/* * Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ package codetoanalyze.java.infer; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.UTF8StreamJsonParser; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.io.Closeables; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.Closeable; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.PipedInputStream; import java.io.PipedOutputStream; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.RandomAccessFile; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.net.ServerSocket; import java.net.Socket; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLConnection; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import java.util.jar.JarInputStream; import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream; import java.util.zip.Deflater; import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream; import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream; import java.util.zip.Inflater; import java.util.zip.ZipFile; import javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.TypedArray; public class ResourceLeaks { //FileOutputStream tests public void fileOutputStreamNotClosed() throws IOException { FileOutputStream fis = new FileOutputStream("file.txt"); } public void fileOutputStreamNotClosedAfterWrite() { byte[] arr = {1, 2, 3}; FileOutputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileOutputStream("file.txt"); fis.write(arr); fis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } public void fileOutputStreamClosed() throws IOException { FileOutputStream fis = new FileOutputStream("file.txt"); fis.close(); } public void fileOutputStreamOneLeak() throws IOException { FileOutputStream fis = new FileOutputStream("file.txt"); if (fis != null) { } else { } } public int fileOutputStreamTwoLeaks1(boolean ok) throws IOException { FileOutputStream fis = new FileOutputStream("file.txt"); if (ok) { fis.write(1); return 1; } else { fis.write(2); return 2; } } public void fileOutputStreamTwoLeaks2() throws IOException { FileOutputStream fis = new FileOutputStream("file.txt"); if (fis != null) { } else { } fis = new FileOutputStream("x"); } //TwoResources tests public static void twoResources() throws IOException { FileInputStream fis = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(new File("infile.txt")); fos = new FileOutputStream(new File("outfile.txt")); fos.write(fis.read()); } finally { if (fis != null) fis.close(); if (fos != null) fos.close(); } } public static void twoResourcesHeliosFix() throws IOException { FileInputStream fis = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(new File("whatever.txt")); try { fos = new FileOutputStream(new File("everwhat.txt")); fos.write(fis.read()); } finally { if (fos != null) fos.close(); } } finally { if (fis != null) fis.close(); } } public static void twoResourcesCommonFix() throws IOException { FileInputStream fis = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(new File("infile.txt")); fos = new FileOutputStream(new File("outfile.txt")); fos.write(fis.read()); } finally { try { if (fis != null) fis.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } try { if (fos != null) fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } public static void twoResourcesServerSocket() throws IOException { ServerSocket a = null; ServerSocket b = null; try { a = new ServerSocket(); b = new ServerSocket(); } finally { if (a != null) a.close(); if (b != null) b.close(); } } public static void twoResourcesRandomAccessFile() throws IOException { RandomAccessFile a = null; RandomAccessFile b = null; try { a = new RandomAccessFile("", "rw"); b = new RandomAccessFile("", "rw"); } finally { if (a != null) a.close(); if (b != null) b.close(); } } public static void twoResourcesRandomAccessFileCommonFix() throws IOException { RandomAccessFile a = null; RandomAccessFile b = null; try { a = new RandomAccessFile("", "rw"); b = new RandomAccessFile("", "rw"); } finally { try { if (a != null) a.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } try { if (b != null) b.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } //NestedResource tests // BufferedInputStream does not throw exception, and its close // closes the FileInputStream as well public void nestedGood() throws IOException { BufferedInputStream b = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("file.txt")); b.close(); } // GZipInputStream can throw IO Exception // in which case the new FileInputStream will be dangling public void nestedBad1() throws IOException { GZIPInputStream g = new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream("file.txt")); g.close(); } public void nestedBad2() throws IOException { GZIPOutputStream g = new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("file.txt")); g.close(); } /* Fixed versions of this are below with ObjectInputStream tests */ public void objectInputStreamClosedNestedBad() throws IOException { ObjectInputStream oin = null; try { oin = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("file.txt")); int a = oin.available(); } catch (IOException e) { } finally { if (oin != null) oin.close(); } } /* Fixed versions of this are below with ObjectInputStream tests */ public void objectOutputStreamClosedNestedBad() throws IOException { ObjectOutputStream oin = null; try { oin = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("file.txt")); oin.write(3); } catch (IOException e) { } finally { if (oin != null) oin.close(); } } //ZipFile tests (Jarfile Tests also test Zipfiles) public static void zipFileLeakExceptionalBranch() throws IOException { ZipFile j = null; try { j = new ZipFile(""); } catch (IOException e) { FileOutputStream fis = new FileOutputStream("file.txt"); //The purpose of this is to cause a leak, from when ZipFile constructor throws } finally { if (j != null) j.close(); } } public static void zipFileNoLeak() throws IOException { ZipFile j = null; try { j = new ZipFile(""); } finally { if (j != null) j.close(); } } //JarFile tests public boolean jarFileClosed() { JarFile jarFile = null; try { jarFile = new JarFile(""); } catch (IOException e) { } finally { try { if (jarFile != null) { jarFile.