(* * Copyright (c) 2013 - Facebook. * All rights reserved. *) open Clang_ast_t (** This module creates extra ast constructs that are needed for the translation *) val dummy_stmt : unit -> stmt val dummy_decl_info : decl_info -> decl_info val dummy_source_range : unit -> source_range val dummy_stmt_info : unit -> stmt_info val create_qual_type : string -> qual_type val create_pointer_type : string -> qual_type val make_objc_ivar_decl : decl_info -> qual_type option -> obj_c_property_impl_decl_info -> decl val make_deref_self_field : string -> decl_info -> qual_type -> string -> stmt val make_stmt_info : decl_info -> stmt_info val make_method_decl_info : obj_c_method_decl_info -> stmt -> obj_c_method_decl_info val make_general_decl_ref : decl_kind -> string -> bool -> qual_type -> decl_ref val make_decl_ref_expr_info : decl_ref -> decl_ref_expr_info val make_expr_info : qual_type -> expr_info val make_cast_expr : qual_type -> decl_info -> decl_ref_expr_info -> object_kind -> stmt val make_self_field : string -> decl_info -> qual_type -> string -> stmt val make_next_object_exp : stmt_info -> stmt -> Clang_ast_t.stmt -> Clang_ast_t.stmt val create_nil : stmt_info -> stmt val create_implicit_cast_expr : stmt_info -> stmt list -> qual_type -> cast_kind -> stmt val create_char_type : unit -> qual_type val make_message_expr : qual_type -> string -> stmt -> stmt_info -> bool -> stmt val make_compound_stmt : stmt list -> stmt_info -> stmt val make_decl_ref_exp_var : string * qual_type -> decl_kind -> stmt_info -> stmt val make_binary_stmt : stmt -> stmt -> stmt_info -> expr_info -> binary_operator_info -> stmt val make_obj_c_message_expr_info_class : string -> string -> obj_c_message_expr_info val make_obj_c_message_expr_info_instance : string -> obj_c_message_expr_info val translate_dispatch_function : string -> stmt_info -> stmt list -> expr_info -> int -> stmt * qual_type (* We translate the logical negation of an integer with a conditional*) (* !x <=> x?0:1 *) val trans_negation_with_conditional : stmt_info -> expr_info -> stmt list -> stmt val create_assume_not_null_call : decl_info -> string -> qual_type -> stmt