(* * Copyright (c) 2017 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) open! IStd (** To be used in 'list_constraint *) type accept_more and end_of_list (** To be used in 'emptyness *) type empty and non_empty (* Type shorthands *) type typ = Typ.t type c = Typ.Procname.c type objc_cpp = Typ.Procname.objc_cpp type qual_name = QualifiedCppName.t type templated_name = qual_name * Typ.template_arg list type 'marker mtyp = typ type 'captured_types capt = unit -> 'captured_types (* Typ helpers *) let template_args_of_template_spec_info = function | Typ.NoTemplate -> [] | Typ.Template {args} -> args let templated_name_of_class_name class_name = let open Typ in match class_name with | CStruct qual_name | CUnion qual_name | ObjcClass qual_name | ObjcProtocol qual_name -> (qual_name, []) | CppClass (qual_name, template_spec_info) -> (qual_name, template_args_of_template_spec_info template_spec_info) | JavaClass _ -> assert false (** Little abstraction over arguments: currently actual args, we'll want formal args later *) module FuncArg = struct type t = Exp.t * Typ.t let typ (_, ty) = ty end (* Intermediate matcher types *) type ('f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers_in, 'markers_out) name_matcher = { on_objc_cpp: 'f_in -> objc_cpp -> ('f_out * 'captured_types capt) option ; on_qual_name: 'f_in -> qual_name -> ('f_out * 'captured_types capt) option ; get_markers: 'markers_in -> 'markers_out } type ( 'f_in , 'f_out , 'captured_types_in , 'captured_types_out , 'markers_in , 'markers_out , 'list_constraint ) template_arg = { eat_template_arg: 'f_in * 'captured_types_in capt * Typ.template_arg list -> ('f_out * 'captured_types_out capt * Typ.template_arg list) option ; add_marker: 'markers_in -> 'markers_out } type ('f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers_in, 'markers_out, 'list_constraint) templ_matcher = { on_objc_cpp: 'f_in -> objc_cpp -> ('f_out * 'captured_types capt * Typ.template_arg list) option ; on_templated_name: 'f_in -> templated_name -> ('f_out * 'captured_types capt * Typ.template_arg list) option ; get_markers: 'markers_in -> 'markers_out } type ('f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'emptyness) path_extra = | PathEmpty : ('f, 'f, unit, empty) path_extra | PathNonEmpty: { on_objc_cpp: 'f_in -> objc_cpp -> ('f_out * 'captured_types capt) option } -> ('f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, non_empty) path_extra type ('f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers_in, 'markers_out, 'emptyness) path_matcher = { on_templated_name: 'f_in -> templated_name -> ('f_out * 'captured_types capt) option ; path_extra: ('f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'emptyness) path_extra ; get_markers: 'markers_in -> 'markers_out } type ('f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types) proc_matcher = { on_objc_cpp: 'f_in -> objc_cpp -> ('f_out * 'captured_types) option ; on_c: 'f_in -> c -> ('f_out * 'captured_types) option } type 'captured_types on_args = 'captured_types -> FuncArg.t list -> FuncArg.t list option type ('f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers) args_matcher = { on_proc: ('f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types) proc_matcher ; on_args: 'captured_types on_args ; markers: 'markers } type ('captured_types, 'markers) func_arg = {eat_func_arg: 'captured_types on_args; marker_static_checker: 'markers -> bool} type 'f matcher = Typ.Procname.t -> FuncArg.t list -> 'f option type 'f pre_result = DoesNotMatch | Matches of 'f | RetryWith of 'f matcher let pre_bind_opt opt ~f = match opt with None -> DoesNotMatch | Some x -> f x let pre_map_opt opt ~f = match opt with None -> DoesNotMatch | Some x -> Matches (f x) let pre_to_opt procname args = function | DoesNotMatch -> None | Matches x -> Some x | RetryWith f -> f procname args type ('f, 'captured_types) func_args_end = on_args:'captured_types on_args -> FuncArg.t list -> 'f * 'captured_types -> 'f pre_result type ('f_in, 