(* * Copyright (c) 2017 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) open! IStd module F = Format (** Forward analysis to compute uninitialized variables at each program point *) module Domain = AbstractDomain.InvertedSet (AccessPath) (* pre = set of parameters initialized inside the procedure; post = set of uninit local variables of the procedure *) type summary = {pre: Domain.t; post: Domain.t} module VarPair = struct type t = Var.t * Var.t [@@deriving compare] let pp fmt pair = F.fprintf fmt " (%a, %a)" Var.pp (fst pair) Var.pp (snd pair) end let pp_summary fmt {pre; post} = F.fprintf fmt "@\n Pre: %a @\nPost: %a @\n" Domain.pp pre Domain.pp post module Record (Domain1 : AbstractDomain.S) (Domain2 : AbstractDomain.S) (Domain3 : AbstractDomain.S) = struct type astate = { uninit_vars: Domain1.astate ; aliased_vars: Domain2.astate ; prepost: Domain3.astate * Domain3.astate } let ( <= ) ~lhs:({uninit_vars= lhs_uv; aliased_vars= lhs_av; prepost= lhs_pp} as lhs) ~rhs:({uninit_vars= rhs_uv; aliased_vars= rhs_av; prepost= rhs_pp} as rhs) = if phys_equal lhs rhs then true else Domain1.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs_uv ~rhs:rhs_uv && Domain2.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs_av ~rhs:rhs_av && Domain3.( <= ) ~lhs:(fst lhs_pp) ~rhs:(fst rhs_pp) && Domain3.( <= ) ~lhs:(snd lhs_pp) ~rhs:(snd rhs_pp) let join ({uninit_vars= uv1; aliased_vars= av1; prepost= pp1} as astate1) ({uninit_vars= uv2; aliased_vars= av2; prepost= pp2} as astate2) = if phys_equal astate1 astate2 then astate1 else { uninit_vars= Domain1.join uv1 uv2 ; aliased_vars= Domain2.join av1 av2 ; prepost= (Domain3.join (fst pp1) (fst pp2), Domain3.join (snd pp1) (snd pp2)) } let widen ~prev:({uninit_vars= prev_uv; aliased_vars= prev_av; prepost= prev_pp} as prev) ~next:({uninit_vars= next_uv; aliased_vars= next_av; prepost= next_pp} as next) ~num_iters = if phys_equal prev next then prev else { uninit_vars= Domain1.widen ~prev:prev_uv ~next:next_uv ~num_iters ; aliased_vars= Domain2.widen ~prev:prev_av ~next:next_av ~num_iters ; prepost= ( Domain3.widen ~prev:(fst prev_pp) ~next:(fst next_pp) ~num_iters , Domain3.widen ~prev:(snd prev_pp) ~next:(snd next_pp) ~num_iters ) } let pp fmt {uninit_vars= uv; aliased_vars= av; prepost= pp} = F.fprintf fmt "@\n uninit_vars: %a @\n aliased_vars: %a @\n prepost: (%a, %a)" Domain1.pp uv Domain2.pp av Domain3.pp (fst pp) Domain3.pp (snd pp) end