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { } } return false; } public boolean jarFileNotClosed() { JarFile jarFile = null; try { jarFile = new JarFile(""); } catch (IOException e) { } return false; } //FileInputStream tests public void fileInputStreamNotClosedAfterRead() { FileInputStream fis; try { fis = new FileInputStream("file.txt"); fis.read(); fis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } public void fileInputStreamClosed() throws IOException { FileInputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream("file.txt"); fis.available(); } catch (IOException e) { } finally { if (fis != null) fis.close(); } } //PipedInputStream tests public void pipedInputStreamNotClosedAfterRead(PipedOutputStream pout) { PipedInputStream pin; try { pin = new PipedInputStream(pout); int data = pin.read(); pin.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } public void pipedInputStreamClosed(PipedOutputStream pout) throws IOException { PipedInputStream pin = null; try { pin = new PipedInputStream(pout); int data = pin.read(); } catch (IOException e) { } finally { pin.close(); } } //PipedOutputStream tests public void pipedOutputStreamNotClosedAfterWrite() { byte[] arr = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; PipedOutputStream pout; try { pout = new PipedOutputStream(); pout.write(arr); pout.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } public void pipedOutputStreamClosed(PipedInputStream pin) throws IOException { PipedOutputStream pout = null; try { pout = new PipedOutputStream(pin); pout.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { } finally { pout.close(); } } //ObjectOutputStream tests public void objectOutputStreamNotClosedAfterWrite() { byte[] arr = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; ObjectOutputStream oout; try { oout = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("file.txt")); oout.write(arr); oout.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } public void objectOutputStreamClosed() throws IOException { ObjectOutputStream oout = null; FileOutputStream fis = new FileOutputStream("file.txt"); try { oout = new ObjectOutputStream(fis); oout.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { } finally { fis.close(); } } //ObjectInputStream tests public void objectInputStreamNotClosedAfterRead() { ObjectInputStream oin; try { oin = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("file.txt")); oin.read(); oin.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } public void objectInputStreamClosed() throws IOException { ObjectInputStream oin = null; FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("file.txt"); try { oin = new ObjectInputStream(fis); int a = oin.available(); } catch (IOException e) { } finally { if (oin != null) { oin.close(); } else { fis.close(); } } } public void objectInputStreamClosed2() throws IOException { ObjectInputStream oin = null; FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("file.txt"); try { oin = new ObjectInputStream(fis); int a = oin.available(); } catch (IOException e) { } finally { fis.close(); } } //JarInputStream tests public static void jarInputStreamNoLeak() throws IOException { FileInputStream fos = new FileInputStream(""); try { JarInputStream g = new JarInputStream(fos); g.close(); } catch (IOException e) { fos.close(); } } public static void jarInputStreamLeak() throws IOException { FileInputStream fos = new FileInputStream(""); try { JarInputStream g = new JarInputStream(fos); // Testing exceptional condition in constructor g.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // fos.close(); } } public static void nestedBadJarInputStream(File file) throws IOException { JarInputStream g = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); g.close(); } //JarOutputStream tests public static void jarOutputStreamNoLeak() throws IOException { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(""); try { JarOutputStream g = new JarOutputStream(fos); g.close(); } catch (IOException e) { fos.close(); } } public static void jarOutputStreamLeak() throws IOException { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(""); try { JarOutputStream g = new JarOutputStream(fos); // Testing exceptional condition in constructor g.