(* * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd. * Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) open! Utils (** Functions for "Smart" Pattern Matching *) module L = Logging module F = Format let mem_idlist i l = IList.exists (Ident.equal i) l (** Type for a hpred pattern. flag=false means that the implication between hpreds is not considered, and flag = true means that it is considered during pattern matching *) type hpred_pat = { hpred : Sil.hpred; flag : bool } let pp_hpat pe f hpat = F.fprintf f "%a" (Sil.pp_hpred pe) hpat.hpred let rec pp_hpat_list pe f = function | [] -> () | [hpat] -> F.fprintf f "%a" (pp_hpat pe) hpat | hpat:: hpats -> F.fprintf f "%a * %a" (pp_hpat pe) hpat (pp_hpat_list pe) hpats (** Checks e1 = e2[sub ++ sub'] for some sub' with dom(sub') subseteq vars. Returns (sub ++ sub', vars - dom(sub')). *) let rec exp_match e1 sub vars e2 : (Sil.subst * Ident.t list) option = let check_equal sub vars e1 e2 = let e2_inst = Sil.exp_sub sub e2 in if (Exp.equal e1 e2_inst) then Some(sub, vars) else None in match e1, e2 with | _, Exp.Var id2 when (Ident.is_primed id2 && mem_idlist id2 vars) -> let vars_new = IList.filter (fun id -> not (Ident.equal id id2)) vars in let sub_new = match (Sil.extend_sub sub id2 e1) with | None -> assert false (* happens when vars contains the same variable twice. *) | Some sub_new -> sub_new in Some (sub_new, vars_new) | _, Exp.Var _ -> check_equal sub vars e1 e2 | Exp.Var _, _ -> None | Exp.Const _, _ | _, Exp.Const _ -> check_equal sub vars e1 e2 | Exp.Sizeof _, _ | _, Exp.Sizeof _ -> check_equal sub vars e1 e2 | Exp.Cast (_, e1'), Exp.Cast (_, e2') -> (* we are currently ignoring cast *) exp_match e1' sub vars e2' | Exp.Cast _, _ | _, Exp.Cast _ -> None | Exp.UnOp(o1, e1', _), Exp.UnOp(o2, e2', _) when Unop.equal o1 o2 -> exp_match e1' sub vars e2' | Exp.UnOp _, _ | _, Exp.UnOp _ -> None (* Naive *) | Exp.BinOp(b1, e1', e1''), Exp.BinOp(b2, e2', e2'') when Binop.equal b1 b2 -> (match exp_match e1' sub vars e2' with | None -> None | Some (sub', vars') -> exp_match e1'' sub' vars' e2'') | Exp.BinOp _, _ | _, Exp.BinOp _ -> None (* Naive *) | Exp.Exn _, _ | _, Exp.Exn _ -> check_equal sub vars e1 e2 | Exp.Closure _, _ | _, Exp.Closure _ -> check_equal sub vars e1 e2 | Exp.Lvar _, _ | _, Exp.Lvar _ -> check_equal sub vars e1 e2 | Exp.Lfield(e1', fld1, _), Exp.Lfield(e2', fld2, _) when (Ident.fieldname_equal fld1 fld2) -> exp_match e1' sub vars e2' | Exp.Lfield _, _ | _, Exp.Lfield _ -> None | Exp.Lindex(base1, idx1), Exp.Lindex(base2, idx2) -> (match exp_match base1 sub vars base2 with | None -> None | Some (sub', vars') -> exp_match idx1 sub' vars' idx2) let exp_list_match es1 sub vars es2 = let f res_acc (e1, e2) = match res_acc with | None -> None | Some (sub_acc, vars_leftover) -> exp_match e1 sub_acc vars_leftover e2 in let es_combined = try IList.combine es1 es2 with Invalid_argument _ -> assert false in let es_match_res = IList.fold_left f (Some (sub, vars)) es_combined in es_match_res (** Checks sexp1 = sexp2[sub ++ sub'] for some sub' with dom(sub') subseteq vars. Returns (sub ++ sub', vars - dom(sub')). WARNING: This function does not consider the fact that the analyzer sometimes forgets fields of hpred. It can possibly cause a problem. *) let rec strexp_match sexp1 sub vars sexp2 : (Sil.subst * Ident.t list) option = match sexp1, sexp2 with | Sil.Eexp (exp1, _), Sil.Eexp (exp2, _) -> exp_match exp1 sub vars exp2 | Sil.Eexp _, _ | _, Sil.Eexp _ -> None | Sil.Estruct (fsel1, _), Sil.Estruct (fsel2, _) -> fsel_match fsel1 sub vars fsel2 | Sil.Estruct _, _ | _, Sil.Estruct _ -> None | Sil.Earray (len1, isel1, _), Sil.Earray (len2, isel2, _) -> (match exp_match len1 sub vars len2 with | Some (sub', vars') -> isel_match isel1 sub' vars' isel2 | None -> None) (** Checks fsel1 = fsel2[sub ++ sub'] for some sub' with dom(sub') subseteq