'f_out) all_args_matcher = { on_objc_cpp: 'f_in -> objc_cpp -> FuncArg.t list -> 'f_out pre_result ; on_c: 'f_in -> c -> FuncArg.t list -> 'f_out pre_result } (* they are actually just the same thing *) type 'f dispatcher = 'f matcher (* Combinators *) let empty : ('f, 'f, unit, 'markers, 'markers, empty) path_matcher = let get_markers m = m in let get_capture () = () in let on_templated_name f (qual_name, template_args) = match (QualifiedCppName.extract_last qual_name, template_args) with | None, [] -> Some (f, get_capture) | None, _ -> assert false | Some _, _ -> None in {on_templated_name; path_extra= PathEmpty; get_markers} let name_cons : ('f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers_in, 'markers_out, _) path_matcher -> string -> ('f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers_in, 'markers_out) name_matcher = fun m name -> let {on_templated_name; get_markers} = m in let on_qual_name f qual_name = match QualifiedCppName.extract_last qual_name with | Some (last, rest) when String.equal name last -> on_templated_name f (rest, []) | _ -> None in let on_objc_cpp f objc_cpp = if String.equal name objc_cpp.Typ.Procname.method_name then on_templated_name f (templated_name_of_class_name objc_cpp.Typ.Procname.class_name) else None in {on_objc_cpp; on_qual_name; get_markers} let templ_begin : ('f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers_in, 'markers_out) name_matcher -> ('f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers_in, 'markers_out, accept_more) templ_matcher = fun m -> let {on_objc_cpp; on_qual_name; get_markers} = m in let on_templated_name f (qual_name, template_args) = match on_qual_name f qual_name with | None -> None | Some (f, captured_types) -> Some (f, captured_types, template_args) in let on_objc_cpp f objc_cpp = match on_objc_cpp f objc_cpp with | None -> None | Some (f, captured_types) -> let template_args = template_args_of_template_spec_info objc_cpp.Typ.Procname.template_args in Some (f, captured_types, template_args) in {on_objc_cpp; on_templated_name; get_markers} let templ_cons : ( 'f_in , 'f_interm , 'captured_types_in , 'markers_interm , 'markers_out , accept_more ) templ_matcher -> ( 'f_interm , 'f_out , 'captured_types_in , 'captured_types_out , 'markers_in , 'markers_interm , 'lc ) template_arg -> ('f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types_out, 'markers_in, 'markers_out, 'lc) templ_matcher = fun m template_arg -> let {on_objc_cpp; on_templated_name; get_markers} = m in let {eat_template_arg; add_marker} = template_arg in let get_markers m = get_markers (add_marker m) in let on_templated_name f templated_name = on_templated_name f templated_name |> Option.bind ~f:eat_template_arg in let on_objc_cpp f objc_cpp = on_objc_cpp f objc_cpp |> Option.bind ~f:eat_template_arg in {on_objc_cpp; on_templated_name; get_markers} let templ_end : ('f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers_in, 'markers_out, _) templ_matcher -> ('f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers_in, 'markers_out, non_empty) path_matcher = let match_empty_templ_args (f, captured_types, template_args) = match template_args with [] -> Some (f, captured_types) | _ -> None in fun m -> let {on_objc_cpp; on_templated_name; get_markers} = m in let on_templated_name f templated_name = on_templated_name f templated_name |> Option.bind ~f:match_empty_templ_args in let on_objc_cpp f objc_cpp = on_objc_cpp f objc_cpp |> Option.bind ~f:match_empty_templ_args in {on_templated_name; path_extra= PathNonEmpty {on_objc_cpp}; get_markers} let args_begin : ('f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, unit, 'markers, non_empty) path_matcher -> ('f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers) args_matcher = let on_args _capt args = Some args in fun m -> let {on_templated_name; path_extra= PathNonEmpty {on_objc_cpp}; get_markers} = m in let markers = get_markers () in let get_captures (f, captured_types) = (f, captured_types ()) in let on_c f (c: c) = let template_args = template_args_of_template_spec_info c.template_args in on_templated_name f (c.name, template_args) |> Option.map ~f:get_captures in let on_objc_cpp f objc_cpp = on_objc_cpp f objc_cpp |> Option.map ~f:get_captures in let on_proc : (_, _, _) proc_matcher = {on_objc_cpp; on_c} in {on_proc; on_args; markers} let args_cons : ('f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers) args_matcher -> ('captured_types, 'markers) func_arg -> ('f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers) args_matcher = fun m func_arg -> let {on_proc; on_args; markers} = m in let {marker_static_checker; eat_func_arg} = func_arg in assert (marker_static_checker markers) ; let on_args capt args = on_args capt args |> Option.bind ~f:(eat_func_arg capt) in {on_proc; on_args; markers} let args_end : ('f_in, 'f_out, 'captured_types, 'markers) args_matcher -> ('f_out, 'captured_types) func_args_end -> ('f_in, 'f_out) all_args_matcher = fun m func_args_end -> let {on_proc= {on_c; on_objc_cpp}; on_args} = m in let on_c f c args = on_c f c |> pre_bind_opt ~f:(func_args_end ~on_args args) in let on_objc_cpp f objc_cpp args = on_objc_cpp f objc_cpp |> pre_bind_opt ~f:(func_args_end ~on_args args) in {on_c; on_objc_cpp} let make_matcher : ('f_in, 'f_out) all_args_matcher -> 'f_in -> 'f_out matcher = fun m f -> let {on_c; on_objc_cpp} : (_, _) all_args_matcher = m in fun procname args -> match procname with | ObjC_Cpp objc_cpp -> on_objc_cpp f objc_cpp args |> pre_to_opt procname args | C c -> on_c f c args |> pre_to_opt procname args | _ -> None (** Simple implementation of a dispatcher, could be optimized later *) let make_dispatcher : 'f matcher list -> 'f dispatcher = fun matchers procname args -> List.find_map matchers ~f:(fun matcher -> matcher procname args) (* Template arguments *) let add_no_marker capture_markers = capture_markers (** Eats all template args *) let any_template_args : ('f, 'f, 'captured_types, 'captured_types, 'markers, 'markers, end_of_list) template_arg = let eat_template_arg (f, captured_types, _) = Some (f, captured_types, []) in {eat_template_arg; add_marker= add_no_marker} (** Eats a type *) let any_typ : ('f, 'f, 'captured_types, 'captured_types, 'markers, 'markers, accept_more) template_arg = let eat_template_arg (f, captured_types, template_args) = match template_args with (Typ.TType _) :: rest -> Some (f, captured_types, rest) | _ -> None in {eat_template_arg; add_marker= add_no_marker} (** Captures a type than can be back-referenced *) let capt_typ : 'marker -> ( 'marker mtyp -> 'f , 'f , 'captured_types , 'marker mtyp * 'captured_types , 'markers , 'marker * 'markers , accept_more ) template_arg = fun marker -> let eat_template_arg (f, captured_types, template_args) = match template_args with | (Typ.TType ty) :: rest -> let captured_types () = (ty, captured_types ()) in Some (f ty, captured_types, rest) | _ -> None in let add_marker capture_markers = (marker, capture_markers) in {eat_template_arg; add_marker} (** Captures an int *) let capt_int : ( Int64.t -> 'f , 'f , 'captured_types , 'captured_types , 'markers , 'markers , accept_more ) template_arg = let eat_template_arg (f, captured_types, template_args) = match template_args with (Typ.TInt i) :: rest -> Some (f i, captured_types, rest) | _ -> None in {eat_template_arg; add_marker= add_no_marker} (** Captures all template args *) let capt_all : ( Typ.template_arg list -> 'f , 'f , 'captured_types , 'captured_types , 'markers , 'markers , end_of_list ) template_arg = let eat_template_arg (f, captured_types, template_args) = Some (f template_args, captured_types, []) in {eat_template_arg; add_marker= add_no_marker} (* Function args *) let no_checker _ = true let eat_one_func_arg ~match_if capt = function | arg :: rest when match_if capt arg -> Some rest | _ -> None (** Eats one arg *) let any_arg : (_, _) func_arg = let eat_func_arg capt = eat_one_func_arg ~match_if:(fun _ _ -> true) capt in {eat_func_arg; marker_static_checker= no_checker} let mk_typ_nth : ('markers -> 'marker) -> ('captured_types -> 'marker mtyp) -> 'marker -> ('captured_types, 'markers) func_arg = fun get_m get_c marker -> let marker_static_checker markers = Polymorphic_compare.