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // fos.close(); } } public static void nestedBadJarOutputStream() throws IOException { JarOutputStream g = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("file.txt")); g.close(); } //Socket tests public void socketNotClosed() { Socket socket = new Socket(); } public void socketClosed() throws IOException { Socket socket = new Socket(); socket.close(); } //Socket InputStream tests public int socketInputStreamNotClosed(Socket socket) throws IOException { InputStream stream = socket.getInputStream(); return stream.read(); } public void socketInputStreamClosed() throws IOException { Socket socket = new Socket(); InputStream stream = socket.getInputStream(); try { stream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } socket.close(); } //Socket OutputStream tests public void socketOutputStreamNotClosed(Socket socket) throws IOException { OutputStream stream = socket.getOutputStream(); stream.write(10); } public void socketOutputStreamClosed() throws IOException { Socket socket = new Socket(); OutputStream stream = socket.getOutputStream(); try { stream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } socket.close(); } //ServerSocket tests public void serverSocketNotClosed() throws IOException { ServerSocket listener = new ServerSocket(9090); while (true) { Socket socket = listener.accept(); try { PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true); out.println(""); } finally { socket.close(); } listener.close(); } } public void serverSocketClosed() throws IOException { ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(); socket.close(); } public void serverSocketWithSocketClosed() throws IOException { ServerSocket listener = new ServerSocket(9090); try { while (true) { Socket socket = listener.accept(); try { PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true); out.println(""); } finally { socket.close(); } } } finally { listener.close(); } } //HttpURLConnection public void openHttpURLConnectionDisconnected() throws IOException { String content = "TEXT"; DataOutputStream outputStream = null; HttpURLConnection connection = null; URL address = new URL("http://www.facebook.com"); connection = (HttpURLConnection) address.openConnection(); try { outputStream = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream()); outputStream.writeBytes(content); outputStream.flush(); } finally { connection.disconnect(); } } public void openHttpURLConnectionNotDisconnected() throws IOException { String content = "TEXT"; DataOutputStream outputStream = null; HttpURLConnection connection = null; URL address = new URL("http://www.facebook.com"); connection = (HttpURLConnection) address.openConnection(); outputStream = new DataOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream()); outputStream.writeBytes(content); } public void openHttpsURLConnectionNotDisconnected() throws IOException { HttpsURLConnection connection = null; URL address = new URL("https://www.facebook.com"); connection = (HttpsURLConnection) address.openConnection(); } public void openHttpsURLConnectionDisconnected() throws IOException { HttpsURLConnection connection = null; URL address = new URL("https://www.facebook.com"); connection = (HttpsURLConnection) address.openConnection(); connection.disconnect(); } public void closedWithCloseables() throws IOException { FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream("file.txt"); try { fs.read(); } finally { Closeables.close(fs, false); } } public void closedQuietlyWithCloseables() throws IOException { FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream("file.txt"); try { fs.read(); } finally { Closeables.closeQuietly(fs); } } public void closeNullWithCloseables() throws IOException { FileInputStream fs = null; try { fs = new FileInputStream("file.txt"); } finally { Closeables.close(fs, true); } } public void closeNullQuietlyWithCloseables() throws IOException { FileInputStream fs = null; try { fs = new FileInputStream("file.txt"); } finally { Closeables.closeQuietly(fs); } } private static void myClose(Closeable closeable, boolean swallowIOException) throws IOException { if (closeable == null) { return; } try { closeable.close(); } catch (IOException e) { if (!swallowIOException) { throw e; } } } public void closeWithCloseablesNestedAlloc() throws IOException { BufferedInputStream b = null; try { b = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream("file.txt")); } finally { myClose(b, false); } } // JsonParser tests public void parseFromStringAndNotClose(JsonFactory factory) throws IOException { UTF8StreamJsonParser parser = null; try { parser = (UTF8StreamJsonParser) factory.createParser(new File("[]")); Object o = parser.readValueAs(Object.class); ignore(o); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { } } public void parseFromInputStreamAndClose(JsonFactory factory) throws IOException { JsonParser parser = null; FileInputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(""); parser = factory.createParser(in); Object o = parser.readValueAs(Object.class); ignore(o); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { if (in != null) in.close(); } // parser does not own a resources which is closed externally } public void parseFromInputStreamAndLeak(JsonFactory factory) throws IOException { JsonParser parser = null; FileInputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(""); parser = factory.createParser(in); Object o = parser.readValueAs(Object.class); ignore(o); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { if (parser != null) parser.close(); } // parser does not own a resource which is leaked } private void ignore(Object o) { } // Installation.java examples. Even the fix was a fp for a while // for several reasons, so this test is just to make sure it remains // banished forever private String readInstallationFileGood(File installation) throws IOException { RandomAccessFile f = new RandomAccessFile(installation, "r"); try { byte[] bytes = new byte[(int) f.length()]; f.readFully(bytes); return new String(bytes); } finally { f.close(); } } private String readInstallationFileBad(File installation) throws IOException { RandomAccessFile f = new RandomAccessFile(installation, "r"); byte[] bytes = new byte[(int) f.length()]; f.readFully(bytes); f.close(); return new String(bytes); } private int readConfigCloseStream(String mTurnConfigUrl) { try { URL url = new URL(mTurnConfigUrl); URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); InputStream stream = connection.getInputStream(); try { return stream.read(); } finally { stream.