(* * Copyright (c) 2017 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) open! IStd module CLOpt = CommandLineOption type data = {name: string; command_doc: CLOpt.command_doc} let inferconfig_env_var = "INFERCONFIG" (** Name of the infer configuration file *) let inferconfig_file = ".inferconfig" let mk_command_doc ~see_also:see_also_commands ?environment:environment_opt ?files:files_opt ~synopsis = let section = 1 in let see_also = let exe_names = List.map see_also_commands ~f:(fun cmd -> let exe = CLOpt.exe_name_of_command cmd in Printf.sprintf "$(b,%s)(%d)" (Cmdliner.Manpage.escape exe) section ) in [`P (String.concat ~sep:", " exe_names)] in let environment = Option.value environment_opt ~default: [ `I ( Printf.sprintf "$(b,%s), $(b,%s), $(b,%s)" CLOpt.args_env_var inferconfig_env_var CLOpt.strict_mode_env_var , Printf.sprintf "See the %s section in the manual of $(b,infer)(%d)." Cmdliner.Manpage.s_environment section ) ] in let files = Option.value files_opt ~default: [ `I ( Printf.sprintf "$(b,%s)" inferconfig_file , Printf.sprintf "See the %s section in the manual of $(b,infer)(%d)." Cmdliner.Manpage.s_files section ) ] in CLOpt.mk_command_doc ~section ~version:Version.versionString ~date:Version.man_pages_last_modify_date ~synopsis:[`Pre synopsis] ~environment ~files ~see_also let analyze = mk_command_doc ~title:"Infer Analysis" ~short_description:"analyze the files captured by infer" ~synopsis:{|$(b,infer) $(b,analyze) $(i,[options]) $(b,infer) $(i,[options])|} ~description:[`P "Analyze the files captured in the project results directory and report."] ~see_also:CLOpt.([Report; Run]) let capture = mk_command_doc ~title:"Infer Compilation Capture" ~short_description:"capture source files for later analysis" ~synopsis: {|$(b,infer) $(b,capture) $(i,[options]) $(b,--) $(b,buck) $(i,...) $(b,infer) $(b,capture) $(b,--flavors) $(i,[options]) $(b,--) $(b,buck) $(i,...) $(b,infer) $(b,capture) $(b,--buck-compilation-database) $(i,[no-]deps) $(i,[options]) $(b,--) $(b,buck) $(i,...) $(b,infer) $(b,capture) $(i,[options]) $(b,--compilation-database) $(i,file) $(b,infer) $(b,capture) $(i,[options]) $(b,--compilation-database-escaped) $(i,file) $(b,infer) $(b,capture) $(i,[options]) $(b,--) $(b,gradle)/$(b,gradlew) $(i,...) $(b,infer) $(b,capture) $(i,[options]) $(b,--) $(b,javac) $(i,...) $(b,infer) $(b,capture) $(i,[options]) $(b,--) $(b,make)/$(b,clang)/$(b,gcc) $(i,...) $(b,infer) $(b,capture) $(i,[options]) $(b,--) $(b,mvn)/$(b,mvnw) $(i,...) $(b,infer) $(b,capture) $(i,[options]) $(b,--) $(b,ndk-build) $(i,...) $(b,infer) $(b,capture) $(i,[--no-xcpretty]) $(i,[options]) $(b,--) $(b,xcodebuild) $(i,...)|} ~description: [ `P "Capture the build command or compilation database specified on the command line: infer intercepts calls to the compiler to read source files, translate them into infer's intermediate representation, and store the result of the translation in the results directory." ] ~see_also:CLOpt.([Analyze; Compile; Run]) let compile = mk_command_doc ~title:"Infer Project Compilation" ~short_description:"compile project from within the infer environment" ~synopsis:"$(b,infer) $(b,compile) $(b,--) $(i,[compile command])" ~description: [ `P "Intercepts compilation commands similarly to $(b,infer-capture), but simply execute these compilation commands and do not perform any translation of the source files. This can be useful to configure build systems or for debugging purposes." ] ~examples: [ `P "$(b,cmake)(1) hardcodes the absolute paths to the compiler inside the Makefiles it generates, which defeats the later capture of compilation commands by infer. Thus, to capture a CMake project, one should configure the project from within the infer build environment, for instance:" ; `Pre {| mkdir build && cd build infer compile -- cmake .. infer capture -- make|} ; `P "The same solution can be used for projects whose \"./configure\" script hardcodes the paths to the compilers, for instance:" ; `Pre {| infer compile -- ./configure infer capture -- make|} ; `P "Another solution for CMake projects is to use CMake's compilation databases, for instance:" ; `Pre {| mkdir build && cd build cmake -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=1 .. infer capture --compilation-database compile_commands.json|} ] ~see_also:CLOpt.