(* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) (** Translate LLVM to LLAIR *) let pp_lltype fs t = Format.pp_print_string fs (Llvm.string_of_lltype t) (* WARNING: SLOW on instructions and functions *) let pp_llvalue fs t = Format.pp_print_string fs (Llvm.string_of_llvalue t) let pp_llblock fs t = Format.pp_print_string fs (Llvm.string_of_llvalue (Llvm.value_of_block t)) ;; Reg.demangle := let open Ctypes in let cxa_demangle = (* char *__cxa_demangle(const char *, char *, size_t *, int * ) *) Foreign.foreign "__cxa_demangle" ( string @-> ptr char @-> ptr size_t @-> ptr int @-> returning string_opt ) in let null_ptr_char = from_voidp char null in let null_ptr_size_t = from_voidp size_t null in let status = allocate int 0 in fun mangled -> let demangled = cxa_demangle mangled null_ptr_char null_ptr_size_t status in if !@status = 0 then demangled else None exception Invalid_llvm of string let invalid_llvm : string -> 'a = fun msg -> let first_line = Option.value_map ~default:msg ~f:(String.prefix msg) (String.index msg '\n') in Format.printf "@\n%s@\n" msg ; raise (Invalid_llvm first_line) (* gather names and debug locations *) let sym_tbl : (Llvm.llvalue, string * Loc.t) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.Poly.create ~size:4_194_304 () let scope_tbl : ( [`Fun of Llvm.llvalue | `Mod of Llvm.llmodule] , int ref * (string, int) Hashtbl.t ) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.Poly.create ~size:32_768 () open struct open struct let loc_of_global g = Loc.mk ?dir:(Llvm.get_debug_loc_directory g) ?file:(Llvm.get_debug_loc_filename g) ~line:(Llvm.get_debug_loc_line g) ?col:None let loc_of_function f = Loc.mk ?dir:(Llvm.get_debug_loc_directory f) ?file:(Llvm.get_debug_loc_filename f) ~line:(Llvm.get_debug_loc_line f) ?col:None let loc_of_instr i = Loc.mk ?dir:(Llvm.get_debug_loc_directory i) ?file:(Llvm.get_debug_loc_filename i) ~line:(Llvm.get_debug_loc_line i) ~col:(Llvm.get_debug_loc_column i) let add_sym llv loc = let maybe_scope = match Llvm.classify_value llv with | Argument -> Some (`Fun (Llvm.param_parent llv)) | BasicBlock -> Some (`Fun (Llvm.block_parent (Llvm.block_of_value llv))) | Instruction _ -> Some (`Fun (Llvm.block_parent (Llvm.instr_parent llv))) | GlobalVariable | Function -> Some (`Mod (Llvm.global_parent llv)) | UndefValue -> None | ConstantExpr -> None | ConstantPointerNull -> None | _ -> warn "Unexpected type of llv, might crash: %a" pp_llvalue llv () ; Some (`Mod (Llvm.global_parent llv)) in match maybe_scope with | None -> () | Some scope -> let next, void_tbl = Hashtbl.find_or_add scope_tbl scope ~default:(fun () -> (ref 0, Hashtbl.Poly.create ()) ) in let name = match Llvm.classify_type (Llvm.type_of llv) with | Void -> ( let fname = match Llvm.classify_value llv with | Instruction (Call | Invoke) -> ( match Llvm.value_name (Llvm.operand llv (Llvm.num_operands llv - 1)) with | "" -> Int.to_string (!next - 1) | s -> s ) | _ -> "void" in match Hashtbl.find void_tbl fname with | None -> Hashtbl.set void_tbl ~key:fname ~data:1 ; fname ^ ".void" | Some count -> Hashtbl.set void_tbl ~key:fname ~data:(count + 1) ; String.concat_array [|fname; ".void."; Int.to_string count|] ) | _ -> ( match Llvm.value_name llv with | "" -> (* anonymous values take the next SSA name *) let name = !next in next := name + 1 ; Int.to_string name | name -> ( match Int.of_string name with | _ -> (* escape to avoid clash with names of anonymous values *) String.concat_array [|"\""; name; "\""|] | exception _ -> name ) ) in Hashtbl.set sym_tbl ~key:llv ~data:(name, loc) end let scan_names_and_locs : Llvm.llmodule -> unit = fun m -> let scan_global g = add_sym g (loc_of_global g) in let scan_instr i = let loc = loc_of_instr i in add_sym i loc ; match Llvm.instr_opcode i with | Call -> ( match Llvm.(value_name (operand i (num_arg_operands i))) with | "llvm.dbg.declare" -> let md = Llvm.(get_mdnode_operands (operand i 0)) in if not (Array.is_empty md) then add_sym md.(0) loc else warn "could not find variable for debug info at %a with \ metadata %a" Loc.pp loc (List.pp ", " pp_llvalue) (Array.to_list md) () | _ -> () ) | _ -> () in let scan_block b = add_sym (Llvm.value_of_block b) Loc.none ; Llvm.iter_instrs scan_instr b in let scan_function f = Llvm.iter_params (fun prm -> add_sym prm Loc.none) f ; add_sym f (loc_of_function f) ; Llvm.iter_blocks scan_block f in Llvm.iter_globals scan_global m ; Llvm.iter_functions scan_function m let find_name : Llvm.llvalue -> string = fun v -> fst (Hashtbl.find_exn sym_tbl v) let find_loc : Llvm.llvalue -> Loc.t = fun v -> snd (Hashtbl.find_exn sym_tbl v) end let label_of_block : Llvm.llbasicblock -> string = fun blk -> find_name (Llvm.value_of_block blk) let anon_struct_name : (Llvm.lltype, string) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.Poly.create () let struct_name : Llvm.lltype -> string = fun llt -> match Llvm.struct_name llt with | Some name -> name | None -> Hashtbl.find_or_add anon_struct_name llt ~default:(fun () -> Int.to_string (Hashtbl.length anon_struct_name) ) type x = {llcontext: Llvm.llcontext; lldatalayout: Llvm_target.DataLayout.t} let ptr_siz : x -> int = fun x -> Llvm_target.DataLayout.pointer_size x.lldatalayout let size_of, bit_size_of = let size_to_int size_of x llt = if Llvm.type_is_sized llt then match Int64.to_int (size_of llt x.lldatalayout) with | Some n -> n | None -> fail "type size too large: %a" pp_lltype llt () else fail "types with undetermined size: %a" pp_lltype llt () in ( size_to_int Llvm_target.DataLayout.abi_size , size_to_int Llvm_target.DataLayout.size_in_bits ) let memo_type : (Llvm.lltype, Typ.t) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.Poly.create () let rec xlate_type : x -> Llvm.lltype -> Typ.t = fun x llt -> let xlate_type_ llt = if Llvm.type_is_sized llt then let byts = size_of x llt in let bits = bit_size_of x llt in match Llvm.classify_type llt with | Half | Float | Double | Fp128 -> Typ.float ~bits ~byts ~enc:`IEEE | X86fp80 -> Typ.float ~bits ~byts ~enc:`Extended | Ppc_fp128 -> Typ.float ~bits ~byts ~enc:`Pair | Integer -> Typ.integer ~bits ~byts | X86_mmx -> Typ.integer ~bits ~byts | Pointer -> if byts <> ptr_siz x then todo "non-integral pointer types: %a" pp_lltype llt () ; let elt = xlate_type x (Llvm.element_type llt) in Typ.pointer ~elt | Vector -> let elt = xlate_type x (Llvm.element_type llt) in let len = Llvm.vector_size llt in Typ.array ~elt ~len ~bits ~byts | Array -> let elt = xlate_type x (Llvm.element_type llt) in let len = Llvm.array_length llt in Typ.array ~elt ~len ~bits ~byts | Struct -> let llelts = Llvm.struct_element_types llt in let len = Array.length llelts in let packed = Llvm.is_packed llt in if Llvm.is_literal llt then let elts = IArray.map ~f:(xlate_type x) (IArray.of_array llelts) in Typ.tuple elts ~bits ~byts ~packed else let name = struct_name llt in let elts = IArray.init len ~f:(fun i -> lazy (xlate_type x llelts.(i))) in Typ.struct_ ~name elts ~bits ~byts ~packed | Function -> fail "expected to be unsized: %a" pp_lltype llt () | Void | Label | Metadata | Token -> assert false else match Llvm.classify_type llt with | Function -> let return = xlate_type_opt x (Llvm.return_type llt) in let llargs = Llvm.param_types llt in let len = Array.length llargs in let args = IArray.init len ~f:(fun i -> xlate_type x llargs.(i)) in Typ.function_ ~return ~args | Struct when Llvm.is_opaque llt -> Typ.opaque ~name:(struct_name llt) | Token -> Typ.opaque ~name:"token" | Vector | Array | Struct -> todo "unsized non-opaque aggregate types: %a" pp_lltype llt () | Half | Float | Double | X86fp80 | Fp128 | Ppc_fp128 | Integer |X86_mmx | Pointer -> fail "expected to be sized: %a" pp_lltype llt () | Void | Label | Metadata -> assert false in Hashtbl.find_or_add memo_type llt ~default:(fun () -> [%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp_lltype llt] ; xlate_type_ llt |> [%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "%a" Typ.pp_defn] ) and xlate_type_opt : x -> Llvm.lltype -> Typ.t option = fun x llt -> match Llvm.classify_type llt with | Void -> None | _ -> Some (xlate_type x llt) let i32 x = xlate_type x (Llvm.i32_type x.llcontext) let suffix_after_last_space : string -> string = fun str -> String.drop_prefix str (String.rindex_exn str ' ' + 1) let xlate_int : x -> Llvm.llvalue -> Exp.t = fun x llv -> let llt = Llvm.type_of llv in let typ = xlate_type x llt in let data = match Llvm.int64_of_const llv with | Some n -> Z.of_int64 n | None -> Z.of_string (suffix_after_last_space (Llvm.string_of_llvalue llv)) in Exp.integer typ data let xlate_float : x -> Llvm.llvalue -> Exp.t = fun x llv -> let llt = Llvm.type_of llv in let typ = xlate_type x llt in let data = suffix_after_last_space (Llvm.string_of_llvalue llv) in Exp.float typ data let xlate_name x ?global : Llvm.llvalue -> Reg.t = fun llv -> let typ = xlate_type x (Llvm.type_of llv) in Reg.program ?global typ (find_name llv) let xlate_name_opt : x -> Llvm.llvalue -> Reg.t option = fun x instr -> let llt = Llvm.type_of instr in match Llvm.classify_type llt with | Void -> None | _ -> Some (xlate_name x instr) let memo_value : (bool * Llvm.llvalue, Exp.t) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.Poly.create () let memo_global : (Llvm.llvalue, Global.t) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.Poly.create () let should_inline : Llvm.llvalue -> bool = fun llv -> match Llvm.use_begin llv with | Some use -> ( match Llvm.use_succ use with | Some _ -> ( match Llvm.classify_value llv with | Instruction ( Trunc | ZExt | SExt | FPToUI | FPToSI | UIToFP | SIToFP | FPTrunc | FPExt | PtrToInt | IntToPtr | BitCast | AddrSpaceCast ) -> true (* inline casts *) | _ -> false (* do not inline if >= 2 uses *) ) | None -> true ) | None -> true let ptr_fld x ~ptr ~fld ~lltyp = let offset = Llvm_target.DataLayout.offset_of_element lltyp fld x.lldatalayout in Exp.add ~typ:Typ.ptr ptr (Exp.integer Typ.siz (Z.of_int64 offset)) let ptr_idx x ~ptr ~idx ~llelt = let stride = Llvm_target.DataLayout.abi_size llelt x.lldatalayout in Exp.add ~typ:Typ.ptr ptr (Exp.mul ~typ:Typ.siz (Exp.integer Typ.siz (Z.of_int64 stride)) idx) let convert_to_siz = let siz_bits = Typ.bit_size_of Typ.siz in fun typ arg -> match (typ : Typ.t) with | Integer {bits} -> if siz_bits < bits then Exp.signed siz_bits arg ~to_:Typ.siz else if siz_bits > bits then Exp.signed bits arg ~to_:Typ.siz else arg | _ -> fail "convert_to_siz: %a" Typ.pp typ () let xlate_llvm_eh_typeid_for : x -> Typ.t -> Exp.t -> Exp.t = fun x typ arg -> Exp.convert typ ~to_:(i32 x) arg let rec xlate_intrinsic_exp stk : string -> (x -> Llvm.llvalue -> Exp.t) option = fun name -> match name with | "llvm.eh.typeid.for" -> Some (fun x llv -> let rand = Llvm.operand llv 0 in let arg = xlate_value stk x rand in let src = xlate_type x (Llvm.type_of rand) in xlate_llvm_eh_typeid_for x src arg ) | _ -> None and xlate_value ?(inline = false) stk : x -> Llvm.llvalue -> Exp.t = fun x llv -> let xlate_value_ llv = match Llvm.classify_value llv with | Instruction Call -> ( let func = Llvm.operand llv (Llvm.num_arg_operands llv) in let fname = Llvm.value_name func in match xlate_intrinsic_exp stk fname with | Some intrinsic when inline || should_inline llv -> intrinsic x llv | _ -> Exp.reg (xlate_name x llv) ) | Instruction (Invoke | Alloca | Load | PHI | LandingPad | VAArg) |Argument -> Exp.reg (xlate_name x llv) | Function | GlobalVariable -> Exp.reg (xlate_global stk x llv).reg | GlobalAlias -> xlate_value stk x (Llvm.operand llv 0) | ConstantInt -> xlate_int x llv | ConstantFP -> xlate_float x llv | ConstantPointerNull -> Exp.null | ConstantAggregateZero -> ( let typ = xlate_type x (Llvm.type_of llv) in match typ with | Integer _ -> Exp.integer typ Z.zero | Pointer _ -> Exp.null | Array _ | Tuple _ | Struct _ -> Exp.splat typ (Exp.integer Typ.byt Z.zero) | _ -> fail "ConstantAggregateZero of type %a" Typ.pp typ () ) | ConstantVector | ConstantArray -> let typ = xlate_type x (Llvm.type_of