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { } return 0; } private int readConfigNotCloseStream(String mTurnConfigUrl) { try { URL url = new URL(mTurnConfigUrl); URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); InputStream stream = connection.getInputStream(); return stream.read(); } catch (Exception e) { } return 0; } private void readConfigNotClosedOK(String mTurnConfigUrl) { try { URL url = new URL(mTurnConfigUrl); URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); ignore(connection); } catch (Exception e) { } } // TypedArray public void themeObtainTypedArrayAndRecycle(Resources.Theme theme) { TypedArray array = theme.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[]{}); ignore(array); array.recycle(); } public void themeObtainTypedArrayAndLeak(Resources.Theme theme) { TypedArray array = theme.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[]{}); ignore(array); } public void activityObtainTypedArrayAndRecycle(Activity activity) { TypedArray array = activity.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[]{}); ignore(array); array.recycle(); } public void activityObtainTypedArrayAndLeak(Activity activity) { TypedArray array = activity.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[]{}); ignore(array); } public void contextObtainTypedArrayAndRecycle(Context context) { TypedArray array = context.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[]{}); ignore(array); array.recycle(); } public void contextObtainTypedArrayAndLeak(Context context) { TypedArray array = context.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[]{}); ignore(array); } // FileChannel void copyFileLeak(File src, File dst) throws IOException { FileChannel inChannel = new FileInputStream(src).getChannel(); FileChannel outChannel = new FileOutputStream(dst).getChannel(); try { inChannel.transferTo(0, inChannel.size(), outChannel); } finally { if (inChannel != null) inChannel.close(); if (outChannel != null) outChannel.close(); } } void copyFileClose(File src, File dst) throws IOException { FileChannel inChannel = new FileInputStream(src).getChannel(); try { ignore(inChannel); } finally { inChannel.close(); } } protected long checkNotNullCauseNoLeak(URL mUrl) throws IOException { URL url = new URL("http://www.facebook.com"); HttpURLConnection serverConnection = (HttpURLConnection) Preconditions.checkNotNull(url.openConnection()); try { ignore(serverConnection); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } finally { serverConnection.disconnect(); } return 0; } void scannerNotClosed() throws IOException { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new FileInputStream("file.txt")); } void scannerClosed() throws IOException { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new FileInputStream("file.txt")); scanner.close(); } void processDestroyed() { Process process = null; try { process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(""); } catch (IOException e) { } finally { process.destroy(); } } void processForciblyDestroyed() throws IOException { Process process = null; try { process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(""); } finally { ignore(process.destroyForcibly()); } } class Container { FileInputStream inputStream; } native Container load(FileInputStream inputStream); public Container resourceReturnedIndirectly() { FileInputStream inputStream; Container container = null; try { inputStream = new FileInputStream("pif.txt"); container = load(inputStream); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return null; } return container; } native void unknownClose(Closeable c); public void resourceClosedBySkippedMethod() { FileInputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = new FileInputStream("pif.txt"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return; } finally { unknownClose(inputStream); } } public int tryWithResource() { try (FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream("paf.txt")) { return inputStream.read(); } catch (IOException e) { return 0; } } public InputStreamReader withCharset(URLConnection urlConnection) { InputStreamReader reader = null; try { reader = new InputStreamReader( urlConnection.getInputStream(), "iso-8859-1"); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // do nothing } } } return reader; } public void withZipFile() throws IOException { ZipFile f = new ZipFile("hi"); InputStream s = f.getInputStream(f.getEntry("there")); if (s != null) s.toString(); f.close(); } public void deflaterLeak() { Deflater comp = new Deflater(); } public void deflaternoLeak() { Deflater comp = new Deflater(); comp.end(); } public void inflaterLeak() { Inflater decomp = new Inflater(); } public void inflaterNoLeak() { Inflater decomp = new Inflater(); decomp.end(); } void NoResourceLeakWarningAfterCheckState(File f, int x) throws IOException { InputStream stream = new FileInputStream(f); Preconditions.checkState(x > 0); stream.close(); } }