(* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) open! IStd module F = Format module L = Logging module Target = struct type t = {name: string; flavors: string list} let of_string target = match String.split target ~on:'#' with | [name; flavors_string] -> let flavors = String.split flavors_string ~on:',' in {name; flavors} | [name] -> {name; flavors= []} | _ -> L.(die ExternalError) "cannot parse target %s" target let to_string {name; flavors} = F.asprintf "%s#%a" name (Pp.comma_seq F.pp_print_string) flavors let add_flavor_internal target flavor = if List.mem ~equal:String.equal target.flavors flavor then (* there's already an infer flavor associated to the target, do nothing *) target else {target with flavors= flavor :: target.flavors} let add_flavor (mode : BuckMode.t) (command : InferCommand.t) ~extra_flavors target = let target = List.fold_left ~f:add_flavor_internal ~init:target extra_flavors in match (mode, command) with | ClangCompilationDB _, _ -> add_flavor_internal target "compilation-database" | ClangFlavors, Compile | JavaGenruleMaster, _ -> target | ClangFlavors, _ -> add_flavor_internal target "infer-capture-all" end let parse_target_string = let alias_target_regexp = Str.regexp "^[^/:]+\\(#.*\\)?$" in let pattern_target_regexp = Str.regexp "^[^/]*//\\(\\.\\.\\.\\|.*\\(:\\|/\\.\\.\\.\\)\\)$" in let normal_target_regexp = Str.regexp "^[^/]*//[^/].*:.+$" in let noname_target_regexp = Str.regexp "^[^/]*//.*$" in let parse_with_retry s ~retry = (* do not consider --buck-options as targets *) if String.equal s "" || Char.equal s.[0] '-' || Char.equal s.[0] '@' then `NotATarget s else if Str.string_match alias_target_regexp s 0 then `AliasTarget s else if Str.string_match pattern_target_regexp s 0 then `PatternTarget s else if Str.string_match normal_target_regexp s 0 then `NormalTarget s else if Str.string_match noname_target_regexp s 0 then let name = String.split s ~on:'/' |> List.last_exn in `NormalTarget (F.sprintf "%s:%s" s name) else retry s in fun s -> parse_with_retry s ~retry:(fun s -> parse_with_retry ("//" ^ s) ~retry:(fun s -> L.(die InternalError) "Do not know how to parse buck command line argument '%s'" s ) ) module Query = struct type expr = | Deps of {depth: int option; expr: expr} | Kind of {pattern: string; expr: expr} | Set of string list | Target of string | Union of expr list | Labelfilter of {label: string; expr: expr} exception NotATarget let quote_if_needed = let no_quote_needed_regexp = Str.regexp "^[a-zA-Z0-9/:_*][-a-zA-Z0-9/:._*]*$" in fun s -> if Str.string_match no_quote_needed_regexp s 0 then s else s |> Escape.escape_double_quotes |> F.sprintf "\"%s\"" let target string = Target (quote_if_needed string) let kind ~pattern expr = Kind {pattern= quote_if_needed pattern; expr} let deps depth expr = Deps {depth; expr} let set exprs = match List.rev_map exprs ~f:(function Target t -> t | _ -> raise NotATarget) with | targets -> Set targets | exception NotATarget -> Union exprs let label_filter ~label expr = Labelfilter {label; expr} let rec pp fmt = function | Target s -> F.pp_print_string fmt s | Kind {pattern; expr} -> F.fprintf fmt "kind(%s, %a)" pattern pp expr | Deps {depth= None; expr} -> F.fprintf fmt "deps(%a)" pp expr (* full depth *) | Deps {depth= Some depth; expr} -> F.fprintf fmt "deps(%a, %d)" pp expr depth | Set sl -> F.fprintf fmt "set(%a)" (Pp.seq F.pp_print_string) sl | Union exprs -> Pp.seq ~sep:" + " pp fmt exprs | Labelfilter {label; expr} -> F.fprintf fmt "attrfilter(labels, %s, %a)" label pp expr let exec ?(buck_config = []) expr = let query = F.asprintf "%a" pp expr in let cmd = ("buck" :: "query" :: buck_config) @ List.rev_append Config.buck_build_args_no_inline [query] in let tmp_prefix = "buck_query_" in let debug = L.