(* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) open! IStd open PolyVariantEqual (** entry points for top-level functionalities such as capture, analysis, and reporting *) module CLOpt = CommandLineOption module L = Logging module F = Format (* based on the build_system and options passed to infer, we run in different driver modes *) type mode = | Analyze | BuckClangFlavor of string list | BuckCompilationDB of BuckMode.clang_compilation_db_deps * string * string list | BuckGenrule of string | BuckGenruleMaster of string list | Clang of Clang.compiler * string * string list | ClangCompilationDB of [`Escaped of string | `Raw of string] list | Javac of Javac.compiler * string * string list | Maven of string * string list | NdkBuild of string list | PythonCapture of Config.build_system * string list | XcodeXcpretty of string * string list let is_analyze_mode = function Analyze -> true | _ -> false let pp_mode fmt = function | Analyze -> F.fprintf fmt "Analyze driver mode" | BuckClangFlavor args -> F.fprintf fmt "BuckClangFlavor driver mode: args = %a" Pp.cli_args args | BuckGenrule prog -> F.fprintf fmt "BuckGenRule driver mode:@\nprog = '%s'" prog | BuckGenruleMaster build_cmd -> F.fprintf fmt "BuckGenrule driver mode:@\nbuild command = %a" Pp.cli_args build_cmd | BuckCompilationDB (deps, prog, args) -> F.fprintf fmt "BuckCompilationDB driver mode:@\nprog = '%s'@\nargs = %a@\ndeps = %a" prog Pp.cli_args args BuckMode.pp_clang_compilation_db_deps deps | ClangCompilationDB _ -> F.fprintf fmt "ClangCompilationDB driver mode" | PythonCapture (bs, args) -> F.fprintf fmt "PythonCapture driver mode:@\nbuild system = '%s'@\nargs = %a" (Config.string_of_build_system bs) Pp.cli_args args | XcodeXcpretty (prog, args) -> F.fprintf fmt "XcodeXcpretty driver mode:@\nprog = '%s'@\nargs = %a" prog Pp.cli_args args | Javac (_, prog, args) -> F.fprintf fmt "Javac driver mode:@\nprog = '%s'@\nargs = %a" prog Pp.cli_args args | Maven (prog, args) -> F.fprintf fmt "Maven driver mode:@\nprog = '%s'@\nargs = %a" prog Pp.cli_args args | NdkBuild args -> F.fprintf fmt "NdkBuild driver mode: args = %a" Pp.cli_args args | Clang (_, prog, args) -> F.fprintf fmt "Clang driver mode:@\nprog = '%s'@\nargs = %a" prog Pp.cli_args args (* A clean command for each driver mode to be suggested to the user in case nothing got captured. *) let clean_compilation_command mode = match mode with | BuckCompilationDB (_, prog, _) | Clang (_, prog, _) -> Some (prog ^ " clean") | XcodeXcpretty (prog, args) -> Some (String.concat ~sep:" " (List.append (prog :: args) ["clean"])) | _ -> None (** Clean up the results dir to select only what's relevant to go in the Buck cache. In particular, get rid of non-deterministic outputs.*) let clean_results_dir () = let cache_capture = Config.genrule_mode || Option.exists Config.buck_mode ~f:BuckMode.is_clang_flavors in if cache_capture then DBWriter.canonicalize () ; (* make sure we are done with the database *) ResultsDatabase.db_close () ; (* In Buck flavors mode we keep all capture data, but in Java mode we keep only the tenv *) let should_delete_dir = let dirs_to_delete = ResultsDir.dirs_to_clean ~cache_capture in List.mem ~equal:String.equal dirs_to_delete in let should_delete_file = let files_to_delete = (* we do not need to keep the database in Buck/Java mode *) (if cache_capture then [] else [ResultsDatabase.database_filename]) @ [ Config.log_file ; (* some versions of sqlite do not clean up after themselves *) ResultsDatabase.database_filename ^ "-shm" ; ResultsDatabase.database_filename ^ "-wal" ] in let suffixes_to_delete = [".txt"; ".json"] in fun name -> (* Keep the JSON report and the JSON costs report *) (not (List.exists ~f:(String.equal (Filename.basename name)) [ Config.report_json ; Config.costs_report_json ; Config.test_determinator_output ; Config.export_changed_functions_output ])) && ( List.mem ~equal:String.equal files_to_delete (Filename.basename name) || List.exists ~f:(Filename.check_suffix name) suffixes_to_delete ) in let rec delete_temp_results name = let rec cleandir