(* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) open Import0 open Vector.Infix module type S = sig type elt type t val compare : t -> t -> int val equal : t -> t -> bool val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexp.t val t_of_sexp : (Sexp.t -> elt) -> Sexp.t -> t val pp : elt pp -> t pp val pp_diff : elt pp -> (t * t) pp (* initial constructors *) val empty : t val of_ : elt -> t val of_option : elt option -> t val of_list : elt list -> t val of_vector : elt vector -> t (* constructors *) val add : t -> elt -> t val add_option : elt option -> t -> t val add_list : elt list -> t -> t val remove : t -> elt -> t val filter : t -> f:(elt -> bool) -> t val union : t -> t -> t val union_list : t list -> t val diff : t -> t -> t val inter : t -> t -> t val diff_inter : t -> t -> t * t (* queries *) val is_empty : t -> bool val mem : t -> elt -> bool val is_subset : t -> of_:t -> bool val disjoint : t -> t -> bool val max_elt : t -> elt option (* traversals *) val fold : t -> init:'s -> f:('s -> elt -> 's) -> 's end module Make (Elt : OrderedType) : S with type elt = Elt.t = struct module S = Caml.Set.Make (Elt) type elt = Elt.t type t = S.t let compare = S.compare let equal = S.equal let sexp_of_t s = List.sexp_of_t Elt.sexp_of_t (S.elements s) let t_of_sexp elt_of_sexp sexp = S.of_list (List.t_of_sexp elt_of_sexp sexp) let pp pp_elt fs x = List.pp ",@ " pp_elt fs (S.elements x) let pp_diff pp_elt fs (xs, ys) = let lose = S.diff xs ys and gain = S.diff ys xs in if not (S.is_empty lose) then Format.fprintf fs "-- %a" (pp pp_elt) lose ; if not (S.is_empty gain) then Format.fprintf fs "++ %a" (pp pp_elt) gain let empty = S.empty let of_ x = S.add x empty let of_option = Option.fold ~f:(fun x y -> S.add y x) ~init:empty let of_list = S.of_list let of_vector x = S.of_list (Vector.to_list x) let add s e = S.add e s let add_option yo x = Option.fold ~f:(fun x y -> S.add y x) ~init:x yo let add_list ys x = List.fold ~f:(fun x y -> S.add y x) ~init:x ys let remove s e = S.remove e s let filter s ~f = S.filter f s let union = S.union let union_list ss = List.fold ss ~init:empty ~f:union let diff = S.diff let inter = S.inter let diff_inter x y = (S.diff x y, S.inter x y) let is_empty = S.is_empty let mem s e = S.mem e s let is_subset x ~of_ = S.subset x of_ let disjoint = S.disjoint let max_elt = S.max_elt_opt let fold s ~init:z ~f = S.fold (fun z x -> f x z) s z end