vars. Returns (sub ++ sub', vars - dom(sub')). *) and fsel_match fsel1 sub vars fsel2 = match fsel1, fsel2 with | [], [] -> Some (sub, vars) | [], _ -> None | _, [] -> if (Config.abs_struct <= 0) then None else Some (sub, vars) (* This can lead to great information loss *) | (fld1, se1') :: fsel1', (fld2, se2') :: fsel2' -> let n = Ident.fieldname_compare fld1 fld2 in if (n = 0) then begin match strexp_match se1' sub vars se2' with | None -> None | Some (sub', vars') -> fsel_match fsel1' sub' vars' fsel2' end else if (n < 0 && Config.abs_struct > 0) then fsel_match fsel1' sub vars fsel2 (* This can lead to great information loss *) else None (** Checks isel1 = isel2[sub ++ sub'] for some sub' with dom(sub') subseteq vars. Returns (sub ++ sub', vars - dom(sub')). *) and isel_match isel1 sub vars isel2 = match isel1, isel2 with | [], [] -> Some (sub, vars) | [], _ | _, [] -> None | (idx1, se1') :: isel1', (idx2, se2') :: isel2' -> let idx2 = Sil.exp_sub sub idx2 in let sanity_check = not (IList.exists (fun id -> Sil.ident_in_exp id idx2) vars) in if (not sanity_check) then begin let pe = pe_text in L.out "@[.... Sanity Check Failure while Matching Index-Strexps ....@."; L.out "@[<4> IDX1: %a, STREXP1: %a@." (Sil.pp_exp pe) idx1 (Sil.pp_sexp pe) se1'; L.out "@[<4> IDX2: %a, STREXP2: %a@\n@." (Sil.pp_exp pe) idx2 (Sil.pp_sexp pe) se2'; assert false end else if Exp.equal idx1 idx2 then begin match strexp_match se1' sub vars se2' with | None -> None | Some (sub', vars') -> isel_match isel1' sub' vars' isel2' end else None (* extends substitution sub by creating a new substitution for vars *) let sub_extend_with_ren (sub: Sil.subst) vars = (* let check_precondition () = let dom = Sil.sub_domain sub in let overlap = IList.exists (fun id -> IList.exists (Ident.equal id) dom) vars in if overlap then assert false in check_precondition (); *) let f id = (id, Exp.Var (Ident.create_fresh Ident.kprimed)) in let renaming_for_vars = Sil.sub_of_list (IList.map f vars) in Sil.sub_join sub renaming_for_vars type sidecondition = Prop.normal Prop.t -> Sil.subst -> bool let rec execute_with_backtracking = function | [] -> None | [f] -> f () | f:: fs -> let res_f = f () in match res_f with | None -> execute_with_backtracking fs | Some _ -> res_f let rec instantiate_to_emp p condition sub vars = function | [] -> if condition p sub then Some(sub, p) else None | hpat:: hpats -> if not hpat.flag then None else match hpat.hpred with | Sil.Hpointsto _ | Sil.Hlseg (Sil.Lseg_NE, _, _, _, _) | Sil.Hdllseg (Sil.Lseg_NE, _, _, _, _, _, _) -> None | Sil.Hlseg (_, _, e1, e2, _) -> let fully_instantiated = not (IList.exists (fun id -> Sil.ident_in_exp id e1) vars) in if (not fully_instantiated) then None else let e1' = Sil.exp_sub sub e1 in begin match exp_match e1' sub vars e2 with | None -> None | Some (sub_new, vars_leftover) -> instantiate_to_emp p condition sub_new vars_leftover hpats end | Sil.Hdllseg (_, _, iF, oB, oF, iB, _) -> let fully_instantiated = not (IList.exists (fun id -> Sil.ident_in_exp id iF || Sil.ident_in_exp id oB) vars) in if (not fully_instantiated) then None else let iF' = Sil.exp_sub sub iF in let oB' = Sil.exp_sub sub oB in match exp_list_match [iF'; oB'] sub vars [oF; iB] with | None -> None | Some (sub_new, vars_leftover) -> instantiate_to_emp p condition sub_new vars_leftover hpats (* This function has to be changed in order to * implement the idea "All lsegs outside are NE, and all lsegs inside * are PE" *) let rec iter_match_with_impl iter condition sub vars hpat hpats = (* L.out "@[.... iter_match_with_impl ....