(* * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd. * Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) open! IStd open! PVariant module Hashtbl = Caml.Hashtbl (** Specifications and spec table *) module L = Logging module F = Format (* =============== START of support for spec tables =============== *) (** Module for joined props *) module Jprop = struct (* type aliases for component of t values that compare should ignore *) type _id = int let compare__id _ _ = 0 (** Remember when a prop is obtained as the join of two other props; the first parameter is an id *) type 'a t = | Prop of _id * 'a Prop.t | Joined of _id * 'a Prop.t * 'a t * 'a t [@@deriving compare] (** Comparison for joined_prop *) let compare jp1 jp2 = compare (fun _ _ -> 0) jp1 jp2 (** Return true if the two join_prop's are equal *) let equal jp1 jp2 = Int.equal (compare jp1 jp2) 0 let to_prop = function Prop (_, p) -> p | Joined (_, p, _, _) -> p let to_number = function Prop (n, _) -> n | Joined (n, _, _, _) -> n let rec fav_add_dfs tenv fav = function | Prop (_, p) -> Prop.prop_fav_add_dfs tenv fav p | Joined (_, p, jp1, jp2) -> Prop.prop_fav_add_dfs tenv fav p ; fav_add_dfs tenv fav jp1 ; fav_add_dfs tenv fav jp2 let rec normalize tenv = function | Prop (n, p) -> Prop (n, Prop.normalize tenv p) | Joined (n, p, jp1, jp2) -> Joined (n, Prop.normalize tenv p, normalize tenv jp1, normalize tenv jp2) (** Return a compact representation of the jprop *) let rec compact sh = function | Prop (n, p) -> Prop (n, Prop.prop_compact sh p) | Joined (n, p, jp1, jp2) -> Joined (n, Prop.prop_compact sh p, compact sh jp1, compact sh jp2) (** Print the toplevel prop *) let pp_short pe f jp = Prop.pp_prop pe f (to_prop jp) (** Dump the toplevel prop *) let d_shallow (jp: Prop.normal t) = L.add_print_action (L.PTjprop_short, Obj.repr jp) (** Get identifies of the jprop *) let get_id = function Prop (n, _) -> n | Joined (n, _, _, _) -> n (** Print a list of joined props, the boolean indicates whether to print subcomponents of joined props *) let pp_list pe shallow f jplist = let rec pp_seq_newline f = function | [] -> () | [(Prop (n, p))] -> F.fprintf f "PROP %d:@\n%a" n (Prop.pp_prop pe) p | [(Joined (n, p, p1, p2))] -> if not shallow then F.fprintf f "%a@\n" pp_seq_newline [p1] ; if not shallow then F.fprintf f "%a@\n" pp_seq_newline [p2] ; F.fprintf f "PROP %d (join of %d,%d):@\n%a" n (get_id p1) (get_id p2) (Prop.pp_prop pe) p | jp :: l -> F.fprintf f "%a@\n" pp_seq_newline [jp] ; pp_seq_newline f l in pp_seq_newline f jplist (** dump a joined prop list, the boolean indicates whether to print toplevel props only *) let d_list (shallow: bool) (jplist: Prop.normal t list) = L.add_print_action (L.PTjprop_list, Obj.repr (shallow, jplist)) let rec fav_add fav = function | Prop (_, p) -> Prop.prop_fav_add fav p | Joined (_, p, jp1, jp2) -> Prop.prop_fav_add fav p ; fav_add fav jp1 ; fav_add fav jp2 let rec jprop_sub sub = function | Prop (n, p) -> Prop (n, Prop.prop_sub sub p) | Joined (n, p, jp1, jp2) -> let p' = Prop.prop_sub sub p in let jp1' = jprop_sub sub jp1 in let jp2' = jprop_sub sub jp2 in Joined (n, p', jp1', jp2') let filter (f: 'a t -> 'b option) jpl = let rec do_filter acc = function | [] -> acc | (Prop _ as jp) :: jpl -> ( match f jp with Some x -> do_filter (x :: acc) jpl | None -> do_filter acc jpl ) | (Joined (_, _, jp1, jp2) as jp) :: jpl -> match f jp with | Some x -> do_filter (x :: acc) jpl | None -> do_filter acc (jpl @ [jp1; jp2]) in do_filter [] jpl let rec map (f: 'a Prop.t -> 'b Prop.t) = function | Prop (n, p) -> Prop (n, f p) | Joined (n, p, jp1, jp2) -> Joined (n, f p, map f jp1, map f jp2) (* let rec jprop_sub sub = function | Prop (n, p) -> Prop (n, Prop.prop_sub sub p) | Joined (n, p, jp1, jp2) -> Joined (n, Prop.prop_sub sub p, jprop_sub sub jp1, jprop_sub sub jp2) *) end (***** End of module Jprop *****) module Visitedset = Caml.Set.Make (struct type t = Procdesc.Node.id * int list let compare (node_id1, _) (node_id2, _) = Procdesc.Node.compare_id node_id1 node_id2 end) let visited_str vis = let s = ref "" in let lines = ref Int.Set.empty in let do_one (_, ns) = (* if List.length ns > 1 then begin let ss = ref "" in List.iter ~f:(fun n -> ss := !ss ^ " " ^ string_of_int n) ns; L.out "Node %d has lines %s@." node !ss end; *) List.iter ~f:(fun n -> lines := Int.Set.add !lines n) ns in Visitedset.iter do_one vis ; Int.Set.iter ~f:(fun n -> s := !s ^ " " ^ string_of_int n) !lines ; !s (** A spec consists of: pre: a joined prop post: a list of props with path visited: a list of pairs (node_id, line) for the visited nodes *) type 'a spec = {pre: 'a Jprop.t; posts: ('a Prop.t * Paths.Path.t) list; visited: Visitedset.t} (** encapsulate type for normalized specs *) module NormSpec : sig type t val normalize : Tenv.t -> Prop.normal spec -> t val tospecs : t list -> Prop.normal spec list val compact : Sil.sharing_env -> t -> t (** Return a compact representation of the spec *) val erase_join_info_pre : Tenv.t -> t -> t (** Erase join info from pre of spec *) end = struct type t = Prop.normal spec let tospecs specs = specs let spec_fav tenv (spec: Prop.normal spec) : Sil.fav = let fav = Sil.fav_new () in Jprop.fav_add_dfs tenv fav spec.pre ; List.iter ~f:(fun (p, _) -> Prop.prop_fav_add_dfs tenv fav p) spec.posts ; fav let spec_sub tenv sub spec = { pre= Jprop.normalize tenv (Jprop.jprop_sub sub spec.pre) ; posts= List.map ~f:(fun (p, path) -> (Prop.normalize tenv (Prop.prop_sub sub p), path)) spec.posts ; visited= spec.visited } (** Convert spec into normal form w.r.t. variable renaming *) let normalize tenv (spec: Prop.normal spec) : Prop.normal spec = let fav = spec_fav tenv spec in let idlist = Sil.fav_to_list fav in let count = ref 0 in let sub = Sil.subst_of_list (List.map ~f:(fun id -> incr count ; (id, Exp.Var (Ident.create_normal Ident.name_spec !count))) idlist) in spec_sub tenv sub spec (** Return a compact representation of the spec *) let compact sh spec = let pre = Jprop.compact sh spec.pre in let posts = List.map ~f:(fun (p, path) -> (Prop.prop_compact sh p, path)) spec.posts in {pre; posts; visited= spec.visited} (** Erase join info from pre of spec *) let erase_join_info_pre tenv spec = let spec' = {spec with pre= Jprop.Prop (1, Jprop.to_prop spec.pre)} in normalize tenv spec' end (** Convert spec into normal form w.r.t. variable renaming *) let spec_normalize = NormSpec.normalize (** Cast a list of normalized specs to a list of specs *) let normalized_specs_to_specs = NormSpec.tospecs module CallStats = struct (** module for tracing stats of function calls *) module PnameLocHash = Hashtbl.Make (struct type t = Typ.Procname.t * Location.t let hash (pname, loc) = Hashtbl.hash (Typ.Procname.hash_pname pname, loc.Location.line) let equal = [%compare.equal : Typ.Procname.t * Location.t] end) (** kind of result of a procedure call *) type call_result = | CR_success (** successful call *) | CR_not_met (** precondition not met *) | CR_not_found (** the callee has no specs *) | CR_skip (** the callee was skipped *) type trace = (call_result * bool) list type t = trace PnameLocHash.t let trace_add tr (res: call_result) in_footprint = (res, in_footprint) :: tr let empty_trace : trace = [] let init calls = let hash = PnameLocHash.create 1 in let do_call pn_loc = PnameLocHash.add hash pn_loc empty_trace in List.iter ~f:do_call calls ; hash let trace t proc_name loc res in_footprint = let tr_old = try PnameLocHash.find t (proc_name, loc) with Not_found -> PnameLocHash.add t (proc_name, loc) empty_trace ; empty_trace in let tr_new = trace_add tr_old res in_footprint in PnameLocHash.replace t (proc_name, loc) tr_new let tr_elem_str (cr, in_footprint) = let s1 = match cr with | CR_success -> "OK" | CR_not_met -> "NotMet" | CR_not_found -> "NotFound" | CR_skip -> "Skip" in let s2 = if in_footprint then "FP" else "RE" in s1 ^ ":" ^ s2 let pp_trace fmt tr = Pp.seq (fun fmt x -> F.fprintf fmt "%s" (tr_elem_str x)) fmt (List.rev tr) let iter f t = let elems = ref [] in PnameLocHash.iter (fun x tr -> elems := (x, tr) :: !elems) t ; let sorted_elems = let compare (pname_loc1, _) (pname_loc2, _) = [%compare : Typ.Procname.t * Location.t] pname_loc1 pname_loc2 in List.sort ~cmp:compare !elems in List.iter ~f:(fun (x, tr) -> f x tr) sorted_elems (* let pp fmt t = let do_call (pname, loc) tr = F.fprintf fmt "%a %a: %a@\n" Typ.Procname.pp pname Location.pp loc pp_trace tr in iter do_call t *) end (** stats of the calls performed during the analysis *) type call_stats = CallStats.t (** Execution statistics *) type stats = { stats_failure: SymOp.failure_kind option (** what type of failure stopped the analysis (if any) *) ; symops: int (** Number of SymOp's throughout the whole analysis of the function *) ; mutable nodes_visited_fp: IntSet.t (** Nodes visited during the footprint phase *) ; mutable nodes_visited_re: IntSet.t (** Nodes visited during the re-execution phase *) ; call_stats: call_stats } type status = Pending | Analyzed [@@deriving compare] let string_of_status = function Pending -> "Pending" | Analyzed -> "Analyzed" let pp_status fmt status = F.fprintf fmt "%s" (string_of_status status) let equal_status = [%compare.equal : status] type phase = FOOTPRINT | RE_EXECUTION [@@deriving compare] let equal_phase = [%compare.equal : phase] (** Payload: results of some analysis *) type payload = { preposts: NormSpec.t list option (** list of specs *) ; typestate: unit TypeState.t option (** final typestate *) ; annot_map: AnnotReachabilityDomain.astate option ; crashcontext_frame: Stacktree_t.stacktree option (** Proc location and blame_range info for crashcontext analysis *) ; quandary: QuandarySummary.t option ; resources: ResourceLeakDomain.summary option ; siof: SiofDomain.astate option ; threadsafety: ThreadSafetyDomain.summary option ; buffer_overrun: BufferOverrunDomain.Summary.t option } type summary = { nodes: Procdesc.Node.id list (** ids of cfg nodes of the procedure *) ; phase: phase (** in FOOTPRINT phase or in RE_EXECUTION PHASE *) ; payload: payload (** payload containing the result of some analysis *) ; sessions: int ref (** Session number: how many nodes went trough symbolic execution *) ; stats: stats (** statistics: execution time and list of errors *) ; status: status (** Analysis status of the procedure *) ; attributes: ProcAttributes.t (** Attributes of the procedure *) ; proc_desc_option: Procdesc.t option } type spec_tbl = summary Typ.Procname.Hash.t let spec_tbl : spec_tbl = Typ.Procname.Hash.create 128 let clear_spec_tbl () = Typ.Procname.Hash.clear spec_tbl let pp_failure_kind_opt fmt failure_kind_opt = match failure_kind_opt with | Some failure_kind -> SymOp.pp_failure_kind fmt failure_kind | None -> F.fprintf fmt "NONE" let pp_errlog fmt err_log = F.fprintf fmt "ERRORS: @[%a@]@\n%!" Errlog.pp_errors err_log ; F.fprintf fmt "WARNINGS: @[%a@]" Errlog.pp_warnings err_log let pp_stats fmt stats = F.fprintf fmt "FAILURE:%a SYMOPS:%d@\n" pp_failure_kind_opt stats.stats_failure stats.symops (** Print the spec *) let pp_spec pe num_opt fmt spec = let num_str = match num_opt with | None -> "----------" | Some (n, tot) -> Format.sprintf "%d of %d [nvisited:%s]" n tot (visited_str spec.visited) in let pre = Jprop.to_prop spec.pre in let pe_post = Prop.prop_update_obj_sub pe pre in let post_list = List.map ~f:fst spec.posts in match pe.Pp.kind with | TEXT -> F.fprintf fmt "--------------------------- %s ---------------------------@\n" num_str ; F.fprintf fmt "PRE:@\n%a@\n" (Prop.pp_prop Pp.text) pre ; F.fprintf fmt "%a@\n" (Propgraph.pp_proplist pe_post "POST" (pre, true)) post_list ; F.fprintf fmt "----------------------------------------------------------------" | HTML -> F.fprintf fmt "--------------------------- %s ---------------------------@\n" num_str ; F.fprintf fmt "PRE:@\n%a%a%a@\n" Io_infer.Html.pp_start_color Pp.Blue (Prop.pp_prop (Pp.html Blue)) pre Io_infer.Html.pp_end_color () ; F.fprintf fmt "%a" (Propgraph.pp_proplist pe_post "POST" (pre, true)) post_list ; F.fprintf fmt "----------------------------------------------------------------" | LATEX -> F.fprintf fmt "\\textbf{\\large Requires}\\\\@\n@[%a%a%a@]\\\\@\n" Latex.pp_color Pp.Blue (Prop.pp_prop (Pp.latex Blue)) pre Latex.pp_color pe.Pp.color ; F.fprintf fmt "\\textbf{\\large Ensures}\\\\@\n@[%a@]" (Propgraph.pp_proplist pe_post "POST" (pre, true)) post_list (** Dump a spec *) let d_spec (spec: 'a spec) = L.add_print_action (L.PTspec, Obj.repr spec) let pp_specs pe fmt specs = let total = List.length specs in let cnt = ref 0 in match pe.Pp.kind with | TEXT -> List.iter ~f:(fun spec -> incr cnt ; F.fprintf fmt "%a" (pp_spec pe (Some (!cnt, total))) spec) specs | HTML -> List.iter ~f:(fun spec -> incr cnt ; F.fprintf fmt "%a
@\n" (pp_spec pe (Some (!cnt, total))) spec) specs | LATEX -> List.iter ~f:(fun spec -> incr cnt ; F.fprintf fmt "\\subsection*{Spec %d of %d}@\n\\(%a\\)@\n" !cnt total (pp_spec pe None) spec) specs let describe_phase summary = ("Phase", if equal_phase summary.phase FOOTPRINT then "FOOTPRINT" else "RE_EXECUTION") (** Return the signature of a procedure declaration as a string *) let get_signature summary = let s = ref "" in List.iter ~f:(fun (p, typ) -> let pp f = F.fprintf f "%a %a" (Typ.pp_full Pp.text) typ Mangled.pp p in let decl = F.asprintf "%t" pp in s := if String.equal !s "" then decl else !s ^ ", " ^ decl) summary.attributes.ProcAttributes.formals ; let pp f = F.fprintf f "%a %a" (Typ.pp_full Pp.text) summary.attributes.ProcAttributes.ret_type Typ.Procname.pp summary.attributes.ProcAttributes.proc_name in let decl = F.asprintf "%t" pp in decl ^ "(" ^ !s ^ ")" let get_specs_from_preposts preposts = Option.value_map ~f:NormSpec.tospecs ~default:[] preposts let get_specs_from_payload summary = get_specs_from_preposts summary.payload.preposts let pp_summary_no_stats_specs fmt summary = let pp_pair fmt (x, y) = F.fprintf fmt "%s: %s" x y in F.fprintf fmt "%s@\n" (get_signature summary) ; F.fprintf fmt "%a@\n" pp_status summary.status ; F.fprintf fmt "%a@\n" pp_pair (describe_phase summary) let pp_payload pe fmt { preposts ; typestate ; crashcontext_frame ; quandary ; siof ; threadsafety ; buffer_overrun ; annot_map } = let pp_opt prefix pp fmt = function | Some x -> F.fprintf fmt "%s: %a@\n" prefix pp x | None -> () in F.fprintf fmt "%a%a%a%a%a%a%a%a@\n" (pp_opt "PrePosts" (pp_specs pe)) (Option.map ~f:NormSpec.tospecs preposts) (pp_opt "TypeState" (TypeState.pp TypeState.unit_ext)) typestate (pp_opt "CrashContext" Crashcontext.pp_stacktree) crashcontext_frame (pp_opt "Quandary" QuandarySummary.pp) quandary (pp_opt "Siof" SiofDomain.pp) siof (pp_opt "ThreadSafety" ThreadSafetyDomain.pp_summary) threadsafety (pp_opt "BufferOverrun" BufferOverrunDomain.Summary.pp) buffer_overrun (pp_opt "AnnotationReachability" AnnotReachabilityDomain.pp) annot_map let pp_summary_text fmt summary = let err_log = summary.attributes.ProcAttributes.err_log in let pe = Pp.text in pp_summary_no_stats_specs fmt summary ; F.fprintf fmt "%a@\n%a%a" pp_errlog err_log pp_stats summary.stats (pp_payload pe) summary.payload let pp_summary_latex color fmt summary = let err_log = summary.attributes.ProcAttributes.err_log in let pe = Pp.latex color in F.fprintf fmt "\\begin{verbatim}@\n" ; pp_summary_no_stats_specs fmt summary ; F.fprintf fmt "%a@\n" pp_errlog err_log ; F.fprintf fmt "%a@\n" pp_stats summary.stats ; F.fprintf fmt "\\end{verbatim}@\n" ; F.fprintf fmt "%a@\n" (pp_specs pe) (get_specs_from_payload summary) let pp_summary_html source color fmt summary = let err_log = summary.attributes.ProcAttributes.err_log in let pe = Pp.html color in Io_infer.Html.pp_start_color fmt Black ; F.fprintf fmt "@\n%a" pp_summary_no_stats_specs summary ; Io_infer.Html.pp_end_color fmt () ; F.fprintf fmt "
