(* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) open! IStd (** Module for the checks called by Eradicate. *) module L = Logging let explain_expr tenv node e = match Errdesc.exp_rv_dexp tenv node e with | Some de -> Some (DecompiledExp.to_string de) | None -> None let is_virtual = function | AnnotatedSignature.{mangled} :: _ when Mangled.is_this mangled -> true | _ -> false let check_object_dereference ({IntraproceduralAnalysis.tenv; _} as analysis_data) ~nullsafe_mode find_canonical_duplicate node instr_ref object_exp dereference_type inferred_nullability loc = Result.iter_error (DereferenceRule.check (InferredNullability.get_nullability inferred_nullability)) ~f:(fun dereference_violation -> let nullable_object_origin = InferredNullability.get_origin inferred_nullability in let nullable_object_descr = explain_expr tenv node object_exp in let type_error = TypeErr.Nullable_dereference { dereference_violation ; dereference_location= loc ; nullable_object_descr ; dereference_type ; nullable_object_origin } in TypeErr.register_error analysis_data find_canonical_duplicate type_error (Some instr_ref) ~nullsafe_mode loc ) (** [expr] is an expression that was explicitly compared with `null`. At the same time, [expr] had [inferred_nullability] before the comparision. Check if the comparision is redundant and emit an issue, if this is the case. *) let check_condition_for_redundancy ({IntraproceduralAnalysis.tenv; proc_desc= curr_pdesc; _} as analysis_data) ~is_always_true find_canonical_duplicate node ~nullsafe_mode expr typ inferred_nullability idenv linereader loc instr_ref : unit = let contains_instanceof_throwable pdesc node = (* Check if the current procedure has a catch Throwable. *) (* That always happens in the bytecode generated by try-with-resources. *) let loc = Procdesc.Node.get_loc node in let throwable_found = ref false in let typ_is_throwable {Typ.desc} = match desc with | Typ.Tstruct (Typ.JavaClass _ as name) -> String.equal (Typ.Name.name name) "java.lang.Throwable" | _ -> false in let do_instr = function | Sil.Call (_, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun pn), [_; (Exp.Sizeof {typ}, _)], _, _) when Procname.equal pn BuiltinDecl.__instanceof && typ_is_throwable typ -> throwable_found := true | _ -> () in let do_node n = if Location.equal loc (Procdesc.Node.get_loc n) then Instrs.iter ~f:do_instr (Procdesc.Node.get_instrs n) in Procdesc.iter_nodes do_node pdesc ; !throwable_found in let from_try_with_resources () : bool = (* heuristic to check if the condition is the translation of try-with-resources *) match LineReader.from_loc linereader loc with | Some line -> (not (String.is_substring ~substring:"==" line || String.is_substring ~substring:"!=" line)) && String.is_substring ~substring:"}" line && contains_instanceof_throwable curr_pdesc node | None -> false in let is_temp = Idenv.exp_is_temp idenv expr in let should_report = (* NOTE: We have different levels of non-nullability. In practice there is a big difference between certainty for different cases: whether expression is the result of something that can not be null due to language semantics, or comes from something that is merely not declared as nullable. We report both types of issues now, which is OK since this warning is turned off by default. In the future we might as well start reporting only for cases where we are more confident. Hovewer keep in mind that for code analysis purposes all condition redudant warnings can be useful, particularly they help to find popular functions that should have been annotated as nullable, but were not made so. *) (* NOTE: We don't report the opposite case, namely when the expression is known to be always `null`. Consider changing this. *) InferredNullability.is_nonnullish inferred_nullability && Config.eradicate_condition_redundant && (not is_temp) && PatternMatch.type_is_class typ && (not (from_try_with_resources ())) && not (InferredNullability.origin_is_fun_defined inferred_nullability) in if should_report then (* TODO(T61051649) this is