(* * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd. * Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) open! Utils (** mutate the cfg/cg to add dynamic dispatch handling *) let add_dispatch_calls pdesc cg tenv = let node_add_dispatch_calls caller_pname node = (* TODO: handle dynamic dispatch for virtual calls as well *) let call_flags_is_dispatch call_flags = (* if sound dispatch is turned off, only consider dispatch for interface calls *) (Config.sound_dynamic_dispatch && call_flags.Sil.cf_virtual) || call_flags.Sil.cf_interface in let instr_is_dispatch_call = function | Sil.Call (_, _, _, _, call_flags) -> call_flags_is_dispatch call_flags | _ -> false in let has_dispatch_call instrs = IList.exists instr_is_dispatch_call instrs in let replace_dispatch_calls = function | Sil.Call (ret_ids, (Sil.Const (Const.Cfun callee_pname) as call_exp), (((_, receiver_typ) :: _) as args), loc, call_flags) as instr when call_flags_is_dispatch call_flags -> (* the frontend should not populate the list of targets *) assert (call_flags.Sil.cf_targets = []); let receiver_typ_no_ptr = match receiver_typ with | Typ.Tptr (typ', _) -> typ' | _ -> receiver_typ in let sorted_overrides = let overrides = Prover.get_overrides_of tenv receiver_typ_no_ptr callee_pname in IList.sort (fun (_, p1) (_, p2) -> Procname.compare p1 p2) overrides in (match sorted_overrides with | ((_, target_pname) :: _) as all_targets -> let targets_to_add = if Config.sound_dynamic_dispatch then IList.map snd all_targets else (* if sound dispatch is turned off, consider only the first target. we do this because choosing all targets is too expensive for everyday use *) [target_pname] in IList.iter (fun target_pname -> Cg.add_edge cg caller_pname target_pname) targets_to_add; let call_flags' = { call_flags with Sil.cf_targets = targets_to_add; } in Sil.Call (ret_ids, call_exp, args, loc, call_flags') | [] -> instr) | instr -> instr in let instrs = Cfg.Node.get_instrs node in if has_dispatch_call instrs then IList.map replace_dispatch_calls instrs |> Cfg.Node.replace_instrs node in let pname = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc in if Procname.is_java pname then Cfg.Procdesc.iter_nodes (node_add_dispatch_calls pname) pdesc (** add instructions to perform abstraction *) let add_abstraction_instructions pdesc = let open Cfg in (* true if there is a succ node s.t.: it is an exit node, or the succ of >1 nodes *) let converging_node node = let is_exit node = match Node.get_kind node with | Node.Exit_node _ -> true | _ -> false in let succ_nodes = Node.get_succs node in if IList.exists is_exit succ_nodes then true else match succ_nodes with | [] -> false | [h] -> IList.length (Node.get_preds h) > 1 | _ -> false in let node_requires_abstraction node = match Node.get_kind node with | Node.Start_node _ | Node.Join_node -> false | Node.Exit_node _ | Node.Stmt_node _ | Node.Prune_node _ | Node.Skip_node _ -> converging_node node in let do_node node = let loc = Node.get_last_loc node in if node_requires_abstraction node then Node.append_instrs node [Sil.Abstract loc] in Cfg.Procdesc.iter_nodes do_node pdesc module BackwardCfg = ProcCfg.OneInstrPerNode(ProcCfg.Backward(ProcCfg.Exceptional)) module LivenessAnalysis = AbstractInterpreter.Make (BackwardCfg) (Scheduler.ReversePostorder) (Liveness.TransferFunctions) module VarDomain = AbstractDomain.FiniteSet(Var.Set) (** computes the non-nullified reaching definitions at the end of each node by building on the results of a liveness analysis to be precise, what we want to compute is: to_nullify := (live_before U non_nullifed_reaching_defs) - live_after non_nullified_reaching_defs := non_nullified_reaching_defs - to_nullify Note that this can't be done with by combining the results