dir = match Unix.readdir_opt dir with | Some entry -> if should_delete_dir entry then Utils.rmtree (name ^/ entry) else if not ( String.equal entry Filename.current_dir_name || String.equal entry Filename.parent_dir_name ) then delete_temp_results (name ^/ entry) ; cleandir dir (* next entry *) | None -> Unix.closedir dir in match Unix.opendir name with | dir -> cleandir dir | exception Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOTDIR, _, _) -> if should_delete_file name then Unix.unlink name ; () | exception Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, _, _) -> () in delete_temp_results Config.results_dir let reset_duplicates_file () = let start = Config.results_dir ^/ Config.duplicates_filename in let delete () = Unix.unlink start in let create () = Unix.close (Unix.openfile ~perm:0o0666 ~mode:[Unix.O_CREAT; Unix.O_WRONLY] start) in if Sys.file_exists start = `Yes then delete () ; create () let command_error_handling ~always_die ~prog ~args = function | Ok _ -> () | Error _ as status -> let log = if (not always_die) && Config.keep_going then (* Log error and proceed past the failure when keep going mode is on *) L.external_error else L.die InternalError in log "%a:@\n %s" Pp.cli_args (prog :: args) (Unix.Exit_or_signal.to_string_hum status) let run_command ~prog ~args ?(cleanup = command_error_handling ~always_die:false ~prog ~args) () = Unix.waitpid (Unix.fork_exec ~prog ~argv:(prog :: args) ()) |> fun status -> cleanup status ; ok_exn (Unix.Exit_or_signal.or_error status) let check_xcpretty () = match Unix.system "xcpretty --version" with | Ok () -> () | Error _ -> L.user_error "@\n\ xcpretty not found in the path. Please consider installing xcpretty for a more robust \ integration with xcodebuild. Otherwise use the option --no-xcpretty.@\n\ @." let capture_with_compilation_database db_files = let root = Config.project_root in Config.clang_compilation_dbs := List.map db_files ~f:(function | `Escaped fname -> `Escaped (Utils.filename_to_absolute ~root fname) | `Raw fname -> `Raw (Utils.filename_to_absolute ~root fname) ) ; let compilation_database = CompilationDatabase.from_json_files !Config.clang_compilation_dbs in CaptureCompilationDatabase.capture_files_in_database compilation_database let buck_capture build_cmd = let prog_build_cmd_opt = let prog, buck_args = (List.hd_exn build_cmd, List.tl_exn build_cmd) in match Config.buck_mode with | Some ClangFlavors -> (* let children infer processes know that they are inside Buck *) let infer_args_with_buck = String.concat ~sep:(String.of_char CLOpt.env_var_sep) (Option.to_list (Sys.getenv CLOpt.args_env_var) @ ["--buck"]) in Unix.putenv ~key:CLOpt.args_env_var ~data:infer_args_with_buck ; let {Buck.command; rev_not_targets; targets} = Buck.add_flavors_to_buck_arguments ClangFlavors ~filter_kind:`Auto ~extra_flavors:[] buck_args in if List.is_empty targets then None else let all_args = List.rev_append rev_not_targets targets in let updated_buck_cmd = command :: List.rev_append Config.buck_build_args_no_inline (Buck.store_args_in_file all_args) in Logging.(debug Capture Quiet) "Processed buck command '%a'@\n" (Pp.seq F.pp_print_string) updated_buck_cmd ; Some (prog, updated_buck_cmd) | _ -> Some (prog, build_cmd) in Option.iter prog_build_cmd_opt ~f:(fun (prog, buck_build_cmd) -> L.progress "Capturing in buck mode...@." ; if Option.exists ~f:BuckMode.is_clang_flavors Config.buck_mode then ( RunState.set_merge_capture true ; RunState.store () ) ; Buck.clang_flavor_capture ~prog ~buck_build_cmd ) let python_capture build_system build_cmd = L.progress "Capturing in %s mode...