(* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) open! IStd (** Module for on-demand analysis. *) val get_proc_desc : Procname.t -> Procdesc.t option (** Find a proc desc for the procedure, perhaps loading it from disk. *) val analyze_proc_desc : caller_summary:Summary.t -> Procdesc.t -> Summary.t option (** [analyze_proc_desc ~caller_summary callee_pdesc] performs an on-demand analysis of [callee_pdesc] triggered during the analysis of [caller_summary] *) val analyze_proc_name : caller_summary:Summary.t -> Procname.t -> Summary.t option (** [analyze_proc_name ~caller_summary callee_pname] performs an on-demand analysis of [callee_pname] triggered during the analysis of [caller_summary] *) val analyze_proc_name_no_caller : Procname.t -> Summary.t option (** [analyze_proc_name_no_caller callee_pname] performs an on-demand analysis of [callee_pname] triggered by the top-level of a file-level checker. This must not be used in any other context, as this will break incremental analysis. *) val set_exe_env : Exe_env.t -> unit (** Set the execution enviroment used during on-demand analysis. *) module LocalCache : sig val clear : unit -> unit (** Empty the cache of ondemand results *) val remove : Procname.t -> unit (** Remove an element from the cache of ondemand results *) end val analyze_file : Exe_env.t -> SourceFile.t -> unit (** Invoke all the callbacks registered in {!Callbacks} on the given file. *) val analyze_proc_name_toplevel : Exe_env.t -> Procname.t -> unit (** Invoke all the callbacks registered in {!Callbacks} on the given procedure. *)