(* * Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) open! IStd (* The domain for the analysis is sets of global variables if an initialization is needed at runtime, or Bottom if no initialization is needed. For instance, `int x = 32; int y = x * 52;` gives a summary of Bottom for both initializers corresponding to these globals, but `int x = foo();` gives a summary of at least "NonBottom {}" for x's initializer since x will need runtime initialization. The encoding in terms of a BottomLifted domain is an efficiency hack to represent two pieces of information: whether a global variable (via its initializer function) requires runtime initialization, and which globals requiring initialization a given function (transitively) accesses. *) include AbstractDomain.BottomLifted(SiofTrace) (** group together procedure-local accesses *) let normalize astate = match astate with | Bottom -> astate | NonBottom trace -> let elems = SiofTrace.Sinks.elements (SiofTrace.sinks trace) in let (direct, indirect) = IList.partition SiofTrace.is_intraprocedural_access elems in match direct with | [] | _::[] -> astate | access::_ -> (* [loc] should be the same for all local accesses: it's the loc of the enclosing procdesc. Use the loc of the first access. *) let loc = CallSite.loc (SiofTrace.Sink.call_site access) in let kind = IList.map SiofTrace.Sink.kind direct |> IList.fold_left SiofTrace.GlobalsAccesses.union SiofTrace.GlobalsAccesses.empty in let trace' = SiofTrace.make_access kind loc::indirect |> SiofTrace.Sinks.of_list |> SiofTrace.update_sinks trace in NonBottom trace'