llv) in let len = Llvm.num_operands llv in let f i = xlate_value stk x (Llvm.operand llv i) in Exp.record typ (IArray.init len ~f) | ConstantDataVector -> let typ = xlate_type x (Llvm.type_of llv) in let len = Llvm.vector_size (Llvm.type_of llv) in let f i = xlate_value stk x (Llvm.const_element llv i) in Exp.record typ (IArray.init len ~f) | ConstantDataArray -> let typ = xlate_type x (Llvm.type_of llv) in let len = Llvm.array_length (Llvm.type_of llv) in let f i = xlate_value stk x (Llvm.const_element llv i) in Exp.record typ (IArray.init len ~f) | ConstantStruct -> ( let typ = xlate_type x (Llvm.type_of llv) in match List.findi llv stk with | Some i -> Exp.rec_record i typ | None -> let stk = llv :: stk in Exp.record typ (IArray.init (Llvm.num_operands llv) ~f:(fun i -> xlate_value stk x (Llvm.operand llv i) )) ) | BlockAddress -> let parent = find_name (Llvm.operand llv 0) in let name = find_name (Llvm.operand llv 1) in Exp.label ~parent ~name | UndefValue -> let typ = xlate_type x (Llvm.type_of llv) in Exp.nondet typ (Llvm.string_of_llvalue llv) | Instruction ( ( Trunc | ZExt | SExt | FPToUI | FPToSI | UIToFP | SIToFP | FPTrunc | FPExt | PtrToInt | IntToPtr | BitCast | AddrSpaceCast | Add | FAdd | Sub | FSub | Mul | FMul | UDiv | SDiv | FDiv | URem | SRem | FRem | Shl | LShr | AShr | And | Or | Xor | ICmp | FCmp | Select | GetElementPtr | ExtractElement | InsertElement | ShuffleVector | ExtractValue | InsertValue ) as opcode ) -> if inline || should_inline llv then xlate_opcode stk x llv opcode else Exp.reg (xlate_name x llv) | ConstantExpr -> xlate_opcode stk x llv (Llvm.constexpr_opcode llv) | GlobalIFunc -> todo "ifuncs: %a" pp_llvalue llv () | Instruction (CatchPad | CleanupPad | CatchSwitch) -> todo "windows exception handling: %a" pp_llvalue llv () | Instruction ( Invalid | Ret | Br | Switch | IndirectBr | Invalid2 | Unreachable | Store | UserOp1 | UserOp2 | Fence | AtomicCmpXchg | AtomicRMW | Resume | CleanupRet | CatchRet ) |NullValue | BasicBlock | InlineAsm | MDNode | MDString -> fail "xlate_value: %a" pp_llvalue llv () in Hashtbl.find_or_add memo_value (inline, llv) ~default:(fun () -> [%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp_llvalue llv] ; xlate_value_ llv |> [%Trace.retn fun {pf} exp -> pf "%a" Exp.pp exp] ) and xlate_opcode stk : x -> Llvm.llvalue -> Llvm.Opcode.t -> Exp.t = fun x llv opcode -> [%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp_llvalue llv] ; let xlate_rand i = xlate_value stk x (Llvm.operand llv i) in let typ = lazy (xlate_type x (Llvm.type_of llv)) in let convert opcode = let dst = Lazy.force typ in let rand = Llvm.operand llv 0 in let src = xlate_type x (Llvm.type_of rand) in let arg = xlate_value stk x rand in match (opcode : Llvm.Opcode.t) with | Trunc -> Exp.signed (Typ.bit_size_of dst) arg ~to_:dst | SExt -> Exp.signed (Typ.bit_size_of src) arg ~to_:dst | ZExt -> Exp.unsigned (Typ.bit_size_of src) arg ~to_:dst | (BitCast | AddrSpaceCast) when Typ.equal dst src -> arg | FPToUI | FPToSI | UIToFP | SIToFP | FPTrunc | FPExt | PtrToInt |IntToPtr | BitCast | AddrSpaceCast -> Exp.convert src ~to_:dst arg | _ -> fail "convert: %a" pp_llvalue llv () in let binary (mk : ?typ:_ -> _) = if Poly.equal (Llvm.classify_type (Llvm.type_of llv)) Vector then todo "vector operations: %a" pp_llvalue llv () ; let typ = xlate_type x (Llvm.type_of (Llvm.operand llv 0)) in mk ~typ (xlate_rand 0) (xlate_rand 1) in let unordered_or mk = binary (fun ?typ e f -> Exp.or_ ~typ:Typ.bool (Exp.uno ?typ e f) (mk ?typ e f) ) in ( match opcode with | Trunc | ZExt | SExt | FPToUI | FPToSI | UIToFP | SIToFP | FPTrunc |FPExt | PtrToInt | IntToPtr | BitCast | AddrSpaceCast -> convert opcode | ICmp -> ( match Option.value_exn (Llvm.icmp_predicate llv) with | Eq -> binary Exp.eq | Ne -> binary Exp.dq | Sgt -> binary Exp.gt | Sge -> binary Exp.ge | Slt -> binary Exp.lt | Sle -> binary Exp.le | Ugt -> binary Exp.ugt | Uge -> binary Exp.uge | Ult -> binary Exp.ult | Ule -> binary Exp.ule ) | FCmp -> ( match Llvm.fcmp_predicate llv with | None | Some False -> binary (fun ?typ:_ _ _ -> Exp.false_) | Some Oeq -> binary Exp.eq | Some Ogt -> binary Exp.gt | Some Oge -> binary Exp.ge | Some Olt -> binary Exp.lt | Some Ole -> binary Exp.le | Some One -> binary Exp.dq | Some Ord -> binary Exp.ord | Some Uno -> binary Exp.uno | Some Ueq -> unordered_or Exp.eq | Some Ugt -> unordered_or Exp.gt | Some Uge -> unordered_or Exp.ge | Some Ult -> unordered_or Exp.lt | Some Ule -> unordered_or Exp.le | Some Une -> unordered_or Exp.dq | Some True -> binary (fun ?typ:_ _ _ -> Exp.true_) ) | Add | FAdd -> binary Exp.add | Sub | FSub -> binary Exp.sub | Mul | FMul -> binary Exp.mul | SDiv | FDiv -> binary Exp.div | UDiv -> binary Exp.udiv | SRem | FRem -> binary Exp.rem | URem -> binary Exp.urem | Shl -> binary Exp.shl | LShr -> binary Exp.lshr | AShr -> binary Exp.ashr | And -> binary Exp.and_ | Or -> binary Exp.or_ | Xor -> binary Exp.xor | Select -> let typ = xlate_type x (Llvm.type_of (Llvm.operand llv 1)) in Exp.conditional ~typ ~cnd:(xlate_rand 0) ~thn:(xlate_rand 1) ~els:(xlate_rand 2) | ExtractElement | InsertElement -> ( let typ = let lltyp = Llvm.type_of (Llvm.operand llv 0) in let llelt = Llvm.element_type lltyp in let elt = xlate_type x llelt in let len = Llvm.vector_size llelt in let byts = size_of x lltyp in let bits = bit_size_of x lltyp in Typ.array ~elt ~len ~bits ~byts in let idx i = match (xlate_rand i).desc with | Integer {data} -> Z.to_int data | _ -> todo "vector operations: %a" pp_llvalue llv () in let rcd = xlate_rand 0 in match opcode with | ExtractElement -> Exp.select typ rcd (idx 1) | InsertElement -> Exp.update typ ~rcd (idx 2) ~elt:(xlate_rand 1) | _ -> assert false ) | ExtractValue | InsertValue -> let agg = xlate_rand 0 in let typ = xlate_type x (Llvm.type_of (Llvm.operand llv 0)) in let indices = Llvm.indices llv in let num = Array.length indices in let rec xlate_indices i rcd typ = let rcd_i, typ_i, upd = match (typ : Typ.t) with | Tuple {elts} | Struct {elts} -> ( Exp.select typ rcd indices.