(* * Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) open! IStd module F = Format module L = Logging (** Annotations. *) let any_thread = "AnyThread" let bind = "Bind" let bind_view = "BindView" let bind_array = "BindArray" let bind_bitmap = "BindBitmap" let bind_drawable = "BindDrawable" let bind_string = "BindString" let camel_nonnull = "NonNull" let expensive = "Expensive" let false_on_null = "FalseOnNull" let for_ui_thread = "ForUiThread" let for_non_ui_thread = "ForNonUiThread" let functional = "Functional" let guarded_by = "GuardedBy" let ignore_allocations = "IgnoreAllocations" let initializer_ = "Initializer" let inject = "Inject" let inject_view = "InjectView" let integrity_source = "IntegritySource" let integrity_sink = "IntegritySink" let mutable_ = "Mutable" let nonnull = "Nonnull" let no_allocation = "NoAllocation" let nullable = "Nullable" let on_bind = "OnBind" let on_event = "OnEvent" let on_mount = "OnMount" let on_unbind = "OnUnbind" let on_unmount = "OnUnmount" let notnull = "NotNull" let not_thread_safe = "NotThreadSafe" let performance_critical = "PerformanceCritical" let present = "Present" let privacy_source = "PrivacySource" let privacy_sink = "PrivacySink" let strict = "com.facebook.infer.annotation.Strict" let returns_ownership = "ReturnsOwnership" let suppress_lint = "SuppressLint" let suppress_view_nullability = "SuppressViewNullability" let thread_confined = "ThreadConfined" let thread_safe = "ThreadSafe" let true_on_null = "TrueOnNull" let ui_thread = "UiThread" let verify_annotation = "com.facebook.infer.annotation.Verify" let visibleForTesting = "VisibleForTesting" let volatile = "volatile" let ia_has_annotation_with (ia: Annot.Item.t) (predicate: Annot.t -> bool): bool = List.exists ~f:(fun (a, _) -> predicate a) ia let ma_has_annotation_with ((ia, ial) : Annot.Method.t) (predicate: Annot.t -> bool): bool = let has_annot a = ia_has_annotation_with a predicate in has_annot ia || List.exists ~f:has_annot ial (** [annot_ends_with annot ann_name] returns true if the class name of [annot], without the package, is equal to [ann_name] *) let annot_ends_with annot ann_name = match String.rsplit2 annot.Annot.class_name ~on:'.' with | None -> String.equal annot.Annot.class_name ann_name | Some (_, annot_class_name) -> String.equal annot_class_name ann_name let class_name_matches s ((annot : Annot.t), _) = String.equal s annot.class_name let ia_ends_with ia ann_name = List.exists ~f:(fun (a, _) -> annot_ends_with a ann_name) ia let ia_contains ia ann_name = List.exists ~f:(class_name_matches ann_name) ia let ia_get ia ann_name = List.find ~f:(class_name_matches ann_name) ia |> Option.map ~f:fst let pdesc_has_parameter_annot pdesc predicate = let _, param_annotations = (Procdesc.get_attributes pdesc).ProcAttributes.method_annotation in List.exists ~f:predicate param_annotations let pdesc_get_return_annot pdesc = fst (Procdesc.get_attributes pdesc).ProcAttributes.method_annotation let pdesc_has_return_annot pdesc predicate = predicate (pdesc_get_return_annot pdesc) let pdesc_return_annot_ends_with pdesc annot = pdesc_has_return_annot pdesc (fun ia -> ia_ends_with ia annot) (* note: we would use Specs.proc_resolve_attributes directly instead of requiring [attrs_of_pname], but doing so creates a circular dependency *) let pname_has_return_annot pname ~attrs_of_pname predicate = match attrs_of_pname pname with | Some attributes -> predicate (fst attributes.ProcAttributes.method_annotation) | None -> false let field_has_annot fieldname (struct_typ : Typ.Struct.t) predicate = let fld_has_taint_annot (fname, _, annot) = Ident.equal_fieldname fieldname fname && predicate annot in List.exists ~f:fld_has_taint_annot struct_typ.fields || List.exists ~f:fld_has_taint_annot struct_typ.statics let struct_typ_has_annot (struct_typ : Typ.Struct.t) predicate = predicate struct_typ.annots let ia_is_not_thread_safe ia = ia_ends_with ia not_thread_safe let ia_is_nullable ia = ia_ends_with ia nullable let ia_is_present ia = ia_ends_with ia present let ia_is_nonnull ia = List.exists ~f:(ia_ends_with ia) [nonnull; notnull; camel_nonnull] let ia_is_false_on_null ia = ia_ends_with ia false_on_null let ia_is_returns_ownership ia = ia_ends_with ia returns_ownership let ia_is_true_on_null ia = ia_ends_with ia true_on_null let ia_is_initializer ia = ia_ends_with ia initializer_ let ia_is_volatile ia = ia_contains ia volatile let field_injector_readwrite_list = [ inject_view; bind; bind_view; bind_array; bind_bitmap; bind_drawable; bind_string; suppress_view_nullability; ] let field_injector_readonly_list = inject :: field_injector_readwrite_list (** Annotations for readonly injectors. The injector framework initializes the field but does not write null into it. *) let ia_is_field_injector_readonly ia = List.exists ~f:(ia_ends_with ia) field_injector_readonly_list (** Annotations for read-write injectors. The injector framework initializes the field and can write null into it. *) let ia_is_field_injector_readwrite ia = List.exists ~f:(ia_ends_with ia) field_injector_readwrite_list let ia_is_mutable ia = ia_ends_with ia mutable_ let ia_get_strict ia = ia_get ia strict let ia_is_verify ia = ia_contains ia verify_annotation let ia_is_expensive ia = ia_ends_with ia expensive let ia_is_functional ia = ia_ends_with ia functional let ia_is_performance_critical ia = ia_ends_with ia performance_critical let ia_is_no_allocation ia = ia_ends_with ia no_allocation let ia_is_ignore_allocations ia = ia_ends_with ia ignore_allocations let ia_is_suppress_lint ia = ia_ends_with ia suppress_lint let ia_is_on_event ia = ia_ends_with ia on_event let ia_is_on_bind ia = ia_ends_with ia on_bind let ia_is_on_mount ia = ia_ends_with ia on_mount let ia_is_on_unbind ia = ia_ends_with ia on_unbind let ia_is_on_unmount ia = ia_ends_with ia on_unmount let ia_is_privacy_source ia = ia_ends_with ia privacy_source let ia_is_privacy_sink ia = ia_ends_with ia privacy_sink let ia_is_integrity_source ia = ia_ends_with ia integrity_source let ia_is_integrity_sink ia = ia_ends_with ia integrity_sink let ia_is_guarded_by ia = ia_ends_with ia guarded_by let ia_is_ui_thread ia = ia_ends_with ia ui_thread let ia_is_thread_confined ia = ia_ends_with ia thread_confined