(debug Capture Medium) in Utils.with_process_lines ~debug ~cmd ~tmp_prefix ~f:Fn.id end let accepted_buck_commands = ["build"] let parameters_with_argument = [ "--buck-binary" ; "--build-report" ; "--build-state-file" ; "-c" ; "--config" ; "--config-file" ; "-j" ; "--just-build" ; "--num-threads" ; "--out" ; "--output-events-to-file" ; "--output-test-events-to-file" ; "--rulekeys-log-path" ; "--target-platforms" ; "-v" ; "--verbose" ] let get_accepted_buck_kinds_pattern (mode : BuckMode.t) = match mode with | ClangCompilationDB _ -> "^(apple|cxx)_(binary|library|test)$" | JavaGenruleMaster -> "^(java|android)_library$" | ClangFlavors -> "^(apple|cxx)_(binary|library)$" let max_command_line_length = 50 let die_if_empty f = function [] -> f L.(die UserError) | l -> l (** for genrule_master_mode, this is the label expected on the capture genrules *) let infer_enabled_label = "infer_enabled" (** for genrule_master_mode, this is the target name suffix for the capture genrules *) let genrule_suffix = "_infer" let buck_config buck_mode = if BuckMode.is_java_genrule_master buck_mode then ["infer.version=" ^ Version.versionString; "infer.mode=capture"] |> List.fold ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc f -> "--config" :: f :: acc) else [] let resolve_pattern_targets (buck_mode : BuckMode.t) ~filter_kind targets = targets |> List.rev_map ~f:Query.target |> Query.set |> ( match buck_mode with | ClangFlavors | ClangCompilationDB NoDependencies -> Fn.id | JavaGenruleMaster | ClangCompilationDB DepsAllDepths -> Query.deps None | ClangCompilationDB (DepsUpToDepth depth) -> Query.deps (Some depth) ) |> (if filter_kind then Query.kind ~pattern:(get_accepted_buck_kinds_pattern buck_mode) else Fn.id) |> ( if BuckMode.is_java_genrule_master buck_mode then Query.label_filter ~label:infer_enabled_label else Fn.id ) |> Query.exec ~buck_config:(buck_config buck_mode) |> if BuckMode.is_java_genrule_master buck_mode then List.rev_map ~f:(fun s -> s ^ genrule_suffix) else Fn.id let resolve_alias_targets aliases = let debug = L.(debug Capture Medium) in (* we could use buck query to resolve aliases but buck targets --resolve-alias is faster *) let cmd = "buck" :: "targets" :: "--resolve-alias" :: aliases in let tmp_prefix = "buck_targets_" in let on_result_lines = die_if_empty (fun die -> die "*** No alias found for: '%a'." (Pp.seq ~sep:"', '" F.pp_print_string) aliases ) in Utils.with_process_lines ~debug ~cmd ~tmp_prefix ~f:on_result_lines type parsed_args = { rev_not_targets': string list ; normal_targets: string list ; alias_targets: string list ; pattern_targets: string list } let empty_parsed_args = {rev_not_targets'= []; normal_targets= []; alias_targets= []; pattern_targets= []} let split_buck_command buck_cmd = match buck_cmd with | command :: args when List.mem ~equal:String.equal accepted_buck_commands command -> (command, args) | _ -> L.(die UserError) "ERROR: cannot parse buck command `%a`. Expected %a." (Pp.seq F.pp_print_string) buck_cmd (Pp.seq ~sep:" or " F.pp_print_string) accepted_buck_commands (** Given a list of arguments return the extended list of arguments where the args in a file have been extracted *) let inline_argument_files buck_args = let expand_buck_arg buck_arg = if String.is_prefix ~prefix:"@" buck_arg then let file_name = String.chop_prefix_exn ~prefix:"@" buck_arg in if PolyVariantEqual.