of reaching definitions and liveness after the fact, nor can it be done with liveness alone. We will insert nullify instructions for each pvar in to_nullify afer we finish the analysis. Nullify instructions speed up the analysis by enabling it to GC state that will no longer be read. *) module NullifyTransferFunctions = struct (* (reaching non-nullified vars) * (vars to nullify) *) module Domain = AbstractDomain.Pair (VarDomain) (VarDomain) module CFG = ProcCfg.Exceptional type extras = LivenessAnalysis.inv_map let postprocess ((reaching_defs, _) as astate) node { ProcData.extras; } = let node_id = (CFG.underlying_id node), ProcCfg.Node_index in match LivenessAnalysis.extract_state node_id extras with (* note: because the analysis is backward, post and pre are reversed *) | Some { AbstractInterpreter.post = live_before; pre = live_after; } -> let to_nullify = VarDomain.diff (VarDomain.union live_before reaching_defs) live_after in let reaching_defs' = VarDomain.diff reaching_defs to_nullify in (reaching_defs', to_nullify) | None -> astate let is_last_instr_in_node instr node = let rec is_last_instr instr = function | [] -> true | last_instr :: [] -> Sil.instr_compare instr last_instr = 0 | _ :: instrs -> is_last_instr instr instrs in is_last_instr instr (CFG.instrs node) let exec_instr ((active_defs, to_nullify) as astate) extras node instr = let astate' = match instr with | Sil.Letderef (lhs_id, _, _, _) -> VarDomain.add (Var.of_id lhs_id) active_defs, to_nullify | Sil.Call (lhs_ids, _, _, _, _) -> let active_defs' = IList.fold_left (fun acc id -> VarDomain.add (Var.of_id id) acc) active_defs lhs_ids in active_defs', to_nullify | Sil.Set (Sil.Lvar lhs_pvar, _, _, _) -> VarDomain.add (Var.of_pvar lhs_pvar) active_defs, to_nullify | Sil.Set _ | Prune _ | Declare_locals _ | Stackop _ | Remove_temps _ | Abstract _ -> astate | Sil.Nullify _ -> failwith "Should not add nullify instructions before running nullify analysis!" in if is_last_instr_in_node instr node then postprocess astate' node extras else astate' end module NullifyAnalysis = AbstractInterpreter.MakeNoCFG (Scheduler.ReversePostorder (ProcCfg.Exceptional)) (NullifyTransferFunctions) (** remove dead stores whose lhs is a frontend-created temporary variable. these dead stores are created by copy-propagation *) let remove_dead_frontend_stores pdesc liveness_inv_map = let is_live var instr_id liveness_inv_map = match LivenessAnalysis.extract_pre instr_id liveness_inv_map with | Some pre -> VarDomain.mem var pre | None -> true in let is_used_store (instr, instr_id_opt) = match instr, instr_id_opt with | Sil.Letderef (id, _, _, _), Some instr_id when not (Ident.is_none id) -> is_live (Var.of_id id) instr_id liveness_inv_map | _ -> true in let node_remove_dead_stores node = let instr_nodes = BackwardCfg.instr_ids node in let instr_nodes' = IList.filter_changed is_used_store instr_nodes in if instr_nodes' != instr_nodes then Cfg.Node.replace_instrs node (IList.rev_map fst instr_nodes') in Cfg.Procdesc.iter_nodes node_remove_dead_stores pdesc let add_nullify_instrs pdesc tenv liveness_inv_map = let address_taken_vars = if Procname.is_java (Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc) then AddressTaken.Domain.empty (* can't take the address of a variable in Java *) else match AddressTaken.Analyzer.compute_post (ProcData.make_default pdesc tenv) with | Some post -> post | None -> AddressTaken.Domain.empty in let nullify_proc_cfg = ProcCfg.Exceptional.from_pdesc pdesc in let nullify_proc_data = ProcData.make pdesc tenv liveness_inv_map in let nullify_inv_map = NullifyAnalysis.exec_cfg nullify_proc_cfg nullify_proc_data in (* only nullify pvars that are local; don't nullify those that can escape *) let is_local pvar = not (Pvar.is_return