(* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) (** Extension point rewriter for debug trace logging This ppx rewriter reads a cookie to determine whether to rewrite in "debug" mode or not. To enable "debug" mode, pass [--cookie 'ppx_trace_enabled="1"'] (or with [true] instead or [1]). It rewrites [\[%trace\] ~call ~retn ~rais] to a call [Trace.trace ~call ~retn ~rais mod_name fun_name] where [mod_name] and [fun_name] are the enclosing module and function names in the parsetree. This is only done in debug mode, otherwise [\[%trace\] ~call ~retn ~rais] is rewritten to [(fun k -> k ())]. Similarly, [\[%Trace.info\]], [\[%Trace.infok\]], [\[%Trace.printf\]], [\[%Trace.fprintf\]], [\[%Trace.kprintf\]], and [\[%Trace.call\]] are rewritten to their analogues in the [Trace] module, or [()]; and [\[%Trace.retn\]] is rewritten to a call to [Trace.retn] or [(fun x -> x)]. For example, this enables writing {[ let func arg = [%trace] ~call:(fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a" pp_arg_type arg) ~retn:(fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp_result_type) @@ fun () -> func arg ]} or {[ let func arg = [%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "@ %a" pp_arg_type arg] ; func arg |> [%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp_result_type] ]} to trace calls to [func] in debug mode while completely compiling out the debug code in non-debug builds. This mechanism can also be used e.g. to dynamically check assertions only in debug mode. Additionally, [\[%debug\]] is rewritten to the compile-time boolean constant indicating if rewriting was done in debug mode. *) open Ppxlib open Ast_builder.Default let debug = ref false ;; Driver.Cookies.add_simple_handler "ppx_trace_enabled" Ast_pattern.__ ~f:(function | Some {pexp_desc= Pexp_constant (Pconst_string (("1" | "true"), _, _))} -> debug := true | _ -> () ) let expand_debug ~ctxt = let loc = Expansion_context.Extension.extension_point_loc ctxt in ebool ~loc !debug let debug_extension = Extension.V3.declare "debug" Extension.Context.expression (Ast_pattern.pstr Ast_pattern.nil) expand_debug let debug_rule = Context_free.Rule.extension debug_extension ;; Driver.register_transformation ~rules:[debug_rule] "debug" let rec get_fun_name pat = match pat.ppat_desc with | Ppat_var {txt; _} -> txt | Ppat_alias (pat, _) | Ppat_constraint (pat, _) -> get_fun_name pat | _ -> Location.raise_errorf ~loc:pat.ppat_loc "Unexpected pattern in binding containing [%%Trace]: %a" (fun f p -> Ocaml_common.Pprintast.pattern f (Selected_ast.To_ocaml.copy_pattern p) ) pat let vb_stack_with, vb_stack_top = let stack = ref [] in let with_ x ~f = stack := x :: !stack ; let r = f () in stack := List.tl !stack ; r in let top () = List.hd !stack in (with_, top) (* (fun x -> x) *) let fun_id loc = pexp_fun ~loc Nolabel None (pvar ~loc "x") (evar ~loc "x") (* (fun k -> k ()) *) let fun_go loc = pexp_fun ~loc Nolabel None (pvar ~loc "k") (eapply ~loc (evar ~loc "k") [eunit ~loc]) let mapper = object inherit Ast_traverse.map as super method! value_binding vb = vb_stack_with vb.pvb_pat ~f:(fun () -> super#value_binding vb) method! expression exp = let append_here_args args = let mod_name = evar ~loc:Location.none "Stdlib.__MODULE__" in let fun_name = estring ~loc:Location.none (get_fun_name (vb_stack_top ())) in (Nolabel, mod_name) :: (Nolabel, fun_name) :: args in match exp.pexp_desc with | Pexp_apply ( { pexp_desc= Pexp_extension ({txt= "trace"; loc}, PStr []) ; pexp_loc } , args ) -> if not !debug then fun_go pexp_loc else pexp_apply ~loc:exp.pexp_loc (evar ~loc "Trace.trace") (append_here_args args) | Pexp_extension ( { txt= ( "Trace.info" | "Trace.infok" | "Trace.printf" | "Trace.fprintf" | "Trace.kprintf" ) as txt ; loc } , PStr [{pstr_desc= Pstr_eval (arg, []); _}] ) -> if not !debug then eunit ~loc:exp.pexp_loc else let args = match arg.pexp_desc with | Pexp_apply (op, args) -> (Nolabel, op) :: args | _ -> [(Nolabel, arg)] in pexp_apply ~loc:exp.pexp_loc (evar ~loc txt) (append_here_args args) | Pexp_extension ( {txt= "Trace.call"; loc= call_loc} , PStr [{pstr_desc= Pstr_eval (call_fun, []); _}] ) -> if not !debug then eunit ~loc:exp.pexp_loc else pexp_apply ~loc:exp.pexp_loc (evar ~loc:call_loc "Trace.call") (append_here_args [(Nolabel, call_fun)]) | Pexp_extension ( {txt= "Trace.retn"; loc= retn_loc} , PStr [{pstr_desc= Pstr_eval (retn_fun, []); _}] ) -> if not !debug then fun_id exp.pexp_loc else pexp_apply ~loc:exp.pexp_loc (evar ~loc:retn_loc "Trace.retn") (append_here_args [(Nolabel, retn_fun)]) | _ -> super#expression exp end let impl = mapper#structure ;; Driver.register_transformation "trace" ~impl