@\n" pp_stats summary.stats ; Errlog.pp_html source [] fmt err_log ; Io_infer.Html.pp_hline fmt () ; F.fprintf fmt "@\n" ; pp_payload pe fmt summary.payload ; F.fprintf fmt "@\n" let empty_stats calls = { stats_failure= None ; symops= 0 ; nodes_visited_fp= IntSet.empty ; nodes_visited_re= IntSet.empty ; call_stats= CallStats.init calls } let payload_compact sh payload = match payload.preposts with | Some specs -> {payload with preposts= Some (List.map ~f:(NormSpec.compact sh) specs)} | None -> payload (** Return a compact representation of the summary *) let summary_compact sh summary = {summary with payload= payload_compact sh summary.payload} (** Add the summary to the table for the given function *) let add_summary (proc_name: Typ.Procname.t) (summary: summary) : unit = L.(debug Analysis Medium) "Adding summary for %a@\n@[ %a@]@." Typ.Procname.pp proc_name pp_summary_text summary ; Typ.Procname.Hash.replace spec_tbl proc_name summary let specs_filename pname = let pname_file = Typ.Procname.to_filename pname in pname_file ^ Config.specs_files_suffix (** path to the .specs file for the given procedure in the current results directory *) let res_dir_specs_filename pname = DB.Results_dir.path_to_filename DB.Results_dir.Abs_root [Config.specs_dir_name; specs_filename pname] (** paths to the .specs file for the given procedure in the current spec libraries *) let specs_library_filenames pname = List.map ~f:(fun specs_dir -> DB.filename_from_string (Filename.concat specs_dir (specs_filename pname))) Config.specs_library (** paths to the .specs file for the given procedure in the models folder *) let specs_models_filename pname = DB.filename_from_string (Filename.concat Config.models_dir (specs_filename pname)) let summary_exists_in_models pname = Sys.file_exists (DB.filename_to_string (specs_models_filename pname)) = `Yes let summary_serializer : summary Serialization.serializer = Serialization.create_serializer Serialization.Key.summary (** Load procedure summary from the given file *) let load_summary specs_file = Serialization.read_from_file summary_serializer specs_file (** Load procedure summary for the given procedure name and update spec table *) let load_summary_to_spec_table proc_name = let add summ = add_summary proc_name summ ; true in let load_summary_models models_dir = match load_summary models_dir with None -> false | Some summ -> add summ in let rec load_summary_libs = function | (* try to load the summary from a list of libs *) [] -> false | spec_path :: spec_paths -> match load_summary spec_path with | None -> load_summary_libs spec_paths | Some summ -> add summ in let load_summary_ziplibs zip_specs_filename = let zip_specs_path = Filename.concat Config.specs_dir_name zip_specs_filename in match ZipLib.load summary_serializer zip_specs_path with | None -> false | Some summary -> add summary in let default_spec_dir = res_dir_specs_filename proc_name in match load_summary default_spec_dir with | None -> (* search on models, libzips, and libs *) load_summary_models (specs_models_filename proc_name) || load_summary_ziplibs (specs_filename proc_name) || load_summary_libs (specs_library_filenames proc_name) | Some summ -> add summ let rec get_summary proc_name = try Some (Typ.Procname.Hash.find spec_tbl proc_name) with Not_found -> if load_summary_to_spec_table proc_name then get_summary proc_name else None let get_summary_unsafe s proc_name = match get_summary proc_name with | None -> L.