@."; L.out "@[<4> sub: %a@\n@." pp_sub sub; L.out "@[<4> PROP: %a@\n@." pp_prop (Prop.prop_iter_to_prop iter); L.out "@[<4> hpred: %a@\n@." pp_hpat hpat; L.out "@[<4> hpred_rest: %a@\n@." pp_hpat_list hpats; *) let do_next iter_cur _ = match Prop.prop_iter_next iter_cur with | None -> None | Some iter_next -> iter_match_with_impl iter_next condition sub vars hpat hpats in let do_empty_hpats iter_cur _ = let (sub_new, vars_leftover) = match Prop.prop_iter_current iter_cur with | _, (sub_new, vars_leftover) -> (sub_new, vars_leftover) in let sub_res = sub_extend_with_ren sub_new vars_leftover in let p_leftover = Prop.prop_iter_remove_curr_then_to_prop iter_cur in (* L.out "@[.... iter_match_with_impl (final condtion check) ....@\n@."; L.out "@[<4> sub_res : %a@\n@." pp_sub sub_res; L.out "@[<4> p_leftover : %a@\n@." pp_prop p_leftover; *) if condition p_leftover sub_res then Some (sub_res, p_leftover) else None in let do_nonempty_hpats iter_cur _ = let (sub_new, vars_leftover) = match Prop.prop_iter_current iter_cur with | _, (sub_new, vars_leftover) -> (sub_new, vars_leftover) in let (hpat_next, hpats_rest) = match hpats with | [] -> assert false | hpat_next :: hpats_rest -> (hpat_next, hpats_rest) in let p_rest = Prop.prop_iter_remove_curr_then_to_prop iter_cur in prop_match_with_impl_sub p_rest condition sub_new vars_leftover hpat_next hpats_rest in let gen_filter_pointsto lexp2 strexp2 te2 = function | Sil.Hpointsto (lexp1, strexp1, te1) when Exp.equal te1 te2 -> (match (exp_match lexp1 sub vars lexp2) with | None -> None | Some (sub', vars_leftover) -> strexp_match strexp1 sub' vars_leftover strexp2) | _ -> None in let gen_filter_lseg k2 para2 e_start2 e_end2 es_shared2 = function | Sil.Hpointsto _ -> None | Sil.Hlseg (k1, para1, e_start1, e_end1, es_shared1) -> let do_kinds_match = match k1, k2 with | Sil.Lseg_NE, Sil.Lseg_NE | Sil.Lseg_NE, Sil.Lseg_PE | Sil.Lseg_PE, Sil.Lseg_PE -> true | Sil.Lseg_PE, Sil.Lseg_NE -> false in (* let do_paras_match = hpara_match_with_impl hpat.flag para1 para2 *) let do_paras_match = hpara_match_with_impl true para1 para2 in if not (do_kinds_match && do_paras_match) then None else let es1 = [e_start1; e_end1]@es_shared1 in let es2 = [e_start2; e_end2]@es_shared2 in exp_list_match es1 sub vars es2 | Sil.Hdllseg _ -> None in let gen_filter_dllseg k2 para2 iF2 oB2 oF2 iB2 es_shared2 = function | Sil.Hpointsto _ | Sil.Hlseg _ -> None | Sil.Hdllseg (k1, para1, iF1, oB1, oF1, iB1, es_shared1) -> let do_kinds_match = match k1, k2 with | Sil.Lseg_NE, Sil.Lseg_NE | Sil.Lseg_NE, Sil.Lseg_PE | Sil.Lseg_PE, Sil.Lseg_PE -> true | Sil.Lseg_PE, Sil.Lseg_NE -> false in (* let do_paras_match = hpara_dll_match_with_impl hpat.flag para1 para2 *) let do_paras_match = hpara_dll_match_with_impl true para1 para2 in if not (do_kinds_match && do_paras_match) then None else let es1 = [iF1; oB1; oF1; iB1]@es_shared1 in let es2 = [iF2; oB2; oF2; iB2]@es_shared2 in exp_list_match es1 sub vars es2 in match hpat.hpred with | Sil.Hpointsto (lexp2, strexp2, te2) -> let filter = gen_filter_pointsto lexp2 strexp2 te2 in begin match (Prop.prop_iter_find iter filter), hpats with | (None, _) -> None | (Some iter_cur, []) -> do_empty_hpats iter_cur () | (Some iter_cur, _) -> execute_with_backtracking [do_nonempty_hpats iter_cur; do_next iter_cur] end | Sil.Hlseg (k2, para2, e_start2, e_end2, es_shared2) -> let filter = gen_filter_lseg k2 para2 e_start2 e_end2 es_shared2 in let do_emp_lseg _ = let fully_instantiated_start2 = not (IList.exists (fun id -> Sil.ident_in_exp id e_start2) vars) in if (not fully_instantiated_start2) then None else let e_start2' = Sil.exp_sub sub e_start2 in match (exp_match e_start2' sub vars e_end2, hpats) with | None, _ -> (* L.out "@.... iter_match_with_impl (empty_case, fail) ....