(* * Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) open! Utils module F = Format module BackwardCfg = ProcCfg.Backward (ProcCfg.Normal) module InstrCfg = ProcCfg.OneInstrPerNode (ProcCfg.Normal) module BackwardInstrCfg = ProcCfg.Backward (InstrCfg) let tests = let cfg = Cfg.create_cfg () in let test_pdesc = Cfg.create_proc_desc cfg (ProcAttributes.default Procname.empty_block !Config.curr_language) in let dummy_instr1 = Sil.Remove_temps ([], Location.dummy) in let dummy_instr2 = Sil.Abstract Location.dummy in let dummy_instr3 = Sil.Remove_temps ([Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal], Location.dummy) in let dummy_instr4 = Sil.Remove_temps ([], Location.dummy) in let instrs1 = [dummy_instr1; dummy_instr2;] in let instrs2 = [dummy_instr3] in let instrs3 = [dummy_instr4] in let instrs4 = [] in let create_node instrs = Procdesc.create_node test_pdesc Location.dummy (Procdesc.Node.Stmt_node "") instrs in let n1 = create_node instrs1 in let n2 = create_node instrs2 in let n3 = create_node instrs3 in let n4 = create_node instrs4 in Procdesc.set_start_node test_pdesc n1; (* let -> represent normal transitions and -*-> represent exceptional transitions *) (* creating graph n1 -> n2, n1 -*-> n3, n2 -> n4, n2 -*-> n3, n3 -> n4 , n3 -*> n4 *) Procdesc.node_set_succs_exn test_pdesc n1 [n2] [n3]; Procdesc.node_set_succs_exn test_pdesc n2 [n4] [n3]; Procdesc.node_set_succs_exn test_pdesc n3 [n4] [n4]; let normal_proc_cfg = ProcCfg.Normal.from_pdesc test_pdesc in let exceptional_proc_cfg = ProcCfg.Exceptional.from_pdesc test_pdesc in let backward_proc_cfg = BackwardCfg.from_pdesc test_pdesc in let backward_instr_proc_cfg = BackwardInstrCfg.from_pdesc test_pdesc in let open OUnit2 in let cmp l1 l2 = let sort = IList.sort Procdesc.Node.compare in IList.equal Procdesc.Node.compare (sort l1) (sort l2) in let pp_diff fmt (actual, expected) = let pp_sep fmt _ = F.pp_print_char fmt ',' in let pp_node_list fmt l = F.pp_print_list ~pp_sep Procdesc.Node.pp fmt l in F.fprintf fmt "Expected output %a but got %a" pp_node_list expected pp_node_list actual in let create_test input expected _ = assert_equal ~cmp ~pp_diff input expected in let instr_test = let instr_test_ _ = begin match ProcCfg.Normal.instrs n1 with | [instr1; instr2] -> assert_bool "First instr should be dummy_instr1" (instr1 == dummy_instr1); assert_bool "Second instr should be dummy_instr2" (instr2 == dummy_instr2); | _ -> assert_failure "Expected exactly two instructions" end; begin match BackwardCfg.instrs n1 with | [instr1; instr2] -> assert_bool "First instr should be dummy_instr2" (instr1 == dummy_instr2); assert_bool "Second instr should be dummy_instr1" (instr2 == dummy_instr1); | _ -> assert_failure "Expected exactly two instructions" end; begin let node_id, _ = InstrCfg.id n1 in match InstrCfg.instr_ids n1 with | [ (instr1, Some (id1, ProcCfg.Instr_index 0)); (instr2, Some (id2, ProcCfg.Instr_index 1)); ] -> assert_bool "First instr should be dummy_instr1" (instr1 == dummy_instr1); assert_bool "Second instr should be dummy_instr2" (instr2 == dummy_instr2); assert_bool "id1 should be id of underlying node" (id1 == node_id); assert_bool "id2 should be id of underlying node" (id2 == node_id); | _ -> assert_failure "Expected exactly two instructions with correct indices" end; let backward_node_id, _ = BackwardInstrCfg.id n1 in begin match BackwardInstrCfg.instr_ids n1 with | [ (instr1, Some (id1, ProcCfg.Instr_index 1)); (instr2, Some (id2, ProcCfg.Instr_index 0)); ] -> assert_bool "First instr should be dummy_instr2" (instr1 == dummy_instr2); assert_bool "Second instr should be dummy_instr1" (instr2 == dummy_instr1); assert_bool "id1 should be id of underlying node" (id1 == backward_node_id); assert_bool "id2 should be id of underlying node" (id2 == backward_node_id); | _ -> assert_failure "Expected exactly two instructions with correct indices" end; assert_bool "underlying_id should return id of underlying CFG type" (BackwardInstrCfg.underlying_id n1 = BackwardCfg.id n1) in "instr_test">::instr_test_ in let graph_tests = [ (* test the succs of the normal