#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2014 - present Facebook, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant # of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. set -e parent=$(dirname "$0") SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd "$parent" && pwd ) README_MSG="To get and compile facebook-clang-plugins, please consult the README file." function echoerr { echo $@ >&2 } # Counting the passed arguments if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then echoerr "Error: not enough arguments." echoerr "USAGE: $0 <facebook-clang-plugins root>" echoerr "$README_MSG" exit 1 fi REPO_DIR=$1 # Check that the directory passed in input exists ([ -d "$REPO_DIR" ] && [ -d "$REPO_DIR/libtooling" ]) || { echoerr "$REPO_DIR does not exist or is invalid."; echoerr "Please check that the path to facebook-clang-plugins is correct."; echoerr "$README_MSG"; exit 1; } VERSION_FILE="$SCRIPT_DIR/../dependencies/clang-plugin/clang-plugin-version.config" cd $REPO_DIR [ ! -d ".git" ] && { echoerr "SKIPPING the facebook-clang-plugins version check since"; echoerr "$REPO_DIR is NOT a Git repository"; exit 0; } echoerr "Checking that the revision of facebook-clang-plugins is correct..." GIT_CURRENT_REVISION=$(git log --pretty=format:'%H' -n 1) GIT_EXPECTED_REVISION=$(cat "$VERSION_FILE") echoerr "Current revision is $GIT_CURRENT_REVISION" echoerr "Expected revision is $GIT_EXPECTED_REVISION" if [ "$GIT_CURRENT_REVISION" != "$GIT_EXPECTED_REVISION" ]; then echoerr "Revisions mismatching. Please, run update-fcp.sh to get the revision needed by Infer." exit 1 else echoerr "Clang plugin is up to date! Continue..." fi