(* * Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) open! Utils module L = Logging module F = Format open Dataflow (** Check the sequence of calls to tracing APIs in a method (intraprocedural). *) let verbose = false let widening_threshold = 10 (** Tracing methods of the form (package name, class name, begin name, end name). *) let tracing_methods = let for_testing = [ "", "TraceCallSequence", "begin", "end"; "", "TraceCallSequence", "beginWrapper", "endWrapper"; ] in for_testing @ FbTraceCalls.tracing_methods (** Boolean variables to be tracked. *) let boolean_variables = [ "shouldTrace"; ] (** Report a warning in the spec file of the procedure. *) let report_warning description pn pd loc = if verbose then L.stderr "ERROR: %s@." description; Checkers.ST.report_error pn pd "CHECKERS_TRACE_CALLS_SEQUENCE" loc description (** Tracing APIs. *) module APIs = struct let method_match pn pkgname cname mname = match pn with | Procname.Java pn_java -> Procname.java_get_method pn_java = mname && (match pkgname with | "" -> Procname.java_get_simple_class_name pn_java = cname | _ -> Procname.java_get_class_name pn_java = pkgname ^ "." ^ cname) | _ -> false let is_begin pn = let filter (pkgname, cname, begin_name, _) = method_match pn pkgname cname begin_name in IList.exists filter tracing_methods let is_end pn = let filter (pkgname, cname, _, end_name) = method_match pn pkgname cname end_name in IList.exists filter tracing_methods let is_begin_or_end pn = is_begin pn || is_end pn end (** Environment for boolean variables. *) module Env = struct type t = bool StringMap.t let empty = StringMap.empty let compare = StringMap.compare bool_compare let add = StringMap.add let remove = StringMap.remove let get map name = try Some (StringMap.find name map) with Not_found -> None let pp fmt map = let pp_elem fmt (s, b) = F.fprintf fmt "%s:%b" s b in let l = StringMap.bindings map in if l <> [] then F.fprintf fmt "%a" (pp_seq pp_elem) l end (** Element for the set domain: an integer (for pending traces), and an environment. *) module Elem = struct type t = int * Env.t let compare (i1, env1) (i2, env2) = let n = int_compare i1 i2 in if n <> 0 then n else Env.compare env1 env2 let pp fmt (i, env) = F.fprintf fmt "(%d %a)" i Env.pp env let zero = (0, Env.empty) let is_consistent (i, _) = i >= 0 let get_int (i, _) = i let get_env (_, env) = env let set_env (i, _) env' = (i, env') let incr (i, env) = (i + 1, env) let decr (i, env) = (i - 1, env) end module ElemSet = Set.Make(Elem) module State = struct (** Each number represents the difference between begin() and end() on some path. *) type t = ElemSet.t let to_string n = let pp_intset fmt s = ElemSet.iter (fun d -> F.fprintf fmt "%a " Elem.pp d) s in let pp fmt () = Format.fprintf fmt "{%a}" pp_intset n in pp_to_string pp () (** Initial balanced state with empty environment. *) let balanced = ElemSet.singleton Elem.zero (** State is balanced. *) let is_balanced s = ElemSet.for_all (fun elem -> Elem.get_int elem = 0) s let equal = ElemSet.equal let has_zero s = ElemSet.exists (fun elem -> Elem.get_int elem = 0) s (** Map a function to the elements of the set, and filter out inconsistencies. *) let map2 (f : Elem.t -> Elem.t list) (s : t) : t = let l = ElemSet.elements s in let l' = IList.filter Elem.is_consistent (IList.flatten (IList.map f l)) in IList.fold_right ElemSet.add l' ElemSet.empty let map (f : Elem.t -> Elem.t) s = map2 (fun elem -> [f elem]) s (** Increment the number of begin/start. *) let incr s = map Elem.incr s (** Decrement the number of begin/start. *) let decr s = map Elem.decr s (** Max value of the set. *) let max s = ElemSet.max_elt s (** Prune the value of name w.r.t. boolean b. *) let prune s name b = let f elem = let env = Elem.get_env elem in match Env.get env name with | None -> let env' = Env.add name b env in let elem' = Elem.set_env elem env' in [elem'] | Some b' -> if bool_equal b b' then [elem] else [] in map2 f s (** Set name to the given bool, or nondeterministic if None. *) let set_bool s name b_opt = let f elem = let env = Elem.get_env elem in let env' = match b_opt with | None -> Env.remove name env | Some b -> Env.add name b env in Elem.set_env elem env' in map f s (** Stop growing sets if they go beyond a threshold. *) let widening s_before s_after = if ElemSet.cardinal s_after <= widening_threshold then s_after else s_before (** Join two states and perform widening if necessary. *) let join s1 s2 = let s' = ElemSet.union s1 s2 in let s'' = widening s1 s' in if verbose then L.stderr " join %s %s --> %s@." (to_string s1) (to_string s2) (to_string s''); s'' end (** Abstract domain for automata whose state transitions are triggered by calls. *) module Automaton = struct (** Transfer function for a procedure call. *) let do_call caller_pn caller_pd callee_pn (s : State.t) loc : State.t = let method_name () = match callee_pn with | Procname.Java pname_java -> Procname.java_get_method