( = ) marker (get_m markers) in let eat_func_arg = eat_one_func_arg ~match_if:(fun capt func_arg -> Typ.equal (FuncArg.typ func_arg) (get_c capt) ) in {eat_func_arg; marker_static_checker} (** Matches first captured type *) let typ1 : 'marker -> ('marker mtyp * _, 'marker * _) func_arg = let pos1 (x, _) = x in fun marker -> mk_typ_nth pos1 pos1 marker (** Matches second captured type *) let typ2 : 'marker -> (_ * ('marker mtyp * _), _ * ('marker * _)) func_arg = let pos2 (_, (x, _)) = x in fun marker -> mk_typ_nth pos2 pos2 marker (** Matches third captured type *) let typ3 : 'marker -> (_ * (_ * ('marker mtyp * _)), _ * (_ * ('marker * _))) func_arg = let pos3 (_, (_, (x, _))) = x in fun marker -> mk_typ_nth pos3 pos3 marker (* Function args end *) (** Matches if there is no function arguments left *) let no_args_left : (_, _) func_args_end = let match_empty_args f = function Some [] -> Matches f | _ -> DoesNotMatch in fun ~on_args args (f, capt) -> on_args capt args |> match_empty_args f (** Matches any function arguments *) let any_func_args : (_, _) func_args_end = fun ~on_args args (f, capt) -> on_args capt args |> pre_map_opt ~f:(fun _ -> f) (** If [func_args_end1] does not match, use [func_args_end2] *) let alternative_args_end : ('f, 'captured_types) func_args_end -> ('f, 'captured_types) func_args_end -> ('f, 'captured_types) func_args_end = fun func_args_end1 func_args_end2 ~on_args args f_capt -> match func_args_end1 ~on_args args f_capt with | DoesNotMatch -> func_args_end2 ~on_args args f_capt | otherwise -> otherwise (** Retries matching with another matcher *) let args_end_retry : _ -> (_, _) func_args_end = fun f ~on_args:_ _args _f_capt -> RetryWith f (** Retries matching with another matcher if the function does not have the exact number/types of args *) let exact_args_or_retry : 'f -> (_, _) func_args_end = fun f -> alternative_args_end no_args_left (args_end_retry f) let wrong_args_internal_error procname _args = Logging.(die InternalError) "Unexpected number/types of arguments for %a" Typ.Procname.pp procname (* Notation shorthands *) let ( ! ) templ_matcher () = templ_end templ_matcher let ( $! ) path_matcher () = args_begin path_matcher let ( >$! ) templ_matcher () = templ_matcher >! () $! () let ( &::! ) path_matcher name = name_cons path_matcher name let ( $*--> ) all_args_matcher f = make_matcher all_args_matcher f let ( ~- ) name = empty &::! name let ( &+ ) templ_matcher template_arg = templ_cons templ_matcher template_arg let ( < ) name_matcher template_arg = name_matcher :: ) templ_matcher name = templ_matcher >! () &::! name let ( $+ ) args_matcher func_arg = args_cons args_matcher func_arg let ( >$ ) templ_matcher func_arg = templ_matcher >$! () $+ func_arg let ( $* ) args_matcher func_args_end = args_end args_matcher func_args_end let ( $--> ) args_matcher f = args_matcher $* no_args_left $*--> f let ( &+...>:: ) templ_matcher name = templ_matcher &+ any_template_args >:: name let ( &:: ) path_matcher name = path_matcher < any_template_args >:: name let ( <>:: ) name_matcher name = name_matcher :: name let ( $ ) name_matcher func_arg = name_matcher < any_template_args >$ func_arg let ( <>$ ) name_matcher func_arg = name_matcher $ func_arg let ( $+...$--> ) args_matcher f = args_matcher $* any_func_args $*--> f let ( >--> ) templ_matcher f = templ_matcher >$! () $+...$--> f let ( >$$--> ) templ_matcher f = templ_matcher >$! () $--> f let ( $$--> ) name_matcher f = name_matcher < any_template_args >$$--> f let ( <>$$--> ) name_matcher f = name_matcher $$--> f let ( &--> ) name_matcher f = name_matcher < any_template_args >--> f let ( <>--> ) name_matcher f = name_matcher --> f let ( $!--> ) args_matcher f = args_matcher $* exact_args_or_retry wrong_args_internal_error $*--> f