(* * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) open! IStd module L = Logging (* ocamlc gets confused by [module rec]: https://caml.inria.fr/mantis/view.php?id=6714 *) (* it also ignores the warning suppression at toplevel, hence the [include struct ... end] trick *) include struct [@@@warning "-60"] module rec CTransImpl : CModule_type.CTranslation = CTrans.CTrans_funct (CFrontend_declImpl) and CFrontend_declImpl : CModule_type.CFrontend = CFrontend_decl.CFrontend_decl_funct (CTransImpl) end (* Translates a file by translating the ast into a cfg. *) let compute_icfg trans_unit_ctx tenv ast = match ast with | Clang_ast_t.TranslationUnitDecl (_, decl_list, _, _) -> CFrontend_config.global_translation_unit_decls := decl_list ; L.(debug Capture Verbose) "@\n Start creating icfg@\n" ; let cfg = Cfg.create () in List.iter ~f:(CFrontend_declImpl.translate_one_declaration trans_unit_ctx tenv cfg `DeclTraversal) decl_list ; L.(debug Capture Verbose) "@\n Finished creating icfg@\n" ; cfg | _ -> assert false (* NOTE: Assumes that an AST always starts with a TranslationUnitDecl *) let init_global_state_capture () = Ident.NameGenerator.reset () ; CFrontend_config.global_translation_unit_decls := [] ; CFrontend_config.reset_block_counter () let do_source_file (translation_unit_context : CFrontend_config.translation_unit_context) ast = let tenv = Tenv.create () in CType_decl.add_predefined_types tenv ; init_global_state_capture () ; let source_file = translation_unit_context.CFrontend_config.source_file in let integer_type_widths = translation_unit_context.CFrontend_config.integer_type_widths in L.(debug Capture Verbose) "@\n Start building call/cfg graph for '%a'....@\n" SourceFile.pp source_file ; let cfg = compute_icfg translation_unit_context tenv ast in L.(debug Capture Verbose) "@\n End building call/cfg graph for '%a'.@\n" SourceFile.pp source_file ; (* This part below is a boilerplate in every frontends. *) (* This could be moved in the cfg_infer module *) NullabilityPreanalysis.analysis cfg tenv ; SourceFiles.add source_file cfg (FileLocal tenv) (Some integer_type_widths) ; if Config.debug_mode then Tenv.store_debug_file_for_source source_file tenv ; if Config.debug_mode || Config.testing_mode || Config.frontend_tests || Option.is_some Config.icfg_dotty_outfile then Dotty.print_icfg_dotty source_file cfg ; L.(debug Capture Verbose) "Stored on disk:@[%a@]@." Cfg.pp_proc_signatures cfg ; let procedures_translated_summary = EventLogger.ProceduresTranslatedSummary { procedures_translated_total= !CFrontend_config.procedures_attempted ; procedures_translated_failed= !CFrontend_config.procedures_failed ; lang= CFrontend_config.string_of_clang_lang translation_unit_context.lang ; source_file= translation_unit_context.source_file } in EventLogger.log procedures_translated_summary ; ()