not really condition. This is an expression. This leads to inconsistent messaging like "condition `some_variable` is always true". So Condition_redundant should either accept expression, or this should pass a condition. *) let condition_descr = explain_expr tenv node expr in let nonnull_origin = InferredNullability.get_origin inferred_nullability in TypeErr.register_error analysis_data find_canonical_duplicate (TypeErr.Condition_redundant {is_always_true; condition_descr; nonnull_origin}) (Some instr_ref) ~nullsafe_mode loc (** Check an assignment to a field. *) let check_field_assignment ({IntraproceduralAnalysis.tenv; proc_desc= curr_pdesc; _} as analysis_data) ~nullsafe_mode find_canonical_duplicate node instr_ref typestate ~expr_rhs ~field_type loc fname (annotated_field : AnnotatedField.t) typecheck_expr : unit = L.d_with_indent ~name:"check_field_assignment" (fun () -> let curr_pname = Procdesc.get_proc_name curr_pdesc in let curr_pattrs = Procdesc.get_attributes curr_pdesc in let _, inferred_nullability_rhs = L.d_strln "Typechecking rhs" ; typecheck_expr node instr_ref typestate expr_rhs (* TODO(T54687014) optimistic default might be an unsoundness issue - investigate *) (field_type, InferredNullability.create TypeOrigin.OptimisticFallback) loc in let field_is_injector_readwrite () = Annotations.ia_is_field_injector_readwrite annotated_field.annotation_deprecated in let field_is_in_cleanup_context () = let AnnotatedSignature.{ret_annotation_deprecated} = (* TODO(T62825735): support trusted callees for fields *) (Models.get_modelled_annotated_signature ~is_callee_in_trust_list:false tenv curr_pattrs) .ret in Annotations.ia_is_cleanup ret_annotation_deprecated in let declared_nullability = AnnotatedNullability.get_nullability annotated_field.annotated_type.nullability in let assignment_check_result = AssignmentRule.check ~lhs:declared_nullability ~rhs:(InferredNullability.get_nullability inferred_nullability_rhs) in Result.iter_error assignment_check_result ~f:(fun assignment_violation -> let should_report = (not (AndroidFramework.is_destroy_method curr_pname)) && PatternMatch.type_is_class field_type && (not (Fieldname.is_java_outer_instance fname)) && (not (field_is_injector_readwrite ())) && not (field_is_in_cleanup_context ()) in if should_report then let rhs_origin = InferredNullability.get_origin inferred_nullability_rhs in TypeErr.register_error analysis_data find_canonical_duplicate (TypeErr.Bad_assignment { assignment_violation ; assignment_location= loc ; rhs_origin ; assignment_type= AssignmentRule.ReportableViolation.AssigningToField fname }) (Some instr_ref) ~nullsafe_mode loc ) ) (* Check if the field declared as not nullable (implicitly or explicitly). If the field is absent, we optimistically assume it is not nullable. TODO(T54687014) investigate if this leads to unsoundness issues in practice *) let is_field_declared_as_nonnull annotated_field_opt = let is_nonnullish AnnotatedField.{annotated_type= {nullability}} = Nullability.is_nonnullish (AnnotatedNullability.get_nullability nullability) in Option.exists annotated_field_opt ~f:is_nonnullish let lookup_field_in_typestate pname field_name typestate = let pvar = Pvar.mk (Mangled.from_string (Fieldname.to_string field_name)) pname in TypeState.lookup_pvar pvar typestate (* Given a predicate over field name, look ups the field and returns a predicate over this field value in a typestate, or true if there is no such a field in typestate *) let convert_predicate predicate_over_field_name field_name (pname, typestate) = let range_for_field = lookup_field_in_typestate pname field_name typestate in Option.exists range_for_field ~f:predicate_over_field_name (* Given a list of typestates, does a given predicate about the field hold for at least one of them? *) let predicate_holds_for_some_typestate typestate_list field_name ~predicate = List.exists typestate_list ~f:(convert_predicate predicate field_name) (* Given the typestate and the field, what is the upper bound of field nullability in this