([Capture]) let diff = mk_command_doc ~title:"Infer Differential Analysis of a Project" ~short_description:"Report the difference between two versions of a project" ~synopsis:"$(b,infer) $(b,diff) $(i,[options])" ~description:[`P "EXPERIMENTAL AND IN NO WAY READY TO USE"] ~see_also:CLOpt.([ReportDiff; Run]) let explore = mk_command_doc ~title:"Infer Explore" ~short_description:"explore the error traces in infer reports" ~synopsis:{|$(b,infer) $(b,explore) $(i,[options])|} ~description: [ `P "Show the list of bugs on the console and explore symbolic program traces emitted by infer to explain a report. Can also generate an HTML report from a JSON report." ] ~see_also:CLOpt.([Report; Run]) let infer = mk_command_doc ~title:"Infer Static Analyzer" ~short_description:"static analysis for Java and C/C++/Objective-C/Objective-C++" ~synopsis: {|$(b,infer) $(b,analyze) $(i,[options]) $(b,infer) $(b,capture) $(i,[options]) $(b,infer) $(b,compile) $(i,[options]) $(b,infer) $(b,report) $(i,[options]) $(b,infer) $(b,reportdiff) $(i,[options]) $(b,infer) $(b,run) $(i,[options]) $(b,infer) $(b,--compilation-database[-escaped]) $(i,file) $(i,[options]) $(b,infer) $(i,[options]) $(b,--) $(b,compile command) $(b,infer) $(i,[options])|} ~description: [ `P "Infer is a static analyzer. Given a collection of source files written in Java or in languages of the C family, and a command to build them, infer produces a list of potential issues." ; `P "Infer consists of a collection of tools referenced in the $(i,SEE ALSO) section of this manual. See their respective manuals for more information." ; `P "When run without a subcommand, and if a compilation command is specified via the $(b,--) option or one of the $(b,--clang-compilation-database[-escaped]) options, then $(b,infer) behaves as $(b,infer-run)(1). Otherwise, $(b,infer) behaves as $(b,infer-analyze)(1)." ] ~options: (`Prepend [ `P "Every infer command accepts the arguments from all the other infer commands." ; `P (Printf.sprintf "Options are read from the $(b,%s) file, then from the $(b,%s) environment variable, then from the command line. Options in $(b,%s) take precedence over options in $(b,%s), and options passed on the command line take precedence over options in $(b,%s). See the $(i,%s) and $(i,%s) sections of this manual for more information." inferconfig_file CLOpt.args_env_var CLOpt.args_env_var inferconfig_file CLOpt.args_env_var Cmdliner.Manpage.s_environment Cmdliner.Manpage.s_files) ; `P "Options can be specified inside an argument file $(i,file) by passing $(b,@)$(i,file) as argument. The format is one option per line, and enclosing single ' and double \" quotes are ignored." ; `P "Options without a default value (e.g., $(b,--linter)) and options with list-like values (e.g., $(b,--Xbuck)) all have a corresponding $(b,--option-reset) flag that resets their values to nothing or the empty list, respectively. For instance, $(b,--Xbuck-reset) will cancel any previous $(b,--Xbuck) option passed to infer." ; `P "See the manuals of individual infer commands for details about their supported options. The following is a list of all the supported options (see also $(b,--help-full) for options reserved for internal use)." ]) ~environment: [ `P (Printf.sprintf "Extra arguments may be passed to all infer commands using the $(b,%s) environment variable (see the $(i,%s) section). $(b,%s) is expected to contain a string of %c-separated options. For instance, calling `%s=--debug^--print-logs infer` is