@\n@."; L.out "@[<4> sub: %a@\n@." pp_sub sub; L.out "@[<4> e_start2': %a@\n@." pp_exp e_start2'; L.out "@[<4> e_end2: %a@\n@." pp_exp e_end2; *) None | Some (sub_new, vars_leftover), [] -> let sub_res = sub_extend_with_ren sub_new vars_leftover in let p_leftover = Prop.prop_iter_to_prop iter in if condition p_leftover sub_res then Some(sub_res, p_leftover) else None | Some (sub_new, vars_leftover), hpat_next:: hpats_rest -> let p = Prop.prop_iter_to_prop iter in prop_match_with_impl_sub p condition sub_new vars_leftover hpat_next hpats_rest in let do_para_lseg _ = let (para2_exist_vars, para2_inst) = Sil.hpara_instantiate para2 e_start2 e_end2 es_shared2 in (* let allow_impl hpred = {hpred=hpred; flag=hpat.flag} in *) let allow_impl hpred = { hpred = hpred; flag = true } in let (para2_hpat, para2_hpats) = match IList.map allow_impl para2_inst with | [] -> assert false (* the body of a parameter should contain at least one * conjunct *) | para2_pat :: para2_pats -> (para2_pat, para2_pats) in let new_vars = para2_exist_vars @ vars in let new_hpats = para2_hpats @ hpats in match (iter_match_with_impl iter condition sub new_vars para2_hpat new_hpats) with | None -> None | Some (sub_res, p_leftover) when condition p_leftover sub_res -> let not_in_para2_exist_vars id = not (IList.exists (fun id' -> Ident.equal id id') para2_exist_vars) in let sub_res' = Sil.sub_filter not_in_para2_exist_vars sub_res in Some (sub_res', p_leftover) | Some _ -> None in begin match ((Prop.prop_iter_find iter filter), hpats) with | (None, _) when not hpat.flag -> (* L.out "@[.... iter_match_with_impl (lseg not-matched) ....@\n@."; *) None | (None, _) when Sil.lseg_kind_equal k2 Sil.Lseg_NE -> (* L.out "@[.... iter_match_with_impl (lseg not-matched) ....@\n@."; *) do_para_lseg () | (None, _) -> (* L.out "@[.... iter_match_with_impl (lseg not-matched) ....@\n@."; *) execute_with_backtracking [do_emp_lseg; do_para_lseg] | (Some iter_cur, []) -> (* L.out "@[.... iter_match_with_impl (lseg matched) ....@\n@."; *) do_empty_hpats iter_cur () | (Some iter_cur, _) -> (* L.out "@[.... iter_match_with_impl (lseg matched) ....@\n@."; *) execute_with_backtracking [do_nonempty_hpats iter_cur; do_next iter_cur] end | Sil.Hdllseg (k2, para2, iF2, oB2, oF2, iB2, es_shared2) -> let filter = gen_filter_dllseg k2 para2 iF2 oB2 oF2 iB2 es_shared2 in let do_emp_dllseg _ = let fully_instantiated_iFoB2 = not (IList.exists (fun id -> Sil.ident_in_exp id iF2 || Sil.ident_in_exp id oB2) vars) in if (not fully_instantiated_iFoB2) then None else let iF2' = Sil.exp_sub sub iF2 in let oB2' = Sil.exp_sub sub oB2 in match (exp_list_match [iF2'; oB2'] sub vars [oF2; iB2], hpats) with | None, _ -> None | Some (sub_new, vars_leftover), [] -> let sub_res = sub_extend_with_ren sub_new vars_leftover in let p_leftover = Prop.prop_iter_to_prop iter in if condition p_leftover sub_res then Some(sub_res, p_leftover) else None | Some (sub_new, vars_leftover), hpat_next:: hpats_rest -> let p = Prop.prop_iter_to_prop iter in prop_match_with_impl_sub p condition sub_new vars_leftover hpat_next hpats_rest in let do_para_dllseg _ = let fully_instantiated_iF2 = not (IList.exists (fun id -> Sil.ident_in_exp id iF2) vars) in if (not fully_instantiated_iF2) then None else let iF2' = Sil.exp_sub sub iF2 in match exp_match iF2' sub vars iB2 with | None -> None | Some (sub_new, vars_leftover) -> let (para2_exist_vars, para2_inst) = Sil.hpara_dll_instantiate para2 iF2 oB2 oF2 es_shared2 in (* let allow_impl hpred = {hpred=hpred; flag=hpat.flag} in *) let allow_impl hpred = { hpred = hpred; flag = true } in let (para2_hpat, para2_hpats) = match IList.map allow_impl para2_inst with | [] -> assert false (* the body of a parameter should contain at least one * conjunct *) | para2_pat :: para2_pats -> (para2_pat, para2_pats) in let new_vars = para2_exist_vars @ vars_leftover in let new_hpats = para2_hpats @ hpats in match (iter_match_with_impl iter condition sub_new new_vars para2_hpat new_hpats) with | None -> None | Some (sub_res, p_leftover) when condition p_leftover sub_res -> let not_in_para2_exist_vars id = not (IList.exists (fun id' -> Ident.equal id id') para2_exist_vars) in let sub_res' = Sil.sub_filter not_in_para2_exist_vars sub_res in Some (sub_res', p_leftover) | Some _ -> None in begin match ((Prop.prop_iter_find iter filter), hpats) with | (None, _) when not hpat.flag -> None | (None, _) when Sil.lseg_kind_equal k2 Sil.Lseg_NE -> do_para_dllseg () | (None, _) -> execute_with_backtracking [do_emp_dllseg; do_para_dllseg] | (Some iter_cur, []) -> do_empty_hpats iter_cur () | (Some iter_cur, _) -> execute_with_backtracking [do_nonempty_hpats iter_cur; do_next iter_cur] end and prop_match_with_impl_sub p condition sub vars hpat hpats = (* L.out "@[.... prop_match_with_impl_sub ....