typestate? *) let get_nullability_upper_bound_for_typestate proc_name field_name typestate = let range_for_field = lookup_field_in_typestate proc_name field_name typestate in match range_for_field with | None -> (* There is no information about the field type in typestate (field was not assigned in all paths). It gives the most generic upper bound. *) Nullability.top (* We were able to lookup the field. Its nullability gives precise upper bound. *) | Some (_, inferred_nullability) -> InferredNullability.get_nullability inferred_nullability (* Given the list of typestates (each corresponding to the final result of executing of some function), and the field, what is the upper bound of field nullability joined over all typestates? *) let get_nullability_upper_bound field_name typestate_list = (* Join upper bounds for all typestates in the list *) List.fold typestate_list ~init:Nullability.StrictNonnull ~f:(fun acc (proc_name, typestate) -> Nullability.join acc (get_nullability_upper_bound_for_typestate proc_name field_name typestate) ) let is_generated_field field_name = (* Annotation transformers might generate hidden fields in the class. We distinguish such fields by their prefix. *) String.is_prefix ~prefix:"$" (Fieldname.get_field_name field_name) (** Check field initialization for a given constructor *) let check_constructor_initialization ({IntraproceduralAnalysis.tenv; proc_desc= curr_constructor_pdesc; _} as analysis_data) find_canonical_duplicate start_node ~nullsafe_mode ~typestates_for_curr_constructor_and_all_initializer_methods ~typestates_for_all_constructors_incl_current loc : unit = AnalysisState.set_node start_node ; if Procname.is_constructor (Procdesc.get_proc_name curr_constructor_pdesc) then match PatternMatch.get_this_type_nonstatic_methods_only (Procdesc.get_attributes curr_constructor_pdesc) with | Some {desc= Tptr (({desc= Tstruct name} as ts), _)} -> ( match Tenv.lookup tenv name with | Some {fields} -> let do_field (field_name, field_type, _) = let annotated_field = AnnotatedField.get tenv field_name ts in let is_initialized_by_framework = match annotated_field with | None -> false | Some {annotation_deprecated} -> (* Initialized by Dependency Injection framework *) Annotations.ia_is_field_injector_readonly annotation_deprecated (* Initialized by Json framework *) || Annotations.ia_is_json_field annotation_deprecated in let is_initialized_in_either_constructor_or_initializer = let is_initialized = function | TypeOrigin.Field {object_origin= TypeOrigin.This} -> (* Circular initialization - does not count *) false | _ -> (* Found in typestate, hence the field was initialized *) true in predicate_holds_for_some_typestate (Lazy.force typestates_for_curr_constructor_and_all_initializer_methods) field_name ~predicate:(fun (_, nullability) -> is_initialized (InferredNullability.get_origin nullability) ) in (* TODO(T54584721) This check is completely independent of the current constuctor we check. This check should be moved out of this function. Until it is done, we issue one over-annotated warning per constructor, which does not make a lot of sense. *) let field_nullability_upper_bound_over_all_typestates () = get_nullability_upper_bound field_name (Lazy.force typestates_for_all_constructors_incl_current) in let should_check_field_initialization = let in_current_class = let fld_cname = Fieldname.get_class_name field_name in Typ.Name.equal name fld_cname in (* various frameworks initialize spefic fields behind the scenes, we assume they are doing it well *) (not is_initialized_by_framework) (* primitive types can not be null so initialization check is not needed *) && PatternMatch.type_is_class field_type && in_current_class && (not (Fieldname.is_java_outer_instance field_name)) (* not user code, unactionable errors *) && not (is_generated_field field_name) in if should_check_field_initialization then ( (* Check if non-null field is not initialized. *) if is_field_declared_as_nonnull annotated_field && not is_initialized_in_either_constructor_or_initializer