(* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) (** Terms Pure (heap-independent) terms are arithmetic, bitwise-logical, etc. operations over literal values and variables. *) type op1 = | Signed of {bits: int} (** [Ap1 (Signed {bits= n}, arg)] is [arg] interpreted as an [n]-bit signed integer. That is, it two's-complement--decodes the low [n] bits of the infinite two's-complement encoding of [arg]. *) | Unsigned of {bits: int} (** [Ap1 (Unsigned {bits= n}, arg)] is [arg] interpreted as an [n]-bit unsigned integer. That is, it unsigned-binary--decodes the low [n] bits of the infinite two's-complement encoding of [arg]. *) | Convert of {src: Typ.t; dst: Typ.t} (** [Ap1 (Convert {src; dst}, arg)] is [arg] converted from type [src] to type [dst], possibly with loss of information. The [src] and [dst] types must be [Typ.convertible] and must not both be [Integer] types. *) | Splat (** Iterated concatenation of a single byte *) | Select of int (** Select an index from a record *) [@@deriving compare, equal, hash, sexp] type op2 = | Eq (** Equal test *) | Dq (** Disequal test *) | Lt (** Less-than test *) | Le (** Less-than-or-equal test *) | Ord (** Ordered test (neither arg is nan) *) | Uno (** Unordered test (some arg is nan) *) | Div (** Division, for integers result is truncated toward zero *) | Rem (** Remainder of division, satisfies [a = b * div a b + rem a b] and for integers [rem a b] has same sign as [a], and [|rem a b| < |b|] *) | And (** Conjunction, boolean or bitwise *) | Or (** Disjunction, boolean or bitwise *) | Xor (** Exclusive-or, bitwise *) | Shl (** Shift left, bitwise *) | Lshr (** Logical shift right, bitwise *) | Ashr (** Arithmetic shift right, bitwise *) | Memory (** Size-tagged byte-array *) | Update of int (** Constant record with updated index *) [@@deriving compare, equal, hash, sexp] type op3 = | Conditional (** If-then-else *) | Extract (** Extract a slice of an aggregate value *) [@@deriving compare, equal, hash, sexp] type opN = | Concat (** Byte-array concatenation *) | Record (** Record (array / struct) constant *) [@@deriving compare, equal, hash, sexp] type recN = Record (** Recursive record (array / struct) constant *) [@@deriving compare, equal, hash, sexp] module rec Qset : sig include Import.Qset.S with type elt := T.t val hash_fold_t : t Hash.folder val t_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> t end and T : sig type qset = Qset.t [@@deriving compare, equal, hash, sexp] and t = private | Var of {id: int; name: string} (** Local variable / virtual register *) | Ap1 of op1 * t (** Unary application *) | Ap2 of op2 * t * t (** Binary application *) | Ap3 of op3 * t * t * t (** Ternary application *) | ApN of opN * t iarray (** N-ary application *) | RecN of recN * t iarray (** Recursive n-ary application, may recursively refer to itself (transitively) from its args. NOTE: represented by cyclic values. *) | Add of qset (** Sum of terms with rational coefficients *) | Mul of qset (** Product of terms with rational exponents *) | Label of {parent: string; name: string} (** Address of named code block within parent function *) | Nondet of {msg: string} (** Anonymous local variable with arbitrary value, representing non-deterministic approximation of value described by [msg] *) | Float of {data: string} (** Floating-point constant *) | Integer of {data: Z.t} (** Integer constant *) | Rational of {data: Q.t} (** Rational constant *) [@@deriving compare, equal, hash, sexp] end include module type of T with type t = T.t (** Term.Var is re-exported as Var *) module Var : sig type term := t type t = private term [@@deriving compare, equal, hash, sexp] type strength = t -> [`Universal | `Existential | `Anonymous] option module Map : Map.S with type key := t module Set : sig include Set.S with type elt := t val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexp.t val t_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> t val ppx : strength -> t pp val pp : t pp val pp_xs : t pp end val pp : t pp include Invariant.S with type t := t val name : t -> string val is_global : t -> bool val of_ : term -> t val of_term : term -> t option val program : ?global:unit -> string -> t val fresh : string -> wrt:Set.t -> t * Set.t module Subst : sig type var := t type t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp] val pp : t pp val empty : t val freshen : Set.t -> wrt:Set.t -> t val invert : t -> t val restrict : t -> Set.t -> t val is_empty : t -> bool val domain : t -> Set.t val range : t -> Set.t val apply_set : t -> Set.t -> Set.t val fold : t -> init:'a -> f:(var -> var -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a end end module Map : sig include Map.S with type key := t val t_of_sexp : (Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Sexp.t -> 'a t end val ppx : Var.strength -> t pp val pp : t pp val pp_diff : (t * t) pp val invariant : t -> unit (** Construct *) (* variables *) val var : Var.t -> t (* constants *) val nondet : string -> t val label : parent:string -> name:string -> t val null : t val bool : bool -> t val true_ : t val false_ : t val integer : Z.t -> t val zero : t val one : t val minus_one : t val rational : Q.t -> t val float : string -> t (* type conversions *) val signed : int -> t -> t val unsigned : int -> t -> t val convert : Typ.t -> to_:Typ.t -> t -> t (* comparisons *) val eq : t -> t -> t val dq : t -> t -> t val lt : t -> t -> t val le : t -> t -> t val ord : t -> t -> t val uno : t -> t -> t (* arithmetic *) val neg : t -> t val add : t -> t -> t val sub : t -> t -> t val mul : t -> t -> t val div : t -> t -> t val rem : t -> t -> t (* boolean / bitwise *) val and_ : t -> t -> t val or_ : t -> t -> t val not_ : t -> t (* bitwise *) val xor : t -> t -> t val shl : t -> t -> t val lshr : t -> t -> t val ashr : t -> t -> t (* if-then-else *) val conditional : cnd:t -> thn:t -> els:t -> t (* aggregate sizes *) val agg_size_exn : t -> t val agg_size : t -> t option (* aggregates (memory contents) *) val splat : t -> t val memory : siz:t -> arr:t -> t val extract : agg:t -> off:t -> len:t -> t val concat : t array -> t val eq_concat : t * t -> (t * t) array -> t (* records (struct / array values) *) val record : t iarray -> t val select : rcd:t -> idx:int -> t val update : rcd:t -> idx:int -> elt:t -> t (* recursive n-ary application *) val rec_app : (module Hashtbl.Key_plain with type t = 'id) -> (id:'id -> recN -> t lazy_t iarray -> t) Staged.t val size_of : Typ.t -> t (** Transform *) val map : t -> f:(t -> t) -> t val fold_map : t -> init:'a -> f:('a -> t -> 'a * t) -> 'a * t val rename : Var.Subst.t -> t -> t (** Traverse *) val iter : t -> f:(t -> unit) -> unit val exists : t -> f:(t -> bool) -> bool val fold : t -> init:'a -> f:(t -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a val fold_vars : t -> init:'a -> f:('a -> Var.t -> 'a) -> 'a val fold_terms : t -> init:'a -> f:('a -> t -> 'a) -> 'a (** Query *) val fv : t -> Var.Set.t val is_true : t -> bool val is_false : t -> bool val is_constant : t -> bool (** Test if a term's semantics is independent of the values of variables. *) val height : t -> int (** Solve *) val solve_zero_eq : ?for_:t -> t -> (t * t) option (** [solve_zero_eq d] is [Some (e, f)] if [d = 0] can be equivalently expressed as [e = f] for some monomial subterm [e] of [d]. If [for_] is passed, then the subterm [e] must be [for_]. *)