_id fmt (Node.IdSet.elements nidset) in L.(debug Analysis Medium) "@\n\n******* Structural Constraints size = %i **** @\n" (Node.IdMap.cardinal constraints) ; Node.IdMap.iter (fun n {single; sum} -> List.iter ~f:(fun s -> L.(debug Analysis Medium) "@\n %a <= %a @\n" Node.pp_id n Node.pp_id s) single ; List.iter ~f:(fun s -> L.(debug Analysis Medium) "@\n %a <= %a @\n" Node.pp_id n pp_nidset s) sum ) constraints ; L.(debug Analysis Medium) "@\n******* END Structural Constraints **** @\n\n" (* for each program point return a set of contraints of the kind i<=Sum_{j \in Predecessors(i) } j i<=Sum_{j \in Successors(i)} j *) let compute_structural_constraints node_cfg = let compute_node_constraints acc node = let constraints_add node get_nodes = match get_nodes node with | [] -> {single= []; sum= []} | [single] -> {single= [NodeCFG.Node.id single]; sum= []} | nodes -> let sum = List.fold nodes ~init:Node.IdSet.empty ~f:(fun idset node -> Node.IdSet.add (NodeCFG.Node.id node) idset ) in {single= []; sum= [sum]} in let preds = constraints_add node Procdesc.Node.get_preds in let succs = constraints_add node Procdesc.Node.get_succs in Node.IdMap.add (NodeCFG.Node.id node) {single= List.append preds.single succs.single; sum= List.append preds.sum succs.sum} acc in let constraints = NodeCFG.fold_nodes node_cfg ~f:compute_node_constraints ~init:Node.IdMap.empty in print_constraints_map constraints ; constraints end (* MinTree is used to compute: \max (\Sum_{n \in Nodes} c_n * x_n ) given a set of contraints on x_n. The constraints involve the contro flow of the program. *) module MinTree = struct type mt_node = | Leaf of (Node.id * BasicCost.astate) | Min of mt_node list | Plus of mt_node list let add_leaf node nid leaf = let leaf' = Leaf (nid, leaf) in match node with Min l -> Min (leaf' :: l) | Plus l -> Plus (leaf' :: l) | _ -> assert false let plus_seq pp f l = Pp.seq ~sep:" + " pp f l let rec pp fmt node = match node with | Leaf (nid, c) -> F.fprintf fmt "%a:%a" Node.pp_id nid BasicCost.pp c | Min l -> F.fprintf fmt "Min(%a)" (Pp.comma_seq pp) l | Plus l -> F.fprintf fmt "(%a)" (plus_seq pp) l let add_child node child = match child with | Plus [] | Min [] -> node (* if it's a dummy child, don't add it *) | _ -> match node with Plus l -> Plus (child :: l) | Min l -> Min (child :: l) | _ -> assert false let rec evaluate_tree t = match t with | Leaf (_, c) -> c | Min l -> evaluate_operator BasicCost.min_default_left l | Plus l -> evaluate_operator BasicCost.plus l and evaluate_operator op l = match l with | [] -> assert false | [c] -> evaluate_tree c | c :: l' -> let res_c = evaluate_tree c in let res_l' = evaluate_operator op l' in op res_c res_l' (* a plus node is well formed if has at least two addends *) let is_well_formed_plus_node plus_node = match plus_node with Plus (_ :: _ :: _) -> true | _ -> false module SetOfSetsOfNodes = Caml.Set.Make (Node.IdSet) module BuiltTreeMap = Caml.Map.Make (struct type t = Node.id * Node.IdSet.t [@@deriving compare] end) let minimum_propagation (bound_map: BoundMap.t) (constraints: StructuralConstraints.t Node.IdMap.t) self ((q, visited): Node.id * Node.IdSet.t) = let rec build_min node branch visited_acc worklist = match worklist with | [] -> (node, branch, visited_acc) | k :: rest -> if Node.IdSet.mem k visited_acc then build_min node branch visited_acc rest else let visited_acc' = Node.IdSet.add k visited_acc in let node = add_leaf node k (BoundMap.upperbound bound_map k) in let k_constraints = StructuralConstraints.get_constraints_of_node constraints k in let worklist' = List.fold k_constraints.single ~init:rest ~f:(fun acc ub_id -> if Node.IdSet.mem ub_id visited_acc' then acc else ub_id :: acc ) in let branch = List.fold_left ~f:(fun branch set_addend -> assert (Node.IdSet.cardinal set_addend >= 2) ; if Node.IdSet.is_empty (Node.IdSet.inter set_addend visited_acc') then SetOfSetsOfNodes.add set_addend branch else branch ) ~init:branch k_constraints.sum in build_min node branch visited_acc' worklist' in let node, branch, visited_res = build_min (Min []) SetOfSetsOfNodes.empty visited [q] in SetOfSetsOfNodes.fold (fun addend i_node -> L.