@." (Config.string_of_build_system build_system) ; let infer_py = Config.lib_dir ^/ "python" ^/ "infer.py" in let args = List.rev_append Config.anon_args ( (if not Config.continue_capture then [] else ["--continue"]) @ ( match Config.force_integration with | None -> [] | Some tool -> ["--force-integration"; Config.string_of_build_system tool] ) @ (match Config.java_jar_compiler with None -> [] | Some p -> ["--java-jar-compiler"; p]) @ (if not Config.debug_mode then [] else ["--debug"]) @ (if Config.filtering then [] else ["--no-filtering"]) @ "-j" :: string_of_int Config.jobs :: (match Config.load_average with None -> [] | Some l -> ["-l"; string_of_float l]) @ (if not Config.pmd_xml then [] else ["--pmd-xml"]) @ ["--project-root"; Config.project_root] @ (if not Config.quiet then [] else ["--quiet"]) @ "--out" :: Config.results_dir :: (match Config.xcode_developer_dir with None -> [] | Some d -> ["--xcode-developer-dir"; d]) @ (if not Config.buck_merge_all_deps then [] else ["--buck-merge-all-deps"]) @ ("--" :: build_cmd) ) in run_command ~prog:infer_py ~args ~cleanup:(function | Error (`Exit_non_zero exit_code) when Int.equal exit_code Config.infer_py_argparse_error_exit_code -> (* swallow infer.py argument parsing error *) Config.print_usage_exit () | status -> command_error_handling ~always_die:true ~prog:infer_py ~args status ) () let capture ~changed_files = function | Analyze -> () | BuckClangFlavor build_cmd -> buck_capture build_cmd | BuckCompilationDB (deps, prog, args) -> L.progress "Capturing using Buck's compilation database...@." ; let json_cdb = CaptureCompilationDatabase.get_compilation_database_files_buck deps ~prog ~args in capture_with_compilation_database ~changed_files json_cdb | BuckGenrule path -> L.progress "Capturing for Buck genrule compatibility...@." ; JMain.from_arguments path | BuckGenruleMaster build_cmd -> L.progress "Capturing for BuckGenruleMaster integration...@." ; BuckGenrule.capture build_cmd | Clang (compiler, prog, args) -> if CLOpt.is_originator then L.progress "Capturing in make/cc mode...@." ; Clang.capture compiler ~prog ~args | ClangCompilationDB db_files -> L.progress "Capturing using compilation database...@." ; capture_with_compilation_database ~changed_files db_files | Javac (compiler, prog, args) -> if CLOpt.is_originator then L.progress "Capturing in javac mode...@." ; Javac.capture compiler ~prog ~args | Maven (prog, args) -> L.progress "Capturing in maven mode...@." ; Maven.capture ~prog ~args | NdkBuild build_cmd -> NdkBuild.capture ~build_cmd | PythonCapture (build_system, build_cmd) -> python_capture build_system build_cmd | XcodeXcpretty (prog, args) -> L.progress "Capturing using xcodebuild and xcpretty...@." ; check_xcpretty () ; let json_cdb = CaptureCompilationDatabase.get_compilation_database_files_xcodebuild ~prog ~args in capture_with_compilation_database ~changed_files json_cdb (* shadowed for tracing *) let capture ~changed_files mode = PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_begin_event logger ~name:"capture" ())) ; capture ~changed_files mode ; PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_end_event logger ())) let capture ~changed_files mode = ScubaLogging.execute_with_time_logging "capture" (fun () -> capture ~changed_files mode) let execute_analyze ~changed_files = PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_begin_event logger ~name:"analyze" ())) ; InferAnalyze.main ~changed_files ; PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_end_event logger ())) let report ?(suppress_console = false) () = let report_json = Config.(results_dir ^/ report_json) in InferPrint.main ~report_json:(Some report_json) ; (* Post-process the report according to the user config. By default, calls report.py to create a human-readable report. Do not bother calling the report hook when called from within Buck. *) match (Config.buck_cache_mode, Config.report_hook) with | true, _ | false, None -> () | false, Some prog -> let if_true key opt args = if not opt then args else key :: args in let bugs_txt = Option.value ~default:(Config.results_dir ^/ "bugs.txt") Config.issues_txt in let args = if_true "--pmd-xml" Config.pmd_xml @@ if_true "--quiet" (Config.quiet || suppress_console) [ "--issues-json" ; report_json ; "--issues-txt" ; bugs_txt ; "--project-root" ; Config.project_root ; "--results-dir" ; Config.results_dir ] in if is_error (Unix.waitpid (Unix.fork_exec ~prog ~argv:(prog :: args) ())) then L.external_error "** Error running the reporting script:@\n** %s %s@\n** See error above@." prog (String.concat ~sep:" " args) (* shadowed for tracing *) let report ?suppress_console () = PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_begin_event logger ~name:"report" ())) ; report ?suppress_console () ; PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_end_event logger ())) let error_nothing_to_analyze mode = let clean_command_opt = clean_compilation_command mode in let nothing_to_compile_msg = "Nothing to compile." in let please_run_capture_msg = match mode with Analyze -> " Have you run `infer capture`?" | _ -> "" in ( match clean_command_opt with | Some clean_command -> L.user_warning "%s%s Try running `%s` first.@." nothing_to_compile_msg please_run_capture_msg clean_command | None -> L.user_warning "%s%s Try cleaning the build first.@." nothing_to_compile_msg please_run_capture_msg ) ; L.progress "There was nothing to analyze.@." let analyze_and_report ?suppress_console_report ~changed_files mode = let should_analyze, should_report = match (Config.command, mode) with | _, BuckClangFlavor _ when not (Option.exists ~f:BuckMode.is_clang_flavors Config.buck_mode) -> (* In Buck mode when compilation db is not used, analysis is invoked from capture if buck flavors are not used *) (false, false) | _ when Config.infer_is_clang || Config.infer_is_javac -> (* Called from another integration to do capture only. *) (false, false) | (Capture | Compile | Explore | Report | ReportDiff), _ -> (false, false) | (Analyze | Run), _ -> (true, true) in let should_analyze = should_analyze && Config.capture in let should_merge = match mode with | _ when Config.merge -> (* [--merge] overrides other behaviors *) true | BuckClangFlavor _ when Option.exists ~f:BuckMode.is_clang_flavors Config.buck_mode && InferCommand.equal Run Config.command -> (* if doing capture + analysis of buck with flavors, we always need to merge targets before the analysis phase *) true | Analyze | BuckGenruleMaster _ -> RunState.get_merge_capture () | _ -> false in if should_merge then ( if Config.export_changed_functions then MergeCapture.merge_changed_functions () ; MergeCapture.merge_captured_targets () ; RunState.set_merge_capture false ; RunState.store () ) ; if should_analyze then if SourceFiles.is_empty () && Config.capture then error_nothing_to_analyze mode else ( execute_analyze ~changed_files ; if Config.starvation_whole_program then Starvation.whole_program_analysis () ) ; if should_report && Config.report then report ?suppress_console:suppress_console_report () let analyze_and_report ?suppress_console_report ~changed_files mode = ScubaLogging.execute_with_time_logging "analyze_and_report" (fun () -> analyze_and_report ?suppress_console_report ~changed_files mode ) (** as the Config.fail_on_bug flag mandates, exit with error when an issue is reported *) let fail_on_issue_epilogue () = let issues_json = DB.Results_dir.(path_to_filename Abs_root [Config.report_json]) |> DB.filename_to_string in match Utils.read_file issues_json with | Ok lines -> let issues = Jsonbug_j.report_of_string @@ String.concat ~sep:"" lines in if not (List.is_empty issues) then L.exit Config.fail_on_issue_exit_code | Error error -> L.internal_error "Failed to read report file '%s': %s@." issues_json error ; () let assert_supported_mode required_analyzer requested_mode_string = let analyzer_enabled = match required_analyzer with | `Clang -> Version.clang_enabled | `Java -> Version.java_enabled | `Xcode -> Version.clang_enabled && Version.xcode_enabled in if not analyzer_enabled then let analyzer_string = match required_analyzer with | `Clang -> "clang" | `Java -> "java" | `Xcode -> "clang and xcode" in L.(die UserError) "Unsupported build mode: %s@\n\ Infer was built with %s analyzers disabled.@ Please rebuild infer with %s enabled.