then if Config.nullsafe_disable_field_not_initialized_in_nonstrict_classes && NullsafeMode.equal nullsafe_mode NullsafeMode.Default then (* Behavior needed for backward compatibility, where we are not ready to surface this type of errors by default. Hovewer, this error should be always turned on for @NullsafeStrict classes. *) () else TypeErr.register_error analysis_data find_canonical_duplicate (TypeErr.Field_not_initialized {field_name}) None ~nullsafe_mode loc ; (* Check if field is over-annotated. *) match annotated_field with | None -> () | Some annotated_field -> if Config.eradicate_field_over_annotated then let what = AnnotatedNullability.get_nullability annotated_field.annotated_type.nullability in let by_rhs_upper_bound = field_nullability_upper_bound_over_all_typestates () in Result.iter_error (OverAnnotatedRule.check ~what ~by_rhs_upper_bound) ~f:(fun over_annotated_violation -> TypeErr.register_error analysis_data find_canonical_duplicate (TypeErr.Over_annotation { over_annotated_violation ; violation_type= OverAnnotatedRule.FieldOverAnnoted field_name }) ~nullsafe_mode None loc ) ) in List.iter ~f:do_field fields | None -> () ) | _ -> () let check_return_not_nullable ({IntraproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc= curr_pdesc; _} as analysis_data) ~nullsafe_mode find_canonical_duplicate loc (ret_signature : AnnotatedSignature.ret_signature) ret_inferred_nullability = (* Returning from a function is essentially an assignment the actual return value to the formal `return` *) let lhs = AnnotatedNullability.get_nullability ret_signature.ret_annotated_type.nullability in let rhs = InferredNullability.get_nullability ret_inferred_nullability in Result.iter_error (AssignmentRule.check ~lhs ~rhs) ~f:(fun assignment_violation -> let rhs_origin = InferredNullability.get_origin ret_inferred_nullability in let curr_pname = Procdesc.get_proc_name curr_pdesc in TypeErr.register_error analysis_data find_canonical_duplicate (Bad_assignment { assignment_violation ; assignment_location= loc ; rhs_origin ; assignment_type= ReturningFromFunction curr_pname }) None ~nullsafe_mode loc ) let check_return_overrannotated ({IntraproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc= curr_pdesc; _} as analysis_data) find_canonical_duplicate loc ~nullsafe_mode (ret_signature : AnnotatedSignature.ret_signature) ret_inferred_nullability = (* Returning from a function is essentially an assignment the actual return value to the formal `return` *) let what = AnnotatedNullability.get_nullability ret_signature.ret_annotated_type.nullability in (* In our CFG implementation, there is only one place where we return from a function (all execution flow joins are already made), hence inferreed nullability of returns gives us correct upper bound. *) let by_rhs_upper_bound = InferredNullability.get_nullability ret_inferred_nullability in Result.iter_error (OverAnnotatedRule.check ~what ~by_rhs_upper_bound) ~f:(fun over_annotated_violation -> let curr_pname = Procdesc.get_proc_name curr_pdesc in TypeErr.register_error analysis_data find_canonical_duplicate (Over_annotation {over_annotated_violation; violation_type= ReturnOverAnnotated curr_pname}) None ~nullsafe_mode loc ) (** Check the annotations when returning from a method. *) let check_return_annotation ({IntraproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc= curr_pdesc; _} as analysis_data) find_canonical_duplicate ret_range (annotated_signature : AnnotatedSignature.t) ret_implicitly_nullable loc : unit = let curr_pname = Procdesc.get_proc_name curr_pdesc in match ret_range with (* Disables the warnings since it is not clear how to annotate the return value of lambdas *) | Some _ when match curr_pname with Java java_pname -> Procname.Java.is_lambda java_pname | _ -> false -> () | Some (_, ret_inferred_nullability) -> (* TODO(T54308240) Model ret_implicitly_nullable in AnnotatedNullability *) if not ret_implicitly_nullable then check_return_not_nullable analysis_data ~nullsafe_mode:annotated_signature.nullsafe_mode