(debug Analysis Medium) "@\n\n|Set addends| = %i {" (Node.IdSet.cardinal addend) ; Node.IdSet.iter (fun e -> L.(debug Analysis Medium) " %a, " Node.pp_id e) addend ; L.(debug Analysis Medium) " }@\n " ; let plus_node = Node.IdSet.fold (fun n acc -> let child = self (n, visited_res) in add_child acc child ) addend (Plus []) in (* without this check it would add plus node with just one child, and give wrong results *) if is_well_formed_plus_node plus_node then add_child i_node plus_node else i_node ) branch node let with_cache f = (* a map used for bookkeeping of the min trees that we have already built *) let global_built_tree_map : mt_node BuiltTreeMap.t ref = ref BuiltTreeMap.empty in let rec f_with_cache x = match BuiltTreeMap.find_opt x !global_built_tree_map with | Some v -> v | None -> let v = f f_with_cache x in global_built_tree_map := BuiltTreeMap.add x v !global_built_tree_map ; v in Staged.stage f_with_cache let find_tree_eq_rel n trees equalities = let elt = ControlFlowCost.make_node n in let repr = ConstraintSolver.Equalities.find equalities elt in let repr_node = ControlFlowCost.assert_node (repr :> ControlFlowCost.t) in match Node.IdMap.find_opt repr_node trees with | Some t -> t | _ -> L.(die InternalError) "@\n Equivalent tree not found. Stop.@\n" let compute_trees_from_contraints bound_map node_cfg eqs constraints = let start_node = Node.id (NodeCFG.start_node node_cfg) in let start_node_item = ControlFlowCost.Item.of_node start_node in let start_node_repr = ConstraintSolver.Equalities.find eqs start_node_item in L.(debug Analysis Verbose) "@\n =========== Computed Equalities ==========@\n" ; L.(debug Analysis Verbose) "[Equalities] %a@\n" ConstraintSolver.Equalities.pp_equalities eqs ; let minimum_propagation = with_cache (minimum_propagation bound_map constraints) |> Staged.unstage in let min_trees = ConstraintSolver.Equalities.fold_sets eqs ~init:Node.IdMap.empty ~f: (fun acc_trees (rep, _eq_cl) -> match ControlFlowCost.is_node (rep :> ControlFlowCost.t) with | None -> acc_trees | Some rep_id -> let tree = if ConstraintSolver.Equalities.Repr.equal start_node_repr rep then (* for any node in the same equivalence class as the start node we give the trivial MinTree: min(1) *) add_leaf (Min []) rep_id (BoundMap.upperbound bound_map rep_id) else minimum_propagation (rep_id, Node.IdSet.empty) in Node.IdMap.add rep_id tree acc_trees ) in Node.IdMap.iter (fun nid t -> L.(debug Analysis Medium) "@\n node %a = %a @\n" Node.pp_id nid pp t) min_trees ; min_trees end module ReportedOnNodes = AbstractDomain.FiniteSetOfPPSet (Node.IdSet) type extras_TransferFunctionsWCET = { basic_cost_map: AnalyzerNodesBasicCost.invariant_map ; get_node_nb_exec: Node.id -> BasicCost.astate ; summary: Summary.t } (* Calculate the final Worst Case Execution Time predicted for each node. It uses the basic cost of the nodes (computed previously by AnalyzerNodesBasicCost) and MinTrees which give an upperbound on the number of times a node can be executed *) module TransferFunctionsWCET = struct module CFG = InstrCFG module Domain = AbstractDomain.Pair (BasicCost) (ReportedOnNodes) type extras = extras_TransferFunctionsWCET let should_report_on_instr = function | Sil.Call _ | Sil.Load _ | Sil.Prune _ | Sil.Store _ -> true | Sil.Abstract _ | Sil.Declare_locals _ | Sil.Nullify _ | Sil.Remove_temps _ -> false (* We don't report when the cost is Top as it corresponds to subsequent 'don't know's. Instead, we report Top cost only at the top level per function when `report_infinity` is set to true *) let should_report_cost cost = not (BasicCost.is_top cost) && not (BasicCost.