(* * Copyright (c) 2009 - 2013 Monoidics ltd. * Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) open! Utils open Javalib_pack (** {2 Class names and types} *) let infer_builtins_cl = JBasics.make_cn "com.facebook.infer.models.InferBuiltins" let infer_array_cl = "com.facebook.infer.models.InferArray" let infer_undefined_cl = "com.facebook.infer.models.InferUndefined" let infer_object_cl = "com.facebook.infer.models.InferObject" let object_cl = "java.lang.Object" let java_lang_object_classname = Mangled.from_string object_cl let obj_type = (JBasics.TObject (JBasics.TClass (JBasics.make_cn object_cl))) let bool_type = JBasics.TBasic `Bool let string_cl = "java.lang.String" let class_cl = "java.lang.Class" let npe_cl = "java.lang.NullPointerException" let cce_cl = "java.lang.ClassCastException" let out_of_bound_cl = "java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" let reentrant_lock_cl = "java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock" let lock_cl = "java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock" let reentrant_rwlock_cl = "java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock" let reentrant_rlock_cl = reentrant_rwlock_cl^"$ReadLock" let reentrant_wlock_cl = reentrant_rwlock_cl^"$WriteLock" let thread_class = "java.lang.Thread" let runnable_if = "java.lang.Runnable" let lock_method = "lock" let unlock_method = "unlock" let try_lock_method = "tryLock" let start_method = "start" let run_method = "run" (** {2 Names of special variables, constants and method names} *) let this = Mangled.from_string "this" let constructor_name = "" let clone_name = "clone" let field_st = Mangled.from_string "field" let field_cst = "" (** {2 Names of primitive types} *) let void = "void" let boolean_st = "boolean" let byte_st = "byte" let char_st = "char" let double_st = "double" let float_st = "float" let int_st = "int" let long_st = "long" let short_st = "short" (** {2 Encoding of primitive types when they are the element type of arrays } *) let boolean_code = "Z" let byte_code = "B" let char_code = "C" let double_code = "D" let float_code = "F" let int_code = "I" let long_code = "J" let short_code = "S" let class_code cl = "L"^cl let errors_db_file = "errors.db" let main_errors_file = "Java_frontend.errors" (** {2 Flags } *) (* the Sawja representation of the Java Bytecode will be printed *) let html_mode = ref false (* The dynamic dispatch will be handled partially statically *) let static_dispatch = ref false (* counts the amount of initializer methods, in init-mode *) let init_count = ref 0 let normalize_string s = let rexp = Str.regexp_string "$" in Str.global_replace rexp "_" s