cfg. forward... *) ("succs_n1", ProcCfg.Normal.succs normal_proc_cfg n1, [n2]); ("normal_succs_n1", ProcCfg.Normal.normal_succs normal_proc_cfg n1, [n2]); ("succs_n2", ProcCfg.Normal.succs normal_proc_cfg n2, [n4]); ("normal_succs_n2", ProcCfg.Normal.normal_succs normal_proc_cfg n2, [n4]); ("succs_n3", ProcCfg.Normal.succs normal_proc_cfg n3, [n4]); ("normal_succs_n3", ProcCfg.Normal.normal_succs normal_proc_cfg n3, [n4]); (* ... and backward... *) ("succs_n1_bw", BackwardCfg.preds backward_proc_cfg n1, [n2]); ("normal_succs_n1_bw", BackwardCfg.normal_preds backward_proc_cfg n1, [n2]); ("succs_n2_bw", BackwardCfg.preds backward_proc_cfg n2, [n4]); ("normal_succs_n2_bw", BackwardCfg.normal_preds backward_proc_cfg n2, [n4]); ("succs_n3_bw", BackwardCfg.preds backward_proc_cfg n3, [n4]); ("normal_succs_n3_bw", BackwardCfg.normal_preds backward_proc_cfg n3, [n4]); (* ...and make sure it all works when using backward + instr cfg *) ("succs_n1_bw_instrcfg", BackwardInstrCfg.preds backward_instr_proc_cfg n1, [n2]); ("normal_succs_n1_bw_instrcfg", BackwardInstrCfg.normal_preds backward_instr_proc_cfg n1, [n2]); ("succs_n2_bw_instrcfg", BackwardInstrCfg.preds backward_instr_proc_cfg n2, [n4]); ("normal_succs_n2_bw_instrcfg", BackwardInstrCfg.normal_preds backward_instr_proc_cfg n2, [n4]); ("succs_n3_bw_instrcfg", BackwardInstrCfg.preds backward_instr_proc_cfg n3, [n4]); ("normal_succs_n3_bw_instrcfg", BackwardInstrCfg.normal_preds backward_instr_proc_cfg n3, [n4]); (* test the preds of the normal cfg... *) ("preds_n2", ProcCfg.Normal.normal_preds normal_proc_cfg n2, [n1]); ("normal_preds_n2", ProcCfg.Normal.normal_preds normal_proc_cfg n2, [n1]); (* ...and the backward cfg... *) ("preds_n2_bw", BackwardCfg.normal_succs backward_proc_cfg n2, [n1]); ("normal_preds_n2_bw", BackwardCfg.normal_succs backward_proc_cfg n2, [n1]); (* ...and again make sure it works with backward + instr cfg *) ("preds_n2_bw_instr", BackwardInstrCfg.normal_succs backward_instr_proc_cfg n2, [n1]); ("normal_preds_n2_bw_instr", BackwardInstrCfg.normal_succs backward_instr_proc_cfg n2, [n1]); (* we shouldn't see any exn succs or preds even though we added them *) ("no_exn_succs_n1", ProcCfg.Normal.exceptional_succs normal_proc_cfg n1, []); ("no_exn_preds_n3", ProcCfg.Normal.exceptional_preds normal_proc_cfg n3, []); (* same in the backward cfg *) ("no_exn_succs_n1_bw", BackwardCfg.exceptional_preds backward_proc_cfg n1, []); ("no_exn_preds_n3_bw", BackwardCfg.exceptional_succs backward_proc_cfg n3, []); (* same in backward + instr cfg *) ("no_exn_succs_n1_bw_instr", BackwardInstrCfg.exceptional_preds backward_instr_proc_cfg n1, []); ("no_exn_preds_n3_bw_instr", BackwardInstrCfg.exceptional_succs backward_instr_proc_cfg n3, []); (* now, test the exceptional succs in the exceptional cfg. *) ("exn_succs_n1", ProcCfg.Exceptional.exceptional_succs exceptional_proc_cfg n1, [n3]); ("exn_succs_n2", ProcCfg.Exceptional.exceptional_succs exceptional_proc_cfg n2, [n3]); ("exn_succs_n3", ProcCfg.Exceptional.exceptional_succs exceptional_proc_cfg n3, [n4]); (* test exceptional pred links *) ("exn_preds_n3", ProcCfg.Exceptional.exceptional_preds exceptional_proc_cfg n3, [n2; n1]); (* succs should return both normal and exceptional successors *) ("exn_all_succs_n1", ProcCfg.Exceptional.succs exceptional_proc_cfg n1, [n3; n2]); (* but, should not return duplicates *) ("exn_all_succs_n3", ProcCfg.Exceptional.succs exceptional_proc_cfg n3, [n4]); (* similarly, preds should return both normal and exceptional predecessors *) ("exn_all_preds_n3", ProcCfg.Exceptional.preds exceptional_proc_cfg n3, [n2; n1]); ("exn_all_preds_n4", ProcCfg.Exceptional.preds exceptional_proc_cfg n4, [n3; n2]); (* finally, normal_succs/normal_preds shouldn't return exceptional edges *) ("exn_normal_succs_n1", ProcCfg.Exceptional.normal_succs exceptional_proc_cfg n1, [n2]); ("exn_normal_preds_n2", ProcCfg.Exceptional.normal_preds exceptional_proc_cfg n2, [n1]); ] |> IList.map (fun (name, test, expected) -> name>::create_test test expected) in let tests = instr_test :: graph_tests in "procCfgSuite">:::tests