(Sys.file_exists file_name <> `Yes) then [buck_arg] (* Arguments that start with @ could mean something different than an arguments file in buck. *) else let expanded_args = try Utils.with_file_in file_name ~f:In_channel.input_lines with exn -> Logging.die UserError "Could not read from file '%s': %a@." file_name Exn.pp exn in expanded_args else [buck_arg] in List.concat_map ~f:expand_buck_arg buck_args let parse_command_and_targets (buck_mode : BuckMode.t) ~filter_kind original_buck_args = let expanded_buck_args = inline_argument_files original_buck_args in let command, args = split_buck_command expanded_buck_args in let buck_targets_blacklist_regexp = if List.is_empty Config.buck_targets_blacklist then None else Some (Str.regexp ("\\(" ^ String.concat ~sep:"\\)\\|\\(" Config.buck_targets_blacklist ^ "\\)")) in let rec parse_cmd_args parsed_args = function | [] -> parsed_args | param :: arg :: args when List.mem ~equal:String.equal parameters_with_argument param -> parse_cmd_args {parsed_args with rev_not_targets'= arg :: param :: parsed_args.rev_not_targets'} args | target :: args -> let parsed_args = match parse_target_string target with | `NotATarget s -> {parsed_args with rev_not_targets'= s :: parsed_args.rev_not_targets'} | `NormalTarget t -> {parsed_args with normal_targets= t :: parsed_args.normal_targets} | `AliasTarget a -> {parsed_args with alias_targets= a :: parsed_args.alias_targets} | `PatternTarget p -> {parsed_args with pattern_targets= p :: parsed_args.pattern_targets} in parse_cmd_args parsed_args args in let parsed_args = parse_cmd_args empty_parsed_args args in let targets = match (filter_kind, buck_mode, parsed_args) with | ( (`No | `Auto) , (ClangFlavors | JavaGenruleMaster) , {pattern_targets= []; alias_targets= []; normal_targets} ) -> normal_targets | `No, (ClangFlavors | JavaGenruleMaster), {pattern_targets= []; alias_targets; normal_targets} -> alias_targets |> resolve_alias_targets |> List.rev_append normal_targets | (`Yes | `No | `Auto), _, {pattern_targets; alias_targets; normal_targets} -> let filter_kind = match filter_kind with `No -> false | `Yes | `Auto -> true in pattern_targets |> List.rev_append alias_targets |> List.rev_append normal_targets |> resolve_pattern_targets buck_mode ~filter_kind in let targets = Option.value_map ~default:targets ~f:(fun re -> List.filter ~f:(fun tgt -> not (Str.string_match re tgt 0)) targets) buck_targets_blacklist_regexp in (command, parsed_args.rev_not_targets', targets) type flavored_arguments = {command: string; rev_not_targets: string list; targets: string list} let add_flavors_to_buck_arguments buck_mode ~filter_kind ~extra_flavors original_buck_args = let command, rev_not_targets, targets = parse_command_and_targets buck_mode ~filter_kind original_buck_args in let targets = List.rev_map targets ~f:(fun t -> Target.(t |> of_string |> add_flavor ~extra_flavors buck_mode Config.command |> to_string) ) in {command; rev_not_targets; targets} let rec exceed_length ~max = function | _ when max < 0 -> true | [] -> false | h :: t -> exceed_length ~max:(max - String.length h) t let store_args_in_file args = if exceed_length ~max:max_command_line_length args then ( let file = Filename.temp_file ~in_dir:Config.temp_file_dir "buck_targets" ".txt" in let write_args outc = Out_channel.output_string outc (String.concat ~sep:"\n" args) in let () = Utils.with_file_out file ~f:write_args in L.