equivalent to calling `infer --debug --print-logs`." CLOpt.args_env_var Cmdliner.Manpage.s_options CLOpt.args_env_var CLOpt.env_var_sep CLOpt.args_env_var) ; `P (Printf.sprintf "$(b,%s): Tells infer where to find the %s file. (See the %s section)" inferconfig_env_var inferconfig_file Cmdliner.Manpage.s_files) ; `P (Printf.sprintf "If $(b,%s) is set to \"1\", then infer commands will exit with an error code in some cases when otherwise a simple warning would be emitted on stderr, for instance if a deprecated form of an option is used." CLOpt.strict_mode_env_var) ] ~files: [ `P (Printf.sprintf "$(b,%s) can be used to store infer options. Its format is that of a JSON record, where fields are infer long-form options, without their leading \"--\", and values depend on the type of the option:" inferconfig_file) ; `Noblank ; `P "- for switches options, the value is a JSON boolean (true or false, without quotes)" ; `Noblank ; `P "- for integers, the value is a JSON integer (without quotes)" ; `Noblank ; `P "- string options have string values" ; `Noblank ; `P (Printf.sprintf "- path options have string values, and are interpreted relative to the location of the %s file" inferconfig_file) ; `Noblank ; `P "- cumulative options are JSON arrays of the appropriate type" ; `P (Printf.sprintf "Infer will look for an $(b,%s) file in the current directory, then its parent, etc., stopping at the first $(b,%s) file found." inferconfig_file inferconfig_file) ; `P "Example:" ; `Pre {| { "cxx": false, "infer-blacklist-files-containing": ["@generated","@Generated"] }|} ] ~see_also:CLOpt.all_commands "infer" let report = mk_command_doc ~title:"Infer Reporting" ~short_description:"compute and manipulate infer results" ~synopsis:"$(b,infer) $(b,report) $(i,[options]) [$(i,file.specs)...]" ~description: [ `P "Read, convert, and print .specs files in the results directory. Each spec is printed to standard output unless option -q is used." ; `P "If no specs file are passed on the command line, process all the .specs in the results directory." ] ~see_also:CLOpt.([ReportDiff; Run]) let reportdiff = mk_command_doc ~title:"Infer Report Difference" ~short_description:"compute the differences between two infer reports" ~synopsis: "$(b,infer) $(b,reportdiff) $(b,--report-current) $(i,file) $(b,--report-previous) $(i,file) $(i,[options])" ~description: [ `P "Given two infer reports $(i,previous) and $(i,current), compute the following three reports and store them inside the \"differential/\" subdirectory of the results directory:" ; `Noblank ; `P "- $(b,introduced.json) contains the issues found in $(i,current) but not $(i,previous);" ; `Noblank ; `P "- $(b,fixed.json) contains the issues found in $(i,previous) but not $(i,current);" ; `Noblank ; `P "- $(b,preexisting.json) contains the issues found in both $(i,previous) and $(i,current)." ; `P "All three files follow the same format as normal infer reports." ] ~see_also:CLOpt.([Report]) let run = mk_command_doc ~title:"Infer Analysis of a Project" ~short_description:"capture source files, analyze, and report" ~synopsis: {|$(b,infer) $(b,run) $(i,[options]) $(b,infer) $(i,[options]) $(b,--) $(i,compile command)|} ~description: [ `P "Calling \"$(b,infer) $(b,run) $(i,[options])\" is equivalent to performing the following sequence of commands:" ; `Pre {|$(b,infer) $(b,capture) $(i,[options]) $(b,infer) $(b,analyze) $(i,[options])|} ] ~see_also:CLOpt.([Analyze; Capture; Report]) let command_to_data = let mk cmd mk_doc = let name = CLOpt.name_of_command cmd in let command_doc = mk_doc (CLOpt.exe_name_of_command cmd) in (cmd, {name; command_doc}) in let open CLOpt in [ mk Analyze analyze ; mk Capture capture ; mk Compile compile ; mk Diff diff ; mk Explore explore ; mk Report report ; mk ReportDiff reportdiff ; mk Run run ] let data_of_command command = List.Assoc.find_exn ~equal:CLOpt.equal_command command_to_data command