(* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) open! IStd (** Utility module to retrieve fields of structs of classes *) type field_type = Fieldname.t * Typ.t * (Annot.t * bool) list val get_fields : CAst_utils.qual_type_to_sil_type -> Tenv.t -> Typ.Name.t -> Clang_ast_t.decl list -> field_type list val fields_superclass : Tenv.t -> Clang_ast_t.obj_c_interface_decl_info -> field_type list val add_missing_fields : Tenv.t -> QualifiedCppName.t -> field_type list -> unit val modelled_field : Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info -> field_type list