@."; L.out "@[<4> sub: %a@\n@." pp_sub sub; L.out "@[<4> PROP: %a@\n@." pp_prop p; L.out "@[<4> hpat: %a@\n@." pp_hpat hpat; L.out "@[<4> hpred_rest: %a@\n@." pp_hpat_list hpats; *) match Prop.prop_iter_create p with | None -> instantiate_to_emp p condition sub vars (hpat:: hpats) | Some iter -> iter_match_with_impl iter condition sub vars hpat hpats and hpara_common_match_with_impl impl_ok ids1 sigma1 eids2 ids2 sigma2 = try let sub_ids = let ren_ids = IList.combine ids2 ids1 in let f (id2, id1) = (id2, Exp.Var id1) in IList.map f ren_ids in let (sub_eids, eids_fresh) = let f id = (id, Ident.create_fresh Ident.kprimed) in let ren_eids = IList.map f eids2 in let eids_fresh = IList.map snd ren_eids in let sub_eids = IList.map (fun (id2, id1) -> (id2, Exp.Var id1)) ren_eids in (sub_eids, eids_fresh) in let sub = Sil.sub_of_list (sub_ids @ sub_eids) in match sigma2 with | [] -> if sigma1 == [] then true else false | hpred2 :: sigma2 -> let (hpat2, hpats2) = let (hpred2_ren, sigma2_ren) = (Sil.hpred_sub sub hpred2, Prop.sigma_sub sub sigma2) in let allow_impl hpred = { hpred = hpred; flag = impl_ok } in (allow_impl hpred2_ren, IList.map allow_impl sigma2_ren) in let condition _ _ = true in let p1 = Prop.normalize (Prop.from_sigma sigma1) in begin match (prop_match_with_impl_sub p1 condition Sil.sub_empty eids_fresh hpat2 hpats2) with | None -> false | Some (_, p1') when Prop.prop_is_emp p1' -> true | _ -> false end with | Invalid_argument _ -> false and hpara_match_with_impl impl_ok para1 para2 : bool = (* L.out "@[.... hpara_match_with_impl_sub ....@."; L.out "@[<4> HPARA1: %a@\n@." pp_hpara para1; L.out "@[<4> HPARA2: %a@\n@." pp_hpara para2; *) let ids1 = para1.Sil.root :: para1.Sil.next :: para1.Sil.svars in let ids2 = para2.Sil.root :: para2.Sil.next :: para2.Sil.svars in let eids2 = para2.Sil.evars in hpara_common_match_with_impl impl_ok ids1 para1.Sil.body eids2 ids2 para2.Sil.body and hpara_dll_match_with_impl impl_ok para1 para2 : bool = (* L.out "@[.... hpara_dll_match_with_impl_sub ....@."; L.out "@[<4> HPARA1: %a@\n@." pp_hpara_dll para1; L.out "@[<4> HPARA2: %a@\n@." pp_hpara_dll para2; *) let ids1 = para1.Sil.cell :: para1.Sil.blink :: para1.Sil.flink :: para1.Sil.svars_dll in let ids2 = para2.Sil.cell :: para2.Sil.blink :: para2.Sil.flink :: para2.Sil.svars_dll in let eids2 = para2.Sil.evars_dll in hpara_common_match_with_impl impl_ok ids1 para1.Sil.body_dll eids2 ids2 para2.Sil.body_dll (** [prop_match_with_impl p condition vars hpat hpats] returns [(subst, p_leftover)] such that 1) [dom(subst) = vars] 2) [p |- (hpat.hpred * hpats.hpred)[subst] * p_leftover]. Using the flag [field], we can control the strength of |-. *) let prop_match_with_impl p condition vars hpat hpats = prop_match_with_impl_sub p condition Sil.sub_empty vars hpat hpats let sigma_remove_hpred eq sigma e = let filter = function | Sil.Hpointsto (root, _, _) | Sil.Hlseg (_, _, root, _, _) | Sil.Hdllseg (_, _, root, _, _, _, _) -> eq root e in let sigma_e, sigma_no_e = IList.partition filter sigma in match sigma_e with | [] -> (None, sigma) | [hpred_e] -> (Some hpred_e, sigma_no_e) | _ -> assert false (** {2 Routines used when finding disjoint isomorphic sigmas from a single sigma} *) type iso_mode = Exact | LFieldForget | RFieldForget let rec generate_todos_from_strexp mode todos sexp1 sexp2 = match