(* * Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Monoidics ltd. * Copyright (c) 2013- Facebook. * All rights reserved. *) (** Module to handle IO. Includes html and xml modules. *) module Html : sig val close : Unix.file_descr * Format.formatter -> unit (** Close an Html file *) val create : DB.Results_dir.path_kind -> DB.Results_dir.path -> Unix.file_descr * Format.formatter (** Create a new html file *) val modified_during_analysis : DB.Results_dir.path -> bool (** Return true if the html file was modified since the beginning of the analysis *) val open_out : DB.Results_dir.path -> Unix.file_descr * Format.formatter (** Open an Html file to append data *) val pp_line_link : ?with_name: bool -> ?text: (string option) -> DB.Results_dir.path -> Format.formatter -> int -> unit (** Print an html link to the given line number of the current source file *) val pp_hline : Format.formatter -> unit -> unit (** Print a horizontal line *) val pp_end_color : Format.formatter -> unit -> unit (** Print end color *) (** [pp_node_link path_to_root description isvisited isproof fmt id] prints an html link to the given node. [path_to_root] is the path to the dir for the procedure in the spec db. [description] is a string description. [is_visited] indicates whether the node should be active or greyed out. [is_proof] indicates whether the node is part of a proof and should be green. [id] is the node identifier. *) val pp_node_link : DB.Results_dir.path -> string -> int list -> int list -> int list -> bool -> bool -> Format.formatter -> int -> unit val pp_proc_link : DB.Results_dir.path -> Procname.t -> Format.formatter -> string -> unit (** Print an html link to the given proc *) val pp_session_link : ?with_name: bool -> string list -> Format.formatter -> int * int * int -> unit (** Print an html link given node id and session *) val pp_start_color : Format.formatter -> Utils.color -> unit (** Print start color *) end (** Create and print xml trees *) module Xml : sig val tag_branch : string val tag_call_trace : string val tag_callee : string val tag_callee_id : string val tag_caller : string val tag_caller_id : string val tag_cyclomatic : string val tag_class : string val tag_code : string val tag_description : string val tag_err : string val tag_file : string val tag_flags : string val tag_hash : string val tag_in_calls : string val tag_key : string val tag_kind : string val tag_level : string val tag_line : string val tag_loc : string val tag_name : string val tag_name_id : string val tag_node : string val tag_out_calls : string val tag_precondition : string val tag_procedure : string val tag_procedure_id : string val tag_proof_coverage : string val tag_proof_trace : string val tag_qualifier : string val tag_qualifier_tags : string val tag_rank : string val tag_severity : string val tag_signature : string val tag_specs : string val tag_symop : string val tag_time : string val tag_to : string val tag_top : string val tag_trace : string val tag_type : string val tag_weight : string type tree = { name: string; attributes: (string * string) list; forest: node list } and node = | Tree of tree | String of string (** create a tree *) val create_tree : string -> (string * string) list -> node list -> node (** print an xml document, if the first parameter is false on a single line without preamble *) val pp_document : bool -> Format.formatter -> node -> unit (** print the opening lines of an xml document consisting of a main tree with the given name *) val pp_open : Format.formatter -> string -> unit (** print the closing lines of an xml document consisting of a main tree with the given name *) val pp_close : Format.formatter -> string -> unit (** print a node between a [pp_open] and a [pp_close] *) val pp_inner_node : Format.formatter -> node -> unit end