(* * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd. * Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) open! IStd (** Module to handle IO. Includes html and xml modules. *) module F = Format (* =============== START of module Html =============== *) module Html = struct (** Create a new html file *) let create pk path = let fname, dir_path = match List.rev path with | fname :: path_rev -> fname, List.rev ((fname ^ ".html") :: path_rev) | [] -> raise (Failure "Html.create") in let fd = DB.Results_dir.create_file pk dir_path in let outc = Unix.out_channel_of_descr fd in let fmt = F.formatter_of_out_channel outc in let s = "\n\ \n\ \n\ " ^ fname ^ "\n\ \n\ \ \n\ \ \n" in F.fprintf fmt "%s" s; (fd, fmt) (** Get the full html filename from a path *) let get_full_fname source path = let dir_path = match List.rev path with | fname :: path_rev -> List.rev ((fname ^ ".html") :: path_rev) | [] -> raise (Failure "Html.open_out") in DB.Results_dir.path_to_filename (DB.Results_dir.Abs_source_dir source) dir_path (** Open an Html file to append data *) let open_out source path = let full_fname = get_full_fname source path in let fd = Unix.openfile (DB.filename_to_string full_fname) ~mode:Unix.[O_WRONLY; O_APPEND] ~perm:0o777 in let outc = Unix.out_channel_of_descr fd in let fmt = F.formatter_of_out_channel outc in (fd, fmt) (** Return true if the html file was modified since the beginning of the analysis *) let modified_during_analysis source path = let fname = get_full_fname source path in if DB.file_exists fname then DB.file_modified_time fname >= Config.initial_analysis_time else false (** Close an Html file *) let close (fd, fmt) = F.fprintf fmt "@\n@."; Unix.close fd (** Print a horizontal line *) let pp_hline fmt () = F.fprintf fmt "
@\n" (** Print start color *) let pp_start_color fmt color = F.fprintf fmt "%s" ("") (** Print end color *) let pp_end_color fmt () = F.fprintf fmt "%s" "" let pp_link ?(name = None) ?(pos = None) ~path fmt text = let pos_str = match pos with | None -> "" | Some s -> "#" ^ s in let link_str = (DB.filename_to_string (DB.Results_dir.path_to_filename DB.Results_dir.Rel path)) ^ ".html" ^ pos_str in let name_str = match name with | None -> "" | Some n -> "name=\"" ^ n ^ "\"" in let pr_str = "" ^ text ^ "" in F.fprintf fmt " %s" pr_str (** File name for the node, given the procedure name and node id *) let node_filename pname id = (Typ.Procname.to_filename pname) ^ "_node" ^ string_of_int id (** Print an html link to the given node. *) let pp_node_link path_to_root pname ~description ~preds ~succs ~exn ~isvisited ~isproof fmt id = let display_name = (if String.equal description "" then "N" else String.sub description ~pos:0 ~len:1) ^ "_" ^ (string_of_int id) in let node_fname = node_filename pname id in let style_class = if not isvisited then "dangling" else if isproof then "visitedproof" else "visited" in let node_text = let pp fmt = Format.fprintf fmt "%s\ \ node%d preds:%a succs:%a exn:%a %s%s\ \ " style_class display_name id (Pp.seq Format.pp_print_int) preds (Pp.seq Format.pp_print_int) succs (Pp.seq Format.pp_print_int) exn description (if not isvisited then "\nNOT VISITED" else "") in F.asprintf "%t" pp in if not isvisited then F.fprintf fmt " %s" node_text else pp_link ~path: (path_to_root @ ["nodes"; node_fname]) fmt node_text (** Print an html link to the given proc *) let pp_proc_link path_to_root proc_name fmt text = pp_link ~path: (path_to_root @ [Typ.Procname.to_filename proc_name]) fmt text (** Print an html link to the given line number of the current source file *) let pp_line_link ?(with_name = false) ?(text = None) source path_to_root fmt linenum = let fname = SourceFile.encoding source in let linenum_str = string_of_int linenum in let name = "LINE" ^ linenum_str in pp_link ~name: (if with_name then Some name else None) ~pos: (Some name) ~path: (path_to_root @ [".."; fname]) fmt (match text with Some s -> s | None -> linenum_str) (** Print an html link given node id and session *) let pp_session_link ?(with_name = false) source path_to_root fmt (node_id, session, linenum) = let node_name = "node" ^ (string_of_int node_id) in let path_to_node = path_to_root @ ["nodes"; node_name] in let pos = "session" ^ (string_of_int session) in pp_link ~name: (if with_name then Some pos else None) ~pos: (Some pos) ~path: path_to_node fmt (node_name ^ "#" ^ pos); F.fprintf fmt "(%a)" (pp_line_link source path_to_root) linenum end (* =============== END of module Html =============== *) (* =============== START of module Xml =============== *) (** Create and print xml trees *) module Xml = struct let tag_branch = "branch" let tag_call_trace = "call_trace" let tag_callee = "callee" let tag_callee_id = "callee_id" let tag_caller = "caller" let tag_caller_id = "caller_id" let tag_class = "class" let tag_code = "code" let tag_description = "description" let tag_err = "err" let tag_flags = "flags" let tag_file = "file" let tag_hash = "hash" let tag_in_calls = "in_calls" let tag_key = "key" let tag_kind = "kind" let tag_level = "level" let tag_line = "line" let tag_loc = "loc" let tag_name = "name" let tag_name_id = "name_id" let tag_node = "node" let tag_out_calls = "out_calls" let tag_precondition = "precondition" let tag_procedure = "procedure" let tag_procedure_id = "procedure_id" let tag_proof_coverage = "proof_coverage" let tag_proof_trace = "proof_trace" let tag_qualifier = "qualifier" let tag_qualifier_tags = "qualifier_tags" let tag_rank = "rank" let tag_severity = "severity" let tag_signature = "signature" let tag_specs = "specs" let tag_symop = "symop" let tag_time = "time" let tag_to = "to" let tag_top = "top" let tag_trace = "trace" let tag_type = "type" let tag_weight = "weight" type tree = { name: string; attributes: (string * string) list; forest: node list } and node = | Tree of tree | String of string let pp = F.fprintf let create_tree name attributes forest = Tree { name = name; attributes = attributes; forest = forest } let pp_attribute fmt (name, value) = pp fmt "%s=\"%s\"" name value let pp_attributes fmt l = Pp.seq pp_attribute fmt l (** print an xml node *) let rec pp_node newline indent fmt = function | Tree { name = name; attributes = attributes; forest = forest } -> let indent' = if String.equal newline "" then "" else indent ^ " " in let space = if List.is_empty attributes then "" else " " in let pp_inside fmt () = match forest with | [] -> () | [String s] -> pp fmt "%s" s | _ -> pp fmt "%s%a%s" newline (pp_forest newline indent') forest indent in pp fmt "%s<%s%s%a>%a%s" indent name space pp_attributes attributes pp_inside () name newline | String s -> F.fprintf fmt "%s%s%s" indent s newline and pp_forest newline indent fmt forest = List.iter ~f:(pp_node newline indent fmt) forest let pp_prelude fmt = pp fmt "%s" "\n" let pp_open fmt name = pp_prelude fmt; pp fmt "<%s>@\n" name let pp_close fmt name = pp fmt "@." name let pp_inner_node fmt node = pp_node "\n" "" fmt node (** print an xml document, if the first parameter is false on a single line without preamble *) let pp_document on_several_lines fmt node = let newline = if on_several_lines then "\n" else "" in if on_several_lines then pp_prelude fmt; pp_node newline "" fmt node; if on_several_lines then pp fmt "@." end (* =============== END of module Xml =============== *)