sexp1, sexp2 with | Sil.Eexp (exp1, _), Sil.Eexp (exp2, _) -> let new_todos = (exp1, exp2) :: todos in Some new_todos | Sil.Eexp _, _ -> None | Sil.Estruct (fel1, _), Sil.Estruct (fel2, _) -> (* assume sorted w.r.t. fields *) if (IList.length fel1 <> IList.length fel2) && mode == Exact then None else generate_todos_from_fel mode todos fel1 fel2 | Sil.Estruct _, _ -> None | Sil.Earray (len1, iel1, _), Sil.Earray (len2, iel2, _) -> if (not (Exp.equal len1 len2) || IList.length iel1 <> IList.length iel2) then None else generate_todos_from_iel mode todos iel1 iel2 | Sil.Earray _, _ -> None and generate_todos_from_fel mode todos fel1 fel2 = match fel1, fel2 with | [], [] -> Some todos | [], _ -> if mode == RFieldForget then Some todos else None | _, [] -> if mode == LFieldForget then Some todos else None | (fld1, strexp1) :: fel1', (fld2, strexp2) :: fel2' -> let n = Ident.fieldname_compare fld1 fld2 in if (n = 0) then begin match generate_todos_from_strexp mode todos strexp1 strexp2 with | None -> None | Some todos' -> generate_todos_from_fel mode todos' fel1' fel2' end else if (n < 0 && mode == LFieldForget) then generate_todos_from_fel mode todos fel1' fel2 else if (n > 0 && mode == RFieldForget) then generate_todos_from_fel mode todos fel1 fel2' else None and generate_todos_from_iel mode todos iel1 iel2 = match iel1, iel2 with | [],[] -> Some todos | (idx1, strexp1) :: iel1', (idx2, strexp2) :: iel2' -> begin match generate_todos_from_strexp mode todos strexp1 strexp2 with | None -> None | Some todos' -> let new_todos = (idx1, idx2) :: todos' in generate_todos_from_iel mode new_todos iel1' iel2' end | _ -> None (** add (e1,e2) at the front of corres, if necessary. *) let corres_extend_front e1 e2 corres = let filter (e1', e2') = (Exp.equal e1 e1') || (Exp.equal e2 e2') in let checker e1' e2' = (Exp.equal e1 e1') && (Exp.equal e2 e2') in match (IList.filter filter corres) with | [] -> Some ((e1, e2) :: corres) | [(e1', e2')] when checker e1' e2' -> Some corres | _ -> None let corres_extensible corres e1 e2 = let predicate (e1', e2') = (Exp.equal e1 e1') || (Exp.equal e2 e2') in not (IList.exists predicate corres) && not (Exp.equal e1 e2) let corres_related corres e1 e2 = let filter (e1', e2') = (Exp.equal e1 e1') || (Exp.equal e2 e2') in let checker e1' e2' = (Exp.equal e1 e1') && (Exp.equal e2 e2') in match (IList.filter filter corres) with | [] -> Exp.equal e1 e2 | [(e1', e2')] when checker e1' e2' -> true | _ -> false (* TO DO. Perhaps OK. Need to implemenet a better isomorphism check later.*) let hpara_iso para1 para2 = hpara_match_with_impl false para1 para2 && hpara_match_with_impl false para2 para1 let hpara_dll_iso para1 para2 = hpara_dll_match_with_impl false para1 para2 && hpara_dll_match_with_impl false para2 para1 (** [generic_find_partial_iso] finds isomorphic subsigmas of [sigma_todo]. The function [update] is used to get rid of hpred pairs from [sigma_todo]. [sigma_corres] records the isormophic copies discovered so far. The first parameter determines how much flexibility we will allow during this partial isomorphism finding. *) let rec generic_find_partial_iso mode update corres sigma_corres todos sigma_todo = match todos with | [] -> let sigma1, sigma2 = sigma_corres in Some (IList.rev corres, IList.rev sigma1, IList.rev sigma2, sigma_todo) | (e1, e2) :: todos' when corres_related corres e1 e2 -> begin match corres_extend_front e1 e2 corres with | None -> assert false | Some new_corres -> generic_find_partial_iso mode update new_corres sigma_corres todos' sigma_todo end | (e1, e2) :: todos' when corres_extensible corres e1 e2 -> let hpredo1, hpredo2, new_sigma_todo = update e1 e2 sigma_todo in begin match hpredo1, hpredo2 with | None, None -> begin match corres_extend_front e1 e2 corres with | None -> assert false | Some new_corres -> generic_find_partial_iso mode update new_corres