(* * Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Monoidics ltd. * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) open! IStd (** Control Flow Graph for Interprocedural Analysis *) (** A control-flow graph is a collection of all the CFGs for the procedure names in a file *) type t = Procdesc.t Typ.Procname.Hash.t val load : SourceFile.t -> t option (** Load the cfgs of the procedures of a source file *) val get_all_proc_names : t -> Typ.Procname.t list (** get all the keys from the hashtable *) (** {2 Functions for manipulating an interprocedural CFG} *) val create : unit -> t (** create a new empty cfg *) val create_proc_desc : t -> ProcAttributes.t -> Procdesc.t (** Create a new procdesc and add it to the cfg *) val iter_all_nodes : sorted:bool -> t -> f:(Procdesc.t -> Procdesc.Node.t -> unit) -> unit (** Iterate over all the nodes in the cfg *) val save_attributes : SourceFile.t -> t -> unit (** Save the .attr files for the procedures in the cfg. *) val inline_java_synthetic_methods : t -> unit (** Inline the java synthetic methods in the cfg (in-place) *) val merge : src:t -> dst:t -> t (** Best-effort merge of [src] into [dst]. If a procedure is both in [dst] and [src], the one in [src] will get overwritten. *) val pp_proc_signatures : Format.formatter -> t -> unit module SQLite : SqliteUtils.Data with type t = t