(* * Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. *) open! IStd module IdMap = Var.Map type astate = AccessPath.Raw.t IdMap.t include IdMap let pp fmt astate = IdMap.pp ~pp_value:AccessPath.Raw.pp fmt astate let check_invariant ap1 ap2 = function | Var.ProgramVar pvar when Pvar.is_frontend_tmp pvar -> (* Sawja reuses temporary variables which sometimes breaks this invariant *) (* TODO: fix (13370224) *) () | id -> if not (AccessPath.Raw.equal ap1 ap2) then failwithf "Id %a maps to both %a and %a@." Var.pp id AccessPath.Raw.pp ap1 AccessPath.Raw.pp ap2 let (<=) ~lhs ~rhs = if phys_equal lhs rhs then true else IdMap.for_all (fun id lhs_ap -> let rhs_has = IdMap.mem id rhs in if rhs_has && Config.debug_exceptions then check_invariant lhs_ap (IdMap.find id rhs) id; rhs_has) lhs let join astate1 astate2 = if phys_equal astate1 astate2 then astate1 else IdMap.merge (fun var ap1_opt ap2_opt -> match ap1_opt, ap2_opt with | Some ap1, Some ap2 -> if Config.debug_exceptions then check_invariant ap1 ap2 var; ap1_opt | Some _, None -> ap1_opt | None, Some _ -> ap2_opt | None, None -> None) astate1 astate2 let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ = join prev next