( <= ) ~lhs:cost ~rhs:expensive_threshold) let do_report summary loc cost = let ltr = let cost_desc = F.asprintf "with estimated cost %a" BasicCost.pp cost in [Errlog.make_trace_element 0 loc cost_desc []] in let exn = let message = F.asprintf "The execution time from the beginning of the function up to this program point is \ likely above the acceptable threshold of %a (estimated cost %a)" BasicCost.pp expensive_threshold BasicCost.pp cost in Exceptions.Checkers (IssueType.expensive_execution_time_call, Localise.verbatim_desc message) in Reporting.log_error summary ~loc ~ltr exn (* get a list of nodes and check if we have already reported for at least one of them. In that case no need to report again. *) let should_report_on_node preds reported_so_far = List.for_all ~f:(fun node -> let nid = Procdesc.Node.get_id node in not (ReportedOnNodes.mem nid reported_so_far) ) preds let map_cost get_node_nb_exec m : BasicCost.astate = CostDomain.NodeInstructionToCostMap.fold (fun ((node_id, _) as instr_node_id) c acc -> let t = get_node_nb_exec node_id in let c_node = BasicCost.mult c t in let c_node' = BasicCost.plus acc c_node in L.(debug Analysis Medium) "@\n [AnalyzerWCET] Adding cost: (%a) --> c =%a t = %a @\n" InstrCFG.Node.pp_id instr_node_id BasicCost.pp c BasicCost.pp t ; L.(debug Analysis Medium) "@\n [AnalyzerWCET] Adding cost: (%a) --> c_node=%a cost = %a @\n" InstrCFG.Node.pp_id instr_node_id BasicCost.pp c_node BasicCost.pp c_node' ; c_node' ) m BasicCost.zero let exec_instr ((_, reported_so_far): Domain.astate) {ProcData.extras} (node: CFG.Node.t) instr : Domain.astate = let {basic_cost_map= invariant_map_cost; get_node_nb_exec; summary} = extras in let cost_node = let instr_node_id = CFG.Node.id node in match AnalyzerNodesBasicCost.extract_post instr_node_id invariant_map_cost with | Some node_map -> L.(debug Analysis Medium) "@\n [AnalyzerWCET] Final map for node: %a @\n" CFG.Node.pp_id instr_node_id ; map_cost get_node_nb_exec node_map | _ -> assert false in L.(debug Analysis Medium) "@\n[>>>AnalyzerWCET] Instr: %a Cost: %a@\n" (Sil.pp_instr Pp.text) instr BasicCost.pp cost_node ; let astate' = let und_node = CFG.Node.underlying_node node in let preds = Procdesc.Node.get_preds und_node in let reported_so_far = if should_report_on_instr instr && should_report_on_node (und_node :: preds) reported_so_far && should_report_cost cost_node then ( do_report summary (Sil.instr_get_loc instr) cost_node ; let nid = Procdesc.Node.get_id und_node in ReportedOnNodes.add nid reported_so_far ) else reported_so_far in (cost_node, reported_so_far) in astate' let pp_session_name _node fmt = F.pp_print_string fmt "cost(wcet)" end module AnalyzerWCET = AbstractInterpreter.MakeNoCFG (InstrCFGScheduler) (TransferFunctionsWCET) let check_and_report_infinity cost proc_desc summary = if BasicCost.is_top cost then let loc = Procdesc.get_start_node proc_desc |> Procdesc.Node.get_loc in let message = F.asprintf "The execution time of the function %a cannot be computed" Typ.Procname.pp (Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc) in let exn = Exceptions.Checkers (IssueType.infinite_execution_time_call, Localise.verbatim_desc message) in Reporting.log_error ~loc summary exn let checker ({Callbacks.tenv; proc_desc} as callback_args) : Summary.t = let inferbo_invariant_map, summary = BufferOverrunChecker.compute_invariant_map_and_check callback_args in let node_cfg = NodeCFG.from_pdesc proc_desc in let proc_data = ProcData.make_default proc_desc tenv in (* computes reaching defs: node -> (var -> node set) *) let reaching_defs_invariant_map = ReachingDefs.Analyzer.exec_cfg node_cfg proc_data ~initial:ReachingDefs.ReachingDefsMap.empty ~debug:false in (* collect all prune nodes that occur in loop guards, needed for ControlDepAnalyzer *) let control_maps, loop_head_to_loop_nodes = Loop_control.get_control_maps node_cfg in (* computes the control dependencies: node -> var set *) let control_dep_invariant_map = let proc_data = ProcData.make proc_desc tenv control_maps in Control.ControlDepAnalyzer.exec_cfg node_cfg proc_data ~initial:Control.ControlDepSet.empty ~debug:false in let instr_cfg = InstrCFG.from_pdesc proc_desc in let invariant_map_NodesBasicCost = let proc_data = ProcData.make proc_desc tenv inferbo_invariant_map in (*compute_WCET cfg invariant_map min_trees in *) AnalyzerNodesBasicCost.exec_cfg instr_cfg proc_data ~initial:NodesBasicCostDomain.empty ~debug:false in (* compute loop invariant map for control var analysis *) let loop_inv_map = LoopInvariant.get_loop_inv_var_map reaching_defs_invariant_map loop_head_to_loop_nodes in (* given the semantics computes the upper bound on the number of times a node could be executed *) let bound_map = BoundMap.compute_upperbound_map node_cfg inferbo_invariant_map control_dep_invariant_map loop_inv_map in let pp_extra, get_node_nb_exec = let equalities = ConstraintSolver.collect_constraints node_cfg in match solver with | `MinTree -> let min_trees = let constraints = StructuralConstraints.compute_structural_constraints node_cfg in MinTree.compute_trees_from_contraints bound_map node_cfg equalities constraints in let trees_valuation = Node.IdMap.fold (fun nid t acc -> let res = MinTree.evaluate_tree t in L.(debug Analysis Medium) "@\n Tree %a eval to %a @\n" Node.pp_id nid BasicCost.pp res ; Node.IdMap.add nid res acc ) min_trees Node.IdMap.empty in let pp_extra fmt = F.fprintf fmt "|Trees|=%i" (Node.IdMap.cardinal min_trees) in let get_node_nb_exec node_id = match Node.IdMap.find_opt node_id trees_valuation with | Some t -> t | None -> MinTree.find_tree_eq_rel node_id trees_valuation equalities in (pp_extra, get_node_nb_exec) | `ConstraintSolver -> let () = ConstraintSolver.compute_costs bound_map equalities in let pp_extra _ = () in (pp_extra, ConstraintSolver.get_node_nb_exec equalities) in let initWCET = (BasicCost.zero, ReportedOnNodes.empty) in match AnalyzerWCET.compute_post (ProcData.make proc_desc tenv {basic_cost_map= invariant_map_NodesBasicCost; get_node_nb_exec; summary}) ~debug:false ~initial:initWCET with | Some (exit_cost, _) -> L.internal_error "@\n\ [COST ANALYSIS] PROCESSING MIN_TREE for PROCEDURE '%a' |CFG| = %i %t FINAL COST = %a @\n" Typ.Procname.pp (Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc) (Container.length ~fold:NodeCFG.fold_nodes node_cfg) pp_extra BasicCost.pp exit_cost ; check_and_report_infinity exit_cost proc_desc summary ; Payload.update_summary {post= exit_cost} summary | None -> if Procdesc.Node.get_succs (Procdesc.get_start_node proc_desc) <> [] then ( L.internal_error "Failed to compute final cost for function %a" Typ.Procname.pp (Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc) ; summary ) else summary