This check warns you when you have a custom setter for a weak property. When compiled with Automatic Reference Counting (ARC, `-fobj-arc`) ARC may set the property to `nil` without invoking the setter, for example: ```objectivec #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @interface Employee : NSObject { NSString* _name; __weak Employee* _manager; } -(id)initWithName:(NSString*)name; @property(atomic, weak) Employee* manager; -(void)report; @end @implementation Employee -(id)initWithName:(NSString*)name { _name = name; return self; } -(NSString*)description { return _name; } -(void)report { NSLog(@"I work for %@", _manager); } -(Employee*)manager { return _manager; } // DON'T do this; ARC will not call this when setting _manager to nil. -(void)setManager:(Employee*)newManager { NSLog(@"Meet the new boss..."); _manager = newManager; } @end int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Employee* bob = [[Employee alloc] initWithName:@"Bob"]; Employee* sue = [[Employee alloc] initWithName:@"Sue"]; bob.manager = sue; [bob report]; sue = nil; [bob report]; return 0; } ``` This prints: ``` Meet the new boss... I work for Sue I work for (null) ``` Note that the custom setter was only invoked once.