(debug Capture Quiet) "Buck targets options stored in file '%s'@\n" file ; [Printf.sprintf "@%s" file] ) else args let filter_compatible subcommand args = match subcommand with | `Targets -> let blacklist = "--keep-going" in List.filter args ~f:(fun arg -> not (String.equal blacklist arg)) | _ -> args let capture_buck_args = let clang_path = List.fold ["clang"; "install"; "bin"; "clang"] ~init:Config.fcp_dir ~f:Filename.concat in List.append [ "--show-output" ; "--config" ; "client.id=infer.clang" ; "--config" ; Printf.sprintf "*//infer.infer_bin=%s" Config.bin_dir ; "--config" ; Printf.sprintf "*//infer.clang_compiler=%s" clang_path ; "--config" ; Printf.sprintf "*//infer.clang_plugin=%s" Config.clang_plugin_path ; "--config" ; "*//cxx.pch_enabled=false" ; "--config" ; (* Infer doesn't support C++ modules yet (T35656509) *) "*//cxx.modules_default=false" ; "--config" ; "*//cxx.modules=false" ] ( List.rev_append Config.buck_build_args ( if not (List.is_empty Config.buck_blacklist) then [ "--config" ; Printf.sprintf "*//infer.blacklist_regex=(%s)" (String.concat ~sep:")|(" Config.buck_blacklist) ] else [] ) @ ( match Config.xcode_developer_dir with | Some d -> ["--config"; Printf.sprintf "apple.xcode_developer_dir=%s" d] | None -> [] ) @ (if Config.keep_going then ["--keep-going"] else []) @ ["-j"; Int.to_string Config.jobs] @ match Config.load_average with Some l -> ["-L"; Float.to_string l] | None -> [] ) let run_buck_build prog buck_build_args = L.debug Capture Verbose "%s %s@." prog (List.to_string ~f:Fn.id buck_build_args) ; let infer_args = Option.fold (Sys.getenv CommandLineOption.args_env_var) ~init:"--fcp-syntax-only" ~f:(fun acc arg -> Printf.sprintf "%s%c%s" acc CommandLineOption.env_var_sep arg) in let {Unix.Process_info.stdin; stdout; stderr; pid} = Unix.create_process_env ~prog ~args:buck_build_args ~env:(`Extend [(CommandLineOption.args_env_var, infer_args)]) () in let buck_stderr = Unix.in_channel_of_descr stderr in let buck_stdout = Unix.in_channel_of_descr stdout in Utils.with_channel_in buck_stderr ~f:(L.progress "BUCK: %s@.") ; Unix.close stdin ; In_channel.close buck_stderr ; (* Process a line of buck stdout output, in this case the result of '--show-output' These paths (may) contain a 'infer-deps.txt' file, which we will later merge *) let process_buck_line acc line = L.debug Capture Verbose "BUCK OUT: %s@." line ; match String.split ~on:' ' line with | [_; target_path] -> let filename = Config.project_root ^/ target_path ^/ Config.buck_infer_deps_file_name in if PolyVariantEqual.(Sys.file_exists filename = `Yes) then filename :: acc else acc | _ -> L.die ExternalError "Couldn't parse buck target output: %s" line in match Unix.waitpid pid with | Ok () -> let res = In_channel.fold_lines buck_stdout ~init:[] ~f:process_buck_line in In_channel.close buck_stdout ; res | Error _ as err -> L.die ExternalError "*** capture failed to execute: %s" (Unix.Exit_or_signal.to_string_hum err) let merge_deps_files depsfiles = let buck_out = Config.project_root ^/ Config.buck_out_gen in let depslines, depsfiles = match (depsfiles, Config.keep_going, Config.buck_merge_all_deps) with | [], true, _ -> let infouts = Utils.fold_folders ~init:[] ~path:buck_out ~f:(fun acc dir -> if String.is_substring dir ~substring:"infer-out" && PolyVariantEqual.( Sys.file_exists @@ dir ^/ ResultsDatabase.database_filename = `Yes) then Printf.sprintf "\t\t%s" dir :: acc else acc ) in (infouts, depsfiles) | [], _, true -> let files = Utils.find_files ~path:buck_out ~extension:Config.buck_infer_deps_file_name in ([], files) | _ -> ([], depsfiles) in depslines @ List.fold depsfiles ~init:[] ~f:(fun acc file -> List.rev_append acc (Utils.with_file_in file ~f:In_channel.input_lines) ) |> List.dedup_and_sort ~compare:String.compare let clang_flavor_capture ~prog ~buck_build_cmd = if Config.keep_going && not Config.continue_capture then Process.create_process_and_wait ~prog ~args:["clean"] ; let depsfiles = run_buck_build prog (buck_build_cmd @ capture_buck_args) in let deplines = merge_deps_files depsfiles in let infer_out_depsfile = Config.(results_dir ^/ buck_infer_deps_file_name) in Utils.with_file_out infer_out_depsfile ~f:(fun out_chan -> Out_channel.output_lines out_chan deplines ) ; ()