(die InternalError) "[%s] Specs.get_summary_unsafe: %a Not found" s Typ.Procname.pp proc_name | Some summary -> summary (** Check if the procedure is from a library: It's not defined, and there is no spec file for it. *) let proc_is_library proc_attributes = if not proc_attributes.ProcAttributes.is_defined then match get_summary proc_attributes.ProcAttributes.proc_name with | None -> true | Some _ -> false else false (** Try to find the attributes for a defined proc. First look at specs (to get attributes computed by analysis) then look at the attributes table. If no attributes can be found, return None. *) let proc_resolve_attributes proc_name = let from_attributes_table () = AttributesTable.load_attributes ~cache:true proc_name in let from_specs () = match get_summary proc_name with Some summary -> Some summary.attributes | None -> None in match from_specs () with | Some attributes -> ( if attributes.ProcAttributes.is_defined then Some attributes else match from_attributes_table () with | Some attributes' -> Some attributes' | None -> Some attributes ) | None -> from_attributes_table () (** Like proc_resolve_attributes but start from a proc_desc. *) let pdesc_resolve_attributes proc_desc = let proc_name = Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in match proc_resolve_attributes proc_name with | Some proc_attributes -> proc_attributes | None -> (* this should not happen *) assert false let summary_exists proc_name = match get_summary proc_name with Some _ -> true | None -> false let get_status summary = summary.status let get_proc_name summary = summary.attributes.ProcAttributes.proc_name let get_ret_type summary = summary.attributes.ProcAttributes.ret_type let get_formals summary = summary.attributes.ProcAttributes.formals let get_attributes summary = summary.attributes (** Return the current phase for the proc *) let get_phase summary = summary.phase (** Save summary for the procedure into the spec database *) let store_summary (summ1: summary) = let summ2 = if Config.save_compact_summaries then summary_compact (Sil.create_sharing_env ()) summ1 else summ1 in let final_summary = {summ2 with status= Analyzed} in let proc_name = get_proc_name final_summary in (* Make sure the summary in memory is identical to the saved one *) add_summary proc_name final_summary ; Serialization.write_to_file summary_serializer (res_dir_specs_filename proc_name) ~data:final_summary let empty_payload = { preposts= None ; typestate= None ; annot_map= None ; crashcontext_frame= None ; quandary= None ; resources= None ; siof= None ; threadsafety= None ; buffer_overrun= None } (** [init_summary (depend_list, nodes, proc_flags, calls, in_out_calls_opt, proc_attributes)] initializes the summary for [proc_name] given dependent procs in list [depend_list]. *) let init_summary (nodes, proc_flags, calls, proc_attributes, proc_desc_option) = let summary = { nodes ; phase= FOOTPRINT ; sessions= ref 0 ; payload= empty_payload ; stats= empty_stats calls ; status= Pending ; attributes= {proc_attributes with ProcAttributes.proc_flags= proc_flags} ; proc_desc_option } in Typ.Procname.Hash.replace spec_tbl proc_attributes.ProcAttributes.proc_name summary ; summary let dummy = init_summary ( [] , ProcAttributes.proc_flags_empty () , [] , ProcAttributes.default Typ.Procname.empty_block Config.Java , None ) (** Reset a summary rebuilding the dependents and preserving the proc attributes if present. *) let reset_summary proc_desc = let proc_desc_option = if Config.dynamic_dispatch = `Lazy then Some proc_desc else None in init_summary ( [] , ProcAttributes.proc_flags_empty () , [] , Procdesc.get_attributes proc_desc , proc_desc_option ) (* =============== END of support for spec tables =============== *) (* let rec post_equal pl1 pl2 = match pl1, pl2 with | [],[] -> true | [], _:: _ -> false | _:: _,[] -> false | p1:: pl1', p2:: pl2' -> if Prop.equal_prop p1 p2 then post_equal pl1' pl2' else false *)