@." requested_mode_string analyzer_string analyzer_string let error_no_buck_mode_specified () = L.die UserError "`buck` command detected on the command line but no Buck integration has been selected. Please \ specify `--buck-clang`, `--buck-java`, or `--buck-compilation-database`. See `infer capture \ --help` for more information." let assert_supported_build_system build_system = match (build_system : Config.build_system) with | BAnt | BGradle | BJava | BJavac | BMvn -> Config.string_of_build_system build_system |> assert_supported_mode `Java | BClang | BMake | BNdk -> Config.string_of_build_system build_system |> assert_supported_mode `Clang | BXcode -> Config.string_of_build_system build_system |> assert_supported_mode `Xcode | BBuck -> let analyzer, build_string = match Config.buck_mode with | None -> error_no_buck_mode_specified () | Some ClangFlavors -> (`Clang, "buck with flavors") | Some (ClangCompilationDB _) -> (`Clang, "buck compilation database") | Some JavaGenruleMaster -> (`Java, Config.string_of_build_system build_system) in assert_supported_mode analyzer build_string let mode_of_build_command build_cmd (buck_mode : BuckMode.t option) = match build_cmd with | [] -> if not (List.is_empty !Config.clang_compilation_dbs) then ( assert_supported_mode `Clang "clang compilation database" ; ClangCompilationDB !Config.clang_compilation_dbs ) else Analyze | prog :: args -> ( let build_system = match Config.force_integration with | Some build_system when CLOpt.is_originator -> build_system | _ -> Config.build_system_of_exe_name (Filename.basename prog) in assert_supported_build_system build_system ; match ((build_system : Config.build_system), buck_mode) with | BBuck, None -> error_no_buck_mode_specified () | BBuck, Some (ClangCompilationDB deps) -> BuckCompilationDB (deps, prog, List.append args (List.rev Config.buck_build_args)) | BBuck, Some ClangFlavors when Config.is_checker_enabled Linters -> L.user_warning "WARNING: the linters require --buck-compilation-database to be set.@ Alternatively, \ set --no-linters to disable them and this warning.@." ; BuckClangFlavor build_cmd | BBuck, Some JavaGenruleMaster -> BuckGenruleMaster build_cmd | BClang, _ -> Clang (Clang.Clang, prog, args) | BMake, _ -> Clang (Clang.Make, prog, args) | BJava, _ -> Javac (Javac.Java, prog, args) | BJavac, _ -> Javac (Javac.Javac, prog, args) | BMvn, _ -> Maven (prog, args) | BXcode, _ when Config.xcpretty -> XcodeXcpretty (prog, args) | BBuck, Some ClangFlavors -> BuckClangFlavor build_cmd | BNdk, _ -> NdkBuild build_cmd | ((BAnt | BGradle | BXcode) as build_system), _ -> PythonCapture (build_system, build_cmd) ) let mode_from_command_line = lazy ( match Config.generated_classes with | _ when Config.infer_is_clang -> let prog, args = match Array.to_list (Sys.get_argv ()) with | prog :: args -> (prog, args) | [] -> assert false (* Sys.argv is never empty *) in Clang (Clang.Clang, prog, args) | _ when Config.infer_is_javac -> let build_args = match Array.to_list (Sys.get_argv ()) with _ :: args -> args | [] -> [] in Javac (Javac.Javac, "javac", build_args) | Some path -> assert_supported_mode `Java "Buck genrule" ; BuckGenrule path | None -> mode_of_build_command (List.rev Config.rest) Config.buck_mode ) let run_prologue mode = if CLOpt.is_originator then L.environment_info "%a@\n" Config.pp_version () ; if Config.debug_mode then L.environment_info "Driver mode:@\n%a@." pp_mode mode ; if CLOpt.is_originator then ( if Config.dump_duplicate_symbols then reset_duplicates_file () ; (* disable the Buck daemon as changes in the Buck or infer config may be missed otherwise *) Unix.putenv ~key:"NO_BUCKD" ~data:"1" ) ; () let run_prologue mode = ScubaLogging.execute_with_time_logging "run_prologue" (fun () -> run_prologue mode) let run_epilogue () = if CLOpt.is_originator then ( if Config.fail_on_bug then fail_on_issue_epilogue () ; () ) ; if Config.buck_cache_mode then clean_results_dir () ; () let run_epilogue () = ScubaLogging.execute_with_time_logging "run_epilogue" run_epilogue let read_config_changed_files () = match Config.changed_files_index with | None -> None | Some index -> ( match Utils.read_file index with | Ok lines -> Some (SourceFile.changed_sources_from_changed_files lines) | Error error -> L.external_error "Error reading the changed files index '%s': %s@." index error ; None )