(* * Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) open! Utils module F = Format module L = Logging module type S = sig module CFG : ProcCfg.S type t (* schedule the successors of [node] *) val schedule_succs : t -> CFG.node -> t (* remove and return the node with the highest priority, the ids of its visited predecessors, and the new schedule *) val pop : t -> (CFG.node * CFG.id list * t) option val empty : CFG.t -> t end module type Make = functor (CFG : ProcCfg.S) -> sig include (S with module CFG = CFG) end (* simple scheduler that visits CFG nodes in reverse postorder. fast/precise for straightline code and conditionals; not as good for loops (may visit nodes after a loop multiple times). *) module ReversePostorder (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct module CFG = CFG module M = ProcCfg.NodeIdMap (CFG) module WorkUnit = struct module IdSet = ProcCfg.NodeIdSet (CFG) type t = { node : CFG.node; (* node whose instructions will be analyzed *) visited_preds : IdSet.t ; (* predecessors of [node] we have already visited in current iter *) priority : int; (* |preds| - |visited preds|. *) } let node t = t.node let visited_preds t = IdSet.elements t.visited_preds let priority t = t.priority let compute_priority cfg node visited_preds = IList.length (CFG.preds cfg node) - IdSet.cardinal visited_preds let make cfg node = let visited_preds = IdSet.empty in let priority = compute_priority cfg node visited_preds in { node; visited_preds; priority; } (* add [node_id] to the visited preds for [t] *) let add_visited_pred cfg t node_id = let visited_preds' = IdSet.add node_id t.visited_preds in let priority' = compute_priority cfg t.node visited_preds' in { t with visited_preds = visited_preds'; priority = priority'; } end type t = { worklist : WorkUnit.t M.t; cfg : CFG.t; } (* schedule the succs of [node] for analysis *) let schedule_succs t node = let node_id = CFG.id node in (* mark [node] as a visited pred of [node_to_schedule] and schedule it *) let schedule_succ worklist_acc node_to_schedule = let id_to_schedule = CFG.id node_to_schedule in let old_work = try M.find id_to_schedule worklist_acc with Not_found -> WorkUnit.make t.cfg node_to_schedule in let new_work = WorkUnit.add_visited_pred t.cfg old_work node_id in M.add id_to_schedule new_work worklist_acc in let new_worklist = IList.fold_left schedule_succ t.worklist (CFG.succs t.cfg node) in { t with worklist = new_worklist; } (* remove and return the node with the highest priority (note that smaller integers have higher priority), the ids of its visited predecessors, and new schedule *) (* TODO: could do this slightly more efficiently by keeping a list of priority zero nodes for quick popping, and do a linear search only when this list is empty *) let pop t = try let init_id, init_work = M.choose t.worklist in let init_priority = WorkUnit.priority init_work in let max_priority_id, _ = M.fold (fun id work (lowest_id, lowest_priority) -> let priority = WorkUnit.priority work in if priority < lowest_priority then id, priority else lowest_id, lowest_priority) t.worklist (init_id, init_priority) in let max_priority_work = M.find max_priority_id t.worklist in let node = WorkUnit.node max_priority_work in let t' = { t with worklist = M.remove (CFG.id node) t.worklist } in Some (node, WorkUnit.visited_preds max_priority_work, t') with Not_found -> None let empty cfg = { worklist = M.empty; cfg; } end