find_canonical_duplicate loc annotated_signature.ret ret_inferred_nullability ; if Config.eradicate_return_over_annotated then check_return_overrannotated analysis_data find_canonical_duplicate loc annotated_signature.ret ~nullsafe_mode:annotated_signature.nullsafe_mode ret_inferred_nullability | None -> () (** Check the receiver of a virtual call. *) let check_call_receiver analysis_data ~nullsafe_mode find_canonical_duplicate node typestate call_params callee_pname (instr_ref : TypeErr.InstrRef.t) loc typecheck_expr : unit = match call_params with | ((original_this_e, this_e), typ) :: _ -> let _, this_inferred_nullability = typecheck_expr node instr_ref typestate this_e (* TODO(T54687014) optimistic default might be an unsoundness issue - investigate *) (typ, InferredNullability.create TypeOrigin.OptimisticFallback) loc in check_object_dereference analysis_data ~nullsafe_mode find_canonical_duplicate node instr_ref original_this_e (DereferenceRule.ReportableViolation.MethodCall callee_pname) this_inferred_nullability loc | [] -> () type resolved_param = { num: int ; formal: AnnotatedSignature.param_signature ; actual: Exp.t * InferredNullability.t ; is_formal_propagates_nullable: bool } (** Check the parameters of a call. *) let check_call_parameters ({IntraproceduralAnalysis.tenv; _} as analysis_data) ~nullsafe_mode ~callee_annotated_signature find_canonical_duplicate node callee_attributes resolved_params loc instr_ref : unit = let callee_pname = callee_attributes.ProcAttributes.proc_name in let check {num= param_position; formal; actual= orig_e2, nullability_actual} = let report ~nullsafe_mode assignment_violation = let actual_param_expression = match explain_expr tenv node orig_e2 with | Some descr -> descr | None -> "formal parameter " ^ Mangled.to_string formal.mangled in let rhs_origin = InferredNullability.get_origin nullability_actual in TypeErr.register_error analysis_data find_canonical_duplicate (Bad_assignment { assignment_violation ; assignment_location= loc ; rhs_origin ; assignment_type= PassingParamToFunction { param_signature= formal ; model_source= callee_annotated_signature.AnnotatedSignature.model_source ; actual_param_expression ; param_position ; function_procname= callee_pname } }) (Some instr_ref) ~nullsafe_mode loc in if PatternMatch.type_is_class formal.param_annotated_type.typ then (* Passing a param to a function is essentially an assignment the actual param value to the formal param *) let lhs = AnnotatedNullability.get_nullability formal.param_annotated_type.nullability in let rhs = InferredNullability.get_nullability nullability_actual in Result.iter_error (AssignmentRule.check ~lhs ~rhs) ~f:(report ~nullsafe_mode) in List.iter ~f:check resolved_params let check_inheritance_rule_for_return ({IntraproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc= overridden_proc_desc; _} as analysis_data) find_canonical_duplicate loc ~nullsafe_mode ~base_proc_name ~base_nullability ~overridden_nullability = Result.iter_error (InheritanceRule.check InheritanceRule.Ret ~base:base_nullability ~overridden:overridden_nullability) ~f:(fun inheritance_violation -> TypeErr.register_error analysis_data find_canonical_duplicate (Inconsistent_subclass { inheritance_violation ; violation_type= InconsistentReturn ; overridden_proc_name= Procdesc.get_proc_name overridden_proc_desc ; base_proc_name }) None ~nullsafe_mode loc ) let check_inheritance_rule_for_param ({IntraproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc= overridden_proc_desc; _} as analysis_data) find_canonical_duplicate loc ~nullsafe_mode ~overridden_param_name ~base_proc_name ~param_position ~base_nullability ~overridden_nullability = Result.iter_error (InheritanceRule.check InheritanceRule.Param ~base:base_nullability ~overridden:overridden_nullability) ~f:(fun inheritance_violation -> TypeErr.register_error analysis_data find_canonical_duplicate (Inconsistent_subclass { inheritance_violation ; violation_type= InconsistentParam {param_position; param_description= Mangled.to_string overridden_param_name} ; base_proc_name ; overridden_proc_name= Procdesc.get_proc_name overridden_proc_desc }) None ~nullsafe_mode loc ) let check_inheritance_rule_for_params analysis_data find_canonical_duplicate loc ~nullsafe_mode ~base_proc_name ~base_signature ~overridden_signature = let base_params = base_signature.AnnotatedSignature.params in let overridden_params = overridden_signature.AnnotatedSignature.params in let zipped_params = List.zip base_params overridden_params in match zipped_params with | Ok base_and_overridden_params -> let should_index_from_zero = is_virtual base_params in (* Check the rule for each pair of base and overridden param *) List.iteri base_and_overridden_params ~f:(fun index ( AnnotatedSignature.{param_annotated_type= {nullability= annotated_nullability_base}} , AnnotatedSignature. { mangled= overridden_param_name ; param_annotated_type= {nullability= annotated_nullability_overridden} } ) -> check_inheritance_rule_for_param analysis_data find_canonical_duplicate loc ~nullsafe_mode ~overridden_param_name ~base_proc_name ~param_position:(if should_index_from_zero then index else index + 1) ~base_nullability:(AnnotatedNullability.get_nullability annotated_nullability_base) ~overridden_nullability: (AnnotatedNullability.get_nullability annotated_nullability_overridden) ) | Unequal_lengths -> (* Skip checking. TODO (T5280249): investigate why argument lists can be of different length. *) () (** Check both params and return values for complying for co- and contravariance *) let check_inheritance_rule_for_signature analysis_data find_canonical_duplicate loc ~nullsafe_mode ~base_proc_name ~base_signature ~overridden_signature = (* Check params *) check_inheritance_rule_for_params analysis_data find_canonical_duplicate loc ~nullsafe_mode ~base_proc_name ~base_signature ~overridden_signature ; (* Check return value *) match base_proc_name with (* TODO model this as unknown nullability and get rid of that check *) | Procname.Java java_pname when not (Procname.Java.is_external java_pname) -> (* Check if return value is consistent with the base *) let base_nullability = AnnotatedNullability.get_nullability base_signature.AnnotatedSignature.ret.ret_annotated_type.nullability in let overridden_nullability = AnnotatedNullability.get_nullability overridden_signature.AnnotatedSignature.ret.ret_annotated_type.nullability in check_inheritance_rule_for_return analysis_data find_canonical_duplicate loc ~nullsafe_mode ~base_proc_name ~base_nullability ~overridden_nullability | _ -> (* the analysis should not report return type inconsistencies with external code *) () (** Checks if the annotations are consistent with the derived classes and with the implemented interfaces *) let check_overridden_annotations ({IntraproceduralAnalysis.tenv; proc_desc; _} as analysis_data) find_canonical_duplicate annotated_signature = let start_node = Procdesc.get_start_node proc_desc in let loc = Procdesc.Node.get_loc start_node in let check_if_base_signature_matches_current base_proc_name = match PatternMatch.lookup_attributes tenv base_proc_name with | Some base_attributes -> let base_signature = (* TODO(T62825735): fully support trusted callees. Note that for inheritance rule it doesn't make much difference, but would be nice to refactor anyway. *) Models.get_modelled_annotated_signature ~is_callee_in_trust_list:false tenv base_attributes in check_inheritance_rule_for_signature analysis_data ~nullsafe_mode:annotated_signature.AnnotatedSignature.nullsafe_mode find_canonical_duplicate loc ~base_proc_name ~base_signature ~overridden_signature:annotated_signature | None -> (* Could not find the attributes - optimistically skipping the check *) (* TODO(T54687014) ensure this is not an issue in practice *) () in let proc_name = Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in (* Iterate over all methods the current method overrides and see the current method is compatible with all of them *) PatternMatch.override_iter check_if_base_signature_matches_current tenv proc_name