Module InferGenerated.InferCommand

type t =
| Analyze

(** analyze previously captured source files *)

| Capture

(** capture compilation commands and translate source files into infer's intermediate language *)

| Compile

(** set up the infer environment then run the compilation commands without capturing the source files *)

| Diff

(** orchestrate a diff analysis *)

| Events

(** dump logged events into stdout *)

| Explore

(** explore infer reports *)

| Report

(** post-process infer results and reports *)

| ReportDiff

(** compute the difference of two infer reports *)

| Run

(** orchestrate the capture, analysis, and reporting of a compilation command *)

Main modes of operation for infer

include sig ... end
val compare : t ‑> t ‑> int
val of_string : string ‑> t
val to_string : t ‑> string
val equal : t ‑> t ‑> bool
val all_commands : t list
val infer_exe_name : string
val to_exe_name : t ‑> string
val of_exe_name : string ‑> t option