(* * Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) open! IStd module F = Format module MockTrace = Trace.Make (struct module MockTraceElem = struct include CallSite let matches ~caller ~callee = equal caller callee end module Source = Source.Make (struct include MockTraceElem let get ~caller_pname:_ pname _ _ = if String.is_prefix ~prefix:"SOURCE" (Typ.Procname.to_string pname) then [(CallSite.make pname Location.dummy, None)] else [] let get_tainted_formals _ _ = [] end) module Sink = Sink.Make (struct include MockTraceElem let get pname _ _ _ = if String.is_prefix ~prefix:"SINK" (Typ.Procname.to_string pname) then [(CallSite.make pname Location.dummy, IntSet.singleton 0)] else [] end) module Sanitizer = Sanitizer.Dummy let get_report _ _ _ = None end) module MockTaintAnalysis = TaintAnalysis.Make (struct module Trace = MockTrace module AccessTree = AccessTree.Make (Trace) (AccessTree.DefaultConfig) let of_summary_access_tree _ = assert false let to_summary_access_tree _ = assert false let handle_unknown_call _ _ _ _ = [] let is_taintable_type _ = true let get_model _ _ _ _ _ = None let name = "" end) module TestInterpreter = AnalyzerTester.Make (LowerHil.Make (MockTaintAnalysis.TransferFunctions (ProcCfg.Normal)) (LowerHil.DefaultConfig)) let tests = let open OUnit2 in let open AnalyzerTester.StructuredSil in (* less verbose form of pretty-printing to make writing tests easy *) let pp_sparse fmt astate = let pp_call_site fmt call_site = Typ.Procname.pp fmt (CallSite.pname call_site) in let pp_sources fmt sources = if MockTrace.Sources.is_empty sources then F.pp_print_char fmt '?' else MockTrace.Sources.Known.iter (fun source -> pp_call_site fmt (MockTrace.Source.call_site source)) sources.MockTrace.Sources.known in let pp_sinks fmt sinks = if MockTrace.Sinks.is_empty sinks then F.pp_print_char fmt '?' else MockTrace.Sinks.iter (fun sink -> pp_call_site fmt (MockTrace.Sink.call_site sink)) sinks in (* just print source -> sink, no line nums or passthroughs *) let pp_trace fmt trace = F.fprintf fmt "(%a -> %a)" pp_sources (MockTrace.sources trace) pp_sinks (MockTrace.sinks trace) in let pp_item fmt (ap, trace) = F.fprintf fmt "%a => %a" AccessPath.Abs.pp ap pp_trace trace in (* flatten access tree into list of access paths with associated traces *) let trace_assocs = MockTaintAnalysis.TaintDomain.trace_fold (fun acc ap t -> if not (MockTrace.is_empty t) then (ap, t) :: acc else acc) (fst astate) [] in PrettyPrintable.pp_collection ~pp_item fmt (List.rev trace_assocs) in let assign_to_source ret_str = let procname = Typ.Procname.from_string_c_fun "SOURCE" in make_call ~procname ~return:(ident_of_str ret_str, dummy_typ) [] in let assign_to_non_source ret_str = let procname = Typ.Procname.from_string_c_fun "NON-SOURCE" in make_call ~procname ~return:(ident_of_str ret_str, dummy_typ) [] in let call_sink_with_exp exp = let procname = Typ.Procname.from_string_c_fun "SINK" in make_call ~procname [(exp, dummy_typ)] in let call_sink actual_str = call_sink_with_exp (Exp.Var (ident_of_str actual_str)) in let assign_id_to_field root_str fld_str rhs_id_str = let rhs_exp = Exp.Var (ident_of_str rhs_id_str) in make_store ~rhs_typ:(Typ.mk Tvoid) (Exp.Var (ident_of_str root_str)) fld_str ~rhs_exp in let read_field_to_id lhs_id_str root_str fld_str = make_load_fld ~rhs_typ:(Typ.mk Tvoid) lhs_id_str fld_str (Exp.Var (ident_of_str root_str)) in let assert_empty = invariant "{ }" in (* hack: register an empty analyze_ondemand to prevent a crash because the callback is unset *) let analyze_ondemand summary _ = summary in let callbacks = {Ondemand.exe_env= Exe_env.mk (); analyze_ondemand} in Ondemand.set_callbacks callbacks ; let test_list = [ ("source recorded", [assign_to_source "ret_id"; invariant "{ ret_id$0* => (SOURCE -> ?) }"]) ; ("non-source not recorded", [assign_to_non_source "ret_id"; assert_empty]) ; ( "source flows to var" , [ assign_to_source "ret_id" ; var_assign_id "var" "ret_id" ; invariant "{ ret_id$0* => (SOURCE -> ?), var* => (SOURCE -> ?) }" ] ) ; ( "source flows to field" , [ assign_to_source "ret_id" ; assign_id_to_field "base_id" "f" "ret_id" ; invariant "{ base_id$0.f* => (SOURCE -> ?), ret_id$0* => (SOURCE -> ?) }" ] ) ; ( "source flows to field then var" , [ assign_to_source "ret_id" ; assign_id_to_field "base_id" "f" "ret_id" ; read_field_to_id "read_id" "base_id" "f" ; var_assign_id "var" "read_id" ; invariant "{ base_id$0.f* => (SOURCE -> ?),\n\ \ ret_id$0* => (SOURCE -> ?),\n\ \ var* => (SOURCE -> ?) }" ] ) ; ( "source flows to var then cleared" , [ assign_to_source "ret_id" ; var_assign_id "var" "ret_id" ; invariant "{ ret_id$0* => (SOURCE -> ?), var* => (SOURCE -> ?) }" ; assign_to_non_source "non_source_id" ; var_assign_id "var" "non_source_id" ; invariant "{ ret_id$0* => (SOURCE -> ?) }" ] ) ; ( "source flows to field then cleared" , [ assign_to_source "ret_id" ; assign_id_to_field "base_id" "f" "ret_id" ; invariant "{ base_id$0.f* => (SOURCE -> ?), ret_id$0* => (SOURCE -> ?) }" ; assign_to_non_source "non_source_id" ; assign_id_to_field "base_id" "f" "non_source_id" ; invariant "{ ret_id$0* => (SOURCE -> ?) }" ] ) ; ( "sink without source not tracked" , [assign_to_non_source "ret_id"; call_sink "ret_id"; assert_empty] ) ] |> TestInterpreter.create_tests ~pp_opt:pp_sparse {formal_map= FormalMap.empty; summary= Summary.dummy} ~initial:(MockTaintAnalysis.Domain.empty, Bindings.empty) in "taint_test_suite" >::: test_list