(i) , IArray.get elts indices.(i) , Exp.update typ ~rcd indices.(i) ) | Array {elt} -> ( Exp.select typ rcd indices.(i) , elt , Exp.update typ ~rcd indices.(i) ) | _ -> fail "xlate_value: %a" pp_llvalue llv () in let update_or_return elt ret = match[@warning "p"] opcode with | InsertValue -> upd ~elt:(Lazy.force elt) | ExtractValue -> ret in if i < num - 1 then let elt = xlate_indices (i + 1) rcd_i typ_i in update_or_return (lazy elt) elt else let elt = lazy (xlate_rand 1) in update_or_return elt rcd_i in xlate_indices 0 agg typ | GetElementPtr -> if Poly.equal (Llvm.classify_type (Llvm.type_of llv)) Vector then todo "vector operations: %a" pp_llvalue llv () ; let len = Llvm.num_operands llv in assert (len > 0 || invalid_llvm (Llvm.string_of_llvalue llv)) ; if len = 1 then convert BitCast else let rec xlate_indices i = [%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%i %a" i pp_llvalue (Llvm.operand llv i)] ; let idx = convert_to_siz (xlate_type x (Llvm.type_of (Llvm.operand llv i))) (xlate_rand i) in ( if i = 1 then let base = xlate_rand 0 in let lltyp = Llvm.type_of (Llvm.operand llv 0) in let llelt = match Llvm.classify_type lltyp with | Pointer -> Llvm.element_type lltyp | _ -> fail "xlate_opcode: %i %a" i pp_llvalue llv () in (* translate [gep t*, iN M] as [gep [1 x t]*, iN M] *) (ptr_idx x ~ptr:base ~idx ~llelt, llelt) else let ptr, lltyp = xlate_indices (i - 1) in match Llvm.classify_type lltyp with | Array | Vector -> let llelt = Llvm.element_type lltyp in (ptr_idx x ~ptr ~idx ~llelt, llelt) | Struct -> let fld = match Option.bind ~f:Int64.to_int (Llvm.int64_of_const (Llvm.operand llv i)) with | Some n -> n | None -> fail "xlate_opcode: %i %a" i pp_llvalue llv () in let llelt = (Llvm.struct_element_types lltyp).(fld) in (ptr_fld x ~ptr ~fld ~lltyp, llelt) | _ -> fail "xlate_opcode: %i %a" i pp_llvalue llv () ) |> [%Trace.retn fun {pf} (exp, llt) -> pf "%a %a" Exp.pp exp pp_lltype llt] in fst (xlate_indices (len - 1)) | ShuffleVector -> ( (* translate shufflevector %x, _, zeroinitializer to %x *) let exp = xlate_value stk x (Llvm.operand llv 0) in let exp_typ = xlate_type x (Llvm.type_of (Llvm.operand llv 0)) in let llmask = Llvm.operand llv 2 in let mask_typ = xlate_type x (Llvm.type_of llmask) in match (exp_typ, mask_typ) with | Array {len= m}, Array {len= n} when m = n && Llvm.is_null llmask -> exp | _ -> todo "vector operations: %a" pp_llvalue llv () ) | Invalid | Ret | Br | Switch | IndirectBr | Invoke | Invalid2 |Unreachable | Alloca | Load | Store | PHI | Call | UserOp1 | UserOp2 |Fence | AtomicCmpXchg | AtomicRMW | Resume | LandingPad | CleanupRet |CatchRet | CatchPad | CleanupPad | CatchSwitch | VAArg -> fail "xlate_opcode: %a" pp_llvalue llv () ) |> [%Trace.retn fun {pf} exp -> pf "%a" Exp.pp exp] and xlate_global stk : x -> Llvm.llvalue -> Global.t = fun x llg -> Hashtbl.find_or_add memo_global llg ~default:(fun () -> [%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp_llvalue llg] ; let g = xlate_name x ~global:() llg in let loc = find_loc llg in (* add to tbl without initializer in case of recursive occurrences in its own initializer *) Hashtbl.set memo_global ~key:llg ~data:(Global.mk g loc) ; let init = match Llvm.classify_value llg with | GlobalVariable -> Option.map (Llvm.global_initializer llg) ~f:(fun llv -> (xlate_value stk x llv, size_of x (Llvm.type_of llv)) ) | _ -> None in Global.mk ?init g loc |> [%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "%a" Global.pp_defn] ) let xlate_intrinsic_exp = xlate_intrinsic_exp [] let xlate_value ?inline = xlate_value ?inline [] let xlate_opcode = xlate_opcode [] let xlate_global = xlate_global [] type pop_thunk = Loc.t -> Llair.inst list let pop_stack_frame_of_function : x -> Llvm.llvalue -> Llvm.llbasicblock -> pop_thunk = fun x func entry_blk -> let append_stack_regs blk regs = Llvm.fold_right_instrs (fun instr regs -> match Llvm.instr_opcode instr with | Alloca -> xlate_name x instr :: regs | _ -> regs ) blk regs in let entry_regs = append_stack_regs entry_blk [] in Llvm.iter_blocks (fun blk -> if not (Poly.equal entry_blk blk) then Llvm.iter_instrs (fun instr -> match Llvm.instr_opcode instr with | Alloca -> warn "stack allocation after function entry:@ %a" Loc.pp (find_loc instr) () | _ -> () ) blk ) func ; let pop retn_loc = List.map entry_regs ~f:(fun reg -> Llair.Inst.free ~ptr:(Exp.reg reg) ~loc:retn_loc ) in pop (** construct the types involved in landingpads: i32, std::type_info*, and __cxa_exception *) let landingpad_typs : x -> Llvm.llvalue -> Typ.t * Typ.t * Llvm.lltype = fun x instr -> let llt = Llvm.type_of instr in let i32 = i32 x in if not ( Poly.(Llvm.classify_type llt = Struct) && let llelts = Llvm.struct_element_types llt in Array.length llelts = 2 && Poly.(llelts.(0) = Llvm.pointer_type (Llvm.i8_type x.llcontext)) && Poly.(llelts.(1) = Llvm.i32_type x.llcontext) ) then todo "landingpad of type other than {i8*, i32}: %a" pp_llvalue instr () ; let llcontext = Llvm.( module_context (global_parent (block_parent (instr_parent instr)))) in let llpi8 = Llvm.(pointer_type (integer_type llcontext 8)) in let ti = Llvm.(named_struct_type llcontext "class.std::type_info") in let tip = Llvm.pointer_type ti in let void = Llvm.void_type llcontext in let dtor = Llvm.(pointer_type (function_type void [|llpi8|])) in let cxa_exception = Llvm.struct_type llcontext [|tip; dtor|] in (i32, xlate_type x tip, cxa_exception) let exception_typs = let pi8 = Typ.pointer ~elt:Typ.byt in let i32 = Typ.integer ~bits:32 ~byts:4 in let exc = Typ.tuple ~packed:false (IArray.of_array [|pi8; i32|]) ~bits:96 ~byts:12 in (pi8, i32, exc) (** Translate a control transfer from instruction [instr] to block [dst] to a jump, if necessary by extending [blocks] with a trampoline containing the PHIs of [dst] translated to a move. *) let xlate_jump : x -> ?reg_exps:(Reg.t * Exp.t) list -> Llvm.llvalue -> Llvm.llbasicblock -> Loc.t -> Llair.block list -> Llair.jump * Llair.block list = fun x ?