(* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) (** Symbolic Heap Formulas *) (** Segment of memory starting at [loc] containing a byte-array [arr] of size [siz], contained in an enclosing allocation-block starting at [bas] of length [len]. Byte-array expressions are either [Var]iables or [Splat] vectors. *) type seg = {loc: Exp.t; bas: Exp.t; len: Exp.t; siz: Exp.t; arr: Exp.t} type starjunction = private { us: Var.Set.t (** vocabulary / variable context of formula *) ; xs: Var.Set.t (** existentially-bound variables *) ; cong: Equality.t (** congruence induced by rest of formula *) ; pure: Exp.t list (** conjunction of pure boolean constraints *) ; heap: seg list (** star-conjunction of segment atomic formulas *) ; djns: disjunction list (** star-conjunction of disjunctions *) } and disjunction = starjunction list type t = starjunction [@@deriving equal, compare, sexp] val pp_seg : ?is_x:(Exp.t -> bool) -> seg pp val pp_seg_norm : Equality.t -> seg pp val pp_us : ?pre:('a, 'a) fmt -> Var.Set.t pp val pp : t pp val pp_djn : disjunction pp val simplify : t -> t include Invariant.S with type t := t (** Construct *) val emp : t (** Empty heap formula. *) val false_ : Var.Set.t -> t (** Inconsistent formula with given vocabulary. *) val seg : seg -> t (** Atomic segment formula. *) val star : t -> t -> t (** Star-conjoin formulas, extending to a common vocabulary, and avoiding capturing existentials. *) val or_ : t -> t -> t (** Disjoin formulas, extending to a common vocabulary, and avoiding capturing existentials. *) val pure : Exp.t -> t (** Atomic pure boolean constraint formula. *) val and_ : Exp.t -> t -> t (** Conjoin a boolean constraint to a formula. *) val and_cong : Equality.t -> t -> t (** Conjoin constraints of a congruence to a formula, extending to a common vocabulary, and avoiding capturing existentials. *) (** Update *) val with_pure : Exp.t list -> t -> t (** [with_pure pure q] is [{q with pure}], which assumes that [q.pure] and [pure] are defined in the same vocabulary, induce the same congruence, etc. It can essentially only be used when [pure] is logically equivalent to [q.pure], but perhaps syntactically simpler. *) val rem_seg : seg -> t -> t (** [star (seg s) (rem_seg s q)] is equivalent to [q], assuming that [s] is (physically equal to) one of the elements of [q.heap]. Raises if [s] is not an element of [q.heap]. *) val filter_heap : f:(seg -> bool) -> t -> t (** [filter_heap q f] Remove all segments in [q] for which [f] returns false *) (** Quantification and Vocabulary *) val exists : Var.Set.t -> t -> t (** Existential quantification, binding variables thereby removing them from vocabulary. *) val bind_exists : t -> wrt:Var.Set.t -> Var.Set.t * t (** Bind existentials, freshened with respect to [wrt], extends vocabulary. *) val rename : Var.Subst.t -> t -> t (** Apply a substitution, remove its domain from vocabulary and add its range. *) val freshen : wrt:Var.Set.t -> t -> t * Var.Subst.t (** Freshen free variables with respect to [wrt], and extend vocabulary with [wrt], renaming bound variables as needed. *) val extend_us : Var.Set.t -> t -> t (** Extend vocabulary, renaming existentials as needed. *) (** Query *) val is_emp : t -> bool (** Holds of [emp]. *) val is_false : t -> bool (** Holds only of inconsistent formulas, does not hold of all inconsistent formulas. *) val fv : t -> Var.Set.t (** Free variables, a subset of vocabulary. *) val pure_approx : t -> t (** [pure_approx q] is inconsistent only if [q] is inconsistent. *) val fold_dnf : conj:(starjunction -> 'conjuncts -> 'conjuncts) -> disj:(Var.Set.t * 'conjuncts -> 'disjuncts -> 'disjuncts) -> t -> Var.Set.t * 'conjuncts -> 'disjuncts -> 'disjuncts (** Enumerate the cubes and clauses of a disjunctive-normal form expansion. *) val dnf : t -> disjunction (** Convert to disjunctive-normal form. *)