/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #include #include #include void assign_zero_ok() { int x[2]; x[1] = 42; } void deref_nullptr_bad() { int* p = nullptr; *p = 42; } void guarded_nullptr_ok() { int* p = nullptr; if (p != nullptr) { *p = 42; } } struct X { void foo(); }; bool choice(); X* may_return_nullptr() { if (choice) { return nullptr; } return new X(); } void no_check_return_bad() { X* x = may_return_nullptr(); x->foo(); } void check_return_ok() { X* x = may_return_nullptr(); if (x != nullptr) { x->foo(); } } void compare_to_null(void* x) { if (x) { } } void deref_after_compare_ok(int* x) { compare_to_null(x); *x = 42; } bool return_true() { return std::true_type{}; } void std_true_type_impossible_deref_ok() { int* x = nullptr; if (!return_true()) { *x = 42; } } void std_true_type_deref_bad() { int* x = nullptr; if (return_true()) { *x = 42; } } bool return_false() { return std::false_type{}; } void std_false_type_impossible_deref_ok() { int* x = nullptr; if (return_false()) { *x = 42; } } void std_false_type_deref_bad() { int* x = nullptr; if (!return_false()) { *x = 42; } } std::atomic global_var{true}; namespace ns1 { namespace ns2 { void fun_abort(bool b) { bool abort = true; if (b) { abort = global_var.load(); } else { abort = true; } if (abort) { std::abort(); } } } // namespace ns2 } // namespace ns1 X* getX(bool b) { if (b) { return new X(); } else { ns1::ns2::fun_abort(true); } return nullptr; } void call_modeled_abort_ok() { getX(false)->foo(); } struct S { int field; }; void set_S(); struct T { static S*& get() { auto& s = T::getRaw(); if (T::getRaw() == nullptr) { set_S(); } return s; } static S*& getRaw() { thread_local S* s = nullptr; return s; } }; void set_S() { auto& s = T::getRaw(); if (s != nullptr) { return; } s = (S*)calloc(1, sizeof(S)); } int thread_local_was_set_ok() { return T::get()->field; }