(reg_exps = []) instr dst loc blocks -> let src = Llvm.instr_parent instr in let rec xlate_jump_ reg_exps (pos : _ Llvm.llpos) = match pos with | Before dst_instr -> ( match Llvm.instr_opcode dst_instr with | PHI -> let reg_exp = List.find_map_exn (Llvm.incoming dst_instr) ~f:(fun (arg, pred) -> if Poly.equal pred src then Some (xlate_name x dst_instr, xlate_value x arg) else None ) in xlate_jump_ (reg_exp :: reg_exps) (Llvm.instr_succ dst_instr) | _ -> reg_exps ) | At_end blk -> fail "xlate_jump: %a" pp_llblock blk () in let dst_lbl = label_of_block dst in let jmp = Llair.Jump.mk dst_lbl in match xlate_jump_ reg_exps (Llvm.instr_begin dst) with | [] -> (jmp, blocks) | reg_exps -> let mov = Llair.Inst.move ~reg_exps:(IArray.of_list_rev reg_exps) ~loc in let lbl = find_name instr ^ ".jmp." ^ dst_lbl in let blk = Llair.Block.mk ~lbl ~cmnd:(IArray.of_array [|mov|]) ~term:(Llair.Term.goto ~dst:jmp ~loc) in let blocks = match List.find blocks ~f:(fun b -> String.equal lbl b.lbl) with | None -> blk :: blocks | Some blk0 -> assert (Llair.Block.equal blk0 blk) ; blocks in (Llair.Jump.mk lbl, blocks) (** An LLVM instruction is translated to a sequence of LLAIR instructions and a terminator, plus some additional blocks to which it may refer (that is, essentially a function body). These are needed since LLVM and LLAIR blocks are not in 1:1 correspondence. *) type code = Llair.inst list * Llair.term * Llair.block list let pp_code fs (insts, term, blocks) = Format.fprintf fs "@[@,@[%a%t@]%t@[%a@]@]" (List.pp "@ " Llair.Inst.pp) insts (fun fs -> match term with | Llair.Unreachable -> () | _ -> Format.fprintf fs "%t%a" (fun fs -> if List.is_empty insts then () else Format.fprintf fs "@ " ) Llair.Term.pp term ) (fun fs -> if List.is_empty blocks then () else Format.fprintf fs "@\n") (List.pp "@ " Llair.Block.pp) blocks let rec xlate_func_name x llv = match Llvm.classify_value llv with | Function | GlobalVariable -> Exp.reg (xlate_name x ~global:() llv) | ConstantExpr -> xlate_opcode x llv (Llvm.constexpr_opcode llv) | Argument | Instruction _ -> xlate_value x llv | GlobalAlias -> xlate_func_name x (Llvm.operand llv 0) | GlobalIFunc -> todo "ifunc: %a" pp_llvalue llv () | InlineAsm -> todo "inline asm: %a" pp_llvalue llv () | ConstantPointerNull -> todo "call null: %a" pp_llvalue llv () | _ -> todo "function kind in %a" pp_llvalue llv () let ignored_callees = Hash_set.create (module String) let xlate_size_of x llv = Exp.integer Typ.siz (Z.of_int (size_of x (Llvm.type_of llv))) let xlate_instr : pop_thunk -> x -> Llvm.llvalue -> ((Llair.inst list * Llair.term -> code) -> code) -> code = fun pop x instr continue -> [%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp_llvalue instr] ; let continue insts_term_to_code = [%Trace.retn fun {pf} () -> pf "%a" pp_code (insts_term_to_code ([], Llair.Term.unreachable))] () ; continue insts_term_to_code in let nop () = continue (fun (insts, term) -> (insts, term, [])) in let emit_inst inst = continue (fun (insts, term) -> (inst :: insts, term, [])) in let emit_term ?(prefix = []) ?(blocks = []) term = [%Trace.retn fun {pf} () -> pf "%a" pp_code (prefix, term, blocks)] () ; (prefix, term, blocks) in let name = find_name instr in let loc = find_loc instr in let inline_or_move xlate = if should_inline instr then nop () else let reg = xlate_name x instr in let exp = xlate instr in let reg_exps = IArray.of_array [|(reg, exp)|] in emit_inst (Llair.Inst.move ~reg_exps ~loc) in let opcode = Llvm.instr_opcode instr in match opcode with | Load -> let reg = xlate_name x instr in let len = xlate_size_of x instr in let ptr = xlate_value x (Llvm.operand instr 0) in emit_inst (Llair.Inst.load ~reg ~ptr ~len ~loc) | Store -> let rand0 = Llvm.operand instr 0 in let exp = xlate_value x rand0 in let len = xlate_size_of x rand0 in let ptr = xlate_value x (Llvm.operand instr 1) in emit_inst (Llair.Inst.store ~ptr ~exp ~len ~loc) | Alloca -> let reg = xlate_name x instr in let rand = Llvm.operand instr 0 in let num = convert_to_siz (xlate_type x (Llvm.type_of rand)) (xlate_value x rand) in assert (Poly.(Llvm.classify_type (Llvm.type_of instr) = Pointer)) ; let len = xlate_size_of x instr in emit_inst (Llair.Inst.alloc ~reg ~num ~len ~loc) | Call -> ( let maybe_llfunc = Llvm.operand instr (Llvm.num_operands instr - 1) in let lltyp = Llvm.type_of maybe_llfunc in assert (Poly.(Llvm.classify_type lltyp = Pointer)) ; let llfunc = let llfunc_valuekind = Llvm.classify_value maybe_llfunc in match llfunc_valuekind with | Function | Instruction _ | InlineAsm | Argument -> maybe_llfunc | ConstantExpr -> ( match Llvm.constexpr_opcode maybe_llfunc with | BitCast -> Llvm.operand maybe_llfunc 0 | _ -> todo "opcode kind in call instruction %a" pp_llvalue maybe_llfunc () ) | _ -> todo "operand kind in call instruction %a" pp_llvalue maybe_llfunc () in let fname = Llvm.value_name llfunc in let skip msg = ( match Hash_set.strict_add ignored_callees fname with | Ok () -> warn "ignoring uninterpreted %s %s" msg fname () | Error _ -> () ) ; let reg = xlate_name_opt x instr in emit_inst (Llair.Inst.nondet ~reg ~msg:fname ~loc) in (* intrinsics *) match xlate_intrinsic_exp fname with | Some intrinsic -> inline_or_move (intrinsic x) | None -> ( match String.split fname ~on:'.' with | ["__llair_throw"] -> let exc = xlate_value x (Llvm.operand instr 0) in emit_term ~prefix:(pop loc) (Llair.Term.throw ~exc ~loc) | ["__llair_alloc" (* void* __llair_alloc(unsigned size) *)] -> let reg = xlate_name x instr in let num_operand = Llvm.operand instr 0 in let num = convert_to_siz (xlate_type x (Llvm.type_of num_operand)) (xlate_value x num_operand) in let len = Exp.integer Typ.siz (Z.of_int 1) in emit_inst (Llair.Inst.alloc ~reg ~num ~len ~loc) | ["_Znwm" (* operator new(size_t num) *)] |[ "_ZnwmSt11align_val_t" (* operator new(unsigned long, std::align_val_t) *) ] -> let reg = xlate_name x instr in let num = xlate_value x (Llvm.operand instr 0) in let