NAME infer-debug - print internal infer data structures SYNOPSIS infer debug --global-tenv infer debug --procedures [options] infer debug --source-files [options] DESCRIPTION If --procedures is passed, print information about each procedures captured by infer. If --source-files is passed, print information about captured source files. If --global-tenv is passed, print the global type environment (if any). At least one of the above options must be passed. OPTIONS --help Show this manual --help-format { auto | groff | pager | plain } Show this help in the specified format. auto sets the format to plain if the environment variable TERM is "dumb" or undefined, and to pager otherwise. --help-full Show this manual with all internal options in the INTERNAL OPTIONS section --select N Select option number N. If omitted, prompt for input. DEBUG GLOBAL TYPE ENVIRONMENT --global-tenv Activates: Print the global type environment. (Conversely: --no-global-tenv) DEBUG PROCEDURES --procedures Activates: Print functions and methods discovered by infer (Conversely: --no-procedures) --procedures-attributes Activates: Print the attributes of each procedure in the output of --procedures (Conversely: --no-procedures-attributes) --procedures-cfg Activates: Output a dotty file in infer-out/captured//.dot for each procedure in the output of --procedures (Conversely: --no-procedures-cfg) --no-procedures-definedness Deactivates: Include procedures definedness in the output of --procedures, i.e. whether the procedure definition was found, or only the procedure declaration, or the procedure is an auto-generated Objective-C accessor (Conversely: --procedures-definedness) --procedures-filter filter With --procedures, only print functions and methods (procedures) matching the specified filter. A procedure filter is of the form path_pattern:procedure_name. Patterns are interpreted as OCaml Str regular expressions. For instance, to keep only methods named "foo", one can use the filter ".*:foo", or "foo" for short. --procedures-name Activates: Include procedures names in the output of --procedures (Conversely: --no-procedures-name) --no-procedures-source-file Deactivates: Include the source file in which the procedure definition or declaration was found in the output of --procedures (Conversely: --procedures-source-file) --procedures-summary Activates: Print the summaries of each procedure in the output of --procedures (Conversely: --no-procedures-summary) --procedures-summary-json Activates: Emit the summaries of each procedure in the output of --procedures as JSON (Conversely: --no-procedures-summary-json) DEBUG SOURCE FILES --source-files Activates: Print source files discovered by infer (Conversely: --no-source-files) --source-files-cfg Activates: Output a dotty file in infer-out/captured for each source file in the output of --source-files (Conversely: --no-source-files-cfg) --source-files-filter filter With --source-files, only print source files matching the specified filter. The filter is a pattern that should match the file path. Patterns are interpreted as OCaml Str regular expressions. --source-files-freshly-captured Activates: Print whether the source file has been captured in the most recent capture phase in the output of --source-files. (Conversely: --no-source-files-freshly-captured) --source-files-procedure-names Activates: Print the names of procedure of each source file in the output of --source-files (Conversely: --no-source-files-procedure-names) --source-files-type-environment Activates: Print the type environment of each source file in the output of --source-files (Conversely: --no-source-files-type-environment) ENVIRONMENT INFER_ARGS, INFERCONFIG, INFER_STRICT_MODE See the ENVIRONMENT section in the manual of infer(1). FILES .inferconfig See the FILES section in the manual of infer(1). SEE ALSO infer-explore(1), infer-report(1)