sigma_corres todos' sigma_todo end | None, _ | _, None -> None | Some (Sil.Hpointsto (_, _, te1)), Some (Sil.Hpointsto (_, _, te2)) when not (Exp.equal te1 te2) -> None | Some (Sil.Hpointsto (_, se1, _) as hpred1), Some (Sil.Hpointsto (_, se2, _) as hpred2) -> begin match generate_todos_from_strexp mode [] se1 se2 with | None -> None | Some todos'' -> let new_corres = match corres_extend_front e1 e2 corres with | None -> assert false | Some new_corres -> new_corres in let new_sigma_corres = let sigma1, sigma2 = sigma_corres in let new_sigma1 = hpred1 :: sigma1 in let new_sigma2 = hpred2 :: sigma2 in (new_sigma1, new_sigma2) in let new_todos = todos'' @ todos' in generic_find_partial_iso mode update new_corres new_sigma_corres new_todos new_sigma_todo end | Some (Sil.Hlseg (k1, para1, root1, next1, shared1) as hpred1), Some (Sil.Hlseg (k2, para2, root2, next2, shared2) as hpred2) -> if k1 <> k2 || not (hpara_iso para1 para2) then None else (try let new_corres = match corres_extend_front e1 e2 corres with | None -> assert false | Some new_corres -> new_corres in let new_sigma_corres = let sigma1, sigma2 = sigma_corres in let new_sigma1 = hpred1 :: sigma1 in let new_sigma2 = hpred2 :: sigma2 in (new_sigma1, new_sigma2) in let new_todos = let shared12 = IList.combine shared1 shared2 in (root1, root2) :: (next1, next2) :: shared12 @ todos' in generic_find_partial_iso mode update new_corres new_sigma_corres new_todos new_sigma_todo with Invalid_argument _ -> None) | Some (Sil.Hdllseg(k1, para1, iF1, oB1, oF1, iB1, shared1) as hpred1), Some (Sil.Hdllseg(k2, para2, iF2, oB2, oF2, iB2, shared2) as hpred2) -> if k1 <> k2 || not (hpara_dll_iso para1 para2) then None else (try let new_corres = match corres_extend_front e1 e2 corres with | None -> assert false | Some new_corres -> new_corres in let new_sigma_corres = let sigma1, sigma2 = sigma_corres in let new_sigma1 = hpred1 :: sigma1 in let new_sigma2 = hpred2 :: sigma2 in (new_sigma1, new_sigma2) in let new_todos = let shared12 = IList.combine shared1 shared2 in (iF1, iF2):: (oB1, oB2):: (oF1, oF2):: (iB1, iB2):: shared12@todos' in generic_find_partial_iso mode update new_corres new_sigma_corres new_todos new_sigma_todo with Invalid_argument _ -> None) | _ -> None end | _ -> None (** [find_partial_iso] finds disjoint isomorphic sub-sigmas inside a given sigma. The function returns a partial iso and three sigmas. The first sigma is the first copy of the two isomorphic sigmas, so it uses expressions in the domain of the returned isomorphism. The second is the second copy of the two isomorphic sigmas, and it uses expressions in the range of the isomorphism. The third is the unused part of the input sigma. *) let find_partial_iso eq corres todos sigma = let update e1 e2 sigma0 = let (hpredo1, sigma0_no_e1) = sigma_remove_hpred eq sigma0 e1 in let (hpredo2, sigma0_no_e12) = sigma_remove_hpred eq sigma0_no_e1 e2 in (hpredo1, hpredo2, sigma0_no_e12) in let init_sigma_corres = ([], []) in let init_sigma_todo = sigma in generic_find_partial_iso Exact update corres init_sigma_corres todos init_sigma_todo (** [find_partial_iso_from_two_sigmas] finds isomorphic sub-sigmas inside two given sigmas. The function returns a partial iso and four sigmas. The first sigma is the first copy of the two isomorphic sigmas, so it uses expressions in the domain of the returned isomorphism. The second is the second copy of the two isomorphic sigmas, and it uses expressions in the range of the isomorphism. The third and fourth are the unused parts of the two input sigmas. *) let find_partial_iso_from_two_sigmas mode eq corres todos sigma1 sigma2 = let update e1 e2 sigma_todo = let sigma_todo1, sigma_todo2 = sigma_todo in let hpredo1, sigma_todo1_no_e1 = sigma_remove_hpred eq sigma_todo1 e1 in let hpredo2, sigma_todo2_no_e2 = sigma_remove_hpred eq sigma_todo2 e2 in let new_sigma_todo = sigma_todo1_no_e1, sigma_todo2_no_e2 in (hpredo1, hpredo2, new_sigma_todo) in let init_sigma_corres = ([], []) in let init_sigma_todo = (sigma1, sigma2) in generic_find_partial_iso mode update corres init_sigma_corres todos init_sigma_todo (** Lift the kind of list segment predicates to PE *) let hpred_lift_to_pe hpred = match hpred with | Sil.Hpointsto _ -> hpred | Sil.Hlseg (_, para, root, next, shared) -> Sil.Hlseg (Sil.Lseg_PE, para, root, next, shared) | Sil.Hdllseg(_, para, iF, oB, oF, iB, shared) -> Sil.Hdllseg (Sil.Lseg_PE, para, iF, oB, oF, iB, shared) (** Lift the kind of list segment predicates to PE in a given sigma *) let sigma_lift_to_pe sigma = IList.map hpred_lift_to_pe sigma (** [generic_para_create] takes a correspondence, and a sigma and a list of expressions for the first part of this correspondence. Then, it creates a renaming of expressions in the domain of the given correspondence, and applies this renaming to the given sigma. The result is a tuple of the renaming, the renamed sigma, ids for existentially quantified expressions, ids for shared expressions, and shared expressions. *) let generic_para_create corres sigma1 elist1 = let corres_ids = let not_same_consts = function | Exp.Const c1, Exp.Const c2 -> not (Const.equal c1 c2) | _ -> true in let new_corres' = IList.filter not_same_consts corres in let add_fresh_id pair = (pair, Ident.create_fresh Ident.kprimed) in IList.map add_fresh_id new_corres' in let (es_shared, ids_shared, ids_exists) = let not_in_elist1 ((e1, _), _) = not (IList.exists (Exp.equal e1) elist1) in let corres_ids_no_elist1 = IList.filter not_in_elist1 corres_ids in let should_be_shared ((e1, e2), _) = Exp.equal e1 e2 in let shared, exists = IList.partition should_be_shared corres_ids_no_elist1 in let es_shared = IList.map (fun ((e1, _), _) -> e1) shared in (es_shared, IList.map snd shared, IList.map snd exists) in let renaming = IList.map (fun ((e1, _), id) -> (e1, id)) corres_ids in let body = let sigma1' = sigma_lift_to_pe sigma1 in let renaming_exp = IList.map (fun (e1, id) -> (e1, Exp.Var id)) renaming in Prop.sigma_replace_exp renaming_exp sigma1' in (renaming, body, ids_exists, ids_shared, es_shared) (** [hpara_create] takes a correspondence, and a sigma, a root and a next for the first part of this correspondence. Then, it creates a hpara and discovers a list of shared expressions that are passed as arguments to hpara. Both of them are returned as a result. *) let hpara_create corres sigma1 root1 next1 = let renaming, body, ids_exists, ids_shared, es_shared = generic_para_create corres sigma1 [root1; next1] in let get_id1 e1 = try let is_equal_to_e1 (e1', _) = Exp.equal e1 e1' in let _, id = IList.find is_equal_to_e1 renaming in id with Not_found -> assert false in let id_root = get_id1 root1 in let id_next = get_id1 next1 in let hpara = { Sil.root = id_root; Sil.next = id_next; Sil.svars = ids_shared; Sil.evars = ids_exists; Sil.body = body } in (hpara, es_shared) (** [hpara_dll_create] takes a correspondence, and a sigma, a root, a blink and a flink for the first part of this correspondence. Then, it creates a hpara_dll and discovers a list of shared expressions that are passed as arguments to hpara. Both of them are returned as a result. *) let hpara_dll_create corres sigma1 root1 blink1 flink1 = let renaming, body, ids_exists, ids_shared, es_shared = generic_para_create corres sigma1 [root1; blink1; flink1] in let get_id1 e1 = try let is_equal_to_e1 (e1', _) = Exp.equal e1 e1' in let _, id = IList.find is_equal_to_e1 renaming in id with Not_found -> assert false in let id_root = get_id1 root1 in let id_blink = get_id1 blink1 in let id_flink = get_id1 flink1 in let hpara_dll = { Sil.cell = id_root; Sil.blink = id_blink; Sil.flink = id_flink; Sil.svars_dll = ids_shared; Sil.evars_dll = ids_exists; Sil.body_dll = body } in (hpara_dll, es_shared)