len = xlate_size_of x instr in emit_inst (Llair.Inst.alloc ~reg ~num ~len ~loc) | ["_ZdlPv" (* operator delete(void* ptr) *)] |[ "_ZdlPvSt11align_val_t" (* operator delete(void* ptr, std::align_val_t) *) ] |[ "_ZdlPvmSt11align_val_t" (* operator delete(void* ptr, unsigned long, std::align_val_t) *) ] |["free" (* void free(void* ptr) *)] -> let ptr = xlate_value x (Llvm.operand instr 0) in emit_inst (Llair.Inst.free ~ptr ~loc) | "llvm" :: "memset" :: _ -> let dst = xlate_value x (Llvm.operand instr 0) in let byt = xlate_value x (Llvm.operand instr 1) in let len = xlate_value x (Llvm.operand instr 2) in emit_inst (Llair.Inst.memset ~dst ~byt ~len ~loc) | "llvm" :: "memcpy" :: _ -> let dst = xlate_value x (Llvm.operand instr 0) in let src = xlate_value x (Llvm.operand instr 1) in let len = xlate_value x (Llvm.operand instr 2) in emit_inst (Llair.Inst.memcpy ~dst ~src ~len ~loc) | "llvm" :: "memmove" :: _ -> let dst = xlate_value x (Llvm.operand instr 0) in let src = xlate_value x (Llvm.operand instr 1) in let len = xlate_value x (Llvm.operand instr 2) in emit_inst (Llair.Inst.memmov ~dst ~src ~len ~loc) | ["abort"] | ["llvm"; "trap"] -> emit_inst (Llair.Inst.abort ~loc) (* dropped / handled elsewhere *) | ["llvm"; "dbg"; ("declare" | "value")] |"llvm" :: ("lifetime" | "invariant") :: ("start" | "end") :: _ -> nop () (* unimplemented *) | ["llvm"; ("stacksave" | "stackrestore")] -> skip "dynamic stack deallocation" | "llvm" :: "coro" :: _ -> todo "coroutines:@ %a" pp_llvalue instr () | "llvm" :: "experimental" :: "gc" :: "statepoint" :: _ -> todo "statepoints:@ %a" pp_llvalue instr () | ["llvm"; ("va_start" | "va_copy" | "va_end")] -> skip "variadic function intrinsic" | "llvm" :: _ -> skip "intrinsic" | _ when Poly.equal (Llvm.classify_value llfunc) InlineAsm -> skip "inline asm" (* general function call that may not throw *) | _ -> let callee = xlate_func_name x llfunc in let typ = xlate_type x lltyp in let lbl = name ^ ".ret" in let call = let actuals = let num_actuals = if not (Llvm.is_var_arg (Llvm.element_type lltyp)) then Llvm.num_arg_operands instr else let fname = Llvm.value_name llfunc in ( match Hash_set.strict_add ignored_callees fname with | Ok () when not (Llvm.is_declaration llfunc) -> warn "ignoring variable arguments to variadic \ function: %a" Exp.pp callee () | _ -> () ) ; let llfty = Llvm.element_type lltyp in ( match Llvm.classify_type llfty with | Function -> () | _ -> fail "called function not of function type: %a" pp_llvalue instr () ) ; Array.length (Llvm.param_types llfty) in List.rev_init num_actuals ~f:(fun i -> xlate_value x (Llvm.operand instr i) ) in let areturn = xlate_name_opt x instr in let return = Llair.Jump.mk lbl in Llair.Term.call ~callee ~typ ~actuals ~areturn ~return ~throw:None ~loc in continue (fun (insts, term) -> let cmnd = IArray.of_list insts in ([], call, [Llair.Block.mk ~lbl ~cmnd ~term]) ) ) ) | Invoke -> ( let llfunc = Llvm.operand instr (Llvm.num_operands instr - 3) in let lltyp = Llvm.type_of llfunc in assert (Poly.(Llvm.classify_type lltyp = Pointer)) ; let fname = Llvm.value_name llfunc in let return_blk = Llvm.get_normal_dest instr in let unwind_blk = Llvm.get_unwind_dest instr in let num_actuals = if not (Llvm.is_var_arg (Llvm.element_type lltyp)) then Llvm.num_arg_operands instr else ( ( match Hash_set.strict_add ignored_callees fname with | Ok () when not (Llvm.is_declaration llfunc) -> warn "ignoring variable arguments to variadic function: %a" Global.pp (xlate_global x llfunc) () | _ -> () ) ; assert (Poly.(Llvm.classify_type lltyp = Pointer)) ; Array.length (Llvm.param_types (Llvm.element_type lltyp)) ) in (* intrinsics *) match String.split fname ~on:'.' with | _ when Option.is_some (xlate_intrinsic_exp fname) -> let dst, blocks = xlate_jump x instr return_blk loc [] in emit_term (Llair.Term.goto ~dst ~loc) ~blocks | ["__llair_throw"] -> let dst, blocks = xlate_jump x instr unwind_blk loc [] in emit_term (Llair.Term.goto ~dst ~loc) ~blocks | ["abort"] -> emit_term ~prefix:[Llair.Inst.abort ~loc] Llair.Term.unreachable | ["_Znwm" (* operator new(size_t num) *)] |[ "_ZnwmSt11align_val_t" (* operator new(unsigned long num, std::align_val_t) *) ] when num_actuals > 0 -> let reg = xlate_name x instr in let num = xlate_value x (Llvm.operand instr 0) in let len = xlate_size_of x instr in let dst, blocks = xlate_jump x instr return_blk loc [] in emit_term ~prefix:[Llair.Inst.alloc ~reg ~num ~len ~loc] (Llair.Term.goto ~dst ~loc) ~blocks (* unimplemented *) | "llvm" :: "experimental" :: "gc" :: "statepoint" :: _ -> todo "statepoints:@ %a" pp_llvalue instr () (* general function call that may throw *) | _ -> let callee = xlate_func_name x llfunc in let typ = xlate_type x (Llvm.type_of llfunc) in let actuals = List.rev_init num_actuals ~f:(fun i -> xlate_value x (Llvm.operand instr i) ) in let areturn = xlate_name_opt x instr in let return, blocks = xlate_jump x instr return_blk loc [] in let throw, blocks = xlate_jump x instr unwind_blk loc blocks in let throw = Some throw in emit_term (Llair.Term.call ~callee ~typ ~actuals ~areturn ~return ~throw ~loc) ~blocks ) | Ret -> let exp = if Llvm.num_operands instr = 0 then None else Some (xlate_value x (Llvm.operand instr 0)) in emit_term ~prefix:(pop loc) (Llair.Term.return ~exp ~loc) | Br -> ( match Option.value_exn (Llvm.get_branch instr) with | `Unconditional blk -> let dst, blocks = xlate_jump x instr blk loc [] in emit_term (Llair.Term.goto ~dst ~loc) ~blocks | `Conditional (cnd, thn, els) -> let key = xlate_value x cnd in let thn, blocks = xlate_jump x instr thn loc [] in let els, blocks = xlate_jump x instr els loc blocks in emit_term (Llair.Term.branch ~key ~nzero:thn ~zero:els ~loc) ~blocks ) | Switch -> let key = xlate_value x (Llvm.operand instr 0) in let cases, blocks = let num_cases = (Llvm.num_operands instr / 2) - 1 in let rec xlate_cases i blocks = if i <= num_cases then let idx = Llvm.operand instr (2 * i) in let blk = Llvm.block_of_value (Llvm.operand instr ((2 * i) + 1)) in let num = xlate_value x idx in let jmp, blocks = xlate_jump x instr blk loc blocks in let rest, blocks = xlate_cases (i + 1) blocks in ((num, jmp) :: rest, blocks) else ([], blocks) in xlate_cases 1 [] in let tbl = IArray.of_list cases in let blk = Llvm.block_of_value (Llvm.operand instr 1) in let els, blocks = xlate_jump x instr blk loc blocks in emit_term (Llair.Term.switch ~key ~tbl ~els ~loc) ~blocks | IndirectBr -> let ptr = xlate_value x (Llvm.operand instr 0) in let num_dests = Llvm.num_operands instr - 1 in let lldests, blocks = let rec dests i blocks = if i <= num_dests then let v = Llvm.operand instr i in let blk = Llvm.block_of_value v in let jmp, blocks = xlate_jump x instr blk loc blocks in let rest, blocks = dests (i + 1) blocks in (jmp :: rest, blocks) else ([], blocks) in dests 1 [] in let tbl = IArray.of_list lldests in emit_term (Llair.Term.iswitch ~ptr ~tbl ~loc) ~blocks | LandingPad -> (* Translate the landingpad clauses to code to load the type_info from the thrown exception, and test the type_info against the clauses, eventually jumping to the handler code following the landingpad, passing a value for the selector which the handler code tests to e.g. either cleanup or rethrow. *) let i32, tip, cxa_exception = landingpad_typs x instr in let pi8, _, exc_typ = exception_typs in let exc = Exp.reg (Reg.program pi8 (find_name instr ^ ".exc")) in let ti = Reg.program tip (name ^ ".ti") in (* std::type_info* ti = ((__cxa_exception* )exc - 1)->exceptionType *) let load_ti = let typ = cxa_exception in (* field number of the exceptionType member of __cxa_exception *) let fld = 0 in (* index from exc that points to header *) let idx = Exp.integer Typ.siz Z.minus_one in let ptr = ptr_fld x ~ptr:(ptr_idx x ~ptr:exc ~idx ~llelt:typ) ~fld ~lltyp:typ in let len = Exp.integer Typ.siz (Z.of_int (size_of x typ)) in Llair.Inst.load ~reg:ti ~ptr ~len ~loc in let ti = Exp.reg ti in let typeid = xlate_llvm_eh_typeid_for x tip ti in let lbl = name ^ ".unwind" in let reg = xlate_name x instr in let jump_unwind i sel rev_blocks = let exp = Exp.record exc_typ (IArray.of_array [|exc; sel|]) in let mov = Llair.Inst.move ~reg_exps:(IArray.of_array [|(reg, exp)|]) ~loc in let lbl_i = lbl ^ "." ^ Int.to_string i in let blk = Llair.Block.mk ~lbl:lbl_i ~cmnd:(IArray.of_array [|mov|]) ~term:(Llair.Term.goto ~dst:(Llair.Jump.mk lbl) ~loc) in (Llair.Jump.mk lbl_i, blk :: rev_blocks) in let goto_unwind i sel blocks = let dst, blocks = jump_unwind i sel blocks in (Llair.Term.goto ~dst ~loc, blocks) in let term_unwind, rev_blocks = if Llvm.is_cleanup instr then goto_unwind 0 (Exp.integer i32 Z.zero) [] else let num_clauses = Llvm.num_operands instr in let lbl i = name ^ "." ^ Int.to_string i in let jump i = Llair.Jump.mk (lbl i) in let block i term = Llair.Block.mk ~lbl:(lbl i) ~cmnd:IArray.empty ~term in let match_filter i rev_blocks = jump_unwind i (Exp.sub ~typ:i32 (Exp.integer i32 Z.zero) typeid) rev_blocks in let xlate_clause i rev_blocks = let clause = Llvm.operand instr i in let num_tis = Llvm.num_operands clause in if num_tis = 0 then let dst, rev_blocks = match_filter i rev_blocks in (Llair.Term.goto ~dst ~loc, rev_blocks) else match Llvm.classify_type (Llvm.type_of clause) with | Array (* filter *) -> ( match Llvm.classify_value clause with | ConstantArray -> let rec xlate_filter i = let tiI = xlate_value x (Llvm.operand clause i) in if i < num_tis - 1 then Exp.and_ ~typ:Typ.bool (Exp.dq ~typ:tip tiI ti) (xlate_filter (i + 1)) else Exp.dq ~typ:tip tiI ti in let key = xlate_filter 0 in let nzero, rev_blocks = match_filter i rev_blocks in ( Llair.Term.branch ~loc ~key ~nzero ~zero:(jump (i + 1)) , rev_blocks ) | _ -> fail "xlate_instr: %a" pp_llvalue instr () ) | _ (* catch *) -> let typ = xlate_type x (Llvm.type_of clause) in let clause = xlate_value x clause in let key = Exp.or_ ~typ:Typ.bool (Exp.eq ~typ clause Exp.null) (Exp.eq ~typ clause ti) in let nzero, rev_blocks = jump_unwind i typeid rev_blocks in ( Llair.Term.branch ~loc ~key ~nzero ~zero:(jump (i + 1)) , rev_blocks ) in let rec rev_blocks i z = if i < num_clauses then let term, z = xlate_clause i z in rev_blocks (i + 1) (block i term :: z) else block i Llair.Term.unreachable :: z in xlate_clause 0 (rev_blocks 1 []) in continue (fun (insts, term) -> ( [load_ti] , term_unwind , List.rev_append rev_blocks [Llair.Block.mk ~lbl ~cmnd:(IArray.of_list insts) ~term] ) ) | Resume -> let llrcd = Llvm.operand instr 0 in let typ = xlate_type x (Llvm.type_of llrcd) in let rcd = xlate_value x llrcd in let exc = Exp.select typ rcd 0 in emit_term ~prefix:(pop loc) (Llair.Term.throw ~exc ~loc) | Unreachable -> emit_term Llair.Term.unreachable | Trunc | ZExt | SExt | FPToUI | FPToSI | UIToFP | SIToFP | FPTrunc |FPExt | PtrToInt | IntToPtr | BitCast | AddrSpaceCast | Add | FAdd |Sub | FSub | Mul | FMul | UDiv | SDiv | FDiv | URem | SRem | FRem |Shl | LShr | AShr | And | Or | Xor | ICmp | FCmp | Select |GetElementPtr | ExtractElement | InsertElement | ShuffleVector |ExtractValue | InsertValue -> inline_or_move (xlate_value ~inline:true x) | VAArg -> let reg = xlate_name_opt x instr in warn "variadic function argument: %a" Loc.pp loc () ; emit_inst (Llair.Inst.nondet ~reg ~msg:"vaarg" ~loc) | CleanupRet | CatchRet | CatchPad | CleanupPad | CatchSwitch -> todo "windows exception handling: %a" pp_llvalue instr () | Fence | AtomicCmpXchg | AtomicRMW -> fail "xlate_instr: %a" pp_llvalue instr () | PHI | Invalid | Invalid2 | UserOp1 | UserOp2 -> assert false let skip_phis : Llvm.llbasicblock -> _ Llvm.llpos = fun blk -> let rec skip_phis_ (pos : _ Llvm.llpos) = match pos with | Before instr -> ( match Llvm.instr_opcode instr with | PHI -> skip_phis_ (Llvm.instr_succ instr) | _ -> pos ) | _ -> pos in skip_phis_ (Llvm.instr_begin blk) let rec xlate_instrs : pop_thunk -> x -> _ Llvm.llpos -> code = fun pop x -> function | Before instrI -> xlate_instr pop x instrI (fun xlate_instrI -> let instrJ = Llvm.instr_succ instrI in