/* * Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ open! IStd; module L = Logging; type t = { exec: string, argv: list string, orig_argv: list string, quoting_style: ClangQuotes.style }; let fcp_dir = Config.bin_dir ^\/ Filename.parent_dir_name ^\/ Filename.parent_dir_name ^\/ "facebook-clang-plugins"; /** path of the plugin to load in clang */ let plugin_path = fcp_dir ^\/ "libtooling" ^\/ "build" ^\/ "FacebookClangPlugin.dylib"; /** name of the plugin to use */ let plugin_name = "BiniouASTExporter"; /** whether to amend include search path with C++ model headers */ let infer_cxx_models = Config.cxx; let value_of_argv_option argv opt_name => List.fold f::( fun (prev_arg, result) arg => { let result' = if (Option.is_some result) { result } else if (String.equal opt_name prev_arg) { Some arg } else { None }; (arg, result') } ) init::("", None) argv |> snd; let value_of_option {orig_argv} => value_of_argv_option orig_argv; let has_flag {orig_argv} flag => List.exists f::(String.equal flag) orig_argv; let can_attach_ast_exporter cmd => { let is_supported_language cmd => switch (value_of_option cmd "-x") { | None => L.external_warning "malformed -cc1 command has no \"-x\" flag!"; false | Some lang when String.is_prefix prefix::"assembler" lang => false | Some _ => true }; /* -Eonly is -cc1 flag that gets produced by 'clang -M -### ...' */ let is_preprocessor_only cmd => has_flag cmd "-E" || has_flag cmd "-Eonly"; has_flag cmd "-cc1" && is_supported_language cmd && not (is_preprocessor_only cmd) }; let argv_cons a b => [a, ...b]; let argv_do_if cond action x => if cond { action x } else { x }; let file_arg_cmd_sanitizer cmd => { let file = ClangQuotes.mk_arg_file "clang_command_" cmd.quoting_style cmd.argv; {...cmd, argv: [Format.sprintf "@%s" file]} }; let include_override_regex = Option.map f::Str.regexp Config.clang_include_to_override_regex; /* Work around various path or library issues occurring when one tries to substitute Apple's version of clang with a different version. Also mitigate version discrepancies in clang's fatal warnings. */ let clang_cc1_cmd_sanitizer cmd => { /* command line options not supported by the opensource compiler or the plugins */ let flags_blacklist = ["-fembed-bitcode-marker", "-fno-canonical-system-headers"]; let replace_option_arg option arg => if (String.equal option "-arch" && String.equal arg "armv7k") { "armv7" /* replace armv7k arch with armv7 */ } else if ( String.is_suffix arg suffix::"dep.tmp" ) { /* compilation-database Buck integration produces path to `dep.tmp` file that doesn't exist. Create it */ Unix.mkdir_p (Filename.dirname arg); arg } else if ( String.equal option "-dependency-file" && Option.is_some Config.buck_compilation_database /* In compilation database mode, dependency files are not assumed to exist */ ) { "/dev/null" } else if ( String.equal option "-isystem" ) { switch include_override_regex { | Some regexp when Str.string_match regexp arg 0 => fcp_dir ^\/ "clang" ^\/ "install" ^\/ "lib" ^\/ "clang" ^\/ "4.0.0" ^\/ "include" | _ => arg } } else { arg }; let args_defines = if Config.bufferoverrun { ["-D__INFER_BUFFEROVERRUN"] } else { [] }; let post_args_rev = [] |> List.rev_append ["-include", Config.lib_dir ^\/ "clang_wrappers" ^\/ "global_defines.h"] |> List.rev_append args_defines |> /* Never error on warnings. Clang is often more strict than Apple's version. These arguments are appended at the end to override previous opposite settings. How it's done: suppress all the warnings, since there are no warnings, compiler can't elevate them to error level. */ argv_cons "-Wno-everything"; let rec filter_unsupported_args_and_swap_includes (prev, res_rev) => fun | [] => /* return non-reversed list */ List.rev_append res_rev (List.rev post_args_rev) | [flag, ...tl] when List.mem equal::String.equal flags_blacklist flag => filter_unsupported_args_and_swap_includes (flag, res_rev) tl | [arg, ...tl] => { let res_rev' = [replace_option_arg prev arg, ...res_rev]; filter_unsupported_args_and_swap_includes (arg, res_rev') tl }; let clang_arguments = filter_unsupported_args_and_swap_includes ("", []) cmd.argv; file_arg_cmd_sanitizer {...cmd, argv: clang_arguments} }; let mk quoting_style ::prog ::args => {exec: prog, orig_argv: args, argv: args, quoting_style}; let command_to_run cmd => { let mk_cmd normalizer => { let {exec, argv, quoting_style} = normalizer cmd; Printf.sprintf "'%s' %s" exec (List.map f::(ClangQuotes.quote quoting_style) argv |> String.concat sep::" ") }; if (can_attach_ast_exporter cmd) { mk_cmd clang_cc1_cmd_sanitizer } else if ( String.is_prefix prefix::"clang" (Filename.basename cmd.exec) ) { /* `clang` supports argument files and the commands can be longer than the maximum length of the command line, so put arguments in a file */ mk_cmd file_arg_cmd_sanitizer } else { /* other commands such as `ld` do not support argument files */ mk_cmd (fun x => x) } }; let with_exec exec args => {...args, exec}; let with_plugin_args args => { let args_before_rev = [] |> /* -cc1 has to be the first argument or clang will think it runs in driver mode */ argv_cons "-cc1" |> /* It's important to place this option before other -isystem options. */ argv_do_if infer_cxx_models (List.rev_append ["-isystem", Config.cpp_extra_include_dir]) |> List.rev_append [ "-load", plugin_path, /* (t7400979) this is a workaround to avoid that clang crashes when the -fmodules flag and the YojsonASTExporter plugin are used. Since the -plugin argument disables the generation of .o files, we invoke apple clang again to generate the expected artifacts. This will keep xcodebuild plus all the sub-steps happy. */ if (has_flag args "-fmodules") { "-plugin" } else { "-add-plugin" }, plugin_name, "-plugin-arg-" ^ plugin_name, "-", "-plugin-arg-" ^ plugin_name, "PREPEND_CURRENT_DIR=1" ]; /* add -O0 option to avoid compiler obfuscation of AST */ let args_after_rev = [] |> argv_cons "-O0" |> argv_do_if Config.fcp_syntax_only (argv_cons "-fsyntax-only"); {...args, argv: List.rev_append args_before_rev (args.argv @ List.rev args_after_rev)} }; let prepend_arg arg clang_args => {...clang_args, argv: [arg, ...clang_args.argv]}; let prepend_args args clang_args => {...clang_args, argv: args @ clang_args.argv}; let append_args args clang_args => {...clang_args, argv: clang_args.argv @ args}; let get_orig_argv {exec, orig_argv} => Array.of_list [exec, ...orig_argv];