pvar || Pvar.is_global pvar) in let node_add_nullify_instructions node pvars = let loc = Cfg.Node.get_last_loc node in let nullify_instrs = IList.filter is_local pvars |> IList.map (fun pvar -> Sil.Nullify (pvar, loc)) in if nullify_instrs <> [] then Cfg.Node.append_instrs node (IList.rev nullify_instrs) in let node_add_removetmps_instructions node ids = if ids <> [] then let loc = Cfg.Node.get_last_loc node in Cfg.Node.append_instrs node [Sil.Remove_temps (IList.rev ids, loc)] in IList.iter (fun node -> match NullifyAnalysis.extract_post (ProcCfg.Exceptional.id node) nullify_inv_map with | Some (_, to_nullify) -> let pvars_to_nullify, ids_to_remove = Var.Set.fold (fun var (pvars_acc, ids_acc) -> match Var.to_exp var with (* we nullify all address taken variables at the end of the procedure *) | Sil.Lvar pvar when not (AddressTaken.Domain.mem pvar address_taken_vars) -> pvar :: pvars_acc, ids_acc | Sil.Var id -> pvars_acc, id :: ids_acc | _ -> pvars_acc, ids_acc) to_nullify ([], []) in node_add_removetmps_instructions node ids_to_remove; node_add_nullify_instructions node pvars_to_nullify | None -> ()) (ProcCfg.Exceptional.nodes nullify_proc_cfg); (* nullify all address taken variables *) if not (AddressTaken.Domain.is_empty address_taken_vars) then let exit_node = ProcCfg.Exceptional.exit_node nullify_proc_cfg in node_add_nullify_instructions exit_node (AddressTaken.Domain.elements address_taken_vars) module ExceptionalOneInstrPerNodeCfg = ProcCfg.OneInstrPerNode(ProcCfg.Exceptional) module CopyProp = AbstractInterpreter.Make (ExceptionalOneInstrPerNodeCfg) (Scheduler.ReversePostorder) (CopyPropagation.TransferFunctions) let do_copy_propagation pdesc tenv = let proc_cfg = ExceptionalOneInstrPerNodeCfg.from_pdesc pdesc in let copy_prop_inv_map = CopyProp.exec_cfg proc_cfg (ProcData.make_default pdesc tenv) in (** [var_map] represents a chain of variable. copies v_0 -> v_1 ... -> v_n. starting from some ident v_j, we want to walk backward through the chain to find the lowest v_i that is also an ident. *) let id_sub var_map id = (* [last_id] is the highest identifier in the chain that we've seen so far *) let rec id_sub_inner var_map var last_id = try let var' = CopyPropagation.Domain.find var var_map in let last_id' = match var' with | Var.LogicalVar id -> id | _ -> last_id in id_sub_inner var_map var' last_id' with Not_found -> Sil.Var last_id in id_sub_inner var_map (Var.of_id id) id in (** perform copy-propagation on each instruction in [node] *) let rev_transform_node_instrs node = IList.fold_left (fun (instrs, changed) (instr, id_opt) -> match id_opt with | Some id -> begin match CopyProp.extract_pre id copy_prop_inv_map with | Some pre when not (CopyPropagation.Domain.is_empty pre) -> let instr' = Sil.instr_sub_ids ~sub_id_binders:false (id_sub pre) instr in instr' :: instrs, changed || instr' != instr | _ -> instr :: instrs, changed end | None -> instr :: instrs, changed) ([], false) (ExceptionalOneInstrPerNodeCfg.instr_ids node) in IList.iter (fun node -> let instrs, changed = rev_transform_node_instrs node in if changed then Cfg.Node.replace_instrs node (IList.rev instrs)) (Cfg.Procdesc.get_nodes pdesc) let do_liveness pdesc tenv = let liveness_proc_cfg = BackwardCfg.from_pdesc pdesc in LivenessAnalysis.exec_cfg liveness_proc_cfg (ProcData.make_default pdesc tenv) let doit pdesc cg tenv = if Config.copy_propagation then do_copy_propagation pdesc tenv; let liveness_inv_map = do_liveness pdesc tenv in if not (Config.lazy_dynamic_dispatch) && Config.copy_propagation then remove_dead_frontend_stores pdesc liveness_inv_map; add_nullify_instrs pdesc tenv liveness_inv_map; if not Config.lazy_dynamic_dispatch then add_dispatch_calls pdesc cg tenv; add_abstraction_instructions pdesc;