 * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

(** SLEdge command line interface *)

let () = Backtrace.Exn.set_recording Version.debug

open Command.Let_syntax

type 'a param = 'a Command.Param.t

module Sh_executor = Control.Make (Domain_relation.Make (Domain_sh))
module Unit_executor = Control.Make (Domain_unit)
module Used_globals_executor = Control.Make (Domain_used_globals)
module Itv_executor = Control.Make (Domain_itv)

(* reverse application in the Command.Param applicative *)
let ( |*> ) : 'a param -> ('a -> 'b) param -> 'b param =
 fun x f -> x |> Command.Param.apply f

(* function composition in the Command.Param applicative *)
let ( >*> ) : ('a -> 'b) param -> ('b -> 'c) param -> ('a -> 'c) param =
 fun f' g' -> Command.Param.both f' g' >>| fun (f, g) -> f >> g

(* define a command, with trace flag, and with action wrapped in reporting *)
let command ~summary ?readme param =
  let trace =
    let%map_open config =
      flag "trace" ~doc:"<spec> enable debug tracing"
        (optional_with_default Trace.none
           (Arg_type.create (fun s -> Trace.parse s |> Result.ok_exn)))
    and margin =
      flag "margin" ~doc:"<cols> wrap debug tracing at <cols> columns"
        (optional int)
    and colors = flag "colors" no_arg ~doc:"enable printing in colors" in
    Trace.init ~colors ?margin ~config ()
  let wrap main () =
      main () |> ignore ;
      Trace.flush () ;
      Format.printf "@\nRESULT: Success: Invalid Accesses: %i@."
        (Report.invalid_access_count ())
    with exn ->
      let bt = Printexc.get_raw_backtrace () in
      Trace.flush () ;
      ( match exn with
      | Frontend.Invalid_llvm msg ->
          Format.printf "@\nRESULT: Invalid input: %s@." msg
      | Unimplemented msg ->
          Format.printf "@\nRESULT: Unimplemented: %s@." msg
      | Failure msg -> Format.printf "@\nRESULT: Internal error: %s@." msg
      | _ ->
          Format.printf "@\nRESULT: Unknown error: %s@."
            (Printexc.to_string exn) ) ;
      Printexc.raise_with_backtrace exn bt
  Command.basic ~summary ?readme (trace *> param >>| wrap)

let marshal program file =
  Out_channel.with_file file ~f:(fun oc -> Marshal.to_channel oc program [])

let unmarshal file () =
    ~f:(fun ic -> (Marshal.from_channel ic : Llair.program))

let used_globals pgm preanalyze : Domain_used_globals.r =
  if preanalyze then
    let summary_table =
        { bound= 1
        ; skip_throw= false
        ; function_summaries= true
        ; entry_points= Config.find_list "entry-points"
        ; globals= Declared Llair.Reg.Set.empty }
      (Llair.Reg.Map.map summary_table ~f:Llair.Reg.Set.union_list)
      (IArray.fold pgm.globals ~init:Llair.Reg.Set.empty ~f:(fun acc g ->
           Llair.Reg.Set.add acc g.reg ))

let analyze =
  let%map_open bound =
    flag "bound"
      (optional_with_default 1 int)
      ~doc:"<int> stop execution exploration at depth <int>"
  and exceptions =
    flag "exceptions" no_arg
      ~doc:"explore executions that throw and handle exceptions"
  and function_summaries =
    flag "function-summaries" no_arg
      ~doc:"use function summaries (in development)"
  and preanalyze_globals =
    flag "preanalyze-globals" no_arg
      ~doc:"pre-analyze global variables used by each function"
  and exec =
    flag "domain"
      (optional_with_default Sh_executor.exec_pgm
            [ ("sh", Sh_executor.exec_pgm)
            ; ("globals", Used_globals_executor.exec_pgm)
            ; ("unit", Unit_executor.exec_pgm)
            ; ("itv", Itv_executor.exec_pgm) ]))
        "<string> select abstract domain; must be one of \"sh\" (default, \
         symbolic heap domain), \"globals\" (used-globals domain), or \
         \"unit\" (unit domain)"
  and no_simplify_states =
    flag "no-simplify-states" no_arg
      ~doc:"do not simplify states during symbolic execution"
  and stats =
    flag "stats" no_arg ~doc:"output performance statistics to stderr"
  fun program () ->
    let pgm = program () in
    let globals = used_globals pgm preanalyze_globals in
    let entry_points = Config.find_list "entry-points" in
    let skip_throw = not exceptions in
    Domain_sh.simplify_states := not no_simplify_states ;
    Timer.enabled := stats ;
    exec {bound; skip_throw; function_summaries; entry_points; globals} pgm

let analyze_cmd =
  let summary = "analyze LLAIR code" in
  let readme () =
    "The <input> file must be binary LLAIR, such as produced by `sledge \
  let param =
    Command.Param.(anon ("<input>" %: string) >>| unmarshal |*> analyze)
  command ~summary ~readme param

let translate =
  let%map_open llair_output =
    flag "llair-output" (optional string)
      ~doc:"<file> write generated LLAIR to <file>"
  and no_models =
    flag "no-models" no_arg
      ~doc:"do not add models for C/C++ runtime and standard libraries"
  and fuzzer =
    flag "fuzzer" no_arg ~doc:"add a harness for libFuzzer targets"
  and no_internalize =
    flag "no-internalize" no_arg
        "do not internalize all functions except the entry points \
         specified in the config file"
  fun bitcode_inputs () ->
    let program =
      Frontend.translate ~models:(not no_models) ~fuzzer
        ~internalize:(not no_internalize) bitcode_inputs
    Option.iter ~f:(marshal program) llair_output ;

let llvm_grp =
  let translate_inputs =
    let expand_argsfile input =
      if Char.(input.[0] = '@') then
        In_channel.with_file ~f:In_channel.input_lines
          (String.subo ~pos:1 input)
      else [input]
    let open Command.Param in
    let input_arg = Arg_type.map string ~f:expand_argsfile in
      (map_anons ~f:List.concat
         (non_empty_sequence_as_list ("<input>" %: input_arg)))
    |*> translate
  let translate_cmd =
    let summary = "translate LLVM bitcode to LLAIR" in
    let readme () =
      "Translate one or more LLVM bitcode files to LLAIR. Each <input> \
       filename may be either: an LLVM bitcode file, in binary (.bc) or \
       textual (.ll) form; or of the form @<argsfile>, where <argsfile> \
       names a file containing one <input> per line."
    let param = translate_inputs in
    command ~summary ~readme param
  let analyze_cmd =
    let summary = "analyze LLVM bitcode" in
    let readme () =
      "Analyze code in one or more LLVM bitcode files. This is a \
       convenience wrapper for the sequence `sledge llvm translate`; \
       `sledge analyze`."
    let param = translate_inputs |*> analyze in
    command ~summary ~readme param
  let summary = "integration with LLVM" in
  let readme () =
    "Code can be provided by one or more LLVM bitcode files."
  Command.group ~summary ~readme ~preserve_subcommand_order:()
    [("analyze", analyze_cmd); ("translate", translate_cmd)]

let disassemble_cmd =
  let summary = "print LLAIR code in textual form" in
  let readme () =
    "The <input> file must be LLAIR code, as produced by `sledge llvm \
  let param =
    let%map_open input = anon ("<input>" %: string)
    and llair_txt_output =
      flag "llair-txt-output" (optional string)
          "<file> write generated textual LLAIR to <file>, or to standard \
           output if omitted"
    fun () ->
      let program = unmarshal input () in
      match llair_txt_output with
      | None -> Format.printf "%a@." Llair.Program.pp program
      | Some file ->
          Out_channel.with_file file ~f:(fun oc ->
              let fs = Format.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
              Format.fprintf fs "%a@." Llair.Program.pp program )
  command ~summary ~readme param

let summary = "SLEdge static analyzer"

let readme () =
  "The [-trace <spec>] argument of each subcommand enables debug tracing \
   according to <spec>, which is a sequence of module and function names \
   separated by + or -. For example, M-M.f enables all tracing in the M \
   module except the M.f function. The <spec> value * enables all debug \

Command.run ~version:Version.version ~build_info:Version.build_info
  (Command.group ~summary ~readme ~preserve_subcommand_order:()
     [ ("buck", Sledge_buck.main ~command ~analyze:(translate >*> analyze))
     ; ("llvm", llvm_grp)
     ; ("analyze", analyze_cmd)
     ; ("disassemble", disassemble_cmd) ])