pname_java | _ -> Procname.to_simplified_string callee_pn in if APIs.is_begin callee_pn then begin if verbose then L.stderr " calling %s@." (method_name ()); State.incr s end else if APIs.is_end callee_pn then begin if verbose then L.stderr " calling %s@." (method_name ()); if State.has_zero s then report_warning "too many end/stop" caller_pn caller_pd loc; State.decr s end else s (** Transfer function for an instruction. *) let do_instr pn pd (instr : Sil.instr) (state : State.t) : State.t = match instr with | Sil.Call (_, Sil.Const (Const.Cfun callee_pn), _, loc, _) -> do_call pn pd callee_pn state loc | _ -> state (** Check if the final state contains any numbers other than zero (balanced). *) let check_final_state pn pd exit_node (s : State.t) : unit = if verbose then L.stderr "@.Final: %s@." (State.to_string s); if not (State.is_balanced s) then begin let description = Printf.sprintf "%d missing end/stop" (Elem.get_int (State.max s)) in let loc = Cfg.Node.get_loc exit_node in report_warning description pn pd loc end end (** Abstract domain to track the value of specific boolean variables. *) module BooleanVars = struct (** Check if the expression exp is one of the listed boolean variables. *) let exp_boolean_var exp = match exp with | Sil.Lvar pvar when Pvar.is_local pvar -> let name = Mangled.to_string (Pvar.get_name pvar) in if IList.mem string_equal name boolean_variables then Some name else None | _ -> None (** Transfer function for an instruction. *) let do_instr _ _ idenv (instr : Sil.instr) (state : State.t) : State.t = (* Normalize a boolean condition. *) let normalize_condition cond_e = match cond_e with | Sil.UnOp (Unop.LNot, Sil.BinOp (Binop.Eq, e1, e2), _) -> Sil.BinOp (Binop.Ne, e1, e2) | Sil.UnOp (Unop.LNot, Sil.BinOp (Binop.Ne, e1, e2), _) -> Sil.BinOp (Binop.Eq, e1, e2) | _ -> cond_e in (* Normalize an instruction. *) let normalize_instr = function | Sil.Prune (cond_e, loc, tb, ik) -> let cond_e' = normalize_condition cond_e in Sil.Prune (cond_e', loc, tb, ik) | instr -> instr in match normalize_instr instr with | Sil.Prune (Sil.BinOp (Binop.Eq, _cond_e, Sil.Const (Const.Cint i)), _, _, _) when IntLit.iszero i -> let cond_e = Idenv.expand_expr idenv _cond_e in let state' = match exp_boolean_var cond_e with | Some name -> if verbose then L.stderr " prune false on %s@." name; State.prune state name false | None -> state in state' | Sil.Prune (Sil.BinOp (Binop.Ne, _cond_e, Sil.Const (Const.Cint i)), _, _, _) when IntLit.iszero i -> let cond_e = Idenv.expand_expr idenv _cond_e in let state' = match exp_boolean_var cond_e with | Some name -> if verbose then L.stderr " prune true on %s@." name; State.prune state name true | None -> state in state' | Sil.Set (_e1, _, e2, _) -> let e1 = Idenv.expand_expr idenv _e1 in let state' = match exp_boolean_var e1 with | Some name -> let b_opt = match e2 with | Sil.Const (Const.Cint i) -> Some (not (IntLit.iszero i)) | _ -> None in if verbose then begin let b_str = match b_opt with | None -> "nondet" | Some b -> string_of_bool b in L.stderr " setting %s to %s@." name b_str end; State.set_bool state name b_opt | None -> state in state' | _ -> state let check_final_state _ _ _ _ = () end (** State transformation for a cfg node. *) let do_node pn pd idenv _ node (s : State.t) : (State.t list) * (State.t list) = if verbose then L.stderr "N:%d S:%s@." (Cfg.Node.get_id node :> int) (State.to_string s); let curr_state = ref s in let do_instr instr : unit = let state1 = Automaton.do_instr pn pd instr !curr_state in let state2 = BooleanVars.do_instr pn pd idenv instr state1 in curr_state := state2 in IList.iter do_instr (Cfg.Node.get_instrs node); [!curr_state], [!curr_state] (** Check the final state at the end of the analysis. *) let check_final_state proc_name proc_desc exit_node final_s = Automaton.check_final_state proc_name proc_desc exit_node final_s; BooleanVars.check_final_state proc_name proc_desc exit_node final_s (** Check that the trace calls are balanced. This is done by using the most general control flow including exceptions. The begin() and end() function are assumed not to throw exceptions. *) let callback_check_trace_call_sequence { Callbacks.proc_desc; proc_name; idenv; tenv } : unit = let module DFTrace = MakeDF(struct type t = State.t let equal = State.equal let join = State.join let do_node = do_node proc_name proc_desc idenv let proc_throws pn = if APIs.is_begin_or_end pn then DoesNotThrow (* assume the tracing function do not throw *) else DontKnow end) in let do_check () = begin if verbose then L.stderr "@.--@.PROC: %a@." Procname.pp proc_name; let transitions = DFTrace.run tenv proc_desc State.balanced in let exit_node = Cfg.Procdesc.get_exit_node proc_desc in match transitions exit_node with | DFTrace.Transition (final_s, _, _) -> check_final_state proc_name proc_desc exit_node final_s | DFTrace.Dead_state -> () end in if not (APIs.is_begin_or_end proc_name) then do_check ()