#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. # USAGE # # 1. Follow instructions in https://source.android.com/setup/build/downloading to download # the AOSP source and in https://source.android.com/setup/build/building to get proprietary # binaries. You will need lots of space (at least 100Gb). Let <android-root> be its root as # an *absolute path*. # # 2. Replace <android-root>/prebuilts/jdk/jdk9/<your OS>/bin/javac with the following script. # # #!/bin/bash # infer -q --capture --continue --starvation-only --no-starvation \ # --project-root <android-root> --results-dir <android-root>/infer-out -- \ # /usr/local/bin/javac "$@" # # Here, my local installation of java is in /usr/local/, change accordingly. I used a # Java *8* installation without problems, YMMV. # # 3. From <android-root> do # # $ . build/envsetup.sh # $ export TEMPORARY_DISABLE_PATH_RESTRICTIONS=true # $ cd libcore/ojluni # $ mm -j1 javac-check # # ... and wait. It took me ~22h. # # 4. From <android-root> run # # $ infer analyze --starvation-only --dev-android-strict-mode # # 5. From <android-root> run this script, capturing stdout. # # $ <infer-root>/scripts/make-strict-mode.sh > \ # <infer-root>/infer/src/concurrency/StrictModeModels.ml # # 6. You may need to adapt the optional ~actuals_pred argument for methods in the above ML file. # The aim is to avoid false positives when there is an overloaded method with different # signatures and it so happens that one of the versions makes a violation when another does not. # Recompile Infer. SOURCE_FILES=$(grep "error:" infer-out/bugs.txt | cut -f1 -d: | sort -u | grep -v test ) MATCHERS="" cat <<EOF (* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) open! IStd open ConcurrencyModels EOF for SOURCE_FILE in $SOURCE_FILES ; do PACKAGE=$(grep -E "^package " $SOURCE_FILE | cut -f2 -d' ' | cut -f1 -d\;) if [[ $PACKAGE != android.* ]] && [[ $PACKAGE != androidx.* ]] && [[ $PACKAGE != java.* ]] ; then continue fi BASENAME=$(basename $SOURCE_FILE ) CLASS=${BASENAME%.*} if ! grep -q -E "public.*class.* ${CLASS}" $SOURCE_FILE ; then continue fi HIDE=$(grep -B 2 -E "public.*class.* ${CLASS}" $SOURCE_FILE | grep '@hide') if [ ! -z "$HIDE" ] ; then continue fi FULLCLASSNAME="${PACKAGE}.${CLASS}" METHOD_REXP="^ Method \`.* $CLASS\." METHODS=$(grep -E "$METHOD_REXP" infer-out/bugs.txt | cut -f2 -d. | cut -f1 -d\` | sort -u) if [ -z "$METHODS" ] ; then continue fi HEADER="" MATCHER="is_${CLASS}_method" for METHOD in $METHODS; do METHODNAME=$(echo $METHOD | cut -f1 -d\( ) if ! grep -q -E "public.*${METHODNAME}" $SOURCE_FILE ; then continue fi if [ -z "$HEADER" ] ; then echo "(* $SOURCE_FILE *)" echo "let ${MATCHER} =" echo " is_call_of_class \"${FULLCLASSNAME}\"" echo " [" HEADER=true fi echo " \"${METHODNAME}\"; (* $METHOD *)" done if [ ! -z "$HEADER" ] ; then echo " ]" echo ' |> Staged.unstage' echo MATCHERS="$MATCHERS $MATCHER" fi done echo echo "let is_strict_mode_violation =" echo " let matchers = [" for M in $MATCHERS ; do echo " $M ;" done echo " ]" echo " in" echo " fun tenv pn actuals -> List.exists matchers ~f:(fun m -> m tenv pn actuals)"