let instsJ, termJ, blocksJN = xlate_instrs pop x instrJ in let instsI, termI, blocksI = xlate_instrI (instsJ, termJ) in (instsI, termI, blocksI @ blocksJN) ) | At_end blk -> fail "xlate_instrs: %a" pp_llblock blk () let xlate_block : pop_thunk -> x -> Llvm.llbasicblock -> Llair.block list = fun pop x blk -> [%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp_llblock blk] ; let lbl = label_of_block blk in let pos = skip_phis blk in let insts, term, blocks = xlate_instrs pop x pos in Llair.Block.mk ~lbl ~cmnd:(IArray.of_list insts) ~term :: blocks |> [%Trace.retn fun {pf} blocks -> pf "%s" (List.hd_exn blocks).Llair.lbl] let report_undefined func name = if Option.is_some (Llvm.use_begin func) then [%Trace.info "undefined function: %a" Global.pp name] let xlate_function : x -> Llvm.llvalue -> Llair.func = fun x llf -> [%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp_llvalue llf] ; let name = xlate_global x llf in let formals = Llvm.fold_left_params (fun rev_args param -> xlate_name x param :: rev_args) [] llf in let freturn = match Reg.typ name.reg with | Pointer {elt= Function {return= Some typ; _}} -> Some (Reg.program typ "freturn") | _ -> None in let _, _, exc_typ = exception_typs in let fthrow = Reg.program exc_typ "fthrow" in ( match Llvm.block_begin llf with | Before entry_blk -> let pop = pop_stack_frame_of_function x llf entry_blk in let[@warning "p"] (entry_block :: entry_blocks) = xlate_block pop x entry_blk in let entry = let {Llair.lbl; cmnd; term} = entry_block in Llair.Block.mk ~lbl ~cmnd ~term in let cfg = let rec trav_blocks rev_cfg prev = match Llvm.block_succ prev with | Before blk -> trav_blocks (List.rev_append (xlate_block pop x blk) rev_cfg) blk | At_end _ -> IArray.of_list_rev rev_cfg in trav_blocks (List.rev entry_blocks) entry_blk in Llair.Func.mk ~name ~formals ~freturn ~fthrow ~entry ~cfg | At_end _ -> report_undefined llf name ; Llair.Func.mk_undefined ~name ~formals ~freturn ~fthrow ) |> [%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "@\n%a" Llair.Func.pp] let transform ~internalize : Llvm.llmodule -> unit = fun llmodule -> let pm = Llvm.PassManager.create () in let entry_points = Config.find_list "entry-points" in if internalize then Llvm_ipo.add_internalize_predicate pm (fun fn -> List.exists entry_points ~f:(String.equal fn) ) ; Llvm_ipo.add_global_dce pm ; Llvm_ipo.add_global_optimizer pm ; Llvm_ipo.add_merge_functions pm ; Llvm_ipo.add_constant_merge pm ; Llvm_ipo.add_argument_promotion pm ; Llvm_ipo.add_ipsccp pm ; Llvm_scalar_opts.add_memory_to_register_promotion pm ; Llvm_scalar_opts.add_dce pm ; Llvm_ipo.add_global_dce pm ; Llvm_ipo.add_dead_arg_elimination pm ; Llvm_scalar_opts.add_lower_atomic pm ; Llvm_scalar_opts.add_scalar_repl_aggregation pm ; Llvm_scalar_opts.add_scalarizer pm ; Llvm_scalar_opts.add_unify_function_exit_nodes pm ; Llvm_scalar_opts.add_cfg_simplification pm ; Llvm.PassManager.run_module llmodule pm |> (ignore : bool -> _) ; Llvm.PassManager.dispose pm let read_and_parse llcontext bc_file = [%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%s" bc_file] ; let llmemorybuffer = try Llvm.MemoryBuffer.of_file bc_file with Llvm.IoError msg -> fail "%s: %s" bc_file msg () in ( try Llvm_irreader.parse_ir llcontext llmemorybuffer with Llvm_irreader.Error msg -> invalid_llvm msg ) |> [%Trace.retn fun {pf} _ -> pf ""] let link_in : Llvm.llcontext -> Llvm.lllinker -> string -> unit = fun llcontext link_ctx bc_file -> Llvm_linker.link_in link_ctx (read_and_parse llcontext bc_file) let check_datalayout llcontext lldatalayout = let check_size llt typ = let llsiz = Int64.to_int_exn (Llvm_target.DataLayout.abi_size llt lldatalayout) in let siz = Typ.size_of typ in if llsiz != siz then todo "size_of %a = %i != %i" Typ.pp typ llsiz siz () in check_size (Llvm.i1_type llcontext) Typ.bool ; check_size (Llvm.i8_type llcontext) Typ.byt ; check_size (Llvm.i32_type llcontext) Typ.int ; check_size (Llvm.i64_type llcontext) Typ.siz ; check_size (Llvm_target.DataLayout.intptr_type llcontext lldatalayout) Typ.ptr let translate ~models ~fuzzer ~internalize : string list -> Llair.t = fun inputs -> [%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a" (List.pp "@ " Format.pp_print_string) inputs] ; Llvm.install_fatal_error_handler invalid_llvm ; let llcontext = Llvm.global_context () in let input, inputs = List.pop_exn inputs in let llmodule = read_and_parse llcontext input in let link_ctx = Llvm_linker.get_linker llmodule in List.iter ~f:(link_in llcontext link_ctx) inputs ; let link_model_file name = Llvm_linker.link_in link_ctx (Llvm_irreader.parse_ir llcontext (Llvm.MemoryBuffer.of_string (Option.value_exn (Model.read name)))) in if models then link_model_file "/cxxabi.bc" ; if fuzzer then link_model_file "/lib_fuzzer_main.bc" ; Llvm_linker.linker_dispose link_ctx ; assert ( Llvm_analysis.verify_module llmodule |> Option.for_all ~f:invalid_llvm ) ; transform ~internalize llmodule ; scan_names_and_locs llmodule ; let lldatalayout = Llvm_target.DataLayout.of_string (Llvm.data_layout llmodule) in check_datalayout llcontext lldatalayout ; let x = {llcontext; lldatalayout} in let globals = Llvm.fold_left_globals (fun globals llg -> if Poly.equal (Llvm.linkage llg) Appending && Llvm.(array_length (element_type (type_of llg))) = 0 then globals else xlate_global x llg :: globals ) [] llmodule in let functions = Llvm.fold_left_functions (fun functions llf -> let name = Llvm.value_name llf in if String.is_prefix name ~prefix:"__llair_" || String.is_prefix name ~prefix:"llvm." then functions else xlate_function x llf :: functions ) [] llmodule in Hashtbl.clear sym_tbl ; Hashtbl.clear scope_tbl ; Hashtbl.clear anon_struct_name ; Hashtbl.clear memo_type ; Hashtbl.clear memo_global ; Hashtbl.clear memo_value ; Hash_set.clear ignored_callees ; Llvm.dispose_module llmodule ; Llair.mk ~globals ~functions |> [%Trace.retn fun {pf} _ -> pf "number of globals %d, number of functions %d" (List.length globals) (List.length functions)]