(* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) (** Used-globals abstract domain *) type t = Llair.Global.Set.t [@@deriving equal, sexp] let pp = Llair.Global.Set.pp let report_fmt_thunk = Fun.flip pp let empty = Llair.Global.Set.empty let init globals = [%Trace.info "pgm globals: {%a}" (IArray.pp ", " Llair.GlobalDefn.pp) globals] ; empty let join l r = Some (Llair.Global.Set.union l r) let recursion_beyond_bound = `skip let is_false _ = false let post _ _ state = state let retn _ _ from_call post = Llair.Global.Set.union from_call post let dnf t = [t] let used_globals exp s = Llair.Exp.fold_exps exp s ~f:(fun e s -> match Llair.Global.of_exp e with | Some g -> Llair.Global.Set.add g s | None -> s ) let exec_assume st exp = Some (used_globals exp st) let exec_kill _ st = st let exec_move reg_exps st = IArray.fold ~f:(fun (_, rhs) -> used_globals rhs) reg_exps st let exec_inst inst st = [%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "pre:{%a} %a" pp st Llair.Inst.pp inst] ; Some (Llair.Inst.fold_exps ~f:used_globals inst st) |> [%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> Option.iter ~f:(fun uses -> pf "post:{%a}" pp uses)] let exec_intrinsic ~skip_throw:_ _ intrinsic actuals st = let name = Llair.Function.name intrinsic in if List.exists [ "malloc" ; "aligned_alloc" ; "calloc" ; "posix_memalign" ; "realloc" ; "mallocx" ; "rallocx" ; "xallocx" ; "sallocx" ; "dallocx" ; "sdallocx" ; "nallocx" ; "malloc_usable_size" ; "mallctl" ; "mallctlnametomib" ; "mallctlbymib" ; "malloc_stats_print" ; "strlen" ; "__cxa_allocate_exception" ; "_ZN5folly13usingJEMallocEv" ] ~f:(String.equal name) then IArray.fold ~f:used_globals actuals st |> fun res -> Some (Some res) else None type from_call = t [@@deriving sexp] (* Set abstract state to bottom (i.e. empty set) at function entry *) let call ~summaries:_ ~globals:_ ~actuals ~areturn:_ ~formals:_ ~freturn:_ ~locals:_ st = (empty, IArray.fold ~f:used_globals actuals st) let resolve_callee lookup ptr st = let st = used_globals ptr st in match Llair.Function.of_exp ptr with | Some callee -> (lookup callee, st) | None -> ([], st) (* A function summary is the set of global registers accessed by that function and its transitive callees *) type summary = t let pp_summary = pp let create_summary ~locals:_ ~formals:_ state = (state, state) let apply_summary st summ = Some (Llair.Global.Set.union st summ) (** Query *) type r = | Per_function of Llair.Global.Set.t Llair.Function.Map.t | Declared of Llair.Global.Set.t let by_function : r -> Llair.Function.t -> t = fun s fn -> [%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a" Llair.Function.pp fn] ; ( match s with | Declared set -> set | Per_function map -> ( match Llair.Function.Map.find fn map with | Some gs -> gs | None -> fail "main analysis reached function %a that was not reached by \ used-globals pre-analysis " Llair.Function.pp fn () ) ) |> [%Trace.retn fun {pf} r -> pf "%a" Llair.Global.Set.pp r]