(* * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd. * Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) (** Symbolic Operations and Failures: the units in which analysis work is measured *) open! IStd module F = Format type failure_kind = | FKtimeout (** max time exceeded *) | FKsymops_timeout of int (** max symop's exceeded *) | FKrecursion_timeout of int (** max recursion level exceeded *) | FKcrash of string (** uncaught exception or failed assertion *) exception Analysis_failure_exe of failure_kind (** failure that prevented analysis from finishing *) let exn_not_failure = function Analysis_failure_exe _ -> false | _ -> true let try_finally ~f ~finally = match f () with | r -> finally () ; r | exception (Analysis_failure_exe _ as f_exn) -> reraise_after f_exn ~f:(fun () -> try finally () with _ -> (* swallow in favor of the original exception *) () ) | exception f_exn -> reraise_after f_exn ~f:(fun () -> try finally () with | finally_exn when (* do not swallow Analysis_failure_exe thrown from finally *) match finally_exn with Analysis_failure_exe _ -> false | _ -> true -> () ) let pp_failure_kind fmt = function | FKtimeout -> F.fprintf fmt "TIMEOUT" | FKsymops_timeout symops -> F.fprintf fmt "SYMOPS TIMEOUT (%d)" symops | FKrecursion_timeout level -> F.fprintf fmt "RECURSION TIMEOUT (%d)" level | FKcrash msg -> F.fprintf fmt "CRASH (%s)" msg let failure_kind_to_string failure_kind = Format.asprintf "%a" pp_failure_kind failure_kind (** Count the number of symbolic operations *) (** Timeout in seconds for each function *) let timeout_seconds = ref (Option.map Config.seconds_per_iteration ~f:(fun sec -> sec *. float_of_int Config.iterations)) (** Timeout in SymOps *) let timeout_symops = ref (Option.map Config.symops_per_iteration ~f:(fun symops -> symops * Config.iterations)) let get_timeout_seconds () = !timeout_seconds (** Internal state of the module *) type t = { mutable alarm_active: bool (** Only throw timeout exception when alarm is active *) ; mutable last_wallclock: float option (** last wallclock set by an alarm, if any *) ; mutable symop_count: int (** Number of symop's *) ; symop_total: int ref (** Counter for the total number of symop's. The new state created when save_state is called shares this counter if keep_symop_total is true. Otherwise, a new counter is created. *) } let initial () : t = {alarm_active= false; last_wallclock= None; symop_count= 0; symop_total= ref 0} (** Global State *) let gs : t ref = ref (initial ()) (** Restore the old state. *) let restore_state state = gs := state (** Return the old state, and revert the current state to the initial one. If keep_symop_total is true, share the total counter. *) let save_state ~keep_symop_total = let old_state = !gs in let new_state = let st = initial () in if keep_symop_total then {st with symop_total= old_state.symop_total} else st in gs := new_state ; old_state (** handler for the wallclock timeout *) let wallclock_timeout_handler = ref None (** set the handler for the wallclock timeout *) let set_wallclock_timeout_handler handler = wallclock_timeout_handler := Some handler (** Set the wallclock alarm checked at every pay() *) let set_wallclock_alarm nsecs = !gs.last_wallclock <- Some (Unix.gettimeofday () +. nsecs) (** Unset the wallclock alarm checked at every pay() *) let unset_wallclock_alarm () = !gs.last_wallclock <- None (** if the wallclock alarm has expired, raise a timeout exception *) let check_wallclock_alarm () = match (!gs.last_wallclock, !wallclock_timeout_handler) with | Some alarm_time, Some handler when Unix.gettimeofday () >= alarm_time -> unset_wallclock_alarm () ; handler () | _ -> () (** Return the time remaining before the wallclock alarm expires *) let get_remaining_wallclock_time () = match !gs.last_wallclock with | Some alarm_time -> max 0.0 (alarm_time -. Unix.gettimeofday ()) | None -> 0.0 (** Return the total number of symop's since the beginning *) let get_total () = !(!gs.symop_total) (** Reset the total number of symop's *) let reset_total () = !gs.symop_total := 0 (** Count one symop *) let pay () = !gs.symop_count <- !gs.symop_count + 1 ; !gs.symop_total := !(!gs.symop_total) + 1 ; ( match !timeout_symops with | Some symops when !gs.symop_count > symops && !gs.alarm_active -> raise (Analysis_failure_exe (FKsymops_timeout !gs.symop_count)) | _ -> () ) ; check_wallclock_alarm () (** Reset the counter *) let reset_count () = !gs.symop_count <- 0 (** Reset the counter and activate the alarm *) let set_alarm () = reset_count () ; !gs.alarm_active